Chapter 305 The Death of Kou Huai
It is true that this matter was carried out in secret, and very few people knew about it.

The emperor only said that Lu Yun was not in good health and went back to the Jin Palace to recuperate.

In particular, he asked the Xie family to cooperate with Lu Yun fully, and to find a way to keep Lu Yun while rescuing Princess Anning.

From Dazhou to Beixia, it would take three to four months without a break day and night, not to mention that Lu Yun's body couldn't bear the day and night, at least it would take half a year.

Even if she was lucky enough to return to Princess Anning, she still escaped from Princess Beixia's hands, and it took a year to go back and forth.

In a year, so many things can happen.

Han Wang and Shen Guogong are sure to win.

Naturally, as those with vested interests, they are not brats, and they will not do things that are out of proportion just because they have the chance to win. On the contrary, they will act more low-key and prevent others from finding out the slightest fault with them.

About five months later, the people sent by King Han to follow Lu Cailian and Kou Huai got the news that Lu Cailian was pregnant.

King Han made a decisive decision and ordered the dark guards to kill Kou Huai in the name of the emperor.

Kou Huai and Lu Cailian decided to stay away from the capital, so they simply came to a small town in the south.

The two rented a slightly old house and lived here.

Kou Huai left part of the silver brought from home to Lu Cailian, and kept the other part.

Both of them have to live and have children in the future, so they can't just sit and eat.

Kou Huai can't do strenuous work, but he has read the book for more than ten years, and this book is not for nothing.

He went to teach in the homes of wealthy families, and sometimes he did some work for people to write letters and copy books.

He gave all the money he earned to Lu Cailian.

Although life is busy, it is very fulfilling, and Kou Huai is very satisfied.

Sometimes Lu Cailian felt sorry for him being too busy outside, so she suggested that she could also help others do some embroidery work, or help rich families wash clothes, and earn some pocket money.

Although they had good backgrounds in the past, since they abandoned their previous identities, they naturally would not hold on to their identities.

But Kou Huai didn't allow it.

The noble princess eloped with him, and even if he couldn't let her live the life of begging slaves like before, he couldn't let her suffer with him.

Not long after that, Lu Cailian became pregnant.

The two thought about saving some money after they gave birth to a child, bought a small house by themselves, and started some small businesses. Although life could not be compared with the past, it was getting better day by day.

Life is exciting, and life is very interesting.

Both Kou Huai and Lu Cailian felt that the two were in good condition at the moment, and Kou Huai also discussed with Lu Cailian that when the child was born in the future, Lu Cailian would be a strict mother and he would be a loving father.

Kou Huai felt that his personality was too gentle, even if the child was too naughty, he was reluctant to beat and scold the child.

But Lu Cailian is also a good-natured person.

The two worried about this matter for several days.

During this day, Lu Cailian didn't wait for Kou Huai to come back for a long time, and felt a little worried.

This has happened before, but ever since she found out that Lu Cailian was pregnant, Kou Huai never came back so late.

Lu Cailian was uneasy, always feeling that something bad was about to happen.

She waited anxiously, and finally couldn't wait any longer, so she went outside to take a look.

She has been pregnant for four months, her body is not as flexible as before, and she can't help kicking when she walks some distance.

Lu Cailian walked to the door and looked outside.

Suddenly saw a familiar figure, but followed by several other people in night clothes, they squeezed Kou Huai to the corner, stabbed Kou Huai's lower abdomen with a knife, and stabbed Kou Huai four times in total
Kou Huai looked at Lu Cailian firmly, and shook his head towards her.

Lu Cailian hugged her lower abdomen and walked here with difficulty.

"A Huai!" Her eyes widened suddenly, and she ran towards Kou Huai clumsily, "Who are you, why did you attack A Huai?"

She had a stomachache, crawled towards Kou Huai, held Kou Huai's hand and said, "A Huai, are you okay, I'll go find the doctor."

Lu Cailian didn't care about anything else at the moment, she just wanted to quickly call the doctor over and cure Kou Huai so that Kou Huai wouldn't die.

She turned and walked towards the entrance of the alley, but as soon as she exited the alley, she was blocked back by a person also dressed in black.

The man in black on the opposite side raised his sword high, and was about to strike at her body.

Lu Cailian closed her eyes, tears streaming down her face.

Die, die with Kou Huai, she is not alone after all.

It's just that they feel sorry for their children, who haven't had time to open their eyes to see the world.

However, the expected pain didn't hit her. She opened her eyes, and the man in black was fighting with the man in black.

Lu Cailian quickly squatted on the ground, she took Kou Huai's hand and said, "A Huai, open your eyes and look at me, you still have breath, right?"

She sniffed Tan Kou Huai's breath, but luckily, Ah Huai was still breathing.

"A Huai, I'll take you to the doctor." She tried hard to help Kou Huai up, but her strength was too weak to help Kou Huai up at all.

At this moment, Lu Cailian hated herself extremely, why her strength was so weak.

If she was stronger, Kou Huai would definitely be alive.

Lu Cailian moved Kou Huai forward step by step.

Kou Huai managed to open his eyes, and saw that this woman whom he liked and was willing to give her life for was trying so hard to keep him alive.

It's good that he didn't love the wrong person.

In the past, he disobeyed the Holy Majesty and disobeyed the imperial decree for her. She would find the Holy Majesty privately in advance, saving his life and their love.

Now that he is facing death, even if her strength is weak, she still has to work hard for it.

On this road, he was never alone.

Although his life was so short, but he met such a lovely person, it was not in vain.

"Alian, don't"

He wanted to tell her not to waste her efforts, he couldn't live.

He was stabbed four times in the abdomen, and there was another knife in the back. Even if he didn't hurt his vitals, he would bleed to death.

But he didn't even have the strength to speak.

"Live well." He said intermittently, "Find a lover to love you instead of me."

He is a person with weak ties to his parents, and his relatives treat him like a porcelain figure, for fear of bumping into each other.

The first half of his life was actually very boring, but when he met Lu Cailian, he realized that life was so interesting.

He moved his heart for her, paid for her, held his heart in front of her, and then got her response.

But maybe he wasn't born to deserve happiness, but she deserved it.

His Alian deserves to be happy.

"Forget about me." This was Kou Huai's last wish.

Forget about him and start living again.

Kou Huai closed his eyes heavily, he was no longer breathing, and his pulse was no longer beating.

"Ah Huai, wake up, don't fall asleep, I'm afraid."

Lu Cailian desperately shook Kou Huai's body, begging Brother Kou Huai to give her a response, but no, never.

Is this a dream?

Lu Cailian thought to herself, this must be a dream.

She lost her mother and Kou Huai, and the child in her womb no longer had a father.

God treated her really badly.

She would rather die with him just now.

Death, thinking of this, Lu Cailian suddenly opened her eyes wide, and then slammed into the wall.

Seeing this, the man in black sent by King Han hurriedly stopped Lu Cailian, who fainted heavily.

(End of this chapter)

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