Rebirth starts with small money

Chapter 30 Step 1 of Rebirth and Entrepreneurship

Chapter 30 The First Step of Rebirth and Entrepreneurship

1997 was a magical year.

In this year, many things actually happened, and some things even affected many people.

The death of a great man, the return of Hong Kong Island, and the promotion of a mountain city to a municipality directly under the central government are all national events.

And let's talk about it at a young age, Chen Xue graduated from junior high school this year!
Of course, there is nothing to say about graduating from junior high school, because after junior high school there is high school, and after high school there is university.

But in the summer of 97, Chen Xue had a summer vacation that lasted for more than two months, which was a very happy thing for the little girl!

So Chen Xue can sleep until she wakes up naturally every day, and she doesn't have to go to self-study classes sooner or later. For a little girl who loves to sleep and eats food, it is like a fairy life.

The only point of dissatisfaction is that her brother Chen Li is not on vacation yet, which also prevents her from participating in the summer vacation money-making plan drawn up by her brother for the time being!
As early as the last day of Chen Xue's senior high school entrance examination, that is, the second day after Chen Li came back from Wangjiashan, Chen Xue knew that her elder brother was working on a summer vacation money-making plan.

Chen Xue has already made up her mind that she is going to enrich her saving piggy this summer vacation.

Chen Xue's purpose... was to fill up that little piggy saving money before!

Well. The ideal is full, but the reality is cruel.

In fact, the "money-making plan" carefully crafted by Chen Li recently has no place for Chen Xue at all.

The reason is also very simple, because Chen Li's money-making plan is not in Erlong Town at all.

Erlong Town is really too small, not only small, but also somewhat poor and backward at this moment.

It is simply impossible to make a "big" sum of money in a small place like Erlong Town.

As a reborn player from the 21st century, Chen Li's mind is full of various "superior" ways to make money.

Such as buying a house, such as buying bitcoins, such as becoming a partner of Ali or incorporating Fujixun Xiaoma, etc.!
But all of this. To Chen Li, a second-year high school student who is still in a remote town in the mountains in the northeast of Sichuan Province, all of this is nonsense!

Chen Li has no money to buy a house!

The thing about buying bitcoins hasn’t come out yet!

As for defecting to Ari or Fujixun, this is even more nonsense!

At least until Chen Li formally enters the university next year. In fact, it is very difficult for him to have a chance to go out of the scope of Erlong Town.

Even if there is, the farthest place is probably the county seat of Huilong County!
As for the city, don't talk about it, from Erlong Town to the city, it takes nearly five hours by car alone, and you have to change trains to get there.

Not to mention anything else, just the 40 yuan toll is enough for Chen Li to drink a pot.

If Qian Chenli had to go to the city, he might as well think about how to make some small moves in Huilong County.

After all, Huilong County is close!The fare is only five yuan.

Of course, this distance is only compared with going to the city. In fact, it takes about an hour to drive from Erlong Town to Huilong County.

In fact, the distance is not too far, the main reason is that the road conditions are too bad, especially when it rains, let alone an hour, the car might just lie on the road.

So. Chen Ideal wants to do some small things in the county, so he must first find a place to live in the county!
This is actually quite easy to solve. Chen Li's cousin works as a chef in the county. If Chen Li is alone, it is actually the best choice to live with him.

But this obviously doesn't work, because Chen Li didn't go to the county town for fun, he was planning to go to the county town to make money.

The college entrance examination will be over next year, and Chen Li estimates that based on his current grades, not to mention the high cost, it should be no problem to get into an average university.

And once he leaves his hometown Erlong Town and enters a big city, Chen Li is bound to lay the foundation for his future life.

In other words, as soon as he entered university, Chen Li had to find a way to start a business.

Otherwise, wait until you graduate from university. That will be the 21st century.

So Chen Li has to hurry up!

Chen Li's idea is very simple. Before entering university, save some start-up funds for yourself.

After all, relying on the mission rewards from the system, Chen Li can barely make ends meet.

Sure enough, this broken system of my own is really unreliable. I really want to do something. I have to rely on myself!

But here comes the question again, what to do?
Wholesale small commodities in the market and sell them back?Stop bullshitting!

It's 97 now, not 87!
Every market day, even a small town like Erlong Town is crowded with profiteers who were known as speculators in previous years!

Those who sell socks, clothes, and non-staple food and small commodities, grab a lot of them.

From the very beginning, Chen Li thought about whether to go for the low-price promotion to attract traffic, but he quickly blocked this idea.

There is no other reason. Erlong Town is too small and too poor.If you engage in low-price promotions here, others may only buy promotional items.

As for going to the county seat, you can pull it down!

If Chen Li from Huilong County in 97 dared to mess around there, there would probably be only one ending.
Both people and wealth are lost!

Especially in the past two years, the underground video halls all over the county are showing either tertiary movies or young and Dangerous movies. The gangsters all over the street are imitating the plots in the movies and looking for people to collect protection money!
Those regular soldiers who opened the shop didn't dare to move. If Chen Li dared to set up a night stall, he would be ordered to be cleaned up.

Therefore, this aspect must also be taken into consideration.

For several days, Chen Li racked his brains and listed many ideas that are suitable and not suitable for making money this year.

But in the end, combined with Chen Li's own conditions and advantages, he found the most suitable thing for him to do
It turned out to be selling barbecue!

In 97, barbecue has become popular in many areas of Sichuan Province.

Even in a small county like Huilong County, there is a special night beer barbecue.

It’s just that unlike traditional charcoal grilling, the barbecue in Huilong County uses the iron plate mode!

That's teppanyaki!
The same skewers are not smoked directly on the charcoal fire, but grilled on the iron plate at high temperature!

This kind of barbecue method seems to have been passed down from the mountain city, and it has only become popular in Huilong County in recent years.

As for Erlong Town!Sorry, there is no nightlife in Erlong Town!
Well, this thing should not be called barbecue, it should be called teppanyaki.

But these days, this thing is also called barbecue, so Chen Li felt that it was time to teach the people of Huilong County a lesson.

Chen Li is going to tell the young and old in Huilong County, what is the meaning of barbecue, and what is the true meaning of barbecue!

So in the end, Chen Li made a decision!

This summer, this summer vacation, Chen Li. is about to take the first step of starting a business after rebirth!
Make BBQ!
Of course, there is still half a month left before the second year of high school!So for the time being, Chen Li can only talk on paper, but he can prepare some things in advance.

Such as condiments!

Eating barbecue is completely different from selling barbecue.

You just need to bring your mouth and wallet to eat barbecue, but selling barbecue is definitely not something that one person can do.

So. Chen Li suddenly turned his head to look at the last row, the big man who should be secretly reading a novel at the moment.

Well. That's him!

(End of this chapter)

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