Chapter 331 Rescue Doctor Chen
"Doctor Chen, here I come. Come on, I'll evacuate here behind your back."

When Randy fell from the sky, what he saw was Dr. Chen leaning in the trench, wearing the costume of a demon soldier, holding a magic phone talking to himself.

The corpses of more than a dozen demon soldiers were scattered all over the trench. Dr. Chen had a piece of white gauze tied to his thigh, and blood was oozing out.

Randy picked up Dr. Chen, stooped, and walked east along the trench.

It is very unwise to click the city return ticket to escape here.

Although there is no large-scale battle here, it is also on the battlefield.The positions of both sides are not far from here, and bullets fly overhead from time to time.

Once you see the white light of the city return ticket, it must be a rich and high-ranking person, and it will definitely attract the soldiers of the other side to focus on it.

The principle of flying swords carrying people is different from that of dragons, and the mini-dimensional space cannot hold two people.

Randy is now running away with Dr. Chen on his back, without the protection of the artifact, and risking his life.

Randy landed here, which has attracted the attention of soldiers on both sides and must be evacuated quickly.

This is much closer to the elves' positions, and the first to arrive is mostly the enemy, and that would be a disaster.

Randy chatted with Dr. Chen while running, "How did you find my number?"

"When I was studying for the exam in Vienna, in order to hear Eva's natural voice, I used the gold coins you gave me to make a magic phone.

When I went to see Dr. Freud for a follow-up visit, I asked for Henry's phone number.At that time, I was still thinking about developing in the medical field, and I would ask Dr. Henry for help in the future.

As a result, I failed three times at the Vienna Medical School, and I went to join the army in a rage.

I looked down on the extravagance and pomp of the Austro-Hungarian demons, so I went to the Prussian demons on purpose.Finally became a glorious demon warrior. "


Dr. Chen laid the groundwork from scratch. Randy hasn't heard how Dr. Chen got his phone number, and he probably got it from Henry.

Rather, he was curious about the title "soldier", "I just noticed that your current military rank is actually only a private.

After you merged with the second personality, you are a middle-level thief, shouldn't you be the commander of the reconnaissance battalion? "

"Hey, the officialdom of the Demon Race is just as decadent as the Galactic Empire where my second personality is. Being an official only depends on whether you are a Junker nobleman or not, and whether you have graduated from a regular military academy.

I have neither of these. No matter how great my skills are, I can only start as a soldier. "

Randy feels that this is not as good as Daxia's side.

Well, the Prussian Mozu royal family has ruled for many years, and this class is also relatively solidified.Unlike Da Xia, the warlords of the various provinces now have the final say.

The warlords spared no effort to increase their strength. It was a truly troubled time, and the poor with ability would be specially reused.

Hearing Randy's pitiful tone, Dr. Chen's fragile self-esteem was hurt again.

The voice became excited, and his hands began to wave, "Although I am a warrior, I am capable, and I am not afraid of death when I charge forward.

He has already risked his life and made three meritorious service, promoted from private to private, and won the second-class Iron Cross. "

Dr. Chen touched the oak tree crown pattern on the second-class Iron Cross on his chest, and his tone was extremely proud.

"This is the glory of a true warrior, which I earned through my life and death on the battlefield.

This time, our reconnaissance platoon went deep behind enemy lines, obtained the target's intelligence, and reported it back through the radio.

I made my fourth merit and am already eligible for the Iron Cross, First Class.

Unfortunately, on the way to retreat, our platoon encountered enemy shelling.All my comrades died. I was hit by shrapnel in my thigh, and the shrapnel went into my bone, so I lay there unable to move.

Duke Lan, I want you to ask for help, but it's not because you're afraid of death.It's very close to those bastard elves' positions, and I'm likely to be captured, which is unacceptable to me.

If so, for the honor of the soldiers, I will definitely choose a heroic sacrifice.

But Duke Lan, you know me, I have great ambitions, and I can't die like this.

I saw the extravagance and pomp of the Austro-Hungarian Mozu, and the decay and rigidity of the Prussian Mozu, and I vowed to change all these. "

Speaking of this, Dr. Chen's eyes became red, an abnormal flush appeared on his face, and magic horns appeared on his head.

"I vowed to integrate the demons and use the sword in our hands to open up a wider world for our demons.

Duke Lan, you saved me today, and I will repay you and your country a thousand times in the future.

I heard rumors that one of your great sages and Marshal Bidenfeldt of our Demon Race made an agreement to jointly attack the Lucia orcs.

It's a pity that Marshal Bidenfeld is very old now and will die soon. We can continue this agreement here.

Great Xia and the Mozu have no territorial border. I can give up the interests of the Mozu's colony in Qilu in the future, and we will join hands to turn the world upside down. "

A small private was talking to a duke about dividing up the world, but Randy didn't laugh at Dr. Chen.

This world is extremely competitive, and only the lunatics and the paranoid can survive, who said that?

Although this view is biased, it still has some truth.

Dr. Chen's own ability is a township doctor and a mid-level thief, but this kind of persistent hard work, daring to fight without fear of death, is world-class.

However, Randy did not respond to Dr. Chen's words, not because he looked down on Dr. Chen, but because Randy's goal was actually even crazier than Dr. Chen's.

Randy wants to restore the glory of the ancient Great Xia, at least to make Great Xia the world's hegemon.Overlords have no friends, only younger brothers.

Randy came to rescue Dr. Chen only because the two had friendship before, and for personal reasons.

When someone found him on the phone, he just sat by and did nothing to save him. Randy felt that his conscience could not bear it.

However, if Dr. Chen really has great prospects in the future, this good relationship will always play a role.

With Dr. Chen on his back, Randy ran farther and farther away, and the gunshots around him finally faded away.

Now it doesn't matter whether you light up the city return ticket and go to a safe place first, or run around to the back of the demons so that Dr. Chen can find his main force, it can be implemented.

Randy was thinking about which plan to adopt. When he looked up, a camp appeared in front of him, and a big red cross flag was flying above the camp.

The red cross flag is a special existence on the battlefield on Europa's side, and neither side of the battle will attack.

This is a place organized by caring people to receive and treat wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

Dr. Chen's thigh was injured, shrapnel was embedded in the bone, and surgery was needed as soon as possible.

It may take a long time to send him back to the demon army, find a field hospital, and arrange for surgery. Dr. Chen may become disabled.

If you use the city return ticket, you need to go through a process to find a doctor now, which is of course faster than the first method.

Randy wanted to try his luck in the Red Cross camp, if he could have an operation right away, that would be the best.If it doesn't work, use the city return ticket, and it won't delay for a while.

Randy was close to the camp, and there were no combatants in the camp, just doctors and nurses.

There are rows of stretchers on the ground. This side is close to the elves' battle line, and all the wounded elves who have their legs broken by machine guns are treated.

It seems that it is not easy to stop, Randy decided to use the return ticket to find Henry, and suddenly heard the familiar Daxia accent in his ear.

"Come here, bring this one who needs surgery over here, first use X-ray to find the location of the shrapnel.

You are counting.This is the camp hosted by Mrs. Curie. There is the most advanced X-ray machine in the world, which was just invented by Mrs. Curie. "

(End of this chapter)

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