Daming: From the end of Hongwu

215 Chapter 213 - The Scholar Who Was Fudged and Lame

215 Chapter 213 - The Scholar Who Was Fudged and Lame
Since Zhen Wu came out of Beiping in April, it has already entered autumn before he knew it.

The rain that came on autumn nights soon became heavier and heavier, and it fell on the eaves, urns and barrels in the courtyard with a crackling sound. For a while, it seemed that there were only intertwined ding-dong sounds left in the world. And faintly drifting far away.

Cao Xiaoman calmed down the horse, and rushed into the main room, his whole body was drenched. Seeing Cao Xiaoman's appearance, the host shook his head amusingly, and turned to ask the hostess to find some clean clothes.

"It doesn't have to be, it doesn't have to be."

Cao Xiaoman said quickly, grinning as he spoke, and took out his and Zhen Wu's luggage from his arms. He had been bending over to protect these luggage, so these things were not wet.

Seeing this, the host didn't say anything more.

The night was getting deeper and deeper, and Zhen Wu and Cao Xiaoman were both wet, so it was inconvenient for the two parties to chat more, but after a brief introduction to each other, the host led Zhen Wu to a room next door, and smiled. He said that if there was anything to call them, he went back to the main house and fell asleep.

After being introduced, Zhen Wu knew that the male host was called Lin Lin, and the female host didn't reveal her name, but only knew that her surname was Tang.

Soon, the lights in the main house went out.

For a moment, only Zhen Wu and Cao Xiaoman were left in the room. Seeing that there was only one bed that was not spacious, Zhen Wu frowned slightly.

To be honest, since Zhen Wu became a soldier, he has climbed ice and lay in snow quite a few times, and sometimes slept with soldiers, so there is no psychological burden for two men to sleep in the same bed.

But at this moment, Cao Xiaoman's whole body was wet by the rain, and his clothes were clinging to his skin, revealing Cao Xiaoman's figure, which made Zhen Wu couldn't help shivering.

In the past, I didn't think about this aspect, and I didn't feel anything, but today Zhen Wuman was full of resistance.

Welcome men?

This idiom came to mind, and it made Zhen Wu's skin crawl again. He couldn't help but sigh, how romantic it would be if he experienced this situation with a woman.

At least ten thousand times stronger than the current feeling.


The problem is that Cao Xiaoman doesn't feel anything, and is still thinking about going to bed early with great interest.

Zhen Wu felt that Cao Xiaoman was trying to fuck.

But he was also embarrassed to let Cao Xiaoman sleep on the ground, as if he was not considerate of Cao Xiaoman.

He took the cloth towel from Cao Xiaoman, wiped the rain on his body, pondered for a while, and then he had an idea, so he said, "Xiaoman, do you want to become as brave as me?"

Cao Xiaoman's eyes lit up immediately. Since he joined the army, the person he admired the most is Zhen Wu. He has been learning from Zhen Wu in every aspect. Naturally, he wants to become as brave as Zhen Wu.

"Think." Cao Xiaoman nodded repeatedly.


Zhen Wu said solemnly: "Today I will give you a small recipe, starting from tonight. Tonight you will sleep on the ground. You must know that sleeping on the ground once in a while can strengthen your muscles and bones."

Cao Xiaoman was just about to speak.

Zhen Wuyu interrupted earnestly: "I value you most in the army, you must work hard and don't let me down."

This sentence directly made Cao Xiaoman's face turn red, and he said excitedly: "Master, don't worry, I will never let you down."


Zhen Wu nodded and said: "I hope one day, I can pat my chest and proudly say to others, see, Cao Xiaoman is a soldier I brought out."

Cao Xiaoman was so excited that it was almost uncontrollable, Zhen Wu stretched out his hand as if I understood you, and patted him on the shoulder, which made Cao Xiaoman's mood calmer, but it also made Cao Xiaoman's heart explode huge belief.

Only a coward will disappoint Qianhu, and he, Cao Xiaoman, will be the most famous general under Qianhu's subordinates.

After Zhen Wu achieved his goal, he quickly wiped his body and changed into clean clothes. When Cao Xiaoman also tidied up and laid the mattress on the floor, Zhen Wu was afraid that it would be cold at night, and Cao Xiaoman would get sick by sleeping on the floor, so he put the blanket on the floor. Give everything to Cao Xiaoman.

This move moved Cao Xiaoman again.

Zhen Wu smiled and didn't say much, he was most satisfied with Cao Xiaoman's innocent appearance.

At night, the sound of raindrops did not stop.

Cao Xiaoman tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. He managed to raise the sleepy bug many times, but as long as Zhen Wu's trust in him just flashed in his mind, the sleepy bug was chased away in an instant, and he became extra energetic.

Finally, Cao Xiaoman couldn't bear it anymore: "Master, are you asleep?"

"No, what's the matter."

Cao Xiaoman choked, but after a while, Cao Xiaoman thought of something again, and said with a little coyness: "My mother told me about a girl, and my mother wanted me to invite you over at that time, so as to help my family gain face."

Zhen Wu was taken aback.

However, he immediately felt relieved, Cao Xiaoman was fifteen or sixteen years old, so he shouldn't have married a wife, and there are few people who procrastinate like him these days.

"Whose girl?" Zhen Wu asked curiously.

"Mr. Li's family."

Li Zongqi?

Zhen Wu had a turn in his mind, and he came to his senses and asked, "From Li Erniu's family?"

"Well, it was agreed during the Chinese New Year last year, this time we will get engaged when we go back."

Zhen Wu laughed, the people under him are more and more intertwined, Li Erniu is to Xue Lu, just like Xue Lu is to Zhen Wu, he is regarded as right and left hand by Zhen Wu.

"It's a good thing. I've met the girl from Li Erniu's family. She's a good girl. When we got married, I appointed her to drink there."

Cao Xiaoman responded happily, he was actually very grateful to Zhen Wu in his heart, like the child of his dead father, under the care of Zhen Wu, many people wanted to marry each other, his mother was very proud of this, and in Zhuangzi, Many people would take the initiative to help his family, just because he was a personal guard by Zhen Wu's side.

His mother had told him more than once that she wanted him to do good work for Zhen Wu.

Thinking about Cao Xiaoman and about Zhen Wu's marriage, he asked curiously, "Young Master, are you and the princess getting married soon?"

Mentioning this matter, Zhen Wu was a little annoyed. It is impossible to say that he does not want women.

"It's still early. According to the regulations, the princess's mansion needs to be built, and then all the people and things that the princess will marry as a dowry have to be prepared before the marriage can be completed. If Beiping has already started preparations, do the math, it will take next year." .”

"Ah, then will I also go to the Princess's Mansion as an errand?"

Zhen Wu turned over and said, "No need, the princess and I will still live at home."

Cao Xiaoman groaned, not knowing if it was a pity or not.


The two chatted for a while, and slowly fell asleep in the middle of the night.

The next day, both Zhen Wu and Cao Xiaoman woke up later than usual. After Zhen Wu got up, he looked out the window for the first time to see the weather outside. Not only had the rain stopped, but the sky was clear and the sun was shining brightly.

Zhen Wu was in a good mood. He went out of the room and took a deep breath of the fresh air after the rain. After taking a few breaths, he seemed to have a lot of clarity in his mind.

Lin Lin and his wife saw Zhen Wu and they had already got up, and they invited Zhen Wu to have some food together, and Zhen Wu was not polite, and called Cao Xiaoman to eat until he was full.

After dinner, Zhen Wu planned to give some money to Lin Lin and his wife, but Lin Lin would not accept anything, and his expression was absolutely not fake.

Afterwards, Zhen Wu didn't say any more, and thought about leaving some secretly when he left.

However, just when he and Cao Xiaoman were about to say goodbye, suddenly many green-shirted scholars came to Lin Lin's house as companions. After the scholars came, they skillfully pushed open the chai gate and walked in.

While walking, she shouted: "Brother Zerun, something is wrong. The woman ordered the soldiers to catch scholars all over the city, and she will definitely find you."

Lin Lin rushed out of the house, and said with a shocked face: "I have already retreated here, and I have left the house without leaving the house. Why do you have to do this? Do you have to force me to death?"

Zhen and Wu watched from the other side.

The scholar who spoke at the beginning also saw Zhen Wu and the two of them at this time, and asked in doubt: "Brother Zerun, who are these two?"

Lin Lin was in a bad mood, but he pulled himself together and introduced: "This is Brother Huang Qian, who was studying in Beiping. The word and Bai were trapped in the rain last night and happened to stay at my house. The other one is brother Bai. The book boy is half a catty."

After finishing speaking, Lin Lin turned his head and introduced to Zhen Wu: "These are all my classmates and friends. This one is called Jiao Zong, and the name of the latter is..."

Zhen Wu met these scholars one by one.

Afterwards, Zhen Wu glanced at Lin Lin, and from what Jiao Zong yelled out as soon as he entered the door, it was not difficult for Zhen Wu to guess that Lin Lin was in trouble. Wu has to say something, and at the worst, he has to ask if he can help, but the most taboo thing about Zhen Wu's return to Beiping is to cause troubles, so he can't help others, but put himself in danger environment.

So, even though Zhen Wudang was going to say goodbye, he pretended not to hear what Jiao Zongyi said when he entered the door.

Although it was a bit unethical to do so, in the final analysis, everyone just met by chance. Lin Lin is a good person, and Zhen Wu also recognized this, but Zhen Wu left more money for a while, so it was justified in conscience.

Life is like this, and Zhen Wu never intended to live as a saint.

However, that Jiao Zong was a little familiar, he stepped forward and grabbed Zhen Wu's wrist, and suggested: "Meeting is a fate, and Brother Bai, why don't you discuss with us today to help Zerun solve this problem, so spread the word It’s also a beautiful story.”


Zhen Wu was a little annoyed by this man.

When the others heard this, they agreed excitedly, "Yes, yes, multiple people have multiple ideas."

Cao Xiaoman looked at Zhen Wu, he also knew that this trip should not be delayed too much, otherwise it would be easy to change, but he put himself in the situation and thought about it, and found that if he was Zhen Wu, he didn't know how to refuse in this situation.

However, the next moment Cao Xiaoman realized that he was really thinking too much, his family was very shrewd.

I saw that Zhen Wu's face was filled with delighted approval at first, as if he was about to nod his head in agreement, but then his face changed drastically, and he sighed again and again: "Oh, I really regret it, if I knew what happened today, I would definitely not have been in vain before." I’ve wasted so much time, I’m not afraid of being laughed at by everyone, my father set a return date for me before, and now there are only five days left, but this place is still far away from Beiping, if I delay here, I’m afraid I won’t be able to catch up with the return date, if I miss the return date , My father has always been strict, so my father will definitely break my legs."

After finishing speaking, he still looked at Lin Lin with a pitiful and troubled look.

Lin Lin studied the books of sages and sages hard since he was a child. How could he embarrass Zhen Wu when he was a scholar? If you can resolve it, don’t worry about me.”

"This really makes me ashamed. It's all because I was greedy for beauty on the road before, so that the return date is approaching. Otherwise, I would have gone through fire and water for Zerun's matter. In fact, Zerun didn't know it. Since I first met last night, I saw Zerun as if I saw an old friend. , has long regarded Zerun as a brother." Zhen Wu believed everything he said.

Lin Lin was very moved when he heard this.

Everyone else's eyes widened.

Jiao Zongba smacked his mouth, and murmured: "Since that's the case, why don't you dare to miss the return date for Zerun, presumably your father will not really break Yubai's legs."

"Will do."

Zhen Wu stretched out two fingers, and said sadly: "The next two brothers are already paralyzed in bed."


All the scholars exclaimed together.

Jiao Zong still couldn't believe it: "It's because of your father?"

"Brother He!"

Zhen Wu said in a deep voice: "A gentleman's words are what a suspicious person does?"

Jiao Zong was taken aback for a moment, then gave Zhen Wu a deep salute, straightened his expression, and said seriously: "I'm sorry, I made a mistake in my words, and I hope Bai will forgive me."

Zhen Wu didn't expect that just such a sentence would cause the scholar to make such a big salute, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that he was just a scholar after all.

He waved his hands generously and said, "It's okay, actually, many people don't understand." After speaking, he looked sideways at the sky sadly.

Seeing Zhen Wu like this, the others glanced at each other, and began to persuade Zhen Wu sympathetically, saying that their father was also very strict with them and so on.

Zhen Wuquan listened to it for a while, and then formally bid farewell.

However, when the two led their horses to the gate of Chai, Jiao Zong remembered something and said to Zhen Wu: "By the way, there are soldiers at the gate of the city who are checking scholars. After you pass, you will definitely be stopped and questioned. Remember Don't mention Zerun, otherwise you will definitely not be able to leave today."

"There are soldiers patrolling? City guards?"

"No, it's the newly transferred Commander Zhang." Jiao Zong said.

Zhen Wu was taken aback.

People from the barracks?

This is Dongchang Mansion, and the military jurisdiction is Dongchangwei. How could Dongchangwei have transferred a new commander?Could it be Sapphire's person?

Zhen Armed asked casually: "Dongchang City has been patrolled by soldiers from the barracks? This is beyond the limit."

One of the scholars said: "It only started in the past few days. This group of big-headed soldiers provoked the anger and resentment of the city, but there is no way to do it. It is not bullying, and it is clearly aimed at us scholars, but anyone who dresses up as a scholar will be caught. Ask carefully."

Zhen Wu frowned.

He didn't want to leave immediately.

However, Zhen Wu was still a little reconciled, and he gave Cao Xiaoman a look with his eyes. Cao Xiaoman immediately understood what Zhen Wu meant, and wanted him to ride over to investigate, then nodded, got on his horse and headed towards Dongchang City.

Zhen Wu shouted at Cao Xiaoman's back: "Buy more things and come back."

Cao Xiaoman answered without replying.

The others were a little dazed, unable to understand what Zhen Wu and the two were doing.

Zhen Wu laughed awkwardly, and then said in a deep voice: "It rained last night and no one was willing to take the two of us in. Only brother Zerun rescued us with righteousness. Now brother Zerun is in trouble. If I leave like this, what will my conscience do? Can be safe, so I thought about it, even if my legs were broken, I still ask for peace of mind, and help Brother Zerun. In addition, I asked the book boy to go shopping and come back. First, thank Brother Zerun, and second. Let's buy some food, let's discuss how to help brother Zerun with wine."

While talking, Zhen Wu looked at the expressions of everyone, and finally said firmly: "I have made up my mind, please don't persuade me, don't let me look down on everyone."

The voice was firm and powerful enough to show Zhen Wu's determination.

Everyone listened in a daze.

Zhen Wu, however, lost his confidence. He was a little worried that some of these scholars were particularly shrewd, and then saw that he was evading the inspection of soldiers, so he couldn't help but asked tentatively: "Everyone, I suddenly changed my mind and refused to leave. Everyone will not leave?" Think about it."

"How can you not think too much?" Jiao Zong said excitedly.

Zhen Wu's heart sank, and then his mind raced, thinking about how to quibble, but before he could think of it, Jiao Zong said again with admiration on his face.

"Brother Bai Gao Yi, please accept my worship."

The other scholars quickly reacted.

"Brother Bai Gao Yi, please accept my worship."

They never thought that the scholars in Peiping could be so generous, which really convinced them.

On the other side, Cao Xiaoman hurried all the way to Dongchang City, and felt something was wrong after only one glance at the gate of the city. Many soldiers of the army camp stood guard at the gate of the city and watched the passers-by.

He pretended to be brave and walked over, passed by calmly to check, then explored the city carefully, finally bought some things, and rode back back.

This city is indeed quite risky for Zhen Wu.


 Thank you for the reward from 'Done in the World', thank you boss, thank you.

(End of this chapter)

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