I really just want to be a scholar

Chapter 354 The Laughing Chapter of Lime Student Foundation and Tianda

Chapter 354

The establishment of the "Lime Student Aid Foundation" is even more low-key than the "Lime Technology".

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun didn't even release related news through their scarves.

Since it does not solicit donations from the public, and all the funds of the foundation come from targeted donations from Lime Technology, there is no need to make a high profile, as if it is showing off its good deeds, or forcing others to do good deeds as well.

Qin Ke felt that such a thing was unnecessary.

And the more low-key you are, the more you can really do something practical, so as not to be repeatedly harassed and hyped by the media and waste a lot of time and energy on this.

However, low-key also has the disadvantage of low-key, that is, the lack of reputation, it is not easy to recruit the secretary-general, especially the secretary-general who has experience in operating public welfare funds and outstanding work ability is even more difficult to find.

In the end, the elders spent a lot of effort to select three qualified candidates for Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun interviewed the three candidates on the second day after their class graduation trip, and finally chose the youngest girl named Huo Baoyan, who was only 29 years old.

This girl is small, with dark skin, and even more ordinary appearance. She looks like a rural girl, and her educational background is also the "worst" among the three candidates. She is just an undergraduate student in the Sociology Department of Beiyan University. The other two graduates from prestigious foreign schools who have returnee experience and at least started with a master's degree are much inferior.

What moved Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun was her experience.

She lost her mother at the age of one and lost her father at the age of three. She lived with her grandmother who scavenged junk.

This made her feel grateful to the society and participated in countless public welfare activities since she was a child.

When she was in college, she worked three part-time jobs, but her monthly living expenses were only [-] yuan, and the rest was used to support orphans and out-of-school children in mountainous areas.

The most rare thing is that her grades have remained excellent since she was a child.

She is not very talkative and has no experience in independently managing a large foundation, but she is straightforward in her work and has simple eyes. Qin Ke deliberately placed a poster of out-of-school children in the corner of the interview room. Among the three candidates, only She walked over to take a closer look.

In the interview, she also admitted that she has only managed a small charitable foundation with a scale of several million, and has no experience in managing a large foundation alone. However, she is willing to learn and make progress together with the team.

Huo Baoyan said sincerely: "I don't have much ambition, but if I have to choose a career and do it well, I choose to use my life to repay the kindness of this society."

It was this sentence that finally made Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun choose Huo Baoyan.

In addition, the four full-time staff recruited are all young people, but they all have a heart of gratitude to the society and have a certain amount of volunteer experience. One of the boys has even worked as a volunteer teacher in a mountainous area.

Most importantly, Qin Ke didn't feel any negative or violent emotions from them.

This is enough.

Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are willing to spend time and even money to let such a young team grow slowly.

Considering that the team of the "Lime Student Fund" still needs time to work on the project, after discussing with Ning Qingyun, Qin Ke arranged the first student fund project for the team - to help Qin Ke's roommate Wu Zhu's hometown The village-level primary school called "Stone Village Primary School".

The main tasks of the Student Foundation are to provide donations to eligible primary schools, repair teaching buildings, provide subsidies to teachers in mountain villages, and provide tuition and miscellaneous fees to out-of-school children, etc.

What is the most appropriate way to do it requires practice to gain real knowledge. This Shicun Primary School happens to have Qin Ke's friend Wu Zhu as the introducer, which is a relatively easy project to carry out.

Qin Ke intends to use this project as a blueprint, first explore the road with 10 million, establish a sound rules and regulations, and then use the several impoverished village primary schools that he and Ning Qingyun passed through when they traveled in the prairie last year for a second verification. Operate the Foundation norms as efficiently as possible.

And according to Qin Ke's vision, he and Ning Qingyun would not get involved in the implementation of specific projects, at most they would only suggest funding targets.

If the foundation operates independently and well, like Lime Technology, Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun can completely relax and focus on their own study and scientific research.

This first project is the touchstone of the newly established "Lime Student Fund".

As soon as he said it, Qin Ke asked his assistant Fang Yongtang to rent a commercial vehicle, and took everyone from the foundation to Shicun Primary School.

After nearly six hours of driving and walking for more than half an hour, everyone came to this small village in the mountains.

Even the mobile phone signal here is intermittent, the villagers in old clothes are still working in the field, and the children covered in mud are running wildly in the field, and there are old yellow mud brick houses everywhere.

Wu Zhu had already been waiting at the entrance of the village with the village chief. He was very excited when he saw Qin Ke, because he had already heard about Qin Ke's funding plan.

The clumsy Wu Zhu just held Qin Ke's hand hard, unable to say a word.

Qin Ke smiled and chatted with him and the village chief, and then introduced Huo Baoyan.

Compared with Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, who were too young, the village head still valued adults like Huo Baoyan more. He thanked him again and again, and took everyone to Shicun Primary School in person.

The situation of this Shicun Primary School is worse than imagined. The conditions for running the school are very poor. The teaching building is even a dilapidated building with cracked walls. There is not even a dormitory for teachers and staff. The teachers can only live in an old leaky ancestral hall.

Everyone's heart is heavy. How can such a bad condition keep the young teacher?It is also dangerous for students to go to school in dilapidated buildings.

Under the recommendation of the village head, Qin Ke, Ning Qingyun, and Huo Baoyan met the principal of the elementary school, a thin and frail old man. Hearing that everyone came to donate to the school, the old man said with tears in his eyes:

"Thank you. In fact, no matter how hard it is, we old men can survive. After all, we are all children in the village. This classroom is really worrying. We dare not let the children attend classes in it every time it is windy and rainy. I'm afraid this building will fall down...there are three young people like Xiao Zhuang, who live in such a shabby and harsh condition that they almost can't hold on."

Huo Baoyan looked at Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun, they didn't speak, they just gave her an encouraging look, Huo Baoyan was grateful, knowing that the two bosses had delegated power to him.

She sincerely said to the old principal: "Principal, don't worry, since we are here, we will try our best to improve these problems. As for how much money we can invest and how much we can do, we can't give you a clear promise now, because Funding for the foundation’s projects needs to be approved by the board of directors, but we will strive for it as much as possible, at least the conditions of the teaching buildings and staff dormitories will definitely be improved.”

Before leaving, the children in Shicun Elementary School in shabby clothes lined up and collectively saluted everyone. Their dirty little faces were full of hope and anticipation. Everyone in the Foundation was filled with bitterness and strength, and once again felt The meaning and responsibility of "Lime Student Fund".

Back in Yuanzhou, Huo Baoyan and four full-time staff stayed up for two days and two nights, quickly sorted out all the materials, and formulated a detailed funding aid plan, which was submitted to the council for review.

The information is clear and the planning cost estimates are well-founded. Qin Ke and Ning Qingyun are greatly impressed by the fact that they really specialize in surgery!

Moreover, the work enthusiasm of Huo Baoyan and others reassured Qin Ke and the others, so they decided not to intervene in the specific implementation so as not to affect the official operation of the foundation.

They made a decision again, and they were only responsible for reviewing whether the project was done or not, and the results of the implementation.

The specific implementation will be fully entrusted to the professional CEO, Secretary-General Huo Baoyan and four full-time personnel. The implementation process will naturally be supervised and escorted by a council headed by Shen Tieshan and Deng Hongguo. If there are any problems, Qin Ke and Ning Qing will not be needed. Yun will handle it, and it will be resolved at the level of the council.

So after dealing with the affairs of the foundation, Qin Ke went to apply for a driver's license test.

This time when he went to Shicun Elementary School, Qin Ke once again realized the usefulness of having a driver's license. Although he can drive, he can't drive without a license. He is a good student who abides by the law.

In the training ground of the driving school, Qin Ke had passed his addiction to driving and applied the driving knowledge and skills in his mind to practice.Like Wing Chun, Qin Ke's professional car driving skills make driving a car easy and enjoyable. Parking on the side, reversing into a garage, and starting on a slope are simply not easy.

Seeing his extremely proficient driving movements and good sense of steering control, the coach was secretly dumbfounded. This young man's driving level is high enough, and his own old driver who has been driving for decades is only at this level.

So when Qin Ke proposed not to attend class but to take the exam, the coach readily agreed, especially after accepting the two good cigarettes from Qin Kesai, the coach even patted his chest and promised that the exam will be arranged first. God, Qin Ke will be able to get a driver's license.

There is no need to practice the car, the results of the college entrance examination have not been released, there is no news about the three submitted papers, and the knowledge of the biology department of the university has not been absorbed, so that the chip theory textbooks in the mind cannot be absorbed temporarily.

Qin Ke was rarely free, so he was left to instruct Ning Qingyun in college mathematics and physics, and continue to study the Riemann conjecture.

So he thought about buying a car again, and soon decided to provide Lime Student Foundation and Lime Technology with a commercial vehicle, so that he could drive it in case he needed a car in Yuanzhou.

Fang Yongtang, who received the order, handled it very efficiently. After Qin Ke finished the first subject of the driver's license test, the two seven-seat domestic commercial vehicles got the license plate and parked in the underground parking garage of the office building. In order to ensure that there are parking spaces at any time, Qin Ke Ke waved his hand again and bought two parking spaces.

I have to say that being rich means being comfortable and self-willed.

After the driver's license test is completed, it will take ten days at the earliest to take the second test.

Qin Ke, who was flipping through the book, suddenly said, "Jun'er, I think it's time to go home for a while, Xiao Ke's girl is about to take her final exam, and I have to help her with her homework. Now she has nothing but mathematics Aside from a lot of improvement in grades, the rest of the grades are still at the same level.”

"Hmm." Ning Qingjun, who was studying college mathematics by herself, nodded reluctantly. Qin Ke probably won't return to the city for ten and a half months after leaving. After all, the traffic is not very convenient.

Qin Ke's eyes rolled: "Why don't you go back with me? I took you to play in Qingping Town, and Xiao Ke cried out to miss you every day. You are better than me in liberal arts, and you can help her with her homework."

It's also interesting to say that Lime Technology has been established for almost three months, and Qin Ke's father Qin Yanghui, the chairman, has been in office for almost three months, yet Ning Qingyun has never met him.

Of course, the main reason is that both she and Qin Ke are busy with the college entrance examination, so they hardly show up in the company. As for the affairs in the company, she just routinely reads the weekly and monthly work reports sent by Fang Yongtang. intervene.

The other reason, of course, was that Ning Qingyun hadn't fully prepared herself to meet her boyfriend's parents.

But this time, after hearing Qin Ke's invitation again, Ning Qingyun hesitated for a while, and finally nodded resolutely: "Okay."

She had promised Qin Ke before that she would meet his family after the college entrance examination. After all, Qin Ke had met her parents, her grandparents, and it seemed too impolite not to meet Qin Ke's parents. .

Now that Ning Qingyun is with him, Qin Ke will naturally not let her take the long-distance bus with him. He directly asked Fang Yongtang to drive a newly bought commercial vehicle to send them off. There is no need for a car for the time being.

At noon the next day, Qin Ke came to Ning Qingyun's house to pick her up, only to see Ning Qingyun piled up bags and two large suitcases at the door.

Qin Ke laughed and said, "Jun'er, are you moving?"

Ning Qingyun blushed, and said in a low voice: "Grandma said, when I go to your house for the first time, I have to bring some gifts. Most of these are prepared by grandma Zhang Luo. I... I don't even know what to give to your parents." What to buy, I just bought a few skirts for Xiaohu."

Ning Qingyun's little daughter-in-law's shy answering appearance was so cute, Qin Ke couldn't help laughing: "Then you don't need to bring so much, do you?"

"What are you laughing at?" Ning Qingyun blushed and stared at Qin Ke: "The last time your grandfather came to the house, he also bought a lot of things. Grandma said that reciprocity is necessary...I...I don't I understand this all too well."

She rarely goes to other people's homes as a guest, and because of her personality, she is really not good at these people's sophistication.

"Don't worry, I really don't need to bring anything. You have seen my grandfather before. He is the big boss. You don't have to worry about my parents' personalities. They are very easy to get along with."

Because of the foundation, Shen Tieshan would naturally get in touch with Grandma Ning, Chu Mimei, and took this opportunity to pay a visit with a lot of gifts, representing the Qin family's support for the relationship between the two children.

Chu Mimei's "reciprocity" this time is also a statement on behalf of the Ning family.

Qin Ke is a smart person, he knows all these things well, he smiled and said: "By the way, grandma, why didn't I see her, let me say hello to her."

"Grandma left for grandpa in the morning, saying that I'm not at home, and it's not fun for her to be alone."

"Okay, let's go then."


Just when Qin Ke was on his way home with his girlfriend in his assistant's car, in the distant Mittag-Leffler Institute of Mathematics of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the editorial office of Acta Mathematica was erupting. With heated debate.

"Acta Mathematica Sinica" is one of the world's top mathematical academic journals, and it is also an established mathematical journal with the highest impact factor. It is published quarterly by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

In the past, the journal editorial department here was always known for its leisurely and free working atmosphere, especially the afternoon tea time, when the editors drank Darjeeling black tea and chatted about the weather.

But at this time, the atmosphere in the editorial department was rather tense, and everyone couldn't care less about the black tea that was about to cool down, and all their eyes fell on a contribution from Xia Guo on the big screen.

 Thank you for recommending the monthly ticket. The condition is not good today. There is only one change, and it will be replaced tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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