Chapter 441 Xiaocun Suspects (10)

If the daughter-in-law is raped, the old lady will ask for a thousand!For the 1000 yuan, he did not hesitate to invite all the men in the village.

Looking at the one-eyed crazy woman, standing timidly among the men at this moment, she looks like a normal person, not as crazy as yesterday.

Wang Qingdong said in a low voice: "Why don't we discuss it with them, let one go out to withdraw money, and the rest will be held here as hostages, and the one who goes out..." Go to the police and bring the police in.

Everyone's eyes really brightened.

It's a good idea, but these villagers are not stupid.

Through Xu Yougen, the two parties can communicate smoothly.

The villagers did not agree with them going out.

But our own side said that even if they collect all their money, they still can't make up 1000 yuan. As long as one person goes to the town to withdraw money, they are willing to give 2000 yuan.

Hearing 2000 yuan, the old lady and a group of villagers all became short of breath and their eyes brightened.

But they are really not stupid, and they are very attracted to money.

The villagers said that if one person were to go out to withdraw money, they would have to withdraw 1 yuan, and they had to be accompanied by them to withdraw.

When this group of villagers faced money, their heads became flexible.

When college students think about it this way, it is really better to give 1000 yuan to settle the matter!

After the money is given, they pick up their things and leave!

The college students repented and said that they could collect 1000 yuan to give them, but after giving them, they had to be let go.

Xu Yougen communicated with the villagers.

But the villagers have been fascinated by the 1 yuan and do not agree with the initial conditions.

If it is 1000 yuan, how much will each of them get?If it is 1 yuan, how much can each of them get?They will still settle this account!
The faces of the college students turned ugly.

Liang Qiuyue glanced at Wang Qingdong.

It's a little strange, originally giving 1000 yuan would be enough to settle the matter and leave, but after he came up with his idea, they not only wanted to stay as hostages, they couldn't leave easily, and the amount of money was increased tenfold.

Things have become more complicated.

"Give me a ball, a group of robbers!" Li Yanzhou yelled angrily! "Troublemakers are really coming out of poor mountains and bad waters!"

Chen Xing: "Let's break out! At worst, we'll have a fight!"

He didn't believe that he couldn't do this group of old bones!

Xia Qing is really speechless, never thought that a mere 1000 yuan could provoke such an incident! What can I do with 1000 yuan? Half a month's living expenses are not enough to buy a mobile phone.

Li Yanzhou brushed his hair irritatedly, and said to Xu Yougen with anger: "1000 yuan, let us go! Otherwise, we will die together!"

Seeing his expression, the others doubted that what he said was from the heart.

Li Yan glanced at the rest of the people angrily, and shouted: "Put your aura on, show your weakness! I really want to keep this!"

Liang Qiuyue looked at this kid with admiration!

For this group of villagers, if you are weak, they will be stronger and more powerful.

After hearing his words, everyone raised their heads and chests up, and Chen Lai even picked up the hoe that was standing on the earthen wall.

After Xu Yougen finished delivering the message, the villagers really hesitated seeing their posture.

In this ravine, there is indeed no outside control, but 20 years ago, it was also rectified. If something big happened, they still couldn't eat and walked around.

But it is really coveted for money.

The sky is gloomy, just like the sky of all the college students.The sun that should have risen was also hidden behind thick clouds.

In the end, the villagers said that they must give them all the money they have before they can be let go.

This time, the college students didn't think of other ideas.Under the inspection of a woman, they all took out their wallets, a total of fourteen hundred yuan.

The old lady took the money and left with a smile on her face, and all the villagers followed suit, apparently sharing the money together.

The faces of the college students were ugly and very unlucky.

There was a sudden chill on her face, Liang Qiuyue touched it, it was water.

Chen Lai raised his face and said, "It's raining."

The rain here is unusual and menacing.

It started to rain like a string of beads, but it turned into a downpour in a few seconds. The sky was dark and gloomy. It was clearly only eight o'clock, as if it was going to be dark.

What is a house leaking and raining all night, that's it.

After finally sending those villagers away, they were about to leave this ghostly place, but the weather was not good.

Li Yanzhou wiped his face, and cursed several times!
Xu Yougen said: "The rain here won't stop for a while, so you go back to your house, and I'll deliver the food to you after I prepare the food. Don't worry, you won't be able to leave. I'll still take care of your food and don't need to pay for it."

This Uncle Xu can be said to be very kind. Compared with other villagers, he can be regarded as a good person who emerges from the mud without being stained.

But everyone didn't thank him for his thoughts at this meeting, and they were in an extremely bad mood.

The eight of them went back to the small courtyard next door and entered the larger main room. Li Yanzhou grabbed Wang Qingdong by the collar and punched him.

"What the hell are you looking for! There are troublemakers in the poor mountains and rivers! I have never seen such shameless villagers!"

Wang Qingdong didn't fight back when he was beaten, he bowed his head to everyone, "I'm sorry, I didn't encounter such a thing when I came last time, I'm really sorry!"

Liang Qiuyue suddenly asked: "When was the last time you came? Have you ever seen that one-eyed woman?"

Wang Qingdong glanced at her, "It was a year ago, we came here to play for a day, and left after a night, and we have never seen that one-eyed woman."

Li Yanzhou wanted to continue beating people, but was pulled down by Gao Chen.

Chen Lai said: "Stop hitting, no one would have expected such a thing to happen."

The scenery in this place is beautiful, with beautiful mountains and clear waters. The first person I met was Xu Yougen, who was also very hospitable. They still had a good time yesterday.

Li Yanzhou pushed Wang Qingdong away, huffing and wheezing, and punched the dirt wall again.

I've never been so unlucky!
First he was rejected by Cheng Yue, and later he was slandered as a one-eyed crazy woman, and he was still trapped in this damned place and couldn't get out, his lungs were about to explode!
"Oh, okay, everyone, don't be so sad. Maybe the rain will stop this afternoon. If you can't go out in the afternoon, you can go out tomorrow. If you go out, call the police. It's no big deal." Xia Qing enlivened the atmosphere .

Then, what made them worse was yet to come.

Due to the heavy rain, the three mud houses in the yard that could sleep people began to leak muddy water, and the dripping beds were covered with muddy water.This is the real house leak, but it's raining all night!
Everyone tidied up their belongings, piled them in a place that did not leak, and then returned to the main room.

In the whole courtyard, only the main room is not exposed to rain.

In the main room, there was a wooden table with gaps that looked quite old, and four long benches.

At this time, I can only sit around the table and stare at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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