"Tears dripping through the fragrance of green moss. Looking back, the sun has set in the palace. Thousands of miles of rivers, mountains and sky don't matter, only one well is left to belong to the king."

At the Chicken Cage Temple, by the Rouge Well, Randy read the poem on the inscription behind his back, feeling very emotional.

"This ancient capital of Jinling and the Six Dynasties is indeed full of humanities. Wherever you go, there are poems written by predecessors.

I have heard of this poet named Chen Fu, who was an official during the reign of Later Xia.

I know him because he once went to Annan as an envoy, fulfilled his mission, and let Annan honestly be the vassal state of Daxia. I am interested in this kind of history, but I don't know much about poetry. "

"I know the allusion to this poem. Although I haven't studied ancient poems, I'm from Nanjing in the Bright God Realm.

This Jinling, I have visited all over for a long time, the terrain here has basically not changed, I am familiar with it.

This well is called Yanzhi Well. At the beginning, Empress Chen led Concubine Zhang and Concubine Kong to hide in the well, but was caught by the Sui army.

When the three of them climbed out of the well, their makeup and powder were all on the well fence, and later there were traces of rouge on the stone.

The Sui army saw that Zhang Lihua, the concubine of the Empress Dowager, was too beautiful. He was afraid that the emperor would be confused by her and become a foolish emperor after being captured, so he hacked her to death by the well. This poem commemorates this event. "

Randy snorted, "What I hate most is blaming women for everything. It's just that men who have the final say are incompetent."

As the sun sets, there are not many people in the Jilong Temple.The two casually talked about ancient stories, looking like tourists who came to travel.

But these two tourists are very arrogant.The unicorn Nana followed Ke Ke, purposely keeping her magic wings and sniffing around, rarely becoming insolent.

The little silly dog's breath of a super monster is also mixed with a god-level breath, and the coercion is full, and even the mice around are hiding in the hole and shivering.

There were not many tourists who were curious and wanted to come to see the freshness of Dragon Knight, but they all felt palpitations and hid away.

Xiaomei floated in the sky, the demigod-level coercion was released wantonly, and there was not a single bird in a few hundred meters, and it became a no-fly zone.

The two of them were still in ** Bay in the morning to accompany Ahua to open up wasteland. After Randy attended a meeting in the afternoon, the two of them went back to the cave to gather the pets, made a few more phone calls, and then sent them directly to Jinling.

Originally, there was no teleportation array in Jinling, and it was so close to the magic city, so once it was built, it would be repeated.

Jinling, the capital of Ruiyuan, was allocated for the construction. It was an official loss-making business. Now it is convenient for Randy and Keke to come.

Even though the trip was fast, it was still evening when we arrived in Jinling.

The two swaggered and recruited pets as soon as they left the teleportation formation. While everyone looked up and watched, they first went to Mount Jiuhua, for fear that the boss Dai would not know they were here.

Randy didn't feel anyone following behind him in Jiuhua Mountain, so he moved closer to the place where Xiaoliuzi was under house arrest, and flew to Jilong Temple.

Boss Dai's reaction was really quick, and now Randy felt many prying eyes in the darkness from afar.

"Drip drip!"

The call came from Li Xiagong, the leader of the beggar gang's charity hall.

"Comrade Randy, Boss Dai has mobilized the backup forces of the three peripheral teams to monitor you. The hard-handed scholar was supposed to take the lead, but he was temporarily replaced by team leader Xiang.

This time, their eyeliner is too dense and the area is very large. Our people can't get close, so we can only use binoculars to detect from a distance.

I don't know what's going on at the core, so you must be careful. "


Randy nodded with a smile, put down the phone, and looked back at Ke Ke, "Boss Dai is very thoughtful, and he is afraid that the tricky scholar who has been favored by us will betray him.

These intelligence personnel are the elites of the country, they should have been used on half-orcs..."

It will be the rainy season next month. In the middle of April in the lunar calendar, Jinling is the dry season, and it is not too hot. It is a rare and comfortable day, and the two of them strolled very happily.

Team leader Xiang Xiangxiang who was behind the two of them was trembling, quietly making a phone call,

"Boss Dai, both of them are master-level fighters, one pet is a demigod, two super monsters, and that puppy has a god-level aura.

If there is a fight, our three teams can't be opponents at all, we ask for military support, we ask for military support. "

Boss Dai's confident voice came from the phone, "Don't be afraid, you are just watching him, you don't need to fight them.

There is a regular army of the garrison one kilometer away, and the air force is also on standby at the airport.When necessary, I would not hesitate to use heavy artillery to smash the Chicken Cage Temple. I was authorized by the principal. "

Putting down the phone, Boss Dai's self-confidence immediately disappeared.

The combat power of Randy and his wife blocked 80 orcs on the frontal battlefield for nearly three hours. Of course, due to the limited terrain, there were only [-] or [-] people who could fight.

Even if my arrangement drives away the couple, if a fight breaks out in such a densely populated metropolis, it would be an appalling loss.

However, the principal canceled the arrest of Randy a long time ago, and Randy made meritorious service in the first bloody battle, and was awarded the Blue Sky Plum Blossom Medal.

Now Randy has become the commander of the Flying Dragon Army, the official rank officer of the Swiss Army, and he has no reason to stop him from visiting Jinling.

I heard that he saved a boatload of people in the Atlantic Ocean, and saved a hundred beauties in Xinkangfu. He should not be cruel to the common people, and it is best not to commit bloody crimes in this country.

Randy and Coco left the Chicken Cage Temple and walked towards the southeast. Just a few steps away, a small spy in front of him jumped out with a loudspeaker in fear, "The front is a military control zone, tourists are not allowed!"

The little spy who was sent out was trembling all over, and he stopped the dragon knight from advancing by himself, would he be beaten into a meat sauce with one move?

Who would have thought that Randy followed good advice and led Ke Ke to the north, "Come on, let's go to Xuanwu Lake."

Boss Dai was not relieved when he heard the news.Randy and Coco are wandering around here. With the speed of their flying pets, they can reach Su Mansion in Beiji Pavilion, where the little six are under house arrest, in one minute.

Are the two of them going to fight again when the moon is dark and the wind is high?Fortunately, the moon is quite round and bright, so I won't sleep tonight.

Boss Dai ordered, "Ask another group of people to follow them, so as not to get lost."

"Report, our people found a suspicious little man in a restaurant near the Drum Tower. Compared with the photos in our files, we suspect that it was the make-up of Li San, the Sacred Swallow."

"Ask the hot-handed scholar to lead people to follow, and also send four groups of people. Uh--ask Chen Hua to go directly to the restaurant to talk to him, and you must keep an eye on him.

Also, none of the people in the core defense area can move, so give me some energy.

Get through tonight, tomorrow morning the principal will send an army to escort Mr. Zhang to Xuedou Mountain in Xikou, and we will have nothing to do. "

Chen Gongshu, a hot-handed scholar, left as ordered. At the same time, a beautiful woman in a cheongsam walked slowly towards Li San in the restaurant, her high-heeled shoes stepping on the wooden floor, and her voice was very rhythmic.

"My lord, I think you look very familiar. Did you meet him somewhere? It's fate to meet you. Why don't you buy me a glass of wine?"

The smell of dust is very strong, but Li Sanye is good at it, and looks at the woman lewdly.

Robber Saint's eyes are penetrating, well, if the leg rings under the cheongsam don't have a pistol and a bunch of odds and ends, this woman would be perfect.

"No problem, Lord is rich. I have to drink here until midnight before I can continue to work. It is a great joy in life to be accompanied by a beautiful woman. Come, come, sit here."

Thief Saint put his arms around the female agent's slender waist, smelled it on her neck, "It smells so good!"

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