Chapter 537 Calling Gu with Blood
When Xiao Yu and Jun Rong came back, Old Yun was still holding the bowl from yesterday, standing at the door of the bamboo building, with a look of bitterness and hatred.

Xiao Yu and Jun Rong looked at each other, it's really hard not to be nervous when the old man is like this.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Mr. Yun looked over, and met two solemn faces. He was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "What are you doing? You don't want to say goodbye to life and death. Who are you showing this to?"

Zhang Lao said mercilessly at the side: "Is it because of you? Master, you should look in the mirror yourself first, with a straight face, it is scary to look at, who can not be afraid?"

Elder Yun glanced coldly at this villain who was trying to take down his platform, smiled inexplicably, ignored him, turned his head and waved to Xiao Yu and Jun Rong: "Come here."

The two followed and entered the bamboo building behind Yun Lao.

"I researched your blood, and there are indeed traces of Gu worms, but not many, the Gu worms in your body should have fallen into a deep sleep."

Yun Lao put down the bowl and said solemnly.

"Yes, since I arrived in Fengguo, this Gu worm has not flared up again. It should be that the person who cast the Gu felt that I was no threat at that time, so he didn't activate the Gu worm."

When Xiao Yu spoke, his expression was natural, without any emotion.

But Junrong still sensed her calm disgust, Hua Ye - who didn't even have a name in her mouth, directly became a "gu-slaying person".

"Well, tell me about the situation when this Gu worm attacks."

"When it happened..." Xiao Yu thought for a while and said, "At first, I was prone to drowsiness, because I was in poor health and took medicine all the year round, so I thought it was the medicine that caused the drowsiness, and I never took it to heart."

"It was only later that I realized something was wrong. I often had some strange dreams, but I couldn't remember what the contents were. I could only know that I was very upset."

"And when the Gu insect is activated, I will be completely controlled by the person who cast the Gu, my consciousness will be chaotic, and it will be difficult to break free."

Mentioning this, Xiao Yu's face became very gloomy.

Yun Lao was thoughtful, "It seems that this is a Gu worm like Dementor."

"Do you know any other information?"

Old Yun looked at Xiao Yu expectantly.

Xiao Yu pondered for a moment and said: "The man made this Gu himself, so there is no precedent to follow, but this is a pair, the male Gu and the female Gu, the male is the most respected, if the male Gu dies, the female Gu must die , but if the female Gu dies, the male Gu will not be affected."

"Heh—" Elder Yun chuckled lightly, "Who told you that?"

Xiao Yu squinted his eyes: "The person who played Gu... Yun Lao, is he telling lies?"

"It's not completely fake." Yun Lao stood up and paced the room with his hands behind his back.

"Male and male Gu are not uncommon, but there are different types. Although I don't know what kind of Gu worm he is, but—as long as the male and female Gu have similarities, they cannot be jumped out."

He shook his head and said: "Generally speaking, this is indeed the case, but the death of the female Gu does not have no effect on the male Gu. After all, they are a pair and complement each other. If the female Gu dies, the male Gu will also have great vitality. Damage, it is a serious injury to the person who raises Gu."

"If it is mild, it will hurt the heart, and if it is severe, it will be crazy."

Xiao Yu was stunned, "It turned out to be like this..."

Jun Rong's eyes lit up, "Then this Gu will definitely be solved, and it can be regarded as a lesson for him, so that he will suffer the consequences!"

Old Yun nodded: "Well, I studied all night last night, combined with what you said, I have a clue, but this method is a bit risky, even life-threatening, and there is no guarantee that it will succeed, do you want to hear it? "

"Listen." Xiao Yu agreed without hesitation: "Living under the control of others is worse than death."

Yun Lao didn't answer immediately, but turned to look at Jun Rong: "What about you?"

Xiao Yu was startled, and frowned, why did Yun Lao ask Chang Huan specifically?
Is it possible...

"Old Yun, this method has something to do with Chang Huan? What you said is dangerous, do you mean him too?"

Yun Lao was taken aback for a moment, then smiled in amazement: "You are really smart, I guessed it all!"

Xiao Yu: "..."

I'm not very happy with your compliment.

Jun Rong nodded: "If this method is feasible, I'm not afraid."

"No—I can risk it, but I can't—"

Before Xiao Yu finished speaking, Jun Rong suddenly stopped her softly: "Teacher, you forgot what you promised me just now? Why did you go back on your word so quickly?"

Xiao Yu was at a loss for words, yes, when they were watching the sunrise on the top of the mountain just now, they had agreed that no matter what the outcome would be, they would face it together, so what reason did he have to stop it now?

She frowned tightly, and her eyes darkened, "Old Yun, tell me first, what is the solution?"

Mr. Yun didn't try to be tricky anymore, and said directly: "Generally, there is no way to kill Gu worms directly in the body. After all, after a long time, it has already merged with your flesh and blood, but we can lure live Gu worms to kill them." come out."

"How to lead?"

Xiao Yu looked at him nervously.

"Generally, it is very difficult for a Gu worm to come out after entering the body. Unless there is something more attractive to it than the current blood, it will come out when it smells it."

The word "drill" is both spiritual and numb.

(End of this chapter)

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