Chapter 436 Xiaocun Suspects (5)

Li Yanzhou spent some money to eat and drink at another house, and joined the six people while wandering around the village.

Chen Lai complained to him a few words.

Didn't he agree to guard Cheng Yue on the mountain, why did he leave by himself and leave her there alone.

"Really irresponsible!" Chen Lai said dissatisfied.

Li Yanzhou snapped back, "I can leave as soon as I want, it's none of your business!"

The smell of gunpowder between the two is very strong.

Wang Qingdong became a good old man again and persuaded him to start a fight.

When she returned to the courtyard halfway up the mountain, Liang Qiuyue discovered that something was wrong between Chen Lai and Li Yanzhou.

In the tent, she asked why.

Chen Lai snorted, "He left you behind, what kind of man is he?"

Liang Qiuyue chuckled, "Don't worry about him, I just rejected him again today, tearing off his face and making him unhappy."

Chen Lai was still very angry, feeling that Li Yanzhou was lacking in grace and responsibility!If you are rejected, you can throw people alone on the mountainside?who!
Liang Qiuyue had already eaten some dry bread and drank some boiled water from the spiritual spring, so she didn't touch the egg pancakes she brought back.

"The mountain road is not easy to walk, can you do it?" Chen Lai was still worried about her legs.

Liang Qiuyue could feel Chen Lai's concern, and smiled, "It's okay, but I'm still a little dizzy, and I should be able to go down the mountain."

Everyone packed up the tents, packed everything, and went down the mountain with their backs.

Xu Yougen enthusiastically cleaned up his brother's yard, and everyone worked together to clean out three rooms.

The kang is still an earthen kang, and the blankets and mattresses spread on it have lost their original color.

Xu Yougen also specially borrowed some mats to spread out, which seemed to be the case.

There are three rooms, one for two people, and the other two live in Xu Yougen's house.

Living in Xu Yougen's house were Li Yanzhou and Wang Qingdong.After all, there are only two men in Xu Yougen's house, so girls can't be allowed to live there.

It was so busy all morning, and everyone was exhausted.

Xu Yougen enthusiastically butchered a chicken, and the garnish was chicken fir mushrooms picked up in the mountains.

After stewing for nearly an hour, the aroma attracted all the scattered villagers around.

Everyone in the village knew that a group of college students came to the village to travel, and they also heard that the college students gave Xu Yougen money to eat at his house.

"There are roots, stewed chicken." The gray-haired old lady looked at the pot and asked.

"How much is it for?" the old lady asked.

If she earns more, she also wants to do business with this group of college students.But if it is stewed meat, it will cost more, she thought in her heart, and her eyes lit up.

Xu Yougen ignored her, and silently added firewood to the stove, his face was sun-tanned red and black, and his forehead was soaked in sweat.

He earned 150 yuan just for the egg pancakes and porridge in the morning. This group of college students was generous, and he wanted to treat them well. Naturally, he didn't want people to be dragged away by the old lady, so he ignored her.

The old lady looked at the college students who were sitting in the yard resting and chatting, and opened up business in front of Xu Yougen, saying that her family could also entertain them, and the price could be cheap.

Several college students didn't quite understand her words, but combined with her gestures, they probably understood what she meant, and they were a little embarrassed.

After going out in the morning, they had a good impression of Xu Yougen.

Uncle Xu's family is poor, and his wife and children have all run away. Although the cooking is a bit careless, the taste is not bad.Others are also warm and kind, no one would choose this old lady instead of Uncle Xu.

Seeing that everyone ignored her, the old lady rolled the whites of her eyes, and left cursing, babbling words that everyone couldn't understand.

Judging from the tone of voice, it can be judged that it should not be a good word.

This round is over.

Xu Yougen's cooking skills are really good. Although it is home-cooked, it is very fragrant.

The unique mushrooms here are also really delicious to eat, and the chicken juice is full, and it is smooth and tender, and the pancakes are soaked in the soup, which makes people unable to stop eating.

Liang Qiuyue has been observing the other seven people all day.

Wen Qi and Gao Chen are close and affectionate boyfriend and girlfriend that can be seen with a clear eye.

And Xia Qing and Wen Qi didn't deal with each other, and from time to time they would stab Wen Qi with something pointed, but Wen Qi never paid attention to her.

Among the three men present, except for Wang Qingdong, who was short and fat and sometimes greasy and wretched, the other three men were all teased by Xia Qing, but when Wen Qi was around, Gao Chen didn't talk to Xia Qing very much.

As for Chen Lai, she has the best relationship with the original owner. She will fight for her, stand up for her, and take good care of her. She is normal and nothing abnormal.

Chen Xing, sometimes he had a fierce fight with Xia Qing, sometimes he would go to Chen Lai to court him, and occasionally he would call Wen Qi and Liang Qiuyue his sister.

If Xia Qing is the butterfly among girls, then Chen Xing is the butterfly among boys, and his flirtatious heart is also obvious.

As for Li Yanzhou, after being rejected by her, he acted as if she owed him 100 million. Seeing her ignore him directly was quite disgusting.

What's the matter, you hate me so much because you didn't take the bait according to your will?You rubbish!
Occasionally greasy and wretched, most of the time Wang Qingdong, who is an honest man, is still the same. He usually doesn't talk much, and he does most of the work. It can be seen that he is a hardworking person.But Liang Qiuyue didn't forget his gloomy sneer.

If the person who pushed the original owner to roll down the slope to death was not one of these seven people, could it be that he was the villager who went up the mountain to collect herbs before dawn?Or a lonely ghost in the mountains?

This is a remote mountain area, there is no electricity, and the mobile phone has no signal, and the only functions of the mobile phone are to take pictures and check the time.

In the middle of the afternoon, under the leadership of Xu Yougen, everyone went to the river to the west of the village.

The river water is clear green, and the water plants under the river are stretched out, and the color is oily green.There is a layer of moss on the pebbles, which makes people slippery when stepped on.

There are also small fish swimming in the water.

The boys were excited to catch a few fish and go back. They added vegetables at night, rolled up their trousers, took off their shoes and went into the river.

Xu Yougen looked around at the crowd, and gave some instructions not to let him go into the deep water, so he went into the mountain with a medicine basket on his back.

Liang Qiuyue and Chen Lai sat on the grass under the tree, chatting casually.

"How do you like this place?"

Liang Qiuyue: "It's pretty good, the sky is blue and white clouds, the air is fresh, the old trees are dense, and the mountains and rivers are beautiful. It's good to live here for a while, but it won't work for a long time."

After all, the transportation is inconvenient and there is not much work to do. It might not be a good idea to let a person who needs to support his family live here.After all, many of the aborigines here have been destitute.

Standing in the river with his trousers rolled up, Chen Xing poured water on the girls sitting on the bank, "Sisters, come down and play! What's the point of sitting there watching."

(End of this chapter)

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