I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 792 The career of a graduate tutor officially started

Chapter 792 The career of a graduate tutor officially started

Qin Ke was a little surprised. He didn't expect the reporter to bring the topic to the direction of controllable nuclear fusion.

Controlled nuclear fusion is the process of merging two light nuclei into one heavy nucleus by using high temperature, high pressure and other conditions.In this process, a large amount of energy will be released without any emissions, so controllable nuclear fusion has always been considered the crown of energy technology, and countless experts have touted it as representing the ultimate solution of future energy.

However, Qin Ke really hasn't studied this direction in depth, even if he doesn't lack knowledge about high-energy atoms in his mind.

The reason is very simple. The current technical difficulty of this technology is very large, and the amount of funds, time, and manpower required are very large. The money alone can start in units of tens of billions, not to mention that this work takes too long. Qin Ke devoted himself to it, and whether he could see the dawn of success within ten years was a big question mark.

There are only three to five years before the freshwater crisis. How can Qin Ke spend so much time on controllable nuclear fusion?

So Qin Ke replied without hesitation: "We have not considered the subject of controllable nuclear fusion for the time being. We are more focused on the subject of seawater desalination and purification. The research in the field of new energy in this process is only for It is only to provide stable, reliable, sustainable and safe energy for our seawater desalination and purification. Therefore, we will use the more mature and popularized photoelectric, hydropower, and wind power technologies on the market to integrate them to achieve this goal.”

This reporter obviously did his homework in advance and has a deep understanding of controllable nuclear fusion. He continued: "But academician Qin, our country is now at the forefront of the world in terms of controllable nuclear fusion, but we still face There are many difficulties, especially in terms of magnetic confinement and materials. I interviewed academician He Zhixian of the Academy of Sciences last month. With extremely dazzling results, if it can be added to the research topic of controllable nuclear fusion, it might be able to speed up its research and development process, and it can also help your energy supply in the direction of seawater desalination and purification..."

Qin Ke couldn't help but understand the reporter's attitude. Obviously, the reporter didn't take the freshwater crisis too seriously. Instead, he was a little keen on the sophisticated controllable nuclear fusion technology, or he just felt like reporting "Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingjun intends to enter the direction of controllable nuclear fusion", which is far more eye-catching than the report that "Academician Qin Ke and Academician Ning Qingjun are focusing on seawater desalination and purification technology".

Qin Ke shook his head with a smile and said: "Mr. Reporter, do you really think that we are omnipotent? We have never been in contact with controllable nuclear fusion, and it will take two or three years to learn and study the knowledge in the early stage. What's more, our seawater desalination and purification scheme is low-cost, highly applicable, and can be quickly implemented and promoted. The time and money costs of controlled nuclear fusion are too high for our scheme to afford."

"Understood, Academician Qin, I want to ask another question. In fact, this is also an opportunity for me to ask the question just now." The reporter kept a professional smile and asked very politely:
"Many netizens on the Internet are now discussing your research on seawater desalination and purification technology. They may think that this research is a bit low-end, and it is not in line with the reputation status of the two of you as "the most outstanding scientific researchers in Xia Kingdom" at this time. We tend to study some high-tech fields, such as controllable nuclear fusion, such as "big powers" such as space probes. What do you two think about this?"

In this kind of interview with reporters, Ning Qingyun seldom spoke, and Qin Ke always talked about it, and this time was no exception.

"First of all, we dare not accept the title of 'the most outstanding scientific researcher in Xia Kingdom'. In Xia Kingdom, there are countless outstanding scientific researchers doing research silently. They may not be well-known for various reasons, but they are definitely the pillars of the country. , the title of the pillars of the country. They are the backbone of our Xia country standing in the world tide, and Qingyun and I just did some more conspicuous things, and netizens pay more attention to it."

Qin Ke paused, and continued: "We are deeply grateful for the concern, recognition and encouragement of netizens. Similar discussions actually started when we were researching seeds, but we never think that there is no distinction between high and low in scientific research. There is no such thing as looking up at the starry sky as noble, and bowing your head and focusing on research on food, clothing, housing and transportation is low-end. Compared with those high-end, we pay more attention to the basic areas related to the national economy and people's livelihood, such as the food crisis, such as the shortage of fresh water resources, etc. As for the new In terms of energy technology, whether it is photovoltaic or wind power and hydropower, our country has actually come to the forefront of the world at present, and there is no need for us to rush to join in and add bricks and tiles."

"Of course we are also interested in cutting-edge technology, so we also study quantum computing and hydrogen batteries. In the future, we may really study the direction of controllable nuclear fusion, but not now."

"Now we are more concerned about the shortage of fresh water resources. We are in a big city, and when we turn on the faucet, there will be clear water flowing out, so we don't have any awareness of the shortage of fresh water resources, but we are temporarily aware of it in our lives. Less than that does not mean that it does not exist, on the contrary, as our survey in early August showed, fresh water resources are becoming more and more tense, especially in the northwestern region of our country, many people have to save water when drinking , when the water is difficult, it is not surprising that you only take a bath once a month on average.”

"So now we have only one goal, to strive for a major breakthrough in seawater desalination and purification technology within three years, in order to make our contribution to the issue of freshwater resources. Thank you."

"Yuanzhou Daily" published the entire interview process and Qin Ke's answer almost verbatim, which once again aroused heated discussions on the Internet.

The vast majority of people hold the attitude of praise, thinking that academician Qin Ke and academician Ning Qingyun are really practicing the academic attitude of "research is close to the bottom people and important people's livelihood", echoing the long article on the scarf before.

Of course, there are also people who sigh with sorrow. For example, academician He Zhixian of the Chinese Academy of Sciences has expressed his opinion in public and invited Qin Ke and Qin Ke to join his research project of "controllable nuclear fusion" in private.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun quietly brought Qin Xiaoke back to the capital amidst the hot discussion.

Almost busy throughout August, Qin Ke put down all his research work and took his wife and younger sister to relax and play around in about five days before the start of school.

No matter how busy the work is, no matter how important the scientific research is, life itself cannot be ignored. This is Qin Ke's outlook on life.

But it is not so much a game as a process of selecting new family members.

Yes, in the first three days, Ning Qingyun and Qin Xiaoke ran all over the pet market with great interest, looking for a "destined" dog.

This is the decision of the two of them, no longer have a headache for the choice of species, just want to have a good eye.

Finally, on August 8st, in the garden villa of Qingmu University, the Qin family welcomed a new family member, a little golden retriever named "Coco".

The little golden retriever is only one and a half months old. It is very round and cute. Its body is still very small, its eyes are clear and pure, and it is the first puppy that actively follows Ning Qingyun and refuses to leave. Ning Qingjun and Qin Xiaoke quickly fell in love with it, so this little golden retriever who knew how to choose an owner was honored to stand out and became "academician's dog", oh no, "academician's pet dog".

As for the name "Ke Ke", it was also decided by the two girls. Qin Ke was a little speechless about this, complaining that our family carried the pinyin of "KE"?It made the two girls giggle non-stop.

There is an extra member in the family, and Qin Xiaoke and the seven-year-old daughter of Mrs. Qing, the nanny, will take care of the usual care.

So in the villa area of ​​Qingmu University, you can often see Qin Xiaoke walking with a little girl in one hand and a little golden retriever in the other. Occasionally, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are holding hands and holding a little golden retriever Take a walk around campus.


On September 9, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun sent Qin Xiaoke to report to Central America.With Qin Xiaoke's college entrance examination results, it is almost the highest grade in Yangmei, and Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun personally saw him off, the dean of Yangmei naturally greeted him with a smile all the way, and did not let Qin Xiaoke escape by himself After the formalities, everyone drank tea in the dean's room, and all the formalities were completed.Because Qin Xiaoke didn't live on campus, he even saved the steps of moving into the dormitory.

On the night when Qin Xiaoke's admission procedures were completed, Qin Ke took Ning Qingyun and Qin Xiaoke to Yang Chengke's Uncle Yang's house for dinner. Chen Jixue and Uncle Chen also brought his family, and it was another family dinner.

Uncle Yang and Uncle Chen were the officiant and witness of Qin Ke and his wife respectively, and they treated them like relatives and juniors. Also as before.

And the three families got along very well, especially Mrs. Yang and Mrs. Chen, who helped Zhang Luoqinke's young couple's wedding in the capital together, and they felt like they were getting closer.

After the lively dinner, Qin Xiaoke watched TV and chatted with Mrs. Yang and others, while Uncle Yang and Uncle Chen routinely brought Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun to the study, and closed the heavy door to talk about things.

Uncle Yang's expression changed, and he said in a warm voice, "Qin Ke, I have to criticize you for something. You really dared to take Xiao Ning and Xiao Ke to the desert for research. I heard that the highest temperature at that time exceeded 40 degrees Celsius. , Lao Chen and I are not worried about you. You are as strong as a cow. We are just afraid that Xiao Ning and Xiao Ke will fall ill if they are weak. Especially Xiao Ning, if she becomes pregnant, she will participate in this Field research in bad weather is simply fatal. You, you must be cautious before making such a decision next time, you know?"

What he said made Ning Qingyun's face feel hot, and Qin Ke also assured him a little embarrassedly: "Uncle Yang, you are right, I will definitely pay attention next time."

In fact, it's not that he hasn't thought about this issue. He made such a decision because he saw that Ning Qingyun had just visited relatives and was not pregnant.But Qin Ke still wants to express his gratitude for the concern expressed in Uncle Yang's words.

Uncle Chen laughed and said, "Are you two planning to have a baby? Last time I heard from your parents, they hope to see their grandson or granddaughter soon."

"There is a plan, but let's let things take their course. Qingyun and I don't have a strong plan in this regard. We still have a lot of things at hand now. It's a good thing to have children. It doesn't matter if we don't have children for the time being." .” Qin Ke confessed frankly.

Uncle Yang nodded: "It's good if you have such a sunny attitude. I heard that the seawater desalination and purification industry is very lively recently. Many research institutes, laboratories, and large companies are working overtime on research. They are in the middle of the game and want to quit. It's difficult, but I'm afraid that you will really take the lead. It's really a dilemma, and you are in a state of distress. You two catfish have played the best role."

Uncle Chen took the tea that Qin Ke brewed and handed over, and said with a smile: "Old Yang, it's not that I look down on those so-called industry elites, they may not be as powerful as the research results achieved by Qin Ke and Xiao Ning's research center. "

"Uncle Chen, you are putting pressure on me and Qingyun."

"It's not pressure, but confidence. I have full confidence in you and Xiao Ning now. You have never missed a shot."

Uncle Yang suddenly interjected: "Qin Ke, are you researching too many subjects now? I heard that in mathematics, there is the Millennium Problem of the 'Yang-Mills' equation, and in physics, there is the optimization and perfection of topological quantum computing. , there is an analysis of the causes of abnormal weather, and various research groups in the fluid mechanics laboratory also need your guidance. Biology has a plant breeding research project, and now we add the Shanghai water desalination research project. I am afraid that the burden on your shoulders is too heavy. Xiao Ning , you have an honest personality, will you feel tired if you talk about it?"

Ning Qingyun said softly: "Actually, it's okay. We are now studying the 'Yang-Mills' equation for about two hours a day. We are only responsible for the review and optimization of the experimental plan and the mathematical analysis of the topological quantum calculation and the analysis of the causes of abnormal weather. The guidance of modeling can be done by spending about an hour a day processing emails; as for other topics undertaken by the fluid mechanics laboratory, basically a meeting is held every week, and the data can be dealt with. The team members themselves are very knowledgeable. Level. As for plant breeding, Qin Ke and I will basically not follow up personally. We just set a research direction and let the team research along this direction. Not big."

While adding tea to the two uncles, Qin Ke said with a smile: "A few days ago, what I spent more energy on was the desalination project. Now I have sorted it out and put it on the right track. It is almost enough to spend two hours a day on it. This is a rough After all, I can work up to six or seven hours a day, and the rest is free time. There is pressure, but not too much. On the contrary, I will soon be recruiting graduate students and doctoral students. The pressure in this area is relatively high. How to train these outstanding students well , both Qingyun and I have a headache, these days our chats are basically centered around this topic, and we had a detailed discussion with Mr. Qiu last night."

Uncle Chen took a sip of his tea and said with a smile: "No one dares to question your scientific research and academic level. Now that you are a tutor, many people want to see how well you two teach students, especially this time. The recruitment work is too hot and has attracted a lot of attention. I originally thought about arranging some old academicians and professors to communicate with you, but Lao Yang suggested that you may prefer Qiu Lao’s way, I It was right to think about it, so I gave up the idea."

Lao Chen looked at Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun: "You two just follow your own ideas, don't worry about all resistance and criticism, Lao Yang and I will block you both. Lao Yang and I, now two A relatively big expectation. One is that you will win the Nobel Prize in Physics this year, and the other is to see how far you will lead Xia Guo's mathematics and physics circles!"

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun listened quietly, and then said seriously: "I will definitely not disappoint the ardent expectations of the two uncles."


After the family banquet with Uncle Yang and Uncle Chen, Qingmu University also ushered in the start of school.

Qingmu University, which was originally a little deserted, was full of curious freshmen and full of longing for the future, and graduate students also came to report one after another.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's 16 graduate students and 8 doctoral students completed the formalities on the first morning of school and handed in their "homework" to the two supervisors.

In this way, from September this year, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun's postgraduate tutor career officially began.

(End of this chapter)

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