Rebirth starts with small money

Chapter 672 Brother and sister love?

Chapter 672 Brother and sister love?

August 2001!
This time~ For college students, it is the time to rest and relax during the summer vacation.

But for several college students around Chen Li, this summer vacation is undoubtedly the busiest summer vacation in their lives so far.

"Two spicy chicken leg burgers~ One spicy chicken wing, one French fries, two cups of Coke, do you want anything else?"

Ideal Fried Chicken Yanjing Foreign Studies University store, Chen Xue skillfully operates the cash register in front of her.

"No more!"

"Okay, a total of"

After skillfully ordering the guests, Chen Xue couldn't rest. She went directly to the operating room next to her and started cooking the food the customers had just ordered.

In fact, this step was not her job originally, but today an employee in the store asked for leave and left, and it happened to be lunch time at the moment, and another employee went to the warehouse to move goods.

So... at this moment, Chen Xue~ is not only the acting store manager of this store, but also the cashier and chef.

Skillful cooking ~ oil control ~ packaging, and finally delivering the food to the customer, this series of operations is very skillful.

Obviously ~ Chen Xue is very familiar with the steps of these tasks, whether it is ordering ~ cash register or cooking food.

But this seems to be quite normal. After all, the boss of Ideal Fried Chicken is Chen Xue's brother, and she, the boss's sister, would do these things. It doesn't seem to be a strange thing.

But in fact~ as the sister of a rich man, there are not many people like Chen Xue who can live in a small fried chicken restaurant.

Most people, if they exchanged their identities with Chen Xue, they would be more willing to enjoy the extravagant life of the rich.

Of course~ Chen Xue is no stranger to those so-called extravagant lives.

You know~ In the past six months alone, she has accompanied her elder brother to attend various banquets and formal occasions, probably at least dozens of times.

But ~ most of the time, the person who is by my brother's side is Chen Xue's sister-in-law Liu Qingqing.

Uh~ Well, although Liu Qingqing and Chen Li are not married yet, the two families, including the two themselves, have no opinion on this relationship.

If it is in those bloody soap operas, there will probably be some problems in the relationship between the two at this time, such as the appearance of characters like Cinderella.

But in reality~ such a thing is almost impossible!
The relationship between Chen Li and Liu Qingqing is very stable, and the two have even agreed on such a major event as marriage. Once Liu Qingqing gets her graduation certificate, the two will form a new family.

"Sister Xue~ We are here to help!"

When the sound of footsteps came, Chen Xue subconsciously thought it was a visitor, but when she looked up, she realized that the people who came were Wang Yan and Chen Tingting, two new college students.

"Yo~ Our champion is here!"

"Come in, it's hot outside!"

Chen Xue quickly called the two of them in, and teased Wang Yan by the way.

"Sister Xue."

Wang Yan's tone seemed a little embarrassed, but in fact, her "sorry" was already a very intimate way of expression for herself.

If it was Wang Yan from two years ago, facing Chen Xue's ridicule, she might turn around and leave.

But the current Wang Yan. Although she is still a little shy, compared to before~ this is already a leap forward.

As for the phrase "big champion" that Chen Xue used to tease Wang Yan.
All right!In the college entrance examination that just passed, Wang Yan scored 741 points and became the number one student in science in Sichuan Province this year.

For this reason~ Chen Li directly set up a four-day banquet in his hometown Erlong Town.

The reason why it was four days was because at first Chen Li wanted to show it for three days, but in the end too many people came.

Erlong Town alone certainly wouldn't have so many people, but it couldn't hold back the gold content of Wang Yan, the provincial champion!
You must know that since the resumption of the college entrance examination, Nancheng has never had a provincial champion.

So this time ~ not only the people in the whole Erlong Town wanted to come to rejoice, but even some people from Nancheng City wanted to come to rejoice.

So in the end, another day was added after the three-day running banquet. Even if Wang Yan hadn't followed Chen Li to go to the western border, it is estimated that the running water banquet would have to add a few more days.

Going to Xijiang~ is because everyone is going to participate in Chen Tingting's entrance ceremony.

Although Chen Tingting's high school was in Erlong Town, even her family has moved to Erlong Town now.

But in fact~ Chen Li's second father's connections are basically in Xijiang, plus Chen Tingting's mother's relationship, so Chen Tingting's Qing Xuejiu is placed in Xijiang.

The reason for the celebration is because Chen Tingting was also admitted to Huaqing University with a score of 702.

Unlike Wang Yan's pre-admission, Chen Tingting applied for Huaqing University directly, and the reason why she applied for this school was purely because Wang Yan went to Huaqing University.

To put it bluntly~ For Wang Yan who can score 702 in the test, applying for Huaqing and Yanda, or even any university in the country is basically a certainty.

Just because Wang Yan went to Huaqing, Chen Tingting, Wang Yan's good sister, naturally applied for Huaqing University.

Even the majors of the two are the same, they are both computer candidates.

To be honest~ In fact, it is not a very rational choice for a girl to apply for a computer major.

It's not that the computer major is not good, but that there are actually better choices based on the results of the two of them.

But both of them chose this major, and no one in their family expressed any objection, because
Chen Li helped them choose this major!

Of course~ Chen Li helped them choose this major, not because he wanted his two younger sisters to become programmers.

Still the same sentence~ With Chen Li's current capital, he is fully capable of letting his younger sisters do whatever he wants.

Of course ~ the premise is not illegal!
The reason why he chose computers is because many of Chen Li's current and future industries will be related to the computer industry, so he needs someone who he can trust and who understands computers.

He doesn't need Wang Yan and Chen Tingting to become top computer experts, as long as they understand those professional skills and knowledge, they can help Chen Li in the future!
You must know that the same thing, entrusting it to someone who understands it, and entrusting it to someone who doesn't understand it are completely different things.

Even if Chen Li trusts the person who does this, but the ability and accumulation of knowledge are different, the final result may be completely different.

"Tsk~! You're right, girl, why are you willing to come to the shop with Tingting to help today?"

"Haven't you been following Chen Li's ass recently?"

Chen Xue's tone seemed to be slightly sour, there was no way~ Who made Wang Yan, a girl like her, look more like a brother and sister?
Yes~ In the eyes of many people, Chen Li and Wang Yan are brothers and sisters, and her original sister is more like her brother's enemy.

To be honest~ Sometimes Chen Xue even doubts herself. Did she pick it up?

Otherwise, it will be difficult for you to explain why you just want to buy a car, and your brother has to let yourself work in a fried chicken shop to make money.

And Wang Yan~ After the college entrance examination, my elder brother prepared the mobile phone~computer~MP3 and so on for the other party at once.

Of course~ Chen Tingting also has a share of these things.

In fact~Chen Xue actually understood what his brother was thinking, and he also knew what his brother wanted him to work part-time.

But to understand is to understand, and to be angry is to be angry.

She, Miss Chen, is the pesky brother who hates her family the most!

(End of this chapter)

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