Chapter 128 Chapter 120

The young man's lip licking action was somewhat seductive, Su and his eyes fell on each other's lips for a moment, then slowly turned their heads.

Still not giving up?

Her tone was cold and admonishing, like a breeze mixed with fine snow: "Sit up straight!"

Master scolded him again, Master's heart is too hard.

Like a cold stone in a snow mountain.

"I can't sit up straight, I don't have any bones." Zhou Xuanming said, moving closer to Su He's side, reaching out to hold Su He's hand, the palm of his hand moved slightly in the next second, five fingers passed through Su He's palm, and the same hand This slender white hand is tightly interlocked.

"A disciple has no bones, so he has to hold Master's hand so as not to fall."

Su He twitched his hand, but didn't, with a trace of impatience in his brows and eyes.

It is better for the apprentice to keep his distance from her.

They are masters and apprentices.

"Just now you used your spiritual power to jolt the carriage. I haven't settled with you yet. If you continue like this, I will punish you for my teacher's sake." Su He looked at Zhou Xuanming with a rare stern look on his face.

"Let go now, as a teacher, I think you are young and don't care about you."

The word "young" was like a soft thorn to the tip of Zhou Xuanming's heart, which was so painful and itchy that he couldn't get angry.

"I won't let go. Master will punish me if he gets angry. I'm not afraid. But can Master stop treating me like a child?"

"Master, can you look at my heart and face up to my feelings for you?"

There was an indescribable irritability and depression in Zhou Xuanming's eyes. How can he prove that he is not a child anymore? He thinks clearly about his feelings.

The word "proof" crossed his mind, and a thought arose in his heart.

Zhou Xuanming suddenly held the back of Su He's head with his left hand, interlocked her fingers with his right hand, leaned over and lowered his eyes.Everything happened in a breath, and Su He felt a touch of softness on his lips when he realized it.

She froze, her eyes widened and she held her breath.

Zhou Xuanming looked bold, and held his breath at the moment of the kiss, which looked awkward.

At that moment, there was only one thought in his mind: Master's lips are so soft.

Sensing that Master was also stunned, he boldly touched Su He's lips with the tip of his tongue.

The wet and soft touch instantly brought back Su He's thoughts.

After reacting, she suddenly pushed Zhou Xuanming away, and raised her hand as if to slap him.

The palm wind whizzed past, drawing an arc in the air, and the moment it was about to land on Zhou Xuanming's face, looking at this beautiful face, Su He frowned, gritted his teeth, clenched his palms, and restrained himself. A slap was about to be slapped.

Su He looked at the young man in front of him, and couldn't help thinking how dare the other party?
"How can a teacher teach you something that is a crime below you?"

Master has never said such serious words to him.

Zhou Xuanming knew that he had gone too far today and offended Master.

He got up and knelt in front of Su He, his back straight but straight, looking seriously into Su He's eyes and said.

"I'm sorry, Master, I just want to prove my intentions to Master, and to prove that I am not a child anymore. Today is my disciple's fault. Master can punish me whatever he wants when he is angry. But disciple does not regret doing so."

"I like Shizun, or it is more important than liking. I can only accommodate Shizun in my heart, and I can only see Shizun in my eyes. Whether it is now or in the future, there will only be one Shizun. Shizun now I don't believe it, one year, two years, ten years, one hundred years, Master will understand one day that what I said today is not a random word that is ignorant."

The young man was kneeling, but his back was like a pine like a bamboo, his eyes were burning, his dark pupils were full of seriousness, and he spoke every word with force.

As he spoke, he took out an ink-colored ring and put it in Su He's palm: "I have always wanted to make something with my own hands to give to Master. This is when Master returned to Jianfeng. I want to hand over the ring with Jiaolong Jiaorong in Beihai, and now I want to give it to the master. This ring means that the disciple will always belong to the master."

The boy's confession was fierce and fiery.

Su He felt the ring in the palm of his hand, and he could indeed feel the familiar wave of the primordial spirit.

For a moment I didn't know what to say.

"Zhou Xuanming, are you crazy for melting the ring with your soul?"

How important a person's soul is, it can be divided wherever it is said.

"I don't want this thing, you take it away and bring that one back." Su He frowned.

Zhou Xuanming shook his head: "Useless master, this strand of soul has already been refined together with the ring, and it is integrated with the ring, so it cannot be drawn out."

"In this way, Master still can't trust the disciple's intentions?"

"Master, just give this disciple a chance to prove his intentions?"

The young man's feelings are fierce and sincere, like the warm sun in the sky, scorching his heart. It is a lie to say that there is no touch in his heart.

But so what, they are masters and apprentices.

"You and I are master and apprentice, and the boundary between master and apprentice cannot be crossed."

Su He closed his eyes: "Going to Luohua City next, you don't have to go with the teacher. Go back to Jianfeng to get a hundred whips and face the wall to think about your mistakes."

Zhou Xuanming's beautiful peach blossom eyes drooped, and his expression could not hide his disappointment.

"If the disciples don't go back, if the disciples go back, who will protect the master. They disciples can't believe it."

Su He rubbed the center of his brows irritably: "Go back as soon as I tell you to go back. If you have a long time to think about what they can do."

It is impossible to go back, and the master will not let him go with him, so he will follow quietly.

Zhou Xuanming knelt down and bent towards Suhe: "Your apprentice can just go, please don't get angry and hurt yourself, master."

After that, he turned around and jumped off the carriage.


Arrived at Luohua City.

After Su He got off the car, Xiao Jingyi and the others noticed that there was one person missing.

Mo Changsi glanced at the empty carriage and wondered, "Master, where's the second senior brother?"

When the two were talking, the carriage got off the restraint, and Xiao Jingyi and the others couldn't hear them.

It is impossible to reveal the content of the conversation between the two, so Su He just made a random excuse: "He has something to do when he returns to the clan."

Xiao Jing didn't believe what he heard.

The second junior brother wished he could be tied to his master at twelve o'clock a day, the sect was harmonious and someone was in charge, what a big deal it would be.It must have offended Master somewhere and was driven away.

This side Su He doesn't care whether several people believe it or not.

I took out the map and looked at it, memorized the route, walked a few streets around, and soon came to a remote street, where I saw the address on the record.

This street is dilapidated and quiet, and there are no people there, far from the bustling appearance outside.

Xiao Jingyi stepped forward and knocked on the wooden door: "Excuse me, is anyone there?"

Su He waited outside for a while, when an old and slow footstep sounded inside.

Not long after, an old woman in a blue dress that was somewhat washed white opened the door a crack.

Seeing a few people who looked like heavenly beings dressed outside, the old woman felt a little embarrassed: "Who are you, who are you looking for?"

Su He showed a gentle smile, trying not to arouse the old man's nervousness: "Excuse me, is this Luo Xing's home? We are his classmates."

(End of this chapter)

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