Chapter 389 Happy Birthday Cocoa
Coco came over with a grin and didn't care.

These new Frankish girls are innocent and innocent, and they seem to be Randy's big fans at first glance. This kind of situation can be seen a lot in the Bright God Realm.

Coco had wet wipes from the Bright God Realm in his hand, and wiped the lipstick marks on Randy's face, "I didn't expect Randy to be a girl idol."

"Ke Ke, I'm not, I was wronged——"

"Boss, do you know what I call them from Berne for?"

"Aren't they studying? Is today the weekend?"

"No. But, I think it's a waste of more than 100 of them to study there when we are short of manpower."

"Only by studying can you be capable. You want to waste their studies? Have you discussed it with me?"

"No, no, how can their studies be wasted?
Boss, Su Ningning's night school at the Bern Manor has all stopped, there is no need for them to get together to go to school.

There are so many schools in this world, where is the money?
Our foundation has more and more money. I plan to spread the charitable undertakings of the Su Charitable Foundation all over the world and open more branches.

The managers of those branches are easy to find, but we must have someone who supervises them to prevent them from being corrupt.

So I recruited these more than 20 students to go to school in the branch, and by the way, work part-time as auditors for us.

Boss, you have saved their lives. They were originally from the New Kangfu Club, and they learned the dragon slaying technique from Su Ningning. There is absolutely no problem in terms of loyalty. "

"Sanmao, no matter how much money we have, shouldn't we give priority to helping the poor people in Daxia? Why spend money to manage foreigners."

Although Ke Ke is kind, she still feels that foreign countries are richer than Da Xia now, and it seems inappropriate for her foundation to take care of foreign devils.

"Miss Ke Ke, you're a layman, we open branches in foreign countries, but we want to collect donations locally, and we don't spend our own money.

What we need to spend ourselves is the investment to establish a branch. "

Although Randy is not as intelligent as Coco, he knows Sanmao better, and he knows that he will not love so much that his country is still starving and dying, but he goes abroad to do good.

Randy thought for a while, "Are you planning to establish an intelligence organization abroad?"

"At first, we only wanted to build it in the [-] largest cities, but only [-] people were called.

But now that the boss has money, of course it is spread all over the world, so that the one hundred Frankish girls can use it.

Now that I have become the deputy leader of the Beggar Gang, I can open charitable halls everywhere in the country.The reliable disciples in the beggar gang, and the more than 20 red light photos, are all useful.

We can rely on the Su Charitable Fund to open both foreign intelligence bureaus and domestic investigation bureaus at the same time. Boss, you don’t know the importance of intelligence, do you? "

"That's fine, I'll give you three tons of gold to operate this matter. You can just take care of it, Sarina."

Sanmao shook his hands again and again, "Absolutely not, no matter how much you trust me, boss, you can't do this, but you can send Sarina to monitor me."

"Why am I spying on you? Based on our friendship, so what if I gave you three tons of gold? Do you still need to embezzle?"

Coco understood, "Hee hee, Randy, things don't work that way.

Even if San Mao is absolutely reliable, who will take his place in the future?

This is a system issue.Sanmao works in the East Factory and Jinyiwei, and your Sarina is the West Factory and the Inner Factory.

Huh?Sarina?It's a very feminine name.Randy, do you have a beautiful spy on your staff?You are so relieved, are you having an affair with her? "

Randy pretended to be confused, and began to write in Spring and Autumn, "I am the champion of Hou Xia, and Sarina is the intelligence agency of the former dynasty that I took over from Emperor Iron Pot.

Cocoa, what are East Factory, West Factory, and Jinyiwei? "

"I forgot that the history behind the Tang Dynasty on your side is different. I will tell you slowly when I have time."

"Boss, Sister Ke Ke is right. Even the charitable fund and the charity hall of the beggar gang will have to be separated in the future.

Now there is no suitable and reliable person in hand, so I will take it for the time being.In the future, Boss, you have to find another reliable person to master the Beggar Gang Shantang.

I will focus on the foreign part.Fighting against MI[-], the Cheka led by my half-master Felix. "

Randy gave Sanmao three tons of gold without batting an eyelid.

When Randy left Vladivostok, he left ten tons of gold for Er Jin as expenses for expanding troops, developing territory, and resettling immigrants.

Counting the two tons of gold that was taken out in the early stage, and the cost of sending Maomei, the [-] tons of gold was only used up to less than [-] tons.

Now charitable foundations and intelligence organizations have invested another 53 tons of gold at once, and Randy calculates that he still has more than 230 tons in his hand.

How rich is Randy now?Gold is measured in "tons", and I can't remember the single digits.

Randy used to worry that he and Coco were not good at managing money, and the family's financial situation would be worrying in the future.Now it seems that this problem no longer exists.


On the fourteenth night of the first month of the first year of the Ming Dynasty, Coco's birthday.

The Su Charitable Foundation was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and the house was full of guests, creating a lively scene.

The small-scale banquet for Coco's birthday had already been held earlier.

Those who participated in the small party were all their own people.

Things like cutting cakes, blowing out candles, making wishes, and Randy sending flowers, etc. Although Randy doesn't understand, with Sanmao reminding him, he still does it in a decent way.

Now it's a charity dinner for the foundation.

For the face of his girlfriend, Randy spreads hero posts.Messengers from the charitable foundation went out everywhere, and all rich friends who had acquaintances gave news.

Having learned the lesson of being smashed by the Fusang people last time, the disciples of the Qing Gang are useless for security this time, and the disciples of the Jingwumen are directly responsible.

The Warlord of the Devil City and the consuls stationed in the Devil City of various countries are all guests. If the Fusang people dare to make trouble at such a large-scale gathering, they will definitely be unanimously condemned by the international public opinion.

Moreover, not only Master Huo was in charge of security, but even Juggernaut Yu came from Kulun to join him.

Yu Juggernaut is a pauper, but Emperor Iron Pot is rich, and he is representing the emperor who has gone to the field to donate to the additional amount.

Another saint, the vampire Prince Philip, also came to donate on behalf of Queen Minna of the Netherlands.

Randy never believed that with Juggernaut Yu, Master Huo, and Prince Philip sitting in command, Fusang people would dare to hit the wall and make trouble.

The entire banquet was dazzling with celebrities, not one of the three business leaders came, and Meng Wanqing also took time out of her busy schedule to be there.

"Nomad Khan Iron Pot. Bo'er only donated 100 million gold coins."

"Queen Minna of the Netherlands donated 100 million gold coins."

"Garahan, special envoy of the Su Federation Sun Ningning, on behalf of the Su Federation, donated five treasures from the original Lucia royal family and one Tchaikovsky manuscript."

Well, the Su Clan Federation is currently short of money, but the donation is a priceless treasure, so this has to be at the top of the list.

"Boss Feng Qing Yangfeng donated 100 million gold coins."

"Qiang Quan Sheng Qiang's boss donated 100 million gold coins."

"Boss Yan Leishen Yan donated 100 million gold coins."

Originally, Boss Qiang wanted to donate at least 200 million to thank Randy for his rescue.But Sanjie had to be consistent, and he had to give the other two face.

"Meng's Industry donated 100 million gold coins."

"Night Elf Princess Gui Babozhenabia of the Elven Federation donated 20 gold coins."

"Peng's Films donated 20 gold coins."


"The rudder leader of the Tiandihui of the Dark Federation, Situ Xian, is willing to donate [-] gold coins."


"Henry, an internationally renowned surgical expert in Maple Leaf Country, donated [-] gold coins."


"Boss Huang donated five thousand gold coins."

"Boss Du donated five thousand gold coins."


Randy's influence has been fully reflected. So far, the number of donations has surpassed 700 million gold coins, which is equivalent to the start-up fee of all Minxia's new troops.

More than 100 neo-Frankish girls shuttled back and forth in the hall, acting as service staff, making the celebrities attending the banquet quite dignified.

Seeing that the banquet was going smoothly, Randy lamented that a lot of preparations in advance were wasted, and it is estimated that Fusang people would not dare to come.

Only the gatekeeper of Fist of Fury called out loudly to remind Randy to pay attention, "General Manager Yamada of Fuso Charity Foundation is here!"

General Manager Yamada is wearing a suit and leather shoes, with a pleasant smile.

Inuyang-kun, who plays the role of attendant behind him, is wearing a kimono and holding a folding fan, but he has sharp eyes and a confident expression.

(End of this chapter)

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