Chapter 125
Today's play is co-directed by Zhen Baozhu and Lu Zhan, starring Xie Ruyu, and performed by Jiang Ci and his wife in friendship.

A lot of Baozhu's painstaking efforts were condensed in it.

This is also the first time that she left A Niang's protection and did something seriously by herself - in the past, A Niang and Zhen Dazhi had disputes, and Baozhu wanted to intervene, but A Niang was too tough to use her at all.

Now that the opportunity came, how could Baozhu not see her achievements with her own eyes?

On the other hand, Jiang Shao heard the words: "Great-grandmother likes to listen to operas, and the troupe was invited early in the morning. If Miss Baozhu likes to listen, you can go and listen to it now."

Zhen Baozhu looked at the room full of people, and couldn't help saying: "There must be very few people there now, and it's not very interesting."

Now all the guests come to celebrate Mrs. Jiang Tai's birthday, and only a few go to the theater.

Jiang Shao said kindly: "Then you can wait for a while, almost everyone is here, even though great-grandmother went to the theater together."

Baozhu tilted her head and thought for a while, then asked: "Then can I choose a play by myself?"

Jiang Shao was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "This kind of thing is usually chosen first by the elders."

As for the juniors' turn, it was time to end the show.

Princess Jiangling's ears were sharp, and she heard their conversation from a distance, she said with a smile: "What play does Baozhu want to hear, I will order it for you in a while."

Baozhu thought about it carefully and said, "I want to listen to Huamei."

"What plum?" Mrs. Jiang Tai looked over kindly, "I have listened to the tune all my life, and I never knew there was such an opera."

The concubine also said: "My concubine has never heard of it, so it's better for Baozhu to come and talk to us."

Zhen Baozhu began to speak in a serious manner, ""Huamei" is about a woman named 'Dongmei'. She was originally a maidservant of a rich family, but she developed feelings for the young master of that family. People met to elope, but they were discovered by the head of the house."

"It's just that the head of the household found out later, Dongmei was already pregnant with this young master's flesh and blood."

"The mistress had no choice but to give up and keep Dongmei outside until Dongmei gave birth to an heir, and then brutally killed Dongmei, and took Dongmei's two children home as the sons of the concubine."

"On the other hand, I'm still planning to choose another good match for the young master."

Before she finished speaking, Mrs. Jiang looked at Zhen Baozhu with a pale face.

Jiang Shao who was closer was sweating even more.

"Where did Miss Baozhu hear this story?"

After all, Mrs. Jiang had a lot of experience. Moreover, she also looked at Zhen Baozhu as a child, thinking who must have told Zhen Baozhu this, and let Zhen Baozhu say it in front of so many people.

The purpose was to threaten the Jiang family.

who can that be?

Mrs. Jiang glanced at Xie Chunxiao. Could it be that Xie Chunxiao left the Zhen family and felt that her life would be difficult in the future, so she wanted to threaten them and ask the Jiang family to give her some money?
However, how did Xie Chunxiao know the secrets of their family?
Only Mrs. Jiang's mother and son and Erfang's mother and son knew about this matter, and the rest of the people knew nothing about it.

Could it be that the second room leaked to the Xie family, and the Xie family wanted to threaten her with this matter?
After all, Mrs. Jiang had imagined a lot, but she didn't expect that Jiang Ci told Zhen Baozhu about it.

Moreover, they also decided to reveal the true colors of Mrs. Jiang's mother and son in full view.

"I read it from the story book." Zhen Baozhu took out the story book from his cuff, and handed it to Mrs. Jiang Tai, "Look, isn't this story very interesting?"

Long after knowing the whole story, Zhen Baozhu had someone print out the story, making it into a storybook and spreading it around the world.

Because of the eloquent and dramatic nature of the story, it has become popular all over the streets of Qingzhou in just a few days.

So far, not to mention the whole city, probably half of the people in the city have always read this script.

Even noble ladies have seen it.

For example, the second girl of the Jiang family said: "I just read this story yesterday. It seems that it is not finished, but it makes people feel very anxious. I wish I could tear up the wife and young master who did this evil." !"

Mrs. Jiang looked over heavily, and the second girl Jiang immediately lowered her head.

Mrs. Jiang reprimanded her: "Young lady, don't swear."

Mrs. Jiang Tai slapped her thigh, pointed to the plot in the storybook and said to Concubine Jiangling: "This mother and daughter are really hateful. How can there be such careless people's lives? Is it possible that the life of a maid is not life?"

Princess Jiangling was very curious, what else was written in the story book, and what the hell is the maid?

Zhen Baozhu took out another script from his sleeve, and silently handed it to Princess Jiangling.

Then the other ladies and ladies around also want to see it.

Zhen Baozhu took out a few more books from his sleeves, and everyone passed them on to each other.

Lu Qiwan almost couldn't hold back, and was about to burst out laughing.

"Baozhu, what are you doing with so many notebooks?"

Is it because you are afraid that others will not see the story you wrote?

Zhen Baozhu said to Lu Qiwan, "It's just a small thing, just an appetizer first."

For a while, everyone in the hall was talking about the script.

Mrs. Jiang's face was as dark as a big and deep iron pot, and she realized just now that since Zhen Baozhu saw this from a storybook, it must have nothing to do with the Xie family.

Who on earth wrote this book, and let this book circulate for so long in just a dozen days, then this person is likely to be the person behind the scenes.

She has to find out this person to prevent future troubles.

But it is obvious that this person cannot be missed in a short time now.

Then only, deal with the immediate matter first.

Mrs. Jiang called Second Mrs. Jiang out, and ordered: "You send someone, no, you go there in person, and you must keep Jiang Zixuan and Jiang Ziche under watch."

Mrs. Jiang knew that the only people present in this matter were Jiang Zixuan and Jiang Ziche.

If anyone wants to make this matter public, they should start with these two children.

It's all her fault. Back then, she was kind and soft-hearted and left these two children. Now it has brought endless troubles to himself and Jiang Shao--grandchildren can be had at any time, and with a son, it is even more convenient How much can there be.

But her son was ruined, so she didn't lose a little bit.

Zhen Baozhu has been watching Mrs. Jiang, knowing that Mrs. Jiang must be doing something because of a guilty conscience.

Immediately, he made a show with Zhen Zhenzhu.

Zhen Zhenzhu also understood that the key to today lies in those two children, so she immediately left the room to find Jiang Zixuan and Jiang Ziche.

Jiang Ci also went out to stop Mrs. Jiang very tacitly.

Because Zhen Zhenzhu and Jiang Ci were not conspicuous, and Mrs. Jiang was bored, she didn't pay attention to them.

Zhen Baozhu rolled his eyes, and while the crowd was noisy, he asked Jiang Shao, "I heard that you are going to marry Sister Wan in the future, so do you like Sister Wan?"

(End of this chapter)

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