Chapter 272
As the sun set, darkness soon enveloped the land.

twelve o'clock in the morning.Two white vans slowly drove out of a residential area in Happy Valley, and drove slowly along the Happy Valley Road.

The co-pilot of the first car was Nie Shiguan, the most wanted criminal in Hong Kong.

At this time Nie Shiguan was sitting lazily, but if you think he is so easy to bully, you are very wrong.

Just at Nie Shiguan's feet, there was an AK47, and there was also a black travel bag, the bag was open:

Rifles, box bullets, light microcharges, all exposed.

Except for Nie Shiguan, the others in the car seemed much more nervous.

The driver drove the car very slowly, and the man in the back seat sat upright, looking left and right, observing the situation on both sides of the street.

Looking at his younger brothers through the rearview mirror, Nie Shiguan said calmly:
"Don't be so nervous, Happy Valley is very close to Stone Crab Bay, and it takes less than 15 minutes to get there."

"Tiaozi didn't take a break during the day today. He has been busy all day. At this time, there will be no one. Tiaozi is also a human being, so he has to rest."

The younger brothers really relaxed a lot after hearing the boss's words, and they admired the boss for his well-planned plan.

Of course, there are also younger brothers who are still a little worried, saying:
"Boss, will that bastard Wang Shen betray us?"


With a cold smile, Nie Shiguan said disdainfully:
"How dare he? A small man running a boat, no matter how bold he is, he wouldn't dare to betray us."

"What's more, every time we come here, we take his boat. If he wants to betray us, he won't be able to escape."

The younger brothers heard it, nodded slightly, feeling deeply reasonable.

In fact, at the same time, Stone Crab Bay had set up many ambushes.

The seaside tea shop in Shixie Bay, the pile of rocks by the sea, and even a few ordinary fishing boats docked are now full of heavily armed policemen.

Lei Yaoyang was wearing a windbreaker, and together with Liu Hai, the chief of the Happy Valley Police Station, and several high-level officials in Happy Valley, stood firmly on a hill, overlooking the overall situation.

"Two big sirs, there is news."

A plainclothes chief inspector, with an earplug in his ear, covered it with one hand, his face was full of joy, and he said:
"Nie Shiguan has appeared. Their car has entered Paoma Avenue and is coming towards us. According to observations, the fugitive Chen Feng is also in the car, staying with Nie Shiguang."

"it is good!"

Before Lei Yaoyang finished speaking, Liu Hai was overjoyed, rubbed his hands together, and said excitedly:
"Lei sir, the news you received is true, Nie Shiguan is really here."

There's nothing I can do if I'm not excited. Now not only has there been news about the fugitive, but there's also a most wanted criminal.

The most important thing is that I have already set up a "network" on my side, as long as those people step in, they will be unable to escape.

Lei Yaoyang smiled slightly, nodded and said:
"Of course it's true. How dare those boat owners play tricks on us servants. But Liu sir, there is something I want to explain in advance."

"Lei sir, tell me."

Liu Hai didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest, he knew that this time it was all on Lei Yaoyang's side, don't look at Lei Yaoyang who said it easily, as if anyone could get the news, if it was that simple, Nie Shiguan would not be able to live at ease for so many years .

Lei Yaoyang said seriously:
"The boss of the boat who broke the news, I have already promised not to pursue him. Nie Shiguan came here this time, and he also came on his boat."

"He is now serving as a tainted witness for our police. When he goes back in a while, please send someone to take care of the formalities. Liu Hai suddenly realized that it is very common for people to break the news in exchange for safety. This small matter is better than catching a wanted man. It's just a trivial matter."

"no problem."

After readily agreeing, Liu Hai was still a little nervous before the big battle, and said:
"Lei sir, should we inform the Flying Tigers? I heard that Nie Shiguan and his gang are very brutal, with strong firepower..."

Before Liu Hai finished speaking, Lei Yaoyang raised his hand and said:
"Don't worry, Liu sir, there will be no problem. In the past, Nie Shiguan was able to run rampant largely because of the sudden incident. Our police were unprepared." Tonight is different. I have arranged for the most powerful sharpshooter from the Mong Kok Police Station. I bought five sniper rifles, as long as Nie Shiguan and his gang make the slightest change, I guarantee that half of them will die first. "

Seeing that Lei Yaoyang was so confident, Liu Hai couldn't say anything more.

At this time, people from the Happy Valley Police Station also said:
"Director, what Sir Lei said is right, we have set up a network of heaven and earth, so we don't need to call it the Flying Tigers."

"Yeah, our Happy Valley Police Station hasn't shown its face for many years, and tonight is the best opportunity."

While talking, a few "Mediterraneans" in superintendent uniforms still took out ". Also realized:
The more people you call, the more credit will be shared.

Leading the police station by yourself is really very different from being in the witness protection team.

In the past, I was in the witness protection team. When something happened, I wished that the police from all over Hong Kong would come to support me and protect the witnesses for me and others.

But now, I have to think more.

Having realized something in his heart, Liu Hai affirmed:
"Okay, then it's up to us tonight. Sir Lei, you have the most experience, and you will be fully in command later. The Happy Valley Police Station, including me, will obey orders."


Lei Yaoyang nodded with a chuckle, and said calmly:
"Liu sir don't need to be so nervous, it's just a small scene, it's fine."

While several people were talking, the Chief Inspector wearing the earphones spoke again, saying:
"The two big sirs, Nie Shiguan and the others have already got off at the pier and are coming over."

on the pier.

Nie Shiguan and his group had indeed gotten out of the van. They were all young men, most of whom were carrying black bags in their hands. They walked steadily, their eyes were full of vigilance, and they looked extremely difficult to mess with.

After a little observation, a younger brother was very dissatisfied and said:
"Fuck, the boat Wang Shen is really attractive, knowing that the boss is going to take his boat tonight, he didn't come to meet him."

Nie Shiguan didn't feel wrong about this, he waved his hand and said:
"Jingwang Shen has always been careful, which is why I asked him to cooperate. Let's go, Shixie Bay is not far ahead, we just walk over."

After hearing this, a group of younger brothers swearing at "Boat King Shen" walked into a small road next to the pier and went straight to Shixie Bay.

The so-called "Stone Crab Bay" is actually not a serious pier at all, but a hidden reef forest next to the pier. The reefs there are combined together and look like a big crab when viewed from above, hence the name.

As long as there are boat owners running rivers and lakes in Hong Kong Comprehensive City, most of them occupy that kind of remote place as a docking point for their own boats, that is, a stronghold.

Every time Nie Shiguan and others came to Hong Kong, they would disembark and disembark at Shixie Bay, so they knew the way very well.

Nie Shiguan and his group were walking on the path, and they could already see Shixie Bay from a distance.

It was very quiet that night, surprisingly quiet, and even the bugs seemed to be hiding, without making a sound.

On the contrary, the younger brothers kept whispering

"Hey, when I came to Hong Kong Comprehensive Market, I told Ma Zi to give her a big necklace when I go back. Now I have nothing, and I don't know how to explain it!"

"Xiao Xia, you're not bad, if it's a big deal, just explain it. I'm miserable. I owe Daxiong 20 usury, and I don't know what to do when I go back."

"Hey, I really can't do it, I just don't go back, let's go around... The younger brothers are telling each other about the "hard life", and Nie Shiguan walked in the front, faintly feeling something is wrong.

Raising his right hand, Nie Shiguan frowned slightly:


The younger brothers stopped obediently, looked left and right, and said puzzledly:
"Boss, what's the matter?"

Nie Shiguan pointed to the herbal tea shop about ten meters ahead, and said:
"Look, it's already so late now, and the herbal tea shop is still turned on."

The younger brothers looked at each other again and again, and one of them had a strange expression, as if he was constipated:
"Boss, didn't we make an appointment with Wang Shen, of course he will wait to see us off."

Turning on the light is normal! Nie Shiguan shook his head and explained:
"Jing Wangshen is timid and timid. Think about it carefully. Every time we want to take his boat, his herbal tea shop will not turn on the light. He is afraid of attracting attention. This big brother is good at everything, but he is too cautious. Brothers, I don’t think this statement is a theorem. It’s just a matter of turning on the light. How can there be so many conclusions. The boy named Prawn simply took the initiative and said:
"Boss, why don't you wait here, and I'll go and have a look first?"

"Okay, be careful."

Nie Shiguang nodded in agreement.

But at this moment, a deafening voice resounded across the empty seaside:
"Turn on the lights, act!"

bang bang bang

Nie Shiguang and the others reacted quickly. They planned to take their guns as soon as they heard the movement, but they were shrouded in strong light from all directions. Their eyes, which had been accustomed to the darkness, couldn't open at all for a while, and they blocked it with both hands, so they were a beat slower.

When they got used to the strong light and tried to take action with their guns, they found that there were police officers in all directions. They were all hiding behind various bunkers tens of meters away, with their guns pointed at them.

Especially the herbal tea shop, where at least [-] uniformed policemen are hiding.

"Nie Shiguan, we are the Royal Police of Hong Kong City. You are surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender immediately."


"Yeah, Ting Wangshen betrayed us."

Nie Shiguan and his group were all still, some of them had already put their hands on their guns, but they didn't make any further moves, they just kept yelling and cursing.

Under the cover of the loud voices of the younger brothers, Nie Shiguan remained expressionless, and whispered:
"Delay, Agui and the others are still at the pier."

As soon as these words were said, a voice through a loudspeaker came from above the head:
"Report Sir, we have arrested three suspects at the pier."

"Take them back and interrogate them properly, especially one of them, a Hong Kong man named "Zhou Dakui", is related to the fugitive case."

"Yes, sir!"

Such words seemed to be deliberately attacking Nie Shiguan and the others. For a while, Nie Shiguan and his group looked ugly.

Who is Zhou Dakui? In fact, he is really the contact person of the fugitive case, and he is also a member of Nie Shiguan's group in the Hong Kong comprehensive market.

Every time Nie Shiguan and others come to the Hong Kong comprehensive market, they need accommodation, vehicles, etc. Of course they are here.

For more than ten years, Zhou Dakui and his gang have not been exposed. Until this time, Killer Xiong got his audio-visual materials from Stanley Prison and traced him down. Only then did he find this person.

Lei Yaoyang's arrangement is strict now, he has already arranged a group of people at the pier, the target is not Nie Shiguan and others, but their driver.

At this time, after some shocking words, the loud voice from the loudspeaker was transmitted again:
"Nie Shiguan, I am very impressed with your name. I heard that you are brave and cruel. You often brag about yourself, saying that the Hong Kong police are trash and it is impossible to catch you."

"How about tonight? At least dozens of guns are pointed at you now. As long as you move, it will become a hornet's nest."

"Do you have any cards to come back?"

"who are you?"

Nie Shiguan yelled at the high place where the voice came from. He couldn't see anything in this dark night, but he just vaguely knew that there were people on the hill, how many people, and who they were, he didn't know.

"My name is Lei Yaoyang, the Royal Police of Hong Kong City, the chief of Mong Kok Police Station."

The voice was transmitted from top to bottom again, with a very indifferent tone:
"I kindly advise you, put down your weapon, lie on the ground with your head in your arms, and go to jail, you don't have to die."

"If you want to resist, you have no chance!"

These words, in the ears of Nie Shiguan and his group, only felt that they were underestimated, and they were very annoyed.Enraged, the two younger brothers raised their guns and rushed out of the crowd regardless of the accusations:
"Damn it, you're so despicable, you have the guts to stand up and have a one-on-one."

"Yeah, I'm fighting with you."

It's a pity that before they could shoot, a few gunshots rang out, far away in this empty seaside.

"Ah Zheng, Xiao Kai, accompanied by exclamation, the two younger brothers were shot in the eyebrows, and the number of bullets was quite a lot, at least three, and they fell on their backs. Nie Shiguang squatted down, supported a younger brother, Seeing him dying, his eyes were burning. At this time, the voice in the loudspeaker continued:
"Don't die in vain. Our police have specially prepared a few top snipers for you tonight. Anyone who moves will die."

"I believe that you all have a lot of cases on your shoulders. Coupled with violent arrests, you were beaten to death, and your death was in vain."

Swish swish!
The words in the loudspeaker were extremely bewitching, not only hurt the confidence of Nie Shiguan and others, but also cheered up the spirits of the police officers who were ambushing below, and put all their fingers on the triggers.

You know, when the two younger brothers acted just now, the ambushing police officers didn't actually shoot.

As a result, most of the ambush police officers were people from Happy Valley, and few of them had dealt with such ferocious criminals.

On the other hand, they are also afraid of shooting people to death, and they will be responsible when the time comes.

It's all right now, the content from the loudspeaker dispelled all their worries.Ambushing on all sides, plus snipers, among Nie Shiguang's group, some people were also afraid, and whispered:
"Boss, what should we do?"

"From the first day I came out to work, I never thought I would be arrested."

Nie Shiguan said coldly, and the next moment, he supported the dead brother's back and white smoke rose.


The police officers in ambush saw the white smoke for the first time, but they didn't react and didn't move.But in the loudspeaker, the order was issued quickly:
"It's a smoke bomb. They want to run away. Everyone obeys the order and shoots indiscriminately. Shoot and kill."

As a policeman, he may not be as sharp as a gangster in terms of courage and marksmanship.

But when it comes to hearing orders, the response is definitely fast enough.

They hardly thought about it. The moment the order was issued, gunshots rang out:
"Da da da... bang bang bang!"

Stone Crab Bay, Wan Chai.

In this unknown place, there was a series of gunshots that night, which lasted for more than ten minutes.

Under the strong light of police searchlights, the white smoke slowly dissipated, and more than a dozen corpses with different shapes of death piled up, blood flowing like a river, like a Shura field.

Many police officers who saw this situation for the first time turned blue and looked ugly, and their hearts were churning.

The police officers in Mong Kok had been in the field for a long time, but there was nothing serious about it. He held up a micro punch and led Zhong Liwen out, apparently wanting to check it out.

On the hill, Liu Hai was already very excited, almost incoherent:
"Lei sir, Nie Shiguan and his gang have been wiped out by us. We have made great achievements this time. What should we do next?"

"Should I report to the three directors immediately?"

"Do you need to invite reporters to come and hold a press conference immediately?"

Liu Hai couldn't help being unhappy, he was transferred from the Witness Protection Unit to the Happy Valley Police Station within half a month, and he "personally" wiped out the gang of the most wanted criminals in Hong Kong just after he took office.

This kind of credit is enough for him to secure the position of director.

Although I dare not say "unbreakable", it is no longer precarious.

Lei Yaoyang listened to Liu Hai's excited words, but his eagle eyes kept staring down. Seeing that Huo Boo was leading the team to check the situation, he picked up the loudspeaker and suddenly shouted:
"Hot, stop, go back first."


He may not listen to other people's words, but Lei Yaoyang still obeys his orders.

Although he was puzzled, he waved his hand and signaled Zhong Liwen and others to retreat, and he also retreated into the herbal tea shop.

At the same time, Liu Hai stood beside Lei Yaoyang and looked down, but looked left and right, but didn't see anything, he said puzzled:
"Lei sir, what's wrong?"

"I didn't see Nie Shiguan's body!"

Lei Yaoyang said seriously.


Liu Hai looked down again, where the corpses were piled up, not to mention Nie Shiguan, no one could distinguish them at all.

In his heart, Liu Hai felt that Lei Yaoyang "made a big deal out of a small problem" and said:
"Lei sir, our searchlights have been shining on them. Even if they use smoke bombs, no one will run away."

"No one can run away, but if you want to hide, there is still a chance."

After Lei Yaoyang said a word, he immediately turned around and said: "Go and find me a long guy.

"Yes, sir!"

The Happy Valley police officer responded and trotted to the side.

After 1 minute, a police M4 was handed to Lei Yaoyang.

Lei Yaoyang squatted down to hold the gun, adjusted the scope, put his right hand in his arms, and took out his mobile phone.

"What does it mean?"

Liu Hai and other onlookers were extremely puzzled, but Lei Yaoyang didn't explain, and immediately dialed the number.

Beep beep beep beep!

As the number was connected, the bell rang at the place where the corpses piled up below.

To be honest, the ringtone is not too loud, but in such a quiet environment, it is sudden and sharp, which is still clearly audible.

Lei Yaoyang put down the phone, held the M4 in both hands, and made a surprising movement.

I saw that he actually closed his eyes, turned his head slightly, and his left ear was facing the void below, like the "wind ear" in the model myth.

Liu Hai could see that, he was really speechless, and was about to ask a question.

Lei Yaoyang's movements were sudden, he raised the M4 and pointed it down three times:
"Bang... bang...!"


Liu Hai and the other police officers were startled and looked down together.

But as far as they were concerned, there was no change below, only a dead body was still smoking with blood overflowing from it.

Holding the gun and standing up, Lei Yaoyang ignored everyone's doubts, picked up the loudspeaker and spoke again:
"Nie Shiguan, you are also a generation of thief kings. Are you willing to be beaten to death so aggrieved?"

"Stand up, and you can still live. If you don't come out, I will continue. The three shots just now were just for fun, and it won't be that simple after that."

"I will order all the police officers to open fire and sweep again. Can you be so lucky? Think for yourself."

After these words were finished, there was no movement in the pile of corpses below.

Many police officers also looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding who Lei Yaoyang was talking to.

Nie Shiguan is still alive?

How is that possible? Who could have survived the random shooting before?

As the only director of the same level as Lei Yaoyang, Liu Hai showed a look of embarrassment, and said:
"Lei sir, you should be fine!"

"Liu sir, be careful and make no big mistakes."

Lei Yaoyang reminded and explained:
"If I were Nie Shiguan, and I wanted to escape from the previous situation, there was only one way. Use the corpses of other criminals as a cover, and kidnap the police officers when our police come forward to check."

"The call I made just now is from Nie Shiguan. If the judgment is correct, he was indeed crushed by the corpse."

"To be on the safe side, I shot three times. If he didn't die, he should have been injured."

Be it the bangs, or the policeman who heard Lei Yaoyang's explanation, they all felt like they were listening to a bible.

This explanation is really a bit too mysterious. Everyone did hear the ringtone just now, but how to judge that it was suppressed by the corpse?

On this hill, the distance is extremely far, and it can barely be heard, let alone judged.

Besides, three shots wounded Nie Shiguan, this is even more mysterious.

When Lei Yaoyang's guess was true, Nie Shiguan was being crushed by the corpse, but Lei Yaoyang was holding an M4 in his hand. From such a long distance, if he wanted to penetrate the corpse and hit Nie Shiguan, is this possible?
Myth, blow water.

This idea lingered in the minds of all the high-level executives in Happy Valley, and they didn't believe a word of Lei Yaoyang's words.

It's just that Lei Yaoyang was able to have such a big harvest tonight, and the big guys can't help but give face if they don't believe it or not.

Therefore, even if it is bangs, I didn't say much.

Lei Yaoyang actually didn't know whether Nie Shiguan was still alive, but he just felt that such a thief king would never be settled so easily.

After waiting for about a minute, there was a dead silence below, and there was no response. Lei Yaoyang fulfilled his promise, and ordered into the loudspeaker:
"Everyone is ready!"

The police officers who surrounded the pile of corpses below obeyed their orders, loaded their guns and pointed them straight, the sound of loading could be heard from far away.

At this moment, there was movement in the pile of corpses. Two or three corpses were vigorously pushed away, and three or four people who were covered in blood and couldn't see their faces sat up.


At this moment, everyone became nervous, especially Huo Bao and others who were about to step forward earlier, broke out in a cold sweat.

Damn, no one really died!
Liu Hai and other high-level executives in Happy Valley were even more shocked by the criminals' methods.

Looking at the current situation, those people are really hiding, and they are definitely prepared to fall behind.

After all, they didn't fight back before, and they didn't move after the ceasefire. They didn't show up until Lei Yaoyang cheated and bombed again, preparing for another round of shooting.

Obviously, they really planned to wait until the police approached before making a surprise attack.

Liu Hai and other high-level executives broke out in a cold sweat, knowing that if Lei Yaoyang hadn't been in command tonight, and if they had played by themselves, there might be police officers being held hostage by the other party right now.

And under such a "net of heaven and earth", as long as the other party escapes by one person, they will definitely be considered incompetent by the superiors afterwards. What is even more frightening to be held accountable is that the police have casualties, and the matter is even more troublesome.

After thinking up to this point, Liu Hai and the others looked at Lei Yaoyang with passion and admiration.

Lei Yaoyang didn't have the time to pay attention to Liu Hai and the others at the moment, and his eagle eyes kept staring down.

If I'm not mistaken, there is indeed Nie Shiguan among the few blood men.

At this time, his right hand was bleeding, obviously he had been shot, and he was as ferocious as a ghost, so he looked towards the hill.


Lei Yaoyang gave a disdainful smile, held a loudspeaker, and said:
"Hold your head in your hands and crawl out slowly!"

This time Lei Yaoyang had just finished speaking, and the police officers below were also very helpful. Instead of stepping forward, they hid behind the cover and shouted loudly:
"Hold your head in your hands, crawl out slowly, don't mess around, or we will shoot right away."

"Hold your head, hug your head!"

"Come out, crawl out of there, lie on the ground, don't move around."

The shouts of the police officers were heard by Nie Shiguan and the others, and they felt that they were greatly insulted.

They feel like wild dogs, being reprimanded.

There are only four survivors of Nie Shiguan's gang, and Da Xia is one of them.

Gritting his teeth, the prawn whispered:
"Boss, what should I do?"

"Boss, why don't you fight them?"

Another younger brother opened his mouth immediately, seeing his bloodshot eyes and looking at the two corpses beside him from time to time, he knew that he had the will to die.

Nie Shiguan didn't seem to hear it, his eyes were fixed on the hill, but unfortunately he didn't have Lei Yaoyang's eyesight, he could only vaguely see people, but couldn't see clearly.

That's right, as Lei Yaoyang speculated earlier, he planned to use smoke bombs as cover, and use other brothers as shields to withstand the first wave of gunfire.

Then, when the police came forward to investigate, he could suddenly attack, hold the police hostage, and try to escape.

At first, everything went well. After the first round of shooting, the police officers did come forward slowly, ready to check.

It was really unexpected, what Lei Yaoyang actually called the police officer, not only that, but also called his own phone, and fired three shots at his hiding place.

It stands to reason that even with an M4 long gun, at such a long distance, three bullets would not be able to hurt himself who was crushed by two corpses.

But in fact, I was shot, and the three bullets seemed to hit the same point, piercing through the body and hitting my arm.

"Boss, boss!"

With a lot of thoughts in his heart, prawn called out many times, and Nie Shiguan came back to his senses.

Looking around at his three remaining brothers, Nie Shiguan gritted his teeth and said:
"Don't worry, we still have the last hole card!"

As he spoke, Nie Shiguan suddenly shouted loudly:
"My surname is Lei, don't you want to arrest me? Now we are all inside your encirclement and injured, so you still dare not show your face. How dare you arrest me if you are so courageous?"

"You want me to lie down like a dog and insult me. You're delusional. I, Nie Shiguan, can afford to lose. I'm waiting here for you. If you have the guts, come on!"

After saying that, Nie Shiguan lifted his uninjured arm with difficulty, and an AK47 was thrown far away, under the spotlight, there was nowhere to hide.

Such a statement, in the eyes of many people, Nie Shiguan felt that he was at the end of the road and had surrendered.

It's just that as the king of thieves, he still has the last dignity, and he doesn't want to crawl around with his head in his arms.

The police officers looked at each other in blank dismay, feeling that they could understand, and they also wanted to go forward to arrest him.

But the order was not issued, and no one dared to make his own claim.They looked at the hill frequently, waiting for the "final order".

Lei Yaoyang didn't make people wait too long. Hearing Nie Shiguan's yelling, he didn't feel any disturbance in his heart. He picked up the loudspeaker:
"Listen, people below, you still have 2 minutes to think about whether you should crawl out with your head in your arms. If you haven't moved in 2 minutes, I will regard you as recalcitrant and shoot immediately."

The police officers had no objection to such an order and continued to confront each other with guns.

Nie Shiguan, who had always been calm, showed panic for the first time, and shouted loudly:
"My surname is Lei, you have no guts, you don't dare to arrest people like this, it's really not as good as a woman After shouting this sentence, he looked at the police officers lying in ambush on all sides, and said loudly:
"And you scumbags, following a woman to do business, hiding your head and showing your tail, what kind of heroes are you?"

"I want to arrest people, I want to make meritorious service, come on, grandpa is sitting here, waiting for you to arrest"

Nie Shiguan swears quite a lot, for tens of seconds, almost without repetition.

Many police officers found it harsh to hear it, and stepped forward to handcuff him if they wanted to.

After all, he had already thrown his gun, and his hands were under the watchful eyes of everyone, so he shouldn't be able to play tricks.

However, in the profession of police, "obedience to orders" is the first priority. If there is no word on the hill, everyone can only bear with it.

Lei Yaoyang looked down at the shrew-like Nie Shiguang below, with a calm expression and no expression on his face. He picked up the loudspeaker and said:
"It's a very clumsy aggressive method, Nie Shiguan, it seems that you really have no other way, and you are hoping for the last fight, right?"

"Lead us over to catch you, and you threaten with bombs?"

"Don't waste your efforts, I have a good grasp of everything about you, including your ways of doing things."

"Final reminder, you still have 40 seconds, if you don't crawl out with your head in your hands, you will die."


Hearing such a reminder, the policemen all got angry and stared at Nie Shiguan and his gang.Yes, Nie Shiguan is a vicious bastard. A few years ago on the streets of Tsim Sha Tsui, he actually threw a grenade and violently confronted the police.

Today, it is hard to guarantee that he does not have these things on him.

Fortunately, Sir Lei reminded me that I and others really shouldn't step forward in a foolish way, or they would be killed by the bomb, but there was nowhere to complain.

Liu Hai, who was standing beside Lei Yaoyang, did not have any doubts about Lei Yaoyang's orders at this time, and even stood by the side to fight against his subordinates, supplementing and cooperating:
"Notify the little ones below that no one is allowed to go up without Sir Lei's order."

"As long as the time is up, shoot me all and kill them randomly."

"Nie Shiguan is the most wanted criminal. Dead and alive, they are worth the same."

"Yes, sir!"

The executives of Happy Valley also kept emphasizing orders through the walkie-talkie.

In fact, even if they didn't emphasize it, the police officers below would not dare to make their own claims.

They were frightened by Nie Shiguan. The first time they played dead, the second time they threw guns, but they might have hidden bombs.

In this case, who would be stupid enough to run over to arrest people.

They even hoped that their superiors would give orders quickly, and everyone would focus their fire for a round, and they would kill everyone and it would be over.

Otherwise, it will be very dangerous to go forward and handcuff people in a while.

As time passed by, Lei Yaoyang began to count:
"Ten, nine, eight, seven!"

"Boss, what should I do?"

"Brother Guan, think of a way."


Facing the crisis of life and death, Nie Shiguan's face turned blue and white, and finally put his head in his hands and shouted:
"Stop counting, we surrender!"

Because Nie Shiguan played tricks repeatedly, he yelled to surrender, and even put his head in his hands, many police officers still did not dare to come forward.

It wasn't until a few of them slowly climbed out of the pile that many police officers threw handcuffs to make them handcuff each other behind their backs, and then they swarmed up and caught the most wanted criminal in Hong Kong.

"It's done!"

Seeing many policemen below holding down Nie Shiguan and the others, Lei Yaoyang was truly relieved and smiled relaxedly.

"Okay, great."

Liu Hai was also ecstatic, like a subordinate, he kept asking Lei Yaoyang for advice:
"Lei sir, what should we do next?"

"Immediately ordered someone to inform the media that our police were brave and fearless. After a gun battle and a half-hour standoff, we forced down the gang of the most wanted criminals in the Hong Kong Comprehensive City. In the future, the gold shop owners in the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market will no longer have to worry about it."

"This credit, Sir Liu, will be shared equally between our two families."

"However, these can all be handed over to the people below. Liu sir, you and I are responsible for the final appearance."

"What's more important now is to find the Correctional Services Department and the director, and sell them a huge favor."

"Liu sir, I hope you can fully cooperate with me."

Lei Yaoyang casually recounted his plans, and the last sentence was very serious.

At this time, Liu Hai admired Lei Yaoyang so much that he had even decided that he would not only ask more advice from the Mong Kok Police Station in handling cases in the future, but also jointly handle cases.

In the next police meeting, he will also follow Lei Yaoyang's footsteps.

After this incident, he finally understood that Lei Yaoyang, a senior superintendent, and himself, a senior superintendent, had the same job titles, but their growth in the future was completely different.

People are the real "hidden dragon in the abyss".

With a casual display of connections, the most wanted criminal in Hong Kong can be arrested and brought to justice within a day. This level of strength is unmatched by dozens of police chiefs in Hong Kong.

Look left and right, and follow this one, you can't go wrong.

After thinking up to this point, Liu Hai nodded again and again, and said with a look of "children of loyalty":
"Don't worry, Sir, this case is entirely dependent on Sir Lei from the beginning to the end. I, Liu Hai, am convinced of Sir Lei's talent."

"While Sir Lei intends to end it, he will end it as he wants. It is still the same as when this case was in progress. All the command power is in Lei Sir's hands."

"Including me, everyone in the Happy Valley Police Station obeyed Sir Lei's arrangement."

Abandoning rights and entrusting to the other party is almost expressing that he wants to hug his thigh.

Of course Lei Yaoyang understood, smiled and said:
"Alright, I understand what Sir Liu meant."

Two hours later, the usually unremarkable Stone Crab Bay looked like a tourist attraction. In the middle of the night, countless men and women with cameras in their hands frantically took pictures.

Under the action of the flashlight, the dark seaside was illuminated into daylight.

The uniformed police officers were either maintaining order, or sorting out the scene of the crime, and some cooperated with the exit and were interviewed by reporters.

Everyone raised their heads and held their chests high, full of ambition.

Being able to participate in the arrest of the most wanted criminal in Hong Kong comprehensive market is a huge achievement no matter which police officer's resume.

As far as what happened tonight, for some incompetent people, it is already a lifetime achievement that can be boasted about.

Everyone showed their most majestic side, wishing that the reporter could take a picture or two, and it would be published in the newspaper tomorrow, so that the ancestors would be honored.

It is also in the tea shop next to Stone Crab Bay.

A dozen or so police officers in military uniform were under martial law outside, standing upright and upright.

There was a lot of chatting and laughing inside, and the laughter of the deputy director of the Operations Department spread far and wide:
"Hahaha, Yaoyang, well done, it's only been a few short weeks, and you've cracked such a big case again."

"The most wanted criminal! When the news gets out, our Hong Kong police can finally get rid of their shame."

"The director went to London for a meeting. When he comes back, I will definitely give you credit."

That's right, whenever something happens in the police station, Lei Yaoyang will never forget his biggest deputy director of backstage operations.

The previous case had just been solved, and Lei Yaoyang called the deputy director of operations immediately.

The deputy director of operations trusted Lei Yaoyang very much, even though it was already two o'clock in the morning, he got up and rushed over without saying a word.

After arriving, I found out that it was a good thing again.

"Big sir, the reason why this case was solved so smoothly is due to Liu sir's contribution!"

Lei Yaoyang responded to the words of the deputy director of operations, and did not forget to pull his bangs.

The deputy director of operations heard this, although he knew in his heart that this kind of case was probably solved by Lei Yaoyang.

However, he also knew that Liu Hai was a rookie director, and he had the value of wooing him, so he looked at Liu Hai and praised:
"Liu sir, you did a good job this time."

"Thank you, sir!"

This is the second time for Liu Hai to meet a director like the deputy director of operations. The first time was his interview with the senior police superintendent not long ago.

It's just that that time, the deputy director of operations was not as kind as today, with a straight face and awe-inspiring presence.But now the deputy director of operations gave him the feeling that it was too easy to get along with, with a smile on his face, and a kind voice, without any official airs.

Of course, Liu Hai knew very well that it all depended on Lei Yaoyang's relationship.

He just watched Lei Yaoyang call the deputy director of operations just now. During the phone call, Lei Yaoyang didn't report too much at all, he just said that a major case had been solved and asked the deputy director of operations to come over immediately.

I never thought that half an hour later, the deputy director of operations would really come over.

This kind of relationship that came as soon as he was greeted was simply unimaginable to Liu Hai, and he felt more and more that he had made the right decision, and that he really wanted to follow Lei Yaoyang in the future, his network of relationships was too terrifying.

Seeing Liu Hai's blunt reaction, Lei Yaoyang was more familiar with both sides, and said from it:
"Liu sir, you don't have to be so nervous, sir is very good."

"And we police chiefs, according to the rules, belong to the operation department. The big sir is the chief of the operation department. Apart from the chief, the big sir is our biggest leader."

"As long as Sir Liu is firm in his identity as an action department, I believe that the big sir will also regard Sir Liu as his own."

In a word, Lei Yaoyang can be regarded as a hint for Liu Hai that there are still factions in the police department.

You used to be in the Witness Protection Team, and that broken department was under the direct command of Lord Ding, and the other two directors also felt that the department was of no benefit, so they didn't fight for it.

But now that you are the chief of the police station, and you hold a police station in your hand, you have to think about the issue of "worshiping the door".

If you want to be a free man, the result may be that you will be beaten by both sides and you will be out of the game.

Regarding Lei Yaoyang's hint, Liu Hai didn't understand at all, but he had already decided to follow Lei Yaoyang, but he was unambiguous, immediately changed his tone, and said firmly:
"Of course, the police station belongs to the operation department. This is a well-known fact. Although I have just been transferred from the witness protection team, I can only be regarded as a newcomer, but this rule is still clear."

Hearing this, the Deputy Chief of Operations smiled even deeper, and was satisfied with this statement. After all, everyone was unfamiliar, and no one would be foolish enough to take refuge when they met.

(End of this chapter)

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