Chapter 198 Wen Jizhen Recruited

Xiao Yu looked at Wen Jizhen's face, and slowly withdrew the whip. This time, he whipped it directly to the open space on the other side. There was a crisp "pop", leaving a gray mark on the mottled stone brick floor.

"Ah!" Wen Jizhen exclaimed shortly, his eyes widened, staring at the turn, forgetting how to move.

He has been pampered and pampered for so many years. Although he would occasionally be afraid when he dreams back at midnight, but after all, his power is charming, and his little conscience is dispensable.

However, being tied here at this moment, he finally realized some regrets.

Xiao Yu's clear voice sounded softly, "Master Wen, are you still going to say it? Want me to show you the evidence? You are really stupid to say it."

"What?" Wen Jizhen turned his head hoarsely and glared at Xiao Yu.

Regret is regret, being humiliated by pointing at the nose like this is something that no one can bear.

He moved his legs that were hanging in the air, the sweat dripped off his face faster, and a piece of his clothes were wet.

Xiao Yu smiled and said to Han Yi: "Go and tell Li Shuang to get me a charcoal basin to come in. Look at Mrs. Wen's head of cold sweat, it must be frozen, so put a charcoal basin here. Tsing Yi—take out the iron Come."


Han Yi glanced at Wen Jizhen coldly, then turned to look for Li Shuang, and Tsing Yi walked to the wall of torture tools with a smile, "Master, there are different sizes of irons, eh—there's also the flower-shaped one, why don't you just use this one? "

Xiao Yu secretly thought Tsing Yi went up, and also smiled: "Okay, let's do it, Mr. Wen is such an elegant person, of course he can't treat him with an ordinary iron."

Tsing Yi held up the soldering iron with both hands, and Wen Jizhen's face turned pale again, "No, this is a trick of torture! I don't accept it! I don' can't!"

"Is there anything this king can't do." Xiao Yu's face turned cold, "You cheated for personal gain, corrupted the law, and punished you, but you still think it's dirty hands. You actually said that this king can't? Wen Jizhen, you really can't see the coffin! Cry, then I'll tell you straight."

Xiao Yu reached out to take the soldering iron, "Do you think that no one will check the test paper after it is sealed? So you don't know if there is something wrong with your brain, but you still left Nan Qingshan's test paper on the last one. A comparison shows that both Zhao Lu's test paper and Nan Qingshan's test paper were written by the same person, you say—who wrote it? Mr. Wen?"

Xiao Yu pressed the iron on Wen Jizhen's chest, Wen Jizhen's scalp tightened immediately, and he let out a pitiless scream.

Xiao Yu sneered and said, "Master Wen, this soldering iron hasn't been heated yet."

Wen Jizhen is really talented after being cheated twice with one trick.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, Wen Jizhen looked up expectantly, and saw Hanyi commanding the two young eunuchs with a sullen face, "Put the things here and go."


The little eunuch didn't dare to look up, and put the charcoal basin in front of Wen Jizhen. The charcoal basin was just a short distance away from his dangling feet, and he even felt that as long as he moved a little, the heat would lick up along his brocade boots.

"No no no no!"

Being threatened repeatedly and being in such an environment, Wen Jizhen's heart quickly collapsed.

Xiao Yu lowered her eyebrows, showing a bit of carelessness and coldness. She took a step forward and inserted the soldering iron into the charcoal fire. The action was somewhat rude, and a piece of charcoal jumped out directly. Wen Jizhen's forehead The blue veins followed suit.

He watched the piece of soldering iron come and go in and out of the red hot coals, sparks splashed, closed his eyes, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

Xiao Yu stopped talking, Tsing Yi and Han Yi looked at each other, and said in a strange way: "Oh, what is a soldering iron? It hurts for a while and it's over. Anyway, I can still live. If I cut off my head, I won't be able to live. When killing the Jiu Clan, That black group of people knelt on the beheading platform, stabbed down, blood flowed like a long river, and the stench could be smelled from far away."

Han Yi sneered: "What do you say so much? Anyway, the evidence has been sent to Datong Academy for proofreading by the Confucian scholars. When the results come out, it doesn't matter whether Mr. Wen recruits or not."

"That's right, it's a death anyway, so don't talk about it, it's a waste of words."

As he said that, he deliberately raised the volume, and looked towards Xiao Yu: "Hey, master, is this soldering iron almost hot? I'm turning red when I look at it. I heard that it hurts when the soldering iron is on people. There will also be a smell of meat, I haven't seen it yet, master try it, let us open our eyes!"

Xiao Yu hooked the corners of his lips: "Okay."

Wen Jizhen: "!"

He opened his eyes suddenly, and struggled violently: "No! The official said, the official said everything! Please forgive me! The official really didn't kill anyone. Zhao Jinghuai did those things. It doesn't matter, my lord!"

After several tortures, Wen Jizhen finally couldn't take it anymore and confessed.

Xiao Yu was not surprised, she said to Han Yi: "Go get a pen and paper, let Mr. Wen write down everything you have done stroke by stroke, and then press your fingerprints."

She smiled and threw away the soldering iron, "Master Wen said earlier, didn't you suffer less? It's very comfortable to be tied up here?"

Wen Jizhen dared not speak out, but when he met Xiao Yu's eyes, he thought of the pot of charcoal fire, and subconsciously shivered: "Your official...knows your mistake."

Li Shuang was very smart, he brought not only paper and pens, but also tables and chairs, and asked Xiao Yu to sit and listen. Wen Jizhen just knelt on the ground and told the ins and outs of the year. After signing and pledging, Xiao Yu said to him again : "Zhao Jinghuai and Zhao Lu, my king has other arrangements, to scare Mr. Fang Wen out of the woods. During this time, someone will be watching at your house. You'd better not act rashly."

Wen Jizhen was almost terrified by her, how dare she say "no"?

He almost responded to what Xiao Yu said.

"Okay, Tsing Yi is untied for Mr. Wen. Mr. Wen's clothes are wet, take him to change, and then send him and the coachman out of the palace. Yes, don't let people see your face."


Tsing Yi stepped forward to untie Wen Jizhen, and said with a smile, "Master Wen may stand up, do you need your subordinates to help you?"

Looking at his blue ghost mask, Wen Jizhen shook his head with lingering fear: "No, thank you."

"Let's go then."

When passing by the coachman, Tsing Yi touched his acupuncture points, and the coachman finally woke up.

Before he woke up, Wen Jizhen glared at him, and the coachman said, "???"

After seeing off Wen Jizhen, Han Yi walked to Xiao Yu's side and asked in a low voice, "Master, what are you going to do next?"

Xiao Yu carefully collected the confession and raised his eyebrows: "Next—wait."

Wen Jizhen's confession was obtained here, and Zhen Qingping's results were also released. After comparing the dean of Datong Academy with Feng Lao, a great scholar who studied calligraphy, it was finally determined that the two test papers were written by one person.

(End of this chapter)

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