Chapter 326

Hearing that Zhang Ziwei and Ma Haotian were both taken aback.

Didn't you agree to jointly handle the case?

Why is it about to be tense in a blink of an eye?

Although there were doubts in their hearts, they didn't hesitate about Lei Yaoyang's order.

At this time, everyone is in a foreign country, and there must be a speaker to make a decision, and no internal disputes can be initiated.

All they can do now is to completely trust Lei Yaoyang's judgment.

After giving orders to his own people, Lei Yaoyang returned to the policeman again, and greeted him in Thai with a kind face.

"Actually, I understand Thai."

Hearing Lei Yaoyang's fluent language, the other party's face immediately changed, and he reached out to draw a gun, but Lei Yaoyang took the lead in slapping the other party's forehead one step at a time.

Because Lei Yaoyang's strength was too great, the policeman's head and body flew upside down and hit the car window behind him.In an instant, the window of the car was shattered, and more than ten wounds were drawn on the head.

Seeing Lei Yaoyang make a move, Zhang Ziwei and Ma Haotian did not hesitate, and directly took out the weapons they had prepared long ago and pointed at the two policemen who came with them.

In the blink of an eye, the situation was completely controlled by Lei Yaoyang's subordinates.

Jingle, Jingle.

The mobile phone in the pocket of the Thai policeman who was hit by Lei Yaoyang rang again.

Lei Yaoyang grabbed the opponent's neck, pulled him out of the car, and found the phone from his pocket.

Turned on the screen, and saw a clear photo uploaded to the phone, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a photo of Ah Zha dancing on the dance floor of a nightclub with a wine bottle in his arms.

Lei Yaoyang couldn't hold back his laughter for a moment, He Shangsheng actually found such a photo to replace Su Jianqiu's file photo.

It is estimated that the drug dealers must have looked confused after seeing Jianqiu's file at this time.

He is so arrogant!so hanging!
Inside an abandoned parking garage.

Because Bobby planted the traitor in the Thai police before he had time to tell him about the undercover, Lei Yaoyang dealt with it first.

Su Jianqiu's operation went extremely smoothly this time.

Under Bobby's personal leadership, Heichai brought Su Jianqiu into contact with the eight-faced Buddha's subordinates successfully.

The Eight-faced Buddha did not come directly to meet Heichai in person.

Just left a phone to inform the time and place of the transaction.

Now you only need to save this phone and wait for the message from the other party.

Police headquarters in Bangkok.

Lei Yaoyang pointed a gun at the undercover policeman and swaggered into the Thai police headquarters.

Seeing Lei Yaoyang's appearance, everyone immediately pulled out their pistols and surrounded Lei Yaoyang and others.

But because Lei Yaoyang had the police as hostages, he didn't dare to act rashly.

He saw Lei Yaoyang holding a gun to the hostage's head, walking to the door of the chief's office and kicking the door open.

In the office, Qiu Weit saw that it was Lei Yaoyang who came, and instinctively covered his forehead.

It seemed that the last time Lei Yaoyang slapped him on the forehead, he still had a fresh memory.

But when Qiu Weit came back to his senses, he saw Lei Yaoyang pointing a gun at one of his policemen, and immediately yelled at Lei Yaoyang with an angry expression on his face.

"Officer Lei, what do you mean?
Why point a gun at our police, is Hong Kong Island ready to declare war with Thailand?

Your approach will cause serious diplomatic disputes.

I will definitely report to your superiors. "

Hearing this, Lei Yaoyang laughed out loud.

"Director Qiu, let's talk about impeaching me later. I advise you to take care of yourself first."

After speaking, Lei Yaoyang directly took out a mobile phone and threw it in front of the other party.

"You can listen to the recording here, the content is very interesting.

I believe you will not be so angry after listening to it. "

Qiu Weit hesitated for a while, but finally took the phone thrown by Lei Yaoyang, turned on the phone, and then played the recording.

"Hey, how did you find the undercover information you investigated?"

"No, I haven't found it yet.

I'm trying to figure out a way to crack the password of the computer, you can delay it for a while, be careful, don't be discovered by the other party. "

"Don't worry, these policemen from Hong Kong Island don't understand Thai at all..."

"Okay, anyway, be careful.

Undercover information, notify me as soon as you find it. "

After listening to the recording on the phone, Qiu Wet's face no longer had the anger just now, but instead showed a look of horror.

If the content recorded in the phone call just now is true, Qiu Weit can't imagine how to explain it?
Once these recordings are spread to the outside world, I will definitely lose my position as the chief of the bureau, and under my own management, if such a serious incident happened internally, as the commander in chief of this case, I must be responsible.

What's more, if this kind of incident happened only in Thailand, there is still room for recovery.

But now the two countries are jointly handling the case, and one of them stabbed the other in the back.

This has already involved a diplomatic incident, and now he can't imagine what kind of punishment he will face if the matter goes out.

Thinking of his future life and his family and children, Qiu Weizhu weighed the pros and cons, and immediately drove everyone out with a big wave of his hand.

Fortunately, when he was listening to the recording just now, he was careful and put the phone to his ear, so that everyone could not hear it.

Now only he and Lei Yaoyang know the truth of this matter, and there is still room for redemption.

The surrounding Thai policemen heard that their leader had issued an order, and knew that it was beyond their control to intervene in the matter, so they all obeyed the order and retreated, leaving only Lei Yaoyang, the traitor and Qiu Weit in the house .

Seeing that everyone retreated, only Lei Yaoyang, himself and the traitor were left behind.

At this time, Qiu Weit was not in the mood to play Tai Chi with Lei Yaoyang anymore, and asked the other party's conditions directly.

"Just tell me, what do you want?"

In the end, it was a person in a high position. In such a short period of time, Qiu Weit had already figured out some of the other party's thoughts.

Since he didn't directly report him, it means that there is still something to talk about, but this time he may be bleeding a lot.

Seeing Qiu Weit so frankly, Lei Yaoyang smiled.

Talking to smart people saves effort.

"I am now requesting a change of supreme command in this case.

At the same time, if you want to lift the firepower restrictions on me and my colleagues, you must agree that we carry guns and ammunition in the process of handling the case.

Also, I found a group of mercenaries to cooperate with us in handling the case, and the procedures involved need you to help me handle it. "

Lei Yaoyang stated his condition.

After listening to Lei Yaoyang's conditions, Qiu Weiter almost jumped up from his chair.

"Do you think what you said is realistic?
Leaving aside other conditions, it is as difficult as ever for mercenaries to allow fire in Thailand. "

Although the other party's tone was very tough, Lei Yaoyang didn't pay attention.

After all, now I have a handle in my hands.

"Director, what you said is not something I need to consider. Now we are not negotiating conditions. Unless you don't want this position anymore, you can only do what I say."

When Lei Yaoyang said this, he used Thai.

Qiu Weit immediately understood what Lei Yaoyang meant, and in the end he could only nod helplessly, as if he had lost all strength, and collapsed on his chair.

He knew that what Lei Yaoyang said was right, if he didn't want to face a lawsuit now, he could only follow Lei Yaoyang's request.

Having dealt with the chief of the Thai police, Lei Yaoyang arrested another traitor of the Thai police under the identification of Wang Shunyi.

Needless to say, the ending of these few people will definitely be imprisoned in Thailand for a lifetime.

And looking at the current control in Thailand, it is not surprising that some parts of the body are missing in the cell.

At the same time, news came back from Su Jianqiu.

The Eight-faced Buddha has informed Heichai of the place and time of the transaction through the mobile phone reserved before, which is in a mangrove forest outside Bangkok, Thailand.

But now there is another difficulty facing Lei Yaoyang.

The Eight-faced Buddha has been operating his own forces in Thailand for many years, but he has a series of heavy weapons such as machine guns and armed helicopters.If these weapons are deployed, the Eight-faced Buddha in Thailand is simply invincible.

A group of ground standard equipment under his own has no chance of winning at all.

It is still necessary to find a way to solve the opponent's heavy weapon firepower configuration, otherwise it will be difficult to capture the Eight-faced Buddha, and even if you are not careful, you and your team members will lose their lives.

Lei Yaoyang sat in the office, thinking with some headaches.Looking at the map of Bangkok in front of him, he fell into deep thought.

"Lei sir, the task will end after today, why do you look worried?"

Sitting on the side, Ma Haotian was a little puzzled seeing Lei Yaoyang's expression.

"Haotian, do you think there is any way to shoot down an armed helicopter?"

Hearing Lei Yaoyang's question, Ma Haotian was a little puzzled, he didn't know why the other party asked such a question suddenly, but he still said it half-jokingly.

"It's fine with a machine gun."

Hearing this, Lei Yaoyang suddenly raised his head, staring at Ma Haotian with an excited expression.

Ma Haotian, who was flustered by Lei Yaoyang's stare, felt uncomfortable all over his body.

"What are you doing?"

After speaking, Lei Yaoyang came out directly from behind the desk, patted Ma Haotian on the shoulder excitedly, and pulled him to go outside.

"Hey, hey, where is this going?

You should make it clear to me.

Hearing Ma Haotian's question, Lei Yaoyang spoke firmly.

"Let's get a machine gun."

Suburbs of Bangkok.

Temporary base of the Death Squad.

There are few people here. If there is no lighting at night, it is basically in a state of being invisible. Only the small building where the death squads are stationed still has a little light.

At this time, all the members of the Death Squad in the small building gathered in one room, and Lei Yaoyang pointed to the map on the wall and explained to everyone.

"Tomorrow, the location of the transaction set by the Eight-faced Buddha is here. At that time, the Eight-faced Buddha will definitely send his armed helicopters to be on standby not far away to protect their safety.

Your task is to remove all of his ground mobile units before the opponent's armed helicopter is dispatched.

Are you sure? "

Barney Ross glanced at the map, touched his chin and said.

"If it's just fighting the opponent's ground forces, then we have no problem.

But if the helicopter is dispatched, who will solve it? "

After listening to the other party's question, Lei Yaoyang pointed at himself.

Seeing Lei Yaoyang like this, everyone laughed out loud, but the laughter was mocking.

"Haha, Luo Han, your friend is a bit funny."

"Isn't it, God.

This little brother seems to have never been on the battlefield. "

"No, no, no, we have no other intentions, I just want to know if you are an adult, little brother?"

"Okay, just give me some peace."

Everyone's reaction was taken into consideration by Lei Yaoyang, but he was not angry.

Although it is a bit exaggerated to say that I am not an adult, my appearance is really immature compared with this group of strong men who are bathed in the flames of war outside, and they are not too different from children.

Hearing that he was going directly to the battlefield at this moment, he felt a little contemptuous of himself.

After all, everyone here is a veteran who has experienced life and death for many years, and knows the horror of the battlefield.

It is also reasonable to not believe that I can complete such a difficult task.

As the leader of the mercenaries, Barney Ross took a serious look at Lei Yaoyang, and asked solemnly.

"Are you sure you're not kidding? One person is in charge of those helicopters."

Without the slightest hesitation, Lei Yaoyang nodded earnestly at Barney, without a trace of fear in his eyes.

Seeing Lei Yaoyang's determination, Barney turned his head and glanced at Eight Faced Arhat.

"Luohan, this is your friend, are you sure you don't want to persuade him?"

On the other hand, the Eight-faced Arhat shrugged.

I have seen Lei Yaoyang's martial arts skills before, although I don't know if Lei Yaoyang can complete the task of blocking the armed helicopter, but there may not be any people present who can surpass Lei Yaoyang in terms of skill.

Seeing that his subordinates also had the same attitude, Barney could only sigh helplessly in the end, and said to Lei Yaoyang.

"Since you insist so much, then I have no other opinions.

But some things still need to be said in advance.

We are soldiers, and we will not do things outside of our mission, if your own decision puts you in deep danger.

We will not take action to save you, after all, this is your own choice.

Even if you are the boss who pays, this will not change. "

Lei Yaoyang smiled.

He likes a character like Barney very much.

"Don't worry! I understand all these things, but you need to provide the weapons."

"As you wish, you can choose the weapons here at will."

Lei Yaoyang looked around at the weapons in the room, finally shook his head, and pointed to the armored vehicle parked outside the courtyard of the small building.

Lei Yaoyang looked around for a week just now, there is no such thing as a machine gun in this house, only the armored vehicles in the courtyard, each equipped with a machine gun.

"I need two machine guns."

Early the next morning, Su Jianqiu, Heichai and others arrived in the mangrove forest on the outskirts of Bangkok early to wait.

In the hidden place in the woods, Lei Yaoyang's team members and a large number of Taiguo police had also been notified long ago and set up an ambush.

As for the Death Squad hired by Lei Yaoyang, they have their own arrangement plan, as long as Lei Yaoyang sends out a signal, the opponent will naturally act, and there is no need to arrange it himself.

"How's it going?

Is the Eight-faced Buddha here? "

Putting down the binoculars, Ma Haotian shook his head.

The Eight-faced Buddha and others have not yet appeared, and everyone is a little anxious, while a Taiguo policeman said on the sidelines.

"There are still 10 minutes before the time they agreed on, if there is no accident, it should be almost here.

Hearing the Taiguo policeman speak Cantonese, Lei Yaoyang glanced curiously.

"Do you speak Cantonese?"

The young Taiguo policeman smiled shyly and said to Lei Yaoyang.

"I'm not from Taiguo, my name is Cui Jie, I'm from Cantonese, and I married a wife here.

She is from Thailand, so I also moved here to be with her.

By the way, you still know my father-in-law, he is Director Qiu Wetter. "

Hearing what the other party said, Lei Yaoyang nodded, no wonder he felt that this person was a little familiar just now, but he couldn't remember it all the time, so it turned out to be like this.

Before Lei Yaoyang could ask any more questions, Zhang Ziwei who was at the side suddenly spoke.

"Lei sir, their people are here."

(End of this chapter)

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