Chapter 479 The Showdown Between Airplanes and Dragons

Probably because this attack was frustrated and dealt a heavy blow to the rebels, the battlefield was silent for a long time.

During this period, Hemingway, as a fan, conducted in-depth interviews with Randy, and they quickly got to know each other.

Two hours later, the enemy's artillery fired again.

The volunteers have become accustomed to the enemy's routine. The cat is in the bunker, waiting for the enemy's shelling to end, shooting and throwing grenades.

However, the bombardment was not over yet, there was a buzzing sound in the sky, and a large number of bombers came over like dark clouds.

Many team members had no experience in dealing with air strikes, and looked up at these air demons curiously.

Randy yelled "Hidden", and pushed Hemingway, who was taking pictures of the sky next to him, into the trench, and then a series of bombs fell from the sky and exploded.

Hearing the huge explosion, Randy couldn't help swearing, "Damn, it wasn't too long ago that the planes I saw on the Somme battlefield could only be used for reconnaissance. Why are they so powerful now?"

Shaking off the dirt on his head, Hemingway spat out the stick in his mouth, "Now there are magic phones and teleportation arrays.

Although ordinary people can't afford it, the communication between scientists and technicians is very convenient. Of course, technology develops fast, and the technical foundation of the demons is very powerful. "

"What? Is this a plane from the demons? Not from the rebels?"

"The government of the Republic doesn't have planes, so where do the rebels have?

The reason why we come to support Spain is because the demons and the army of the New Roman Empire joined the war, so the nature of this war has changed?

"Aren't they defeated? The Elf Federation and New Frank don't restrict them?"

"Not only are there no restrictions, but they also help. It turns out that we also have planes here, which are imported from New Frankland.

Later, Chamberlain, the Prime Minister of the Federation of Elf, announced that if New Frank sold the plane to Spain, if the demons called, they would not help. "

"Is the Elf Federation crazy or stupid? Isn't this an enemy?"

"They are smart, the nobles and capitalists are much more afraid of the Su Federation than they are of the demons.

The Prussian Mozu had just annexed the Viennese Mozu, and Chamberlain didn't fart.

The Fairy Federation sat back and watched the demons grow bigger, in order to encourage the demons to fight against the Su Federation, so that they could sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

Look at this bomber called Do17. When it was first developed, it was disguised as a postal plane and ordered by Lufthansa.

Now Dr. Chen is not pretending, and sent a thousand planes to invade Spain, and arrogantly clamored, 'Spain today, the whole world tomorrow'. "

Hearing the explosions next to his ears, recalling Dr. Chen's disgusted expression when he talked about elves, Randy shook his head, "What do you mean by sitting on a mountain and watching tigers fight? I think it's a legacy of raising tigers.

Dr. Chen is a lunatic, but he is not a fool. He will definitely follow the path pointed out by the elves? "

The Mozu's bombers took turns to bomb one after another. Seeing the comrades in the trenches around him being bombed to pieces from time to time, Randy's eyes were red.

"Damn, I now regret saving Dr. Chen back then, Xiaomei, go up and clean up a few for me."

A giant dragon soared into the sky, and with one claw, a bomber flying very low was photographed.

Xiaomei shot like lightning, hovering left and right in the air, and after a while, she photographed three enemy planes.

The other bombers immediately scattered and fled when they saw that the opponent was being helped by the Dragon Clan.

Volunteers cheered loudly, "Long live the dragon!"

Celebrating in the trenches with guns in hand.

Randy is very proud and wants you to see how powerful Dragon Knight is.It is said that after Xiaomei became an adult, her attack power was much stronger.

Suddenly, Hemingway yelled, "No! Take your pet back."

Randy didn't understand. Didn't Xiaomei win a complete victory, and the enemy's planes were scared away?
Immediately afterwards, there was a much smaller buzz than before, and a group of aircraft much smaller than bombers appeared.

Xiaomei intends to do the same, and wants to shoot one before going up to her.

Unexpectedly, the small plane was much more flexible than the bomber, and it quickly avoided it. The two machine guns under the wing fired two tongues of fire, and all the bullets hit Xiaomei's body.

Xiaomei shivered a bit, obviously in pain.

Hemingway reminded Randy, "This is the BF109 fighter jet of the Mozu. The Vulture Legion of the Mozu is specially used for aerial combat. Super monsters can't stand it."

Randy was about to recall Xiaomei, when Xiaomei's body shook, and the machine gun bullets fell from her body.

Although Xiaomei is a super monster, the sacred dragon has full stamina. At this time, it already has the combat ability of the holy level, and the machine gun can't hurt it.

Randy breathed a sigh of relief, "Look, it's okay, Xiaomei can still cover it."

Before the words fell, three fighter jets came together, and the 15mm machine guns on the top of the aircraft fired at the same time, Xiaomei broke through the defense, and all the bullets penetrated into Xiaomei's huge body.

Xiaomei wailed and fell from the sky.

Before Xiaomei landed, Randy took her into the pet space.

Randy looked inside nervously. Fortunately, the pet space showed that Xiaomei's condition was "minor injury".

The recovery ability of the dragon family is super strong, and the blood loss has stopped, and Xiaomei is already in the pet space, and has begun to recover slowly.

But the bullet must be taken out. Fortunately, there is no danger of life. Now Randy is directing the battle, so he can't take care of Xiaomei for the time being.

The fighter jets chased away Xiaomei, and the escaped bombers came back, until they smashed all the balls in their stomachs to the ground, and then flew away triumphantly.

For this bombing, the two columns on Randy's side were completely unprepared, and more than 400 people were killed in the bombing, causing heavy casualties.

This is because Xiaomei interfered with part of the attack, otherwise the troops would suffer even greater casualties.

Immediately afterwards, the rebel infantry rushed up again with guns in hand.

An ordinary army, if the casualties reach one-sixth, it will collapse.

At this time, the advantages of volunteers are reflected.These volunteers have average fighting qualities, but their fighting will is the best in the world.

Those who are afraid of death will not travel thousands of miles to fight for their ideals here.

The comrades around died, and the remaining defenders had no fear at all. Machine guns and rifles fired at once, and grenades were thrown all over the sky.

But this time the enemy prepared for a long time and called the air force to assist in the battle, so they were very determined. It was another crazy charge, and the forward saw the trenches.

Randy had no choice but to rush out of the trench again and fight the enemy hand to hand.

Randy's hand-to-hand combat ability is the best on the battlefield. With him as the arrow, he charged forward all the way, turning and chopping one after another, and immediately cleared a road of flesh and blood in the middle of the enemy's charging team.

The fearless comrades followed and used bayonets to kill the remnants of the enemy. The enemy's charge was once again disintegrated by Randy's counter charge.

The enemy twice suffered from Randy's personal brave charge, and soon organized another charge.

Randy followed suit, but this time the enemy was a lure.

As soon as Randy jumped out of the field, the enemy turned and ran, exposing Randy.

Several machine guns immediately concentrated fire on Randy's body. Countless bullets pierced Randy's chain armor and penetrated into his body. Randy yelled and fell on his back.

(End of this chapter)

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