Chapter 122 Finding Parents

Standing at the same spot, Yaoyang looked indifferent, looked at Wei Boqiao and his girlfriend, and said coldly:

"Since you are injured, go to the hospital first and heal your injuries. We are all our own people, so let's forget about it."

In a word, Yaoyang can be said to have shown his attitude, he approves of the aggressive action, and Wei Boqiao's beating is useless.

All the people present were smart people. Hearing these words, Guan Zu's group of five all smiled secretly, with a hint of sarcasm on their faces, looking down at Wei Boqiao who was sitting on the ground.

Wei Boqiao and the two were very dissatisfied, especially his girlfriend, and immediately said:
"Lei sir, they beat up their colleagues. This is a very serious moral issue. How can we just let it go?"

"What do you want?"

Yaoyang frowned even more, in the Mong Kok Police Station, no one dared to question his decision like this.

It's a pity, if others see Yaoyang's appearance, they can still recognize him, so he dare not say more.

Wei Baiqiao's girlfriend is different. She comes from a wealthy family and has never suffered a big blow. She immediately said:

"Of course it is to hold them accountable."

As he said that, he pointed his finger at the fire and said:

"Especially him, who beat his colleagues, should be disciplined!"

"Disciplinary action?"

Yaoyang smiled coldly, ignored the woman in the vase, looked straight at Wei Baiqiao with eagle eyes like a wolf, and said:
"What about you? Think so too?"

After all, Wei Boqiao knew a little more about human affairs than his girlfriend, shook his head and said:
"I don't have to pursue the matter of his beating me. But I must complain about the abuse of prisoners! We are the police, not young and Dangerous, how can we treat prisoners violently. Even if they are criminals, they still have human rights."

"Okay, well said."

Yaoyang nodded, with a calm face, and he looked at Guan Zu and said:
"Come here, I have something to tell you to do."

As he spoke, Yaoyang moved, obviously planning to have a private chat with Guan Zu, Guan Zu understood and hurriedly followed.

The two walked about ten meters before Yaoyang stopped and said:
"Azu, I remember the director of the Northern District Administration, is it your father?"


Guan Zu was taken aback, and said honestly:
"Yes, Brother Zhen!"

Yaoyang took out a cigarette, lit it, took a puff, and ordered:
"This place happens to be under the management of the North District, you go and give him a call and ask him to send someone over to help finish it."

"Brother Zhen, we have enough manpower, why don't we take the prisoner back to the police station?"

Guan Zu seemed reluctant to call his father, he said.

"Although you are still a patrolman, the credit for the two major cases and your usual performance are enough to be promoted to a senior police officer. After graduating from the police academy, you became a senior police officer in less than a year, which is considered a small achievement. Grades, why, don't you plan to tell your father the good news?"

Yaoyang kindly patted Guan Zu on the shoulder, encouraging him:
"I know everything about you. I believe that with your current grades, your father should be impressed by you."

"Besides, that bastard Wei Boqiao is not one of us. I gave him a chance. He didn't know how to cherish it. Then it's no fault of me. I need your father's help to deal with it."

Guan Zu listened obediently, and when he mentioned his father, his expression was not good-looking.

But when it came to dealing with Wei Boqiao, Guan Zu's eyes lit up, and he said with great interest:

"Brother Zhen, what should we do? Do you want us to do it?

"Speaking, Guan Zu also made a "kill" gesture.

Obviously, even though Guan Zu followed Yaoyang, his ruthless personality has never been less.

In the Mongkok Police Station, whoever regarded him as his own, he also regarded him as his own.

But if he didn't treat him as one of his own, he would not soften his heart at all and deal with him as an enemy.

The method used by the Guanzu Five to deal with the enemy is simple and direct, with the word "kill".

"Azu, although killing and killing can directly achieve the goal, but sometimes you have to use your brains more. After all, Wei Boqiao stayed in our Mong Kok Police Station, and it is too immoral to do him directly."

"Go ahead, call your father, remember to mention Wei Boqiao's trouble to your father."

Yaoyang took a puff of cigarette, waved his hand and ordered again.

Although Guan Zu was very curious, but Yao Yang repeatedly ordered him not to ask, so he went directly to Yao Yang's car, started it, and went to find the phone.

At this time, Fang Jiexia trotted to Yaoyang's side, and said mysteriously:
"Head, I found this in the cargo compartment!"

As she spoke, Fang Jiexia took out a handful of .[-] from her clothes and handed it to Yaoyang.

Yaoyang took it, fiddled with it a few times, and found that there was a big problem with this .[-], the casing was stuck stiff, no matter how hard he tried, the trigger wouldn't move at all.

"This is the legendary gun of kindness!"

Yaoyang was happy in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface, and whispered:
"When you get back, look up the serial number to see who owns the gun. Don't say anything about it. I've never seen this gun before today, understand?"

Fang Jiexia is so smart, she immediately realized that this gun is human favor.

After all, it is not a trivial matter for the police to throw a gun. At least they will be demoted and punished, and at worst they will be dismissed for investigation.

"Don't worry, head, I will do it."

Putting [-] back into her pocket again, compared to that guy Wei Boqiao, Fang Jiexia was undoubtedly better, she completely obeyed Yaoyang's orders, even though it was not a trivial matter.

On a bigger scale, this has to be regarded as the police harboring stolen goods.

Yaoyang became more and more satisfied with Fang Jiexia, and said with a smile:
"How is it? Have you checked all the goods? Is it a big gift?"

Fang Jiexia, a woman, was the only one who climbed into the container to check the amount of ammunition when everyone else was helping to control the gangsters, wanting to know the credit for the first time.

Now hearing Yaoyang mention it, Fang Jiexia showed joy on her face, nodded and said:
"It's incomparable with Shatian Containers and Mingxin Hospital, but it's definitely a great achievement."

"That's good! Tell the brothers to wait for a while, I have already asked Azu to notify the people from the North District Police Station to help."

Yaoyang said casually.


Fang Jiexia was startled, and whispered:
"Head, this credit is not small, we have to share it?"

"Don't worry! The director of the North District General Administration is Azu's father. Azu called in person, and his father will probably come to see it in person. Even if he can't come, he will definitely order full assistance, and he won't ask for any credit afterwards. .”

Yaoyang smiled confidently, and said leisurely:
"With his father's current status, such credit is not of much use to him. And for the sake of his son, I am afraid that his father still thinks every day how to make Azu make great contributions and get promoted quickly. With regard to the merits of this case, Even if we give it to his father, his father will definitely not accept it."

Fang Jiexia heard the truth and had no further comments.At this time, Yaoyang said again:
"By the way, I have to tell you about Wei Baiqiao..."

After half an hour.

Sure enough, as Yaoyang expected, Guan Hongji, director of the North District General Administration, personally led the team. Ambulances, police cars, and assault vehicles surrounded the scene and came to assist in the follow-up work.

It is said that Guan Hongji, Director of the North District Police District, is sitting in the office today as usual, directing various tasks in the North District.

Everything is as usual. Guan Hongji has worked as director for many years, and he can be said to be "handy" at work.

But the sudden phone call made Guan Hongji excited.

The phone number was that of the director's office. Except for the high-level police officers in the North District and his own family members, the lower-level police officers were not qualified to know this number.

After all, as an inspector, can you report to the chief superintendent?

People don't bother to talk to you, and leapfrogging is not like that. At most, you can just find an ordinary police superintendent, which is already considered a very "offensive" thing.

So when the phone rang, Guan Hongji's first reaction was an ordinary subordinate. He never expected to hear the voice of his son Guan Zu.

At that time, Guan Hongji was tense on the surface and asked serious questions, but deep down he was extremely happy.

You know, Guan Hongji has always looked down on Guan Zu in the past, thinking that his son is a dude who can do nothing but play, and he is ashamed of himself.

So Guan Hongji often scolded Guan Zu at home, and slapped him from time to time.

After Guan Zu listened to Yao Yang's persuasion, he applied for the police academy and worked in Mong Kok after graduation. His performance was excellent. Guan Hongji could be said to be very happy, and he didn't know how happy he was in private.

But one more troublesome thing is that after Guan Zu became a policeman, he spent less time at home.

Both father and son have to go to work, and the time they seldom meet each other has become even less.

In addition, the relationship between the father and son has not been good, so the two rarely talk.

Guan Zu took the initiative to call himself today, and Guan Hongji was very happy.

After listening to Guan Zu's phone call, Guan Hongji was both happy and angry:
Fortunately, on the phone, Guan Zu said that under Yaoyang's leadership, he solved another major case, and as the main force, he performed extremely well.

Yao Yang has also revealed to him that he will be promoted to be a senior police officer soon.

In less than a year, he was promoted to a senior police officer. Guan Hongji suddenly felt that Guan Zu was better than himself, and he was really comforted.

But then, Guan Zu mentioned that there was a police officer in the police station who had a problem with him, and he said he wanted to complain to him.

Although Yaoyang stood on his side, complaints may still be unavoidable.

This remark, although Guan Zu was just very common, as if he mentioned it casually, but Guan Hongji immediately paid attention to it.

Guan Hongji climbed up from a police officer to the position of chief superintendent step by step. He has rich experience in both internal and external fighting.

Guan Hongji has to analyze many things that other people think are ordinary things.In Guan Hongji's view, this is because someone saw his son's good grades and started to target his son.

Simply, his son's boss, the acting director of Yaoyang, has always been optimistic about his son and strongly supported him.

Otherwise, my "unintentional" son would have suffered a big loss long ago.

It's ridiculous to say that Guan Zu is an absolutely fierce character, in Guan Hongji's eyes, he has always been a playboy who hasn't grown up.

From his point of view, his son is very good. Although he has some dandy habits, he definitely does not have the quality and mind to fight inwardly.

Now everyone else has targeted him, and he doesn't know it yet!
With this idea in mind, Guan Hongji hadn't even personally participated in the case in the North District for a long time, but this time he assisted in handling the case and led the team in person.

Guan Hongji has already decided in his heart to stand up for his son, no matter who it is, he must deal with it severely.

Crime scene.

Most of the police officers were busy, or escorted the prisoner to the car, and temporarily made a temporary statement.

Or help escort seriously injured prisoners to the hospital for emergency treatment.

Or simply be responsible for vigilance and dispose of corpses.

Guan Hongji has a very high status. As the highest status person in the Mong Kok Police Station, Yao Yang is personally responsible for the reception.

At this moment, Guan Hongji was wearing the distinctive uniform of the Chief Superintendent, majestic.

Although Yaoyang was wearing a poor suit, but fortunately he was tall and standing side by side, he was not weak.

"Lei sir, congratulations, this time your Mong Kok Police Station has made great achievements again."

Guan Hongji looked at the busy Guan Zu without leaving a trace, and was very happy in his heart. He was also very polite to Yaoyang and said gently.

"It's all because of the hard work of the brothers, especially Azu and his newcomers, who performed flawlessly, seriously injured and killed more than ten gangsters, effectively breaking the gangsters' luck, that's why so many gangsters chose to surrender."

Yaoyang responded with a smile, specifically mentioning Guanzu.

After all, if you don't mention this kind of thing, it will make Guan Hongji feel hypocritical, and if you mention it, it will make Guan Hongji feel straightforward.

"Hahaha... Sir Lei, you are too modest. I have heard that the perfect solution to the case this time is all due to your wise leadership. As for the newcomers, although they are showing a little bit, they mostly follow orders. I know that Sir Lei I have always taken good care of my subordinates, but for the people below, it is good to exercise more, if the praise is too high, I am afraid that it will not be enough."

Guan Hongji laughed.

"What Sir Guan said is also true, but the brothers put their lives to work. If there is no reward, I am really sorry for their efforts."

Yaoyang responded smoothly, not only giving Zuguan Hongji face, but also expressing his thoughts.

If Guan Hongji hadn't wanted to avoid suspicion, he would have wished to promote Guan Zu to be a superintendent immediately.

Hearing what Yaoyang said now, he was more satisfied in his heart as he made it clear that he would ask for credit for Guan Zu and others afterwards, and said calmly on the surface:

"Of course, where rewards are due, they must also be rewarded. Those of us who are superiors must not chill the hearts of the brothers below."

"By the way, when I came here earlier, I heard that some of Lei Sir's newcomers performed outstandingly and made great achievements in this operation. There are also a few who cheated and disobeyed orders to handle the case?"

Speaking of this, Guan Hongji said with a look of gaffe:
"Oh, I'm just asking casually. If Sir Lei thinks there are internal problems, it's okay if he can't tell. Every police station has some black apples, so I understand."

Yaoyang secretly laughed inwardly:
You've already said that, so why don't you just ask.

But Yaoyang called Guan Hongji, apart from wanting to establish a good relationship with him, he just wanted to deal with Wei Baiqiao.

Difficulty appeared on the surface, Yaoyang cooperated and said:

"Hey, I'm not afraid to make jokes about sir when I say it out. There are indeed a few troublesome people down here. It's very troublesome to stick to the rules."

"Talking about today's case, I led my brothers to kill a few more gangsters. I couldn't stand the small ones. I was stupid in reading, thinking that handling the case was as simple as the police school instructor said, and everything was explained. rule."

"That's it!"

Guan Hongji was scheming, and after hearing a little, he roughly deduced what was going on.

In his opinion, those little ones couldn't see it. It wasn't because they killed more gangsters, but because they were jealous of someone who was more capable than them, and wanted to use rules to suppress others.

This kind of method is all left over from Guan Hongji's play, and he has seen it a lot.

Before Sir Lei released the bait, Guan Hongji had already offered:

"There are not many people in the Mong Kok Police Station. If the top and bottom are not united, it may be very troublesome in the future. Sir Lei, what are you going to do?"

Yaoyang was more happy in his heart, and continued to express embarrassment on the surface:
"They are all my own people. If I use my status to force them to deal with them, it would be too immoral. I am going to transfer them away, but I will take over the police station..."

After hearing this, Guan Hongji immediately understood, and said with a smile:

"Lei sir, it is very simple for our North District General Administration to arrange a few more people. Coincidentally, it is time for a new batch of police officers standing guard in our police station. Why don't our two police stations exchange a few people? "

(End of this chapter)

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