I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 649 He, Fighting the Sandstorm with a Pen!

Chapter 649 He, Fighting the Sandstorm with a Pen!

Contrary to Wan Baoshan and Mao Hongen, in the conference room of the desert weather station, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after receiving the definite news from the probe balloon, and the atmosphere was visibly cheered up.

In any case, the appearance of the "dry rain" phenomenon is enough to prove that the results of their research team are correct!

Qin Ke turned to Jiang Weixian and said, "Mr. Jiang, you should evacuate with everyone as soon as possible. The occurrence of 'dry rain' means that there is still a 30% probability of 'rain steaming wind' and subsequent extremely strong sandstorms. "

Jiang Wei nodded first, then stared at Qin Ke and said, "Qin Ke, you and Xiao Ning performed very well this time, whether you led the team to complete the analysis and deduction of the 'dry rain' phenomenon, or you chose to stay and get the first place. I am very pleased with the data and the second deduction of "Fire Rain". You are already excellent researchers, both in terms of ability and character. But there is one more thing that I must teach you, It is also what you must learn, and that is to protect yourself.”

Jiang Wei paused for a moment before continuing: "Xiao Ning's choice to leave with the brigade this time is a very correct choice. A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, even if it is for the cause of scientific research, safety must be the first priority! People are here, Everything is possible, if people are gone, then everything will be empty, let alone dreams and careers. This time, Qin Ke, you have made a decision, and I will not dissuade you anymore. I just hope that there will be no next time. And you must also pay attention to safety this time, and return safely!"

Qin Ke complained in his heart, teacher, you are so focused on work and neglect your health, it seems that you have no position to say such a thing...

However, he could feel the concern and sincerity in the teacher's words, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, there is only a 30% chance of 'rain steaming wind' and 'extremely strong sandstorm' happening. Even if they happen, I will be with you, Stay at a relatively safe distance, once we get the latest data, we will quickly retreat back to join you!"

The second group of evacuees boarded the bus very quickly. Ning Qingyun didn't say much when they parted, but hugged Qin Ke vigorously with red eyes, and then turned around and rushed into the bus.

For this shy girl, it is very rare for this shy girl to take the initiative to hug Qin Ke in front of so many people. From this, it can be seen that she is actually very restless and worried about Qin Ke. Because of respect for Qin Ke's decision and trust in him, he managed to suppress this uneasiness.

For Qin Ke who took the risk to stay, the staff of the weather station admired him deeply. Chen Ming, Zheng Haiqiao and Tang Yong, the captain of the rescue team, did not dare to neglect at all. Do everything possible to ensure Qin Ke's safety.

Qin Ke quickly adjusted his mood of parting, and said to one of the weather station staff, Wan Huahao, "Wangong, what's the situation in D33 area now?"

Wan Huahao couldn't help but secretly took a photo with his mobile phone.

Fortunately, whether it is a weather vehicle or a desert off-road vehicle, they are the most suitable for driving in the wind and sand. The drivers Chen Ming, Zheng Haiqiao, Tang Yong and another rescue member are all skilled drivers, but they can barely hold the car back to the road. to the track.

Everyone was shocked, but Qin Ke couldn't care less about looking at the scene behind him anymore. He opened the laptop he was holding tightly, and saw that Shimmer had successfully recorded the latest detailed weather data of the sandstorm, so he was relieved.

"The sandstorm has not officially formed, and it is more than ten or twenty kilometers away from us. We are relatively safe at present." Wan Huahao's throat moved nervously, and he continued:
"We can measure the core weather data of the sandstorm 7 kilometers away through the weather radar on the vehicle. In order to get more accurate weather data, at least wait until the sandstorm is fully formed, and that is the best time to leave. But then we will be here It will also measure the wind force above level [-]..."

Although they have been psychologically prepared, the determination of a 30% probability of extreme weather disasters still makes everyone feel a little heavy.

After a while, the convoy finally drove onto the first-class road, and the bumps were no longer there. Chen Ming said loudly to Qin Ke, who was sitting in the co-pilot: "Sit still!" He stepped on the accelerator and actively accelerated, and the car quickly exceeded the speed of 120 kilometers per hour. , which has greatly exceeded the wind speed chasing behind.

Now the wind and sand have begun to intensify, and the temperature has quickly exceeded 37 degrees Celsius, but it is still within the range where remote-controlled detection balloons and drones can be released. Therefore, for the sake of safety, the two outdoor weather vehicles did not go deep into the D33 area for weather monitoring.

This made Qin Ke feel a little embarrassed, but since he had already stayed, he could only put aside these thoughts, and tried to connect the laptop computer with the center console of the outdoor weather vehicle with a data cable to see if he could receive data in real time , it turns out that it can!
However, these data are raw data and need to be screened, identified and reorganized.

Meteorological satellites also sent back image messages confirming the extreme weather of "rain, steam and wind".

Reluctantly poked his head to glance, but saw that Qin Ke wrote complex mathematical calculations that he could not understand. What surprised him most was that Qin Ke seemed to have forgotten that he was in a dangerous situation and the bad weather around him. All that was left was the paper and pen, and the mathematical formulas that flowed out line by line, and the focused look had a certain sacred atmosphere.

Not only Qin Ke, but also Chen Ming, Zheng Haiqiao, and Tang Yong, who had never seen such extreme weather, were sweating on their backs.In the face of the heavenly power of nature, the power of the individual seems too small.

Chen Ming in the driver's seat was concentrating on driving and didn't feel anything, but Wan Huahao and the other two staff members sitting in the back seat were already stiff from tension, and the raw glass windows were smashed by sand and stones.Wan Huahao was praying to the gods and Buddhas in the sky for safety in his heart, but when he looked up, he saw Qin Ke actually bowing his head and writing calculations, and he couldn't help being stunned.

Wan Huahao's expression changed: "The wind is accelerating! It's faster than expected! The monitoring balloon and drone should be damaged! Professor Qin, we'd better retreat quickly! Record data while walking!"

But because the wind was too strong, a new problem appeared, that is, the car was pushed by the strong wind, and the speed increased automatically. At this time, the visibility was less than 30 meters, and if one was not careful, he would rush out of this non-standard small road. Hit the big sand dunes.

Qin Ke took out the binoculars, and saw that the sky in the distance was dim yellow, full of fine sand, and the concentration of the fine sand was still deepening, so he couldn't help being secretly startled.

Everyone sitting in the car could hear the whistling wind like howling ghosts, the strong wind even made the car shake, and the rubber on the special wheels gave off a pungent smell due to the high temperature of the yellow sand on the ground.

Qin Ke was able to let Shimmer perform a simple data comparison through his lips, and soon Shimmer returned a message that there were a few numerical comparisons with large deviations, and the mathematical model needed to be optimized.

Sweat dripped down Wan Huahao's forehead, and he said nervously, "According to Professor Qin's model, most of the distance we retreat will be with the wind, so it should be relatively safe."

Originally, according to the deduction, after the phenomenon of "rain steaming wind" appeared, a super-strong large-scale sandstorm would form within an hour, but now less than 45 minutes have passed, and the super-strong sandstorm has basically taken shape, which proves that the actual situation is still different from the deduction. access.

The speed of the car was very fast, and the windows of the car made the sound of sand and stones hitting each other from time to time, as if they might be smashed by flying stones at any time.

The convoy of four vehicles was like a small boat drifting with the waves in the raging wind and waves. It actually drifted uncontrollably several times, and the people in the car were even more jolted to the point of nausea.

His expression became serious.


At this time, the windows of all vehicles have been closed, the air conditioner is turned on, and the heat outside is blocked. Qin Ke took out the thermos cup, opened the lid and took a sip of water, and found that there was some sand in his mouth. sand.

Although the weather is unpredictable, Qin Ke still has confidence in his mathematical model. He took a deep breath and said firmly: "Since the 'rain, steam and wind' have appeared, then wait for the extremely strong sandstorm. If you can't get a comparison Accurately up-to-date data, the two hours we're here, are going to be meaningless."

I really can't take such a risk in the future, no matter whether it is really dangerous or not, letting Ning Qingyun be so worried and uneasy for a few hours is already a kind of harm to Xiaobaicai.

Level 7 wind force, basically it will be very difficult for people to walk against the wind, and children may even be blown into the air by the strong wind.

Qin Ke replied with a wry smile: "It's safe now, but I'm afraid I'll never forget the experience of going to the desert to conduct extreme weather research."

Through the rear window of the car, Qin Ke could see the howling wind in the distance, and a group of yellow clouds covering the sky, like a ferocious demon, whirled and expanded like a tornado, and was rushing towards this side!

Qin Ke hastily looked at the values ​​with large deviations, and he already counted them in his heart. He directly closed the laptop, opened the small book that he carried with him, and it was full of dense mathematical calculations. Qin Ke concentrated, picked up the pen and began to quickly Writing calculations, formulas and theorems in NS equations, fluid mechanics, nonlinear dynamics, turbulence, and even chaos are transformed into complicated and vivid mathematical symbols in his pen, and a more correct and precise mathematical model is deduced and perfected with all efforts ...

There are various signs that the probability of "rain steaming wind" is increasing.

This is the last time.

The sand and rocks around the vehicle danced wildly.

"Professor Qin, should we retreat?" Tang Yong asked immediately, worried about Qin Ke's safety.

Although he has worked in this desert for seven or eight years, he has seen many sandstorms, but this time, according to the mathematical model played by Qin Ke's team, it will be the first time that an extremely strong sandstorm with a central wind force exceeding level 12 will appear. Until he is not nervous?

There are only two multi-purpose outdoor weather vehicles and two large desert off-road vehicles left in the means of transportation.

"The air pressure difference between the ground and the low altitude and high altitude began to accelerate and expand, and the signs of sandstorms appeared!" Wan Huahao, a staff member of the weather station, looked at the data displayed on the center console of the weather vehicle, with a nervous expression, and kept wiping the sweat on his forehead .

Chen Ming asked aloud: "You estimate that when the wind force is level 7, can we retreat safely?"

The wind and sand hit the car windows like torrential rain, pattering, and the on-board weather radar at the back of the weather car was still working hard, but it also made a mournful sound of being continuously hit by sand and stones.

Qin Ke watched Ning Qingyun get on the bus, and tried not to look this way, but couldn't help but secretly cast his eyes on the concerned look, and silently made up his mind in his heart.

Especially at this time, the wind and sand became stronger. If you don't wear sand-proof goggles outdoors, you can hardly keep your eyes open.Flying sand and rocks can be seen in the distance, and the strong wind is raging, forming a huge flowing yellow fog, and the air is faintly distorted due to the high temperature.

Soon, the second batch of evacuated buses departed, leaving only Qin Ke, four weather station staff operating multi-functional outdoor weather vehicles, Chen Ming, Zheng Haiqiao and three members of the rescue team left in the entire weather station.

"The weather satellite just reported that the 'dry rain' phenomenon will continue, but the specific weather data will not be known until the data from the detection balloon and the drone are sent back 5 minutes later."

At this moment, a prompt popped up on the center console of the weather vehicle, and the signal of the monitoring balloon in the D33 area disappeared. A few seconds later, the signal of the returning drone also disappeared.

Suddenly the phone rang, and Ning Qingjun sent a WeChat message asking him how he was doing.

He asked Ning Qingyun about the retreat situation. Knowing that the second batch of evacuees had almost arrived in Arada City safely, he immediately felt relieved and focused on observing the weather data in front of him.

The three cars behind accelerated and finally left the terrible sandstorm behind.

This made everyone staying at the weather station nervous.

With Qin Ke's boldness, his heart couldn't control his rapid beating at this time. Seeing that the center console of the weather vehicle showed that the wind speed near the vehicle had quickly exceeded level 7, he ordered without hesitation: "Everyone retreats immediately as planned!"

During this period, the detection balloons and drones have sent back the weather data of the D33 area through the repeaters set along the way. Qin Ke keenly discovered that the highest temperature in the sky is constantly rising, while the lowest relative humidity is getting lower and lower. As it is increasing, the atmospheric pressure difference on the surface is also expanding.

As soon as his voice came out, the car windows were torn apart by the strong wind, but all four cars were equipped with radio communicators. At that moment, Chen Ming yelled, stepped on the accelerator, and started the car first.The engines of the other three vehicles also roared.The four cars roared out of the dusty sky and rushed forward.

If there is a large deviation between the data and the value derived from the simulation, he will have to make a second correction to the current mathematical model before Shimmer can make a new deduction.

The various data displayed on the center console of the car kept beating, and in Qin Ke's laptop, the charts made by Shimmer also showed an upward trend.

Chen Ming and the others had no choice but to check the condition of the vehicle again and be ready to retreat at any time.

At 11:58 noon, the detection balloon was the first to send back an early warning. The wind speed had exceeded the safety critical point, and the meteorological monitoring instrument it carried entered the process of automatic drop-off and recovery. At the same time, the drone also reported that it could not continue to maintain a stable flight situation. Automatically execute the return mission according to the settings.

But Qin Ke, who has reached the "master level" in informatics, not to mention he has LV4 artificial intelligence shimmer to help, so it took only ten minutes for Qin Ke to write a small program that can The received real-time data is sorted out, key data is extracted, and real-time chart images are automatically generated.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the "yellow fog" in the distance became more and more dense and constantly changing shape. The visibility outside the weather station has dropped to less than 100 meters, and there is a gray area everywhere.

Wan Huahao was right. Just as the mathematical model deduced, the direction of the sandstorm was towards Arada City. Now the four cars are driving towards Arada City, which happens to be with the wind, so there is no need to worry about the headwind.

The crowd had just driven less than one kilometer along the path, and there was still a short distance from the first-class highway, and they saw through the rearview mirror that a large sand dune with a height of [-] meters was blown away by the strong wind, and all the mud The sand gathered into a huge vortex and flew straight to the sky, making the wave of yellow sand that was already covering the sky even more violent and terrifying, which shocked everyone.

In any case, the precious first-hand data is finally available.

In the photo, a boy with disheveled hair lowered his head and was writing seriously. In the background, the howling wind and yellow sand outside the front window of the car, and the overwhelming strong sandstorm can be seen outside the side window. The whole scene is full of tranquility and harmony. The strong contrast of movement gives people a strong shock.

Later this piece was named "He, Fighting the Sandstorm with a Pen!" "After the photo was released, it quickly became a hot search and became a representative photo of the annual news event.

And Qin Ke also got another nickname, "the mathematician who fights the sandstorm".

Of course, this is all for later, so I won’t go into details here.

(End of this chapter)

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