Chapter 120
After leaving Ms. He's mahjong parlor, Yaoyang walked on the streets of Mongkok.

Since this day is not Sunday, Yaoyang also took time to check on Miss He's progress, so he planned to go back to the police station.

Yaoyang, who was already very familiar with Mong Kok, chose to walk into an alley and took a shortcut to rush back.

This alley is a cross alley, a traditional garbage alley in Hong Kong City.

A lot of garbage bags are thrown in the alleys, and there are so many side roads, most people who are not locals in Mong Kok will not pass by here.

But by such a coincidence, Yaoyang was walking in the alley, and unexpectedly heard a very loud noise coming from a side road.

Undoubtedly, it means that there are people in this alley, and there are quite a few people.

Yaoyang didn't want to worry about it at first, but after walking a few steps, he heard a few "cracking" sounds, followed by louder noises.

The sound was not a gunshot, but a crackling sound of a broken glass bottle, which was very ear-piercing.

"Does anyone still dare to make trouble in Mong Kok?"

With this thought in mind, Yaoyang frowned, and immediately turned left into the alleyway, following the sound.

It's in a blind corner of an alley not far away.Five fashionable young men and women were stuck here.

These five young men all had stab wounds on their bodies, bleeding profusely. Two of them were more brave, one with short blond hair and one with long black hair.

There were more than [-] people blocking them, all in their thirties, with machetes in their hands, and their cold lights shone.

The leader was a bald man with gold teeth, who looked at least in his fifties, with two thick gold chains hanging around his neck, wearing only a suit, and holding a short knife in his hand, which was stained with blood , the image is extremely poor.

"The bald man, we belong to Hong Le, if you touch us, you won't be afraid that Hong Le will make trouble for you!"

The surrounded long hair was holding a broken beer bottle, drinking and asking.

"You bastards knocked me out, took my post to participate in the Heroes Meeting, and made me the laughing stock of the entire Mong Kok. After months of hard work, I finally found you bastards. Today I want to If I don't do you guys, how can I come out to mess around in the future! Hong Le, what can Hong Le do, will you fight me for you bastards?"

The bald man had a resentful expression on his face, and he patted his head reflexively as he spoke.

He can clearly remember that a few months ago at the Heroes Meeting in Mong Kok, he was knocked out with a stick while walking on the road.

It turned out to be a good thing, the Qunying Club did not go, Mong Kok changed a lot, and the rules of the Mong Kok bosses all signed, but he didn't sign.

Because of that incident, he has had a very tragic life in the past few months, and he was picked on by people who "did not attend the Heroes Meeting" and wanted to occupy his territory.

The bald man has been in Mongkok for 20 years, and he has some interpersonal relationships. In addition, the rules of Mongkok have just started, so everyone has scruples and did not directly use violent means to grab the spot.

In this way, the bald man was finally settled.

Of course, he did not forget the "big enmity" and kept sending people to investigate who murdered him.

After several months of investigation, I finally found out:

At the Heroes Meeting, the five Hong Le boys in front of me are not qualified to participate at all.

The five of them are punks in Hongle, members of the society, straw sandals, the lowest-ranking younger brothers, and they don't have any land business.

Seeing that the bald man is not forgiving, it is obvious that today he will not let himself and others off so easily.

The blond-haired Fei Quan looked at his injured brothers, and at the machete-holding posture of the other party. Compared with the two, he really felt that he had no chance of winning.

Feiquan spoke suddenly, and said seriously:
"The bald man, I did the thing that hurt you. One person does the work and the other bears the responsibility. You let my brothers go, and I will let you deal with it. How about it?"

"Brother Quan!"

"Fei Quan, it's a big deal for us to fight him."

Feiquan's brothers were also loyal enough, including a girl, who immediately dissuaded them with a look of resentment and resentment, and none of them showed fear.

"Shut up! It's better to die alone than to die together."

Fei Quan yelled angrily, looked at the bald man again, and said:
"How about it?"


The bald man smiled disdainfully, and said in a strange voice:
"Hey, it's a good performance to act brotherly in front of me! But I don't intend to let any of you go today."

Seeing that the other party refused to budge, Feiquan's eyes flickered with anger, and he tightened his hand holding the beer bottle, wanting to risk his life.

However, being ambushed today, Fei Quan was completely unprepared, and he was really not sure how to deal with the bald man's twenty or so knives.

The key is that several of his good brothers are here, so it doesn't matter if he fights to death, Fei Quan doesn't want to hurt his brothers.

At this time, the long-haired man beside Feiquan spoke again:

"The bald man, you are not afraid of our Hong Le, are you not afraid of Boss Lei? The rules of Mong Kok are not allowed to fight on the street, and peace is the most important thing. Even if you want to fight, you have to go out of Mong Kok... How dare you break the rules?"


The bald man laughed even louder when he heard it, and shook his head in disdain:

"Lei Yaoyang, does he really think that he is the Thunder Tiger from back then? It's such a time now, and he still sets rules for us people to abide by. It's a big joke. If I don't follow his rules, what can I do? Sample?"

"Speaking of it, it's thanks to you bastards for taking care of me. In Mong Kok, I'm the only one who hasn't signed the rules. So strictly speaking, I don't have to take him seriously."

"And I'm going to kill you here, who knows? Yaoyang, a dead guy, do you think he is a god?"


Along with the bald man's loud laughter, the other younger brothers also laughed together.

"I'm definitely not a god, but I'm not a dead cop either."

At this time, with a cold voice, a tall figure appeared at the entrance of the alley, approaching from far to near.


"Lei... Boss Lei!"

Everyone looked back and saw the comer clearly for the first time.

Immediately, Feiquan and the others showed joy, but on the contrary, the bald man and his party had an ugly expression.

Especially the bald man himself, the muscles on his face twitched, and he forced a smile:
"Lei sir, I misunderstood, I was talking nonsense just now."

"Is it a misunderstanding to take a knife?"

Yaoyang continued to approach, and said coldly.


The bald man felt the weight on his hands, and quickly explained:
"Lei sir, I just want to scare a few kids, I never thought about actually doing it!"


Yaoyang smiled coldly, and his tone became even colder:

"I hate when people speak ill of me behind my back, and I hate even more when people treat me like an idiot in front of my face."

In such a situation, the bald man knew in his heart: he could not get better.

Who would have imagined that at this time, in such a remote alley, he could still meet Yaoyang himself.

Not only let him see himself breaking the rules with his own eyes, but also let him hear himself speak ill of him.

It is completely impossible for him not to retaliate against himself.Now, there is only one way!

Feeling ruthless in his heart, the bald man secretly tightened his hand holding the knife, his face was downcast, and he waited quietly for Yaoyang to approach!
Yaoyang walked towards the bald man slowly, as if he didn't notice anything strange.

It was too late, but it was soon, when Yaoyang was less than two meters away from the bald old man, the bald old man took a step, raised the dagger sharply in his right hand, and swiped towards Yaoyang from bottom to top without any warning.

The trajectory of this knife is fierce, if the stroke is real, the force is stronger, Yaoyang will be cut open directly!
"Baldhead, what are you doing?"


"Lei sir, be careful."

No one expected that the bald man would be so courageous, to attack Yaoyang directly, or to kill him.

For a moment, no matter it was the bald man's younger brother, or Fei Quan and the others, they were all startled and cried out.

The bald man can't hear anything at all right now, he only thinks about getting rid of Yaoyang, then putting the blame on Feiquan and the boys, and then getting rid of Feiquan and others by himself, killing people to silence them.

Only in this way can I continue to hang around in Mong Kok.

If not, not only would he not be able to make money, but he might end up miserable.

But the bald man heard that at the meeting of heroes, Hexing Yaodong once offended Yaoyang with a few words, his site was swallowed up, and he was not captured by the police, so he was thrown into Stanley Prison.

And I heard that Hexing Leader even sent people into Stanley, making it difficult for Yaodong.

Thinking of this, the bald man's scalp went numb, and the hand that drew the knife was a little faster.

"I am in a dark environment, and I can even see the card change clearly, let alone your knife?"

Yaoyang sneered, and under the gaze of everyone, he slowly stretched out his right hand, and the knife in the bald man's hand was immediately controlled in mid-air, unable to move forward or backward.

Taking a closer look, Yaoyang's big finger and four fingers separated like a vise, and he actually firmly grasped the blade.

The bald man's face turned red, obviously he had exerted all his strength, but he could no longer advance an inch.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was stunned: it is a person's courage to dare to grab the knife with his hands.

If he really caught the knife, that is a full display of a person's ability!

"If you don't give me a hand, go up together and be him, or we will all end well."

The bald man's face was flushed, since he made the move, he had no scruples in his heart, and shouted to his subordinates.

"Who dares?"

Immediately afterwards, Fei Quan shouted loudly, stepped forward with a beer bottle in his hand, and continued to speak:

"Think about it, the bald-headed man wants to die by himself, and the whole Mong Kok will not let him go if he wants to kill Boss Lei. His ship is going to sink soon, do you want to sink with him?"

At the same time, Yaoyang turned his right hand forcefully, and the bald man only felt a sharp pain in his jaw, so he had no choice but to let go, "The machete changed hands".

His neck was cold, and when the bald man was still thinking about the pain in his hand holding the knife, his whole body felt cold and he dared not move anymore.

In an instant, Yaoyang held the blade with one hand, and it touched the bald man's neck.

Looking around at the crowd, Yaoyang said coldly:

"Since the Heroes Meeting in Mong Kok, you are the first people who dare to break my rules. You are so kind! Bald man, you are dead. As for the others, follow me back to the police station and give me an explanation. If you can pass the test here, I will give you a way to survive, if not, go to Stanley with the bald man, and eat the emperor's food for the rest of your life!"

As soon as this remark came out, the bald-headed Weng was not considered a brave boss, otherwise Fei Quan would not have approached him if he had chosen to grab the post for a meeting.

His little brothers, of course, are not willing to do anything to an inspector for the sake of their own boss.

I don't know who was the first to drop the knife in his hand, and then the sound of throwing the knife was repeated. No one resisted from dozens of people, and they all gave up.

Yaoyang saw it, pushed the bald man towards Feiquan with a light push, and said in a grand voice:

"You watch him for me and take him back to the Mong Kok Police Station."

After saying that, Yaoyang turned around and left, as if he was not at all worried that someone would run away, let alone another misfortune, his extreme self-confidence and superhuman demeanor were evident.

"Brother Quan!"

"Brother Quan, what shall we do?"

Seeing that there was no danger, Feiquan's younger brothers surrounded Feiquan one after another, asking questions with worried and flustered faces.

Fei Quan looked at the bald man whose eyes were ashen, completely lost his fighting spirit, and was limp on the ground, and then looked at the crowd who dared not move at all, and said seriously:
"Let's go, let's go to the Mong Kok Police Station. Since the boss asked me to detain someone, he shouldn't blame us. There is still a way to survive. If we run away, I'm afraid we will have to run into the Kowloon Walled City."

The long-haired boy nodded, glanced at the "unarmed" boys of Bald Weng, and reminded:
"What about them?"

"How they choose has nothing to do with us, let's go!"

Fei Quan glanced at the others, picked up the bald man and walked out of the alley.

The rest of you looked at me and I looked at you, panicked in your heart, but hurriedly followed.

On the streets of Mong Kok, a strange scene soon appeared:
Yaoyang walked proudly, walking in the front.

Not far behind, five injured youths grabbed a bald man and followed.

Behind them were a group of dejected men with ugly faces.

Inside the Office of the Commissioner of Police in Mong Kok.

Yaoyang made coffee as if no one was around, and stirred it with a spoon, meticulously.

In front of him, Fei Quan, his four younger brothers, and the five injured young men stood, not daring to speak.

As for the bald man and his gang, they had just entered the Mong Kok police station, Yaoyang had already been taken away by Ma Jun and the others after a few orders from Yaoyang, and they were asked for a statement alone.

After a long time, the aroma of Yaoyang's coffee was tangy, and the conversation began:
"Although I haven't read everything about what happened today, based on what I've seen, it has little to do with you. It was the bald man who broke the rules. And you robbed the bald man's post, which happened before the Heroes' Meeting, and he is also a piece of trash. , I can't even keep a small invitation, and I don't blame you either."

The first sentence made the five young people feel relieved.

Facing Yaoyang, the pressure on them is too great:
Yaoyang's demeanor and demeanor are absolutely heart-wrenching, and he is as unruly as a fly, and he is completely impressed by Yaoyang's performance in the alley.

"I heard that you belong to Hong Le?"

"Boss, we are indeed Hong Le's!"

Fei Quan began to reply, speaking politely.

"Brother Piao, the leader of Hong Le, the two guardians on the left and right, and the entrance of the sixth hall, who are you with?"

Yaoyang took a sip of coffee and said relaxedly.


This question made the five of Feiquan a little embarrassed, and it was the girl among them who spoke, saying:
"My dad is Hong Le Buffalo, he used to fight with Brother Piao."

This kind of answer avoids Yaoyang's question and mentions "before".

Undoubtedly, the five young people in front of them belonged to Hong Le's fringe young and Dangerous youths, and they were not even assigned a hall. They were completely newcomers who had just joined the club.

Feeling funny in his heart, Yaoyang finally figured out who Fei Quan was.

In my impression, this is the protagonist of the gold list title, a sad association member who dares to fight hard, but unfortunately does not understand that there is a word "rule" in this world, and the result is right and wrong, and finally kicked out of the association. Was assassinated.

This person is not bad, if he can understand some rules, he is qualified to do things for him.

Remembering what kind of person Takeoff is, Yaoyang has a little more appreciation in his heart.

On the surface calm, Yaoyang no longer asked the question of who he was with, and said with great interest:

"I held the Heroes' Meeting in Mong Kok, and I didn't invite you to participate at all. Why did you want to participate, even at the expense of offending the bald man and stealing his posts?"

"Although the bald man is a waste, he has been in Mong Kok for 20 years and has many younger brothers. Are you not afraid of his revenge?"

The four young men and women frequently looked at Fei Quan, but Fei Quan responded straightforwardly:

"We also hang out in Mong Kok. If someone like the bald man is qualified to be called a hero, then I am also in Feiquan."

"What he dares to do, I, Feiquan, dare to do, and what he dares not to do, I, Feiquan, dare to do!"

"If he hadn't brought people into ambush today, with real swords and guns, I wouldn't be afraid of him."

Fei Quan's words were full of the vigor of a young man, a little less sophisticated, or rather silly.

Yaoyang heard it, but he didn't feel disgusted at all, and said:

"Are you not satisfied with your current status?"

Fei Quan was noncommittal, nodded and said:

"There is no one out there who doesn't want to be in the top position. I, Feiquan, just don't have a chance. If I had the chance, I would be the big brother!"

"A chance?"

Yaoyang lightly joked:
"Now I have established a rule in Mong Kok, no fighting and fighting for territory. Even if you have the chance, what are you going to do?"


Fei Quan was taken aback for a moment, he was a young man after all, but in fact he didn't understand many things.

In his thinking, Mong Kok has never changed. If given the chance, he is still going to grab the territory and become the boss.

But now Yaoyang pointed out that fighting and killing are not allowed in Mong Kok, this is really difficult for Feiquan.Seeing that Feiquan didn't answer for a long time, Yaoyang continued:

"In your heart, what kind of person is the boss?"

"More brothers, more territory, more money!"

Feiquan responded very quickly this time, no doubt this idea is deeply rooted.

Yaoyang neither agreed nor opposed, patiently said:
"You are also present at the Mong Kok Heroes Meeting, and you should also have a boss template in your mind. There were so many people that night, who do you think is the real boss?"

Perhaps it was because of Yaoyang's good attitude towards his family, at this time Feiquan and his younger brothers were already relaxed, and before Feiquan could answer, they had already opened their mouths.

One of the girls said:

"Of course it's the thirteenth sister of Hong Xing. There are several female talkers in Hong Kong's comprehensive market. They are very prestigious."

Long hair retorted, waved his hand and said:

"What is the thirteenth sister? I think Yifeng Weili is the real Wei. I heard that there are a lot of businesses, such as financial companies, smuggling clocks, opening bars, and doing everything."

The fat man shook his head and retorted:

"No, Hehetu Rhinoceros, the two streets are all his business, and there are hundreds of brothers under him."


Amidst the quarrel, Yaoyang asked again:
"Feiquan, who do you think it is?"


Feiquan frowned, he didn't seem to think to understand a simple question.After a long time, he just opened his mouth and said:

"It's you, the boss, Mr. Huo, Mr. Feng, Mr. Ding...! It's the people above you."

Hearing this answer, Feiquan's younger brothers fell silent, not daring to interrupt.


Yaoyang laughed heartily, and a gleam of appreciation flashed in Eagle's eyes:
"That's right, if you can answer this question, it's not hopeless! Feiquan, remember, what you call having a lot of brothers and a lot of territory can actually be bought with money. As long as you have a lot of money, you can get whatever you want, Hong Kong Comprehensive The city has always been a commercial society, and it has never changed since the opening of Pupu!"

"Let me teach you one more thing now, the most important thing to do great things is three conditions, the first banknotes, the second banknotes, and the third is banknotes!"

When he spoke, Yaoyang spoke boldly, with a reckless gesture, which made people feel like wise words.

"You said you have no chance. I, Yaoyang, will give you a chance today. The bald man won't be able to get out. I'll take care of his place and business for you. Whether you can take over depends on your own ability."

"I'll let someone release the news later, it's my support for you. As for whether you can rely on the bald man's little business to become the boss in your heart, it's up to you."

"In a word, my rules are not allowed to be broken, and I am not allowed to step on the line!"


Hearing this, Feiquan and his younger brothers were all excited, jumping up and down with excitement regardless of their injuries.

Feiquan's face also showed a bit of emotion and excitement of being recognized, suppressed his emotions, and said calmly:

"Boss, why are you helping me?"

"Because you can answer my question, and you dare to grab a post to participate in the Heroes' Meeting. If you have brains and courage, you must have a future!"

Yaoyang leaned back on the chair and said relaxedly:
"I'm not here to help you. A small business, a small piece of land, whoever I want to give it depends on my mood. I am in a good mood today, and this is also a reason."

"Fei Quan, I hope you don't have to rush to participate in the next Heroes Meeting. You can rely on your own ability to receive invitations written by me."

"Okay, if there's nothing else, let's go!"

After saying that, Yaoyang waved his hands, acting very relaxed, and a bit careless.

In the eyes of Feiquan and the others, what seemed like a huge good thing, in Yaoyang's eyes, was undoubtedly a trivial thing, just like what he said, it was just a good mood, nothing more.

Before he came to the Mong Kok Police Station, Fei Quan's boss had always been the kind who would be majestic on the road, go home and be guarded by dozens of people.

But at this time, Feiquan really had a clear understanding:
The boss does not necessarily need a large number of people to embrace each other, nor does he necessarily have to be a person on the road.

Some people single-handedly are already thousands of troops.

There are even some people with extraordinary demeanor and demeanor, who don't need any influence behind them, just a look is enough.

Convinced in his heart, Feiquan looked at Yaoyang solemnly and said:

"Boss, I will definitely not foul, and I will definitely not let you look away. You are the real boss."

After speaking, Fei Quan greeted his younger brother, opened the door of the office, and walked out in an orderly manner.

Looking at the back of this little guy, Yaoyang showed a smile on his face:
"If he can really understand himself, he will definitely not be as tragic as the original book. Maybe one day, he will still be a good helper!"

"Now, just like Chen Yaoqing, Jiaqian Ge, Jifei, Dongguan Tsai and others, Xiaoxiao Feiquan still needs too much time to grow up.

"Ding ding ding...!"

At this moment, the phone rang, and Yaoyang picked it up without saying a word:

The phone call was from Huo Xixian, and the content was very simple:
Invite Yao Yang to go to Sha Tin Racecourse tomorrow to participate in the opening of the race day.

Such an opening, logically speaking, has nothing to do with Huo Xixian.

But according to what she said, it was Huo Jingliang who bought a horse, and it will be the first race tomorrow, and she hopes that Yaoyang will join in the show.

For such an invitation, Yaoyang agreed without even thinking about it, Huo Jingliang's face, no matter what, he had to give it.


The bald man in Mong Kok unscrupulously broke the rules set by Boss Lei, fighting with a knife on the streets of Mong Kok, and happened to be met by Boss Lei.

Then, the bald man was so bold that he even attacked Boss Lei. Fortunately, the boss was very skilled and easily dealt with him.

Now that the entire bald man has been arrested at the Mong Kok Police Station, he must not be able to get out.

As for his small places and small businesses, Boss Lei appointed Hong Lefei to take over all of them!
This news spread throughout Mong Kok in the afternoon of the incident.

Most young and Dangerous people just listened to it casually, used it as gossip jokes, and chatted, at most they would sigh with emotion about the lack of brains of the bald man, the strength of the Mong Kok police, and Hong Lefeiquan's luck.

There are also some local snakes who have recently gained huge benefits and contracted game halls, such as Qinshou, Dongxing Dadong, Chen Yaoqing, etc., carelessly dispatched younger brothers to release news that they want to abolish the bald man and all his horses. Those who are outside, chase one after another, and cut them after leaving Mong Kok.

And the rest of the young and Dangerous boys who are smart and have more eyes, such as Hongxing Shisanmei, Hehetu Rhinoceros, etc., all shook their heads and sighed secretly:

"Mong Kok has really changed, and Lei Yaoyang has become a big trend! If there are no special circumstances, his position will be deeply entrenched over time and cannot be shaken."

Let's see if after this conflict, everyone on the road either helped Yaoyang deal with the follow-up, or scolded the bald man and others for breaking the rules and deserved to end.

But who said it again:
The conflict between young and Dangerous boys and the police is normal!
Undoubtedly, in Mong Kok now, most people on the road have already agreed with the rules and the mountain above their heads, and they have no intention of resisting.

Now they are only thinking about making profits, how can they get more business from Dashan and make a fortune!
The temper that young and Dangerous boys should have, and the style of "incompatibility" with the police, are completely thrown away thousands of miles away.


Sha Tin Racecourse is located in Sha Tin District, east of the New Territories, Hong Kong City.

Constructed and managed by the Hong Kong City Jockey Club, it is the second horse racing venue in Hong Kong City. It was completed and opened in [-].

The next day, Yao Yang, who was invited by Huo Xixian by phone, left the city early in the morning and went straight to Sha Tin, New Territories.

Since today is the first day of the horse racing season, the traffic flow on the road leading to the New Territories is extremely heavy.On both sides of the road, there are some guys walking or riding bicycles, chatting and making troubles, heading for Sha Tin.

It was only [-] o'clock in the morning, and it was still about a kilometer away from the racecourse. Yaoyang already felt the atmosphere of the Chinese New Year in the Mainland. The vehicles were blocked and began to move slowly. The traffic was huge and crowded.

These all show that Hong Kong people love horse racing.

I remember that when the Hong Kong comprehensive market returned in the past, a great man once said:
"It will remain unchanged for 50 years, the dance will continue to dance, and the horse will continue to run."

In this sentence, we can also see what kind of feelings horse racing has for Hong Kong people.

That is a custom that goes deep into the bone marrow and can be understood by non-locals!

There are still 500 meters away from the horse racing parking lot, Yaoyang's car is completely turbulent, blocked front and back, and many vehicles are honking their horns crazily, sharp, long, and ear-piercing...

"Damn it! It's just the opening, so there's no need to be so exaggerated."

Yaoyang was a little depressed, and also deeply felt that he was inexperienced. If he knew that the opening of the race season was like this, he shouldn't have driven here.

At this moment, a greeting came to Yaoyang's ears:

"Mr. Ray!"

Yaoyang looked for the sound, and saw two men in sportswear on the left side of the street, pushing the crowd, smiling all over their faces, trotting towards him.

They are very familiar with Yaoyang, they are none other than Huo Jingliang's two big followers!

"Mr. Lei, give me the keys, and I'll park the car for you."

"Mr. Lei, Mr. Huo and Miss Huo are already waiting for you inside, let us come out to pick you up!"

After the two followers approached, you explained the reason for your appearance, which made Yaoyang feel warm.

Huo Jingliang is absolutely worthy of himself!

With Huo Jingliang's arrogance, I am afraid that few people in the entire Hong Kong comprehensive market can receive this kind of treatment.

"Okay! Don't worry, let's go."

Yaoyang smiled slightly, opened the car door, asked a follower to get in the car to stop for him, and followed another follower, squeezed through the crowd, and entered the Sha Tin Racecourse.

With acquaintances leading the way, the effect is different.

Except for the crowd when they first entered the racecourse, Huo Jingliang's attendant instructed the two of them not to take the main road at all. After several security checks, they entered a small passage with four people side by side.

With a trace of curiosity, Yaoyang asked if he didn't understand, doubtfully:
"Where are we going? Shouldn't the stands go outside?"

The follower who led the way heard it, and said with a trace of pride on his face:

"Mr. Lei, Mr. Huo has always had his own private box in Sha Tin!"

"Private boxes are precious?"

Yao Yang was a little puzzled, after all, in the Mong Kok Police Station, Liang Jianbo liked to bet on horses, and he mentioned the private room.

I remember Liang Jianbo said that if you have money, you must go to the box to watch horses.

According to his statement, it can be inferred that the box can be booked if there is money.

But now listening to the tone of the servant, it seems that this is not the case.

"Of course it's precious. There are many people watching the horses every year during the horse racing season in Hong Kong. Not counting the ordinary people, [-]% of the rich in Hong Kong are also very interested in horse racing, and there are only so many boxes in Sha Tin. It doesn't matter if you have money." Yes. With Mr. Huo's level, he can only be on the fifth floor!"

The attendant knew that Yaoyang and Huo Jingliang had a very good relationship, but he didn't hide it at all, he explained while leading the way.

Yaoyang found it interesting, and couldn't help asking:

"Oh? There are so many rules here? Is there any other explanation for the floor where the box is located?"

"That's right! All the racecourses in Hong Kong are the same. Let's say this Shatian Racecourse! There are seven floors in total. The first to third floors are open to the public, and the fourth floor is for ordinary wealthy people. Above the fifth floor, a certain status is required. As for The sixth and seventh floors are closed to the public except for members of the Jockey Club.”

The attendant explained, with longing in his eyes, as if there was something remarkable on the sixth or seventh floor.

Yaoyang, however, was a little confused and said in doubt:
"Isn't it just a member? I've heard people say that it's easy to be a member of the Jockey Club, just pay and register?"

"Mr. Lei, what you are talking about is ordinary members. As long as their income is high enough and they have their own company, they can indeed pay to register. But the real internal members look at them condescendingly and are useless."

The attendant smiled wryly and shook his head, explaining:

"Those who can go to the sixth or seventh floor must be internal members. Internal members, like private clubs, must be recommended by an old member and guaranteed by five old members."

"Since the opening of Hong Kong Comprehensive City, there have been only about [-] Chinese members in the Jockey Club. It is not as simple as being rich and powerful."

Yaoyang was secretly startled, he already understood the extraordinaryness of the internal members.

From the beginning to the end, there were only about forty Chinese members, and when did the Hong Kong Comprehensive Market open?
It's the end of the eighteenth century.

In other words, for more than 100 years, there are only about forty Chinese members in it. You can imagine the gold content of membership.

In a wing room on the fifth floor of Sha Tin Racecourse.There are about a dozen people here, all ages, all dressed in casual clothes, chatting and laughing.

Several people held binoculars and watched other parts of the racecourse through the huge transparent floor-to-ceiling windows from time to time.

Huo Jingliang is undoubtedly the most conspicuous among them!
Led by the attendant, Yaoyang soon appeared at the door of the box.

"Ray sir!"

Wearing a white sportswear and a ponytail hairstyle today, Huo Xixian, who is full of youth and vigor, spotted it immediately, and greeted him, saying hello.


Yaoyang responded with a smile, followed Huo Xixian into the wing.

In the wing room, the decoration is in a subtle British style, and there is almost no strong decoration, it seems to be the most common and simple.

All around are just some well-prepared flower and plant works, which make some faint fragrances in the pure air, giving people amazing tranquility.

It's really hard to imagine such a place, and you need an identity to book it.

"Yangzi, you are here, I have been waiting for you for a long time, come here quickly!"

Huo Jingliang, who was also wearing sportswear but was equally domineering no matter what he was wearing, had already seen Yaoyang with a smile and greeted him.

"Mr. Huo!"

Yaoyang strode over, causing everyone in the wing room to look at him, their eyes full of strangeness and doubt, whispering to each other, asking each other about Yaoyang's identity.

Huo Jingliang didn't intend to introduce other people for Yaoyang, he pointed to the balcony of the wing room outside, which is also a stand, and said with a smile:

"Come on, Yangzi, it's probably your first time here, I'll show you."

After speaking, Huo Jingliang led the way majestically, and the other people in the wing quickly gave way, especially when there were a few young people standing on the balcony, seeing Huo Jingliang, they immediately smiled humbly and retreated into the wing.

In an instant, only Huo Jingliang, Yaoyang, and Huo Xixian were left on the balcony.

"Mr. Huo, who are the people outside?"

Yaoyang was very puzzled, he didn't quite understand the relationship between Huo Jingliang and the other people in the wing room.It stands to reason that everyone is in the same wing, according to etiquette, Huo Jingliang should introduce himself first!

Why did Huo Jingliang look so arrogant, as if he looked down on other people at all?

And Huo Jingliang's answer was also very strange, with disdain on his face, looking at the densely packed heads below, he said:
"Not very familiar! A bunch of trash who rely on me to stay here, ignore them."


Huo Xixian heard it, and reflexively looked in the wing room before calling out.

"Am I wrong?"

Huo Jingliang didn't seem to be in a very good mood, he glanced at Huo Xixian and said.


The two father and daughter obviously had some small conflicts, which made Yaoyang feel a little awkward in the middle, so he quickly laughed:

"Mr. Huo, it's still early anyway, and there's still a while before the opening ceremony. It's good to be idle, and it's good to chat. What's wrong with the people inside, did you offend Mr. Huo?"

"They didn't offend me, they just don't have such a big head, so they want to wear such a big hat, they are overwhelmed! I am not having a party today, but to see my horse. So many people come, like flies, lower me style."

The meaning of Huo Jingliang's words was very unclear, while speaking, he put his hands on the balcony and looked outside.

Huo Xixian smiled slightly, pulled Yaoyang, and explained in a low voice:

"The people outside are the nephews and brothers of some friends of my father. They asked my father to take care of them and come to see the opening of the season. They all called me, and I agreed to them all!"

"That's all?"

Yaoyang's mind is so flexible, he immediately understood why Huo Jingliang was angry:

"This way, he was angry that Huo Xixian had made his own decisions and became his master. This way, he also felt that his daughter was being used by others, and he was unhappy for her, and he was also dissatisfied with some people."

Just to watch the horse racing, do you still need someone to take care of you?
People from all over the world can come and see.

Someone asked Huo Jingliang to take care of the horses, but it was not for the purpose of watching the horses at all, probably because Huo Jingliang had a wing on the fifth floor.

Classes in Hong Kong are everywhere, and sometimes where they appear is a class in itself.

Huo Jingliang has been in the business world for many years, and he often encounters people who want to take advantage of others, that is, nephews and brothers of so-called friends.

They were able to stay in Huo Jingliang's wing and watch the horses today, even if they were a little angry, it would be a huge capital to spread the word.

Huo Jingliang understood this truth very well, perhaps he felt that the key to being used by others was from his daughter, which made him definitely upset.

Knowing everything, Yaoyang stepped forward with a smile, and stood on the balcony with Huo Jingliang, saying:

"Mr. Huo, I heard Helen say on the phone yesterday that your horse is racing for the first time today. From Mr. Huo's point of view, it must be a win?"

"Of course!"

Huo Jingliang smiled proudly:
"The best thing in my life is vision. My horse definitely has the qualifications of a horse king."

"Since it's a must-win, it's good if there are more people. If you go out here, you can also promote Mr. Huo, so that people from all walks of life in Hong Kong will know that Mr. Huo has a unique vision and wins the world."

Yaoyang followed up smoothly and spoke.

Saying that, Yaoyang turned his head, blinked at Huo Xixian and said:
"Helen, you are too. Today, Mr. Huo only wanted to watch the horses with himself, and be happy. What are you doing with so many people to cheer for? It's a sure thing to win. It's worth it."

Huo Xixian understood, stepped forward quickly, forced himself to the right of Huo Jingliang, took his hand, and said coquettishly:


Huo Jingliang glanced at Huo Xixian, but he never blamed Huo Xixian in his heart, but he felt uncomfortable that his daughter was being used by others.

Looking at Yaoyang on his left, Huo Jingliang was very satisfied, he embraced Yaoyang with his left hand, and laughed loudly:
"Yangzi, you still know how to talk. Although you are obviously lying to me, it doesn't matter. I like to listen! Unlike my daughter, she can't even please her father."

"Also! You are right in saying something. I wanted to have fun with my own people today, but it turned out that so many outsiders came, which is really unpleasant."

"Yangzi, I've always been your own person."

When it came to the end, Huo Jingliang had a serious face, full of optimism for Yaoyang.

"Mr. Huo, I know!"

Yaoyang has always had excellent senses towards Huo Jingliang, so he nodded after hearing this.

"By the way, don't call me Mr. Huo in the future. You're too out of touch. Call me Uncle. You won't suffer!"

Huo Jingliang waved his hands grandly, then a strange look appeared on his face, he glanced at his daughter and said:
"This title, I hope you don't call it too long!"


Huo Xixian blushed, fully understanding the meaning of the words, there was a trace of anticipation in his lowered pupils, more apprehension.

Yaoyang glanced at Huo Xixian, and for the first time, he began to think about marrying his wife.

As a police officer, especially a high-level police officer who is dedicated to climbing the ladder, it is impossible to appoint someone without marriage, and marriage is actually a kind of capital.

And I have a lot of women, who is the most suitable for the bright side?
Huo Xixian can definitely be number one!
On the contrary, the identities of Ding Yao and A Ye are not suitable for a high-ranking police official, and they will definitely be used as an excuse to attack.After thinking up to this point, Yaoyang said loudly:

"Uncle, if there is fate, I would also like to change my name."

Hearing Yaoyang's almost straightforward expression, Huo Jingliang was overjoyed, and repeatedly patted Yaoyang on the shoulder:

Huo Xixian couldn't stay any longer, left a message to greet other guests, and hurried into the wing room, not daring to stay on the balcony.

She really couldn't imagine that if she stayed any longer, these two bold men could talk about something shocking.

After a short conversation, both Huo Jingliang and Yaoyang felt that their relationship with each other was one step closer, and they chatted happily about other things.

Of course, the most important thing was Yaoyang's question and Huo Jingliang's answer.

"Uncle, I heard that each floor of the Sha Tin Racecourse represents a level, just like a pyramid, is it true?"

"of course it's true!"

Huo Jingliang is a good explainer. He is not only well-informed, but he is absolutely familiar with the unspoken rules of the upper class in the Hong Kong comprehensive market.

Nodding, Huo Jingliang pointed to the balcony and said:
"The Hong Kong comprehensive market is still a place for ghosts. A few decades ago, all the people sitting on it could only be British. If we Chinese want to go up, there is a way!"

As he said that, Huo Jingliang turned his head to gesture to the side room, and said:

"Just like the people inside now, borrowing other people's light, borrowing other people's name, pretending to be powerful."

Yaoyang nodded, and asked curiously:

"What about now? There are more upper-class Chinese?"

"Not many, the top ten chaebols in the Hong Kong comprehensive market, and more than a dozen "self-righteous" nobles."

There was a trace of dissatisfaction and disdain in Huo Jingliang's tone.

The top ten chaebols in Hong Kong are believed to be known not only by people in Hong Kong, but also by the whole world.

Yao Yang remembered that in his previous life, even though he practiced martial arts painstakingly, he had heard of the top ten richest people in the Hong Kong comprehensive market, headed by Li Jia.

But Hua Noble, Yaoyang has never heard of it!
Asking for advice, Yaoyang asked directly:
"Uncle, what is a nobleman?"

"With the title of jazz, I don't have much ability, I'm just a waste who can flatter me."

Huo Jingliang said disdainfully.

Speaking of this, Huo Jingliang seemed to have brought back some unpleasant memories, and continued to speak:

"Those scumbags are not very capable, but they always have their eyes above the top and look down on other people. I applied for internal membership of the Jockey Club twice, but I was mixed up by a group of scumbags. Huo Jingliang thought I was a speculator and looked down on me!"

"Fuck! My money stinks."

In the last sentence, Huo Jingliang burst into foul language. In front of Yaoyang, he did not hide his true nature, and also expressed his dissatisfaction.

Yaoyang only felt that his knowledge had greatly increased. It turns out that the top power in the Hong Kong comprehensive market is like that. Status is no longer explained by money and power. It needs more international certification.

For myself, there is no doubt that there is still a long way to go!
Next, Yaoyang chatted a lot with Huo Jingliang, and it was still Huo Jingliang who introduced Sha Tin Racecourse to Yaoyang, and there were some gossip about the unspoken rules of the upper class...

"Father, Sir Lei, you have been chatting for so long, are you hungry, why don't we go down and have a drink?"

Huo Xixian seemed to be a little annoyed staying in the wing room, thinking about it, she didn't know most of the people in the wing room, and they were all human beings who came here with a great purpose.

It was really boring to stay here, so I went out to the balcony and greeted the two people I was most familiar with.

"Okay, before we start, there is still time, it would be nice to have something to eat!"

Huo Jingliang had no objection at all, looked at Yaoyang and said.

"Uncle, you decide."

Yaoyang had no objection, he was here to praise Huo Jingliang, so of course he wouldn't steal the show.

"Then let's go!"

Huo Jingliang smiled in satisfaction, and took the lead out of the balcony, without even looking at the people in the box, he went straight out of the box door.

Yaoyang followed closely, with a smile on his face, also without saying a word.

On the contrary, Huo Xixian had a good heart, smiled and spoke, and explained a few words to the people in the box.

What dare the people in the box say?
They were not familiar with Huo Jingliang at all, they were able to enter the box today, their purpose had already been achieved, and they were all polite and casual.

The Sha Tin Racecourse restaurant is also on the fifth floor. The food here is expensive, especially the drinks. The price of a bottle is almost dozens of times, which is simply not acceptable to the public.

Therefore, the people who spend here can be regarded as wealthy people with considerable wealth.

In fact, the restaurant is the same as the box, on a large external platform. Sitting in the restaurant, the view is even wider, and you can see the racetrack below at a glance.

If you insist on the difference between the two, it is just the hidden status class.

"Mr. Huo!"

"Hi, Dacid, it's been a long time. I heard that your "Heroes of the World" is on the first day of the race. It must be the winner, hahaha!"

"Old Huo, come on, I have a seat here, come and sit!"

Wherever Huo Jingliang went, he was definitely a celebrity, especially on such a relatively high-level occasion... When he first entered the restaurant, many people saw him and greeted him constantly, and Huo Jingliang's old acquaintances were also in the restaurant.


With a greeting, Ye Xiaoli from the Mingda Group, Huo Jingliang's ex-wife Fang Jianping, and a large group of men and women sat at a large table.

The greeting was undoubtedly from Fang Jianping, Huo Xixian's biological mother. She was standing at the moment, waving to Huo Xixian.

Huo Jingliang saw it, and while greeting other acquaintances, whispered secretly:
"It's really haunting, you can meet him everywhere!"

Although his voice was low, Yao Yang, who was standing next to Huo Jingliang, listened attentively.

Yaoyang shook his head and laughed, pointed to a nearby table and said:

"Uncle, let's just sit here!"

Of course Huo Jingliang knew about Yaoyang's kindness, he waved his hand and said:

"No, let's go and sit!"

With that said, the group went straight to Ye Xiaoli's big table, and everyone greeted each other.

Huo Xixian, the mother and daughter whispered some words and stopped talking, Huo Jingliang smiled half-smile, pointed at Ye Xiaoli and said:
"Howard, I remember that you never liked to watch horse races. You also said that you have to be down-to-earth, and you can't rely on gambling. What happened today, you know my horse is in the race, and you come here to cheer for me?"


There were thorns in Huo Jingliang's words, and even a fool could hear them. Immediately, a young man with a face full of anger wanted to speak.

Ye Xiaoli raised his hand to stop it at the right time, perhaps because he was used to being targeted by Huo Jingliang, but he was very gracious, and said calmly:

"Oh? Is your horse racing today? Sorry, I really don't know."

"I really don't like betting on horses at all, but my own horses should also be present. It's a coincidence. Not long ago, Mr. Liu of Kangtai Electronics gave me a European champion horse. I changed my name, and today is the same. First race."

"You have a horse too?"

Huo Jingliang was a little excited when he heard it.

"Yes, number nine!"

Ye Xiaoli knew very well why Huo Jingliang was excited, no doubt he was going to play against him again, but he was not afraid at all, and directly reported his number.

"Number Nine!"

Huo Jingliang thought to himself and snapped his fingers:
"What's number nine?"

Huo Jingliang's two servants came back a long time ago, and they have been following since they went downstairs. When asked by the boss, one of them immediately replied:

"Mr. Huo, No. [-] Ye's Light is very hot!"

"Ye's Light?"

Huo Jingliang chanted a name and laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, it really is Howard's style, you can put your name on a horse, free advertising, no profit! What will you do if you don't run out?"


Ye Xiaoli smiled lightly, curled his lips and said:
"I heard that No. [-] "Xiong Batian" is your horse. If you run to the end, what are you going to do?"

Having said that, the two of them had strange expressions and laughed together.

People around Ye Xiaoli and Huo Jingliang have seen this kind of verbal confrontation a lot, and it's hard to persuade them.

Huo Xixian came over a few steps, originally wanting to persuade, but before he could open his mouth, Huo Jingliang said:
"Helen, it's Yaoyang's first visit to the racetrack, so you can take him around. By the way, by the way, buy daddy 100 million Heroes to dominate the world, win alone!"

As he said that, Huo Jingliang looked at Ye Xiaoli provocatively.

In fact, Ye Xiaoli has always been a stable person, and only when facing Huo Jingliang, he was naturally unhappy, and he told the people around him:

"Yip's Light, 100 million wins alone."

The two refused to give in to each other, Yaoyang wanted to help Huo Jingliang, but he didn't see the opportunity, shook his head, and could only pull Huo Xixian away, which was to let Huo Jingliang play freely.

The moment he was pulled by Yaoyang, Huo Xixian immediately became like a little girl, following with her head down, not resisting, and extremely obedient.

Others didn't notice, but Fang Jianping, Huo Xixian's mother, took a few extra glances, frowned slightly, and looked at Yaoyang's back.

"Brother Yaoyang, let's leave like this. With my father's temper, it will definitely make everyone unhappy."

"Helen, Uncle's business can grow so big, he will do things properly. Those of us who are juniors, don't care about the grievances between their elders. Didn't Uncle ask you to buy horses for him, just as I never I haven't seen it before, so you should introduce it to me."

Leaving the area of ​​the restaurant, Yaoyang let go of Huo Xixian and said with a relaxed smile.

Huo Xixian is also a coaxable girl, after a few words, there is no objection, and she leads the way downstairs, and leads Yaoyang to the betting office at the same time.

The betting office can be said to be the busiest place in the Sha Tin Racecourse. There is a loud noise and crowds of people. The two are approaching, and they speak a little softly, which is hard to hear.

It is not easy to rush to the betting place, although there are more than ten windows in the betting place.

Fortunately, Yaoyang is tall, taking advantage of his height, with his hands slightly open, protecting Huo Xixian, he squeezed towards a less crowded betting port:
"Helen, move on."

Huo Xixian was protected by Yaoyang, although there were many people, he was never crowded by anyone.

Yaoyang's two arms are like fixed iron rods, no one can bend them a little.

Feeling the joy and happiness of being protected by someone in his heart, Huo Xixian said brokenly on the surface:
"Dad, it's true, it's fine if you don't want to bet on the phone, but let us come down and buy it."

At this time, next to Huo Xixian, a steady and handsome young man in his twenties wearing a brand-name suit seemed to hear Huo Xixian's words, and interjected:

"Miss, you're doing well, being protected by your boyfriend, it's easy. I've been here for 10 minutes, and I haven't advanced 20 meters!"

Hearing these words, Huo Xixian felt a burst of sweetness in his heart.

Of course Yaoyang also heard the man's words, he couldn't help but cast a glance, and said friendly:
"It's not easy to hurry up, Four Eyes Boy, since you are destined, follow me, and I will take you with me."

"You call me four-eyed boy?"

The young man froze for a moment, pointed at himself, with inexplicable emotions in his eyes.

"Aren't you?"

It was not easy for Yaoyang to protect Huo Xixian, he secretly pushed away a few people, and said.

"Uh...yes...that's true...but it's been a long time since I've heard someone call me that, what's your name sir?"

The young man didn't know if there was something wrong with his brain, and he said with interest on his face.

"Let's talk about it at the gate first, this is not a good place for small talk."

Yaoyang smiled, but didn't answer, and started exerting strength, forming fists with both hands, and deliberately bumping into the person in front by squeezing forward.



"Oh, how dare you take advantage of my old lady when you rush to the street?"

Yaoyang's fist was very hard, with the phalanx first, when it collided, it was like hitting with a hammer. Several people in front felt pain in their backs, and they couldn't help but fell to the side, causing a burst of confusion.

"Helen, don't be dazed, go forward quickly. Four-eyed boy, follow closely!"

Yaoyang didn't care about that much, he hurriedly commanded, the trio was like a bow and arrow for a while, quickly pierced through the crowd, and soon reached a gate.

And when you get to the gate, you only need to move with the team, and there is no problem of crowded places.

Huo Xixian was at the front, Yaoyang was second, and the man with glasses was third. The three of them stood up in an orderly manner, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha, it's really exciting to come in so quickly! Sir, you are really capable. By the way, what's your name?"

It was the first time that the man with glasses squeezed his seat forcibly, his face showed excitement, high spirits, very happy, he asked Yaoyang again.

"My name is Lei Yaoyang!"

Yaoyang responded casually, and didn't want to pay much attention to the man with glasses.

"Lei Yaoyang?"

The man with glasses muttered the name for a while, as if checking whether it existed in his memory. Then, he looked carefully at Huo Xixian again, and suddenly said:

"Hey, Miss, is your father Huo Jingliang?"

Speaking of Huo Jingliang, Huo Xixian looked back at the man with glasses, looked at him, nodded and said:

"Yeah, you know my dad?"

"Of course I do, but Mr. Huo probably doesn't know me."

Huo Xixian lost interest in the man's response.

In Huo Xixian's view, there are too many people in Hong Kong who know her father, and those who her father doesn't know are probably not important people.

It's like the group of people rubbing the box today, everyone knows Huo Jingliang, but Huo Jingliang doesn't know anyone.

Huo Xixian just made Huo Jingliang a little angry because of that incident, but now he doesn't want to make Huo Jingliang angry again by meeting someone he doesn't know well.

On the contrary, Yaoyang became interested in the man with glasses.

With Yaoyang's eyes and ears, it was obvious that when the young man mentioned Huo Jingliang, he didn't mean to admire or flatter him at all, just like referring to an ordinary person.

Such a tone, or this young man is arrogant, ignorant of the heights of the sky and the earth.

After all, he is very powerful, at least he is not afraid of Huo Jingliang.

But let's say he was arrogant, and he didn't mean to be angry at all by calling him four eyes.

Let's say he is powerful, how could such a powerful person squeeze into the crowd and come here to buy horses himself?
With this understanding, Yaoyang said with great interest:

"Four-eyed boy, are you also here to buy horses?"

"Yeah! I come to buy horses every racing season, and it's been many years."

The young man with glasses nodded, very honestly.

Hearing what the man with glasses said was interesting, Huo Xixian blinked his beautiful big eyes and said with interest:

"You bet on horses every year? Are you very good? You often win money?"

The young man smiled wryly and shook his head, denying:

"Ten bets and nine lose, but there is no way, there is a task at home."

Homework, what does that mean?Huo Xixian was puzzled, even Yaoyang was amused, and said with a smile:
"Could it be that you bought the horse, or did your family force you?"

"That's right! My dad said to give me a test, but I don't know what the test is. I've been buying horses for a few years, but I just failed!"

The man in glasses is chatty, explained.

"So weird?"

Yaoyang and Huo Xixian looked at each other, and they both saw strong interest in each other's eyes.Huo Xixian even said immediately:

"Maybe your family members are testing your vision and want you to win?"

The young man still shook his head, lowered his voice and said:

"There have been several times where all the horses have bet, and I have won millions of dollars and betting tickets when I go home, and I have been scolded."

"Damn, this is really full of food, very good at playing! Buy all the horses once, and you will definitely get a bonus in the end. This kid is really not simple. At least from this sentence, it can be fully heard that he There was no money left.”

Yaoyang thought secretly.The young man's words continued:
"I also bought my own horse. Although I lost many times and ran out of the top horse, I still didn't pass the test."

Huo Xixian heard it, temporarily put aside the young man's strange buying of horses, and asked again:

"Are you still the horse owner? Did your horse race today?"

"Yes, I have!"

The young man nodded and responded:

"Number [-] African God of War is my horse! Both the first and second races will be held today, and my horses will participate in the race!"

Yaoyang laughed and said:
"Since you are wrong about buying horses, what are you going to buy today?"

"What else can I buy, just buy my own horse, as a compliment!"

The young man casually shrugged and said easily:

"Mr. Lei, what about you, what are you buying?"

"It's not guaranteed to win. I didn't plan to buy it. Helen bet for her father, and it's also a support. Her family's horse is competing for the first time."

Yaoyang explained casually.

The young man didn't seem to care about which horse to buy, but he had some objections to Yaoyang's first sentence:
"Must win? Anything can happen on the racetrack, how can it be sure to win!"

"That's not necessarily true. Let me watch the first race, and maybe I'll know which horse will win the second race!"

Yaoyang smiled slightly and said mysteriously.

"Mr. Lei, are you serious?"

The young man seemed a little innocent, but there was a hint of expectation in his pupils.

"You don't know me well, what did I lie to you for!"

In fact, Yaoyang just said casually, but he didn't intend to take it back after he had said it.

"Okay! In the first round, I will support my home field, and when I bet on the second round, I will wait here for Mr. Lei and listen to Mr. Lei's advice?"

The young man seemed to be very interested, and said.

"Second game, I've already left after the second game."

Yaoyang secretly laughed, and didn't take this seriously, he just said casually:

"Okay, it's just that there are so many people here, let's talk about it if you still meet me in the second round of betting!"


The young man was full of confidence and spit out two words.

"Hey, do you three place a bet, hurry up!"

"Brother, it's your turn."

At this time, after queuing up in an orderly manner, the three of them had already arrived at the window at the front, the racecourse staff shouted irritably, and the people behind saw that Yaoyang was tall, although they didn't dare to curse, they also urged.

At this time, after queuing up in an orderly manner, the three of them had already arrived at the window at the front, the racecourse staff shouted irritably, and the people behind saw that Yaoyang was tall, although they didn't dare to curse, they also urged.

"No. [-] in the first round, dominate the world and win alone!"

"Number [-] in the first match, African God of War, win alone!"

Huo Xixian and the man with glasses didn't delay, they both took out the check and wrote the bet.

The two of them both bought and won, and the amount was huge, so the attitude of the service staff was much better immediately, and they handled it politely for the two of them.

Soon, with betting tickets in hand, Yaoyang led the two through the crowd and out of the betting hall.

Yaoyang and Huo Xixian didn't even say hello, they squeezed out of the betting hall and returned along the same road.It was the young man with glasses who wanted to say something. Seeing that the two had nothing to say, the acquaintance did not continue.

On the way, Huo Xixian approached Yaoyang and whispered:
"Brother Yaoyang, after the first race, do you really know which horse will win the second race?"

"Of course I don't know! I lied to that guy. That guy was crazy. He was weird, and his family members were also weird. He bought a horse for a test, and he had never heard of it."

Yaoyang smiled and asked again:

"By the way, whose horse is No. [-] African God of War? Do you know?"

"I don't know! I'm not very familiar with horse racing, and I rarely come here to the racecourse."

Huo Xixian responded obediently.

"Forget it! Let's go back and see how Uncle is doing. After so long, it should be almost the same."

Yaoyang didn't care about other things, and suggested.Soon, the two went up to the fourth floor again and came to the racecourse restaurant.

"Yaoyang, Helen, this way!"

Huo Jingliang greeted domineeringly, the place where he was sitting was actually only one table away from the big table of Ye Xiaoli and others.

Obviously, the two were just dating.

Yaoyang and the two immediately walked over, and Huo Xixian handed over the ticket and said:
"Dad, it's ready."

"it is good!"

Huo Jingliang took the betting ticket and said arrogantly:

"Today I'm going to see how Ye loses!"

"Dad, stop fighting with Uncle Ye. It's very embarrassing for Mommy to be in the middle."

Huo Xixian and Yaoyang sat down, and tried to persuade them immediately.

"Needless to say! Betting on horses and doing good deeds, I never thought of fighting him!"

Huo Jingliang raised his hand, obviously there was no room for discussion on this matter, and he was unwilling to talk about it.

Yaoyang gave Huo Xixian a consoling look, and motioned her to stop talking.

Immediately, he took the initiative to chat with Huo Jingliang, waiting for the official opening of the horse racing season.

Unknowingly, at nine o'clock, the distinguished guests from the Sha Tin Racecourse, after addressing the guests at the racecourse through the microphone, announced the start of today's first horse race without delay.

Those who have never been to a racetrack will never be able to imagine the intense and tense atmosphere where the horses are galloping and the crowd is holding their breath.

As the first horse race started, the deafening shouts in the entire Sha Tin Racecourse went straight to the sky.

Huo Jingliang, Huo Xixian, Ye Xiaoli and others couldn't help standing up, holding binoculars, and staring at the results in the racetrack.

Yaoyang couldn't help but followed the flow and looked into the racecourse: Huo Jingliang's "Heroic Dominance" and Ye Xiaoli's "Ye's Light" are indeed not simple, they are clearly ahead of the other horses, and they are almost at the same level.

But apart from the horses of the two of them, what Yaoyang didn't expect was that the No. [-] African God of War, also known as the "family horse" in the eyes of young people, was not bad at all. .

The "African God of War" didn't know what it was. It was as if he had been injected with chicken blood. He led the way by half a horse's head, and finally broke through the finish line and easily ran first.

"Fuck you."

"Damn! How could this be? Didn't Ye Shiguang have won many European league championships, even the champion horse is unreliable!"

"Okay, Xiong Ba Tian Xia didn't come out either. I heard that Huo Jingliang spent a lot of money to train a horse with a super-champion bloodline, and it's not the same as a bad start!"

"Hahaha, I won, I won! I said Ma Jing is still reliable, the hottest is the hottest!"

After the first horse race, there were all kinds of people. In the restaurant on the fourth floor, some people laughed happily, some were angry, some just tore up the betting tickets and left, and some were so ordinary that it seemed to have become a habit.

Huo Jingliang patted the dining table with one hand, with a look of resentment on his face, he was very unhappy and said:

"Whose horse is the African god of war?"

Huo Jingliang was undoubtedly asking the two attendants this question.

His follower was unambiguous, and immediately responded:
"Mr. Huo, I don't know who the current horse owner is. But it is a champion horse. It won the Asian championship last year, and it is also the hottest two races today."


Huo Jingliang snorted coldly, as if he hadn't found a punching bag, he was a little unhappy.On the other side, Ye Xiaoli was very calm, and said loudly:
"Dacid, we both lost the first game, how about it, what do you think of the second game?"

Huo Jingliang heard it, cast a cold glance at Ye Xiaoli, and said loudly:
"My horse is just fledgling, and it always needs a little time to adapt. In the second round, of course I still support my horse. How are you? Don't you have confidence in yourself and are ready to buy the hottest horse?"

Obviously, Huo Jingliang's understanding of Ye Xiaoli is definitely deeper than ordinary people.

With just one sentence, Huo Jingliang somewhat guessed what Ye Xiaoli was going to do next.

Sure enough, Ye Xiaoli showed no embarrassment at all, nodded and said:
"When doing good deeds, I, Ye Xiaoli, never fall behind. But when it comes to buying horses, winning or losing is more important. I'm not as stubborn as you, Dacid. I can't see the situation clearly. If I'm half a length behind, I probably won't be able to catch up in the next race. If it’s up, it’s better to use the bridge to travel, and then donate the money you win.”

"Isn't it better to do a good deed and win a good fortune?"

After speaking, Ye Xiaoli preached a bit, obviously elevating himself very high, just like an adult lecturing a child, educating Huo Jingliang.

How could Huo Jingliang bear this, he lost his composure instantly, and said coldly:
"I don't need you to teach me what to do. Can my surname Huo afford to lose? On the racecourse, anything can happen, so my horse can't win?"

Ye Xiaoli had a hypocritical smile on his face, his pupils were full of disdain, looked at Huo Jingliang, and at the same time glanced at Yaoyang, and said loudly:
"That's right, Dacid has always been surrounded by many helpers. I remember last time at my wedding anniversary dinner, Dacid had expert helpers. Today is just a horse race, maybe Dacid can also find someone to help and win the jackpot!"

Saying that, Ye Xiaoli said loudly in front of everyone:

"Next match, African God of War, 100 million buys and wins!"


Huo Jingliang's face changed, he knew that he was cornered by Ye Xiaoli's words.

There are quite a lot of people in the racecourse restaurant at the moment, and I have already let out my words, so I can't be cowardly, but if I lose, it will be very embarrassing.

Money is not important, the most important thing is face, Huo Jingliang is absolutely unwilling to lose to Ye Xiaoli.

Not to mention Huo Jingliang, even Yaoyang was a little upset, feeling that he had suffered an innocent disaster.

But when it comes to betting on horses, Yaoyang really has no sure way to win:

"Horse betting is a subject of statistics and probability. Yaoyang just came here to cheer Huo Jingliang today. He never thought about betting on horses from the beginning to the end, let alone studied it. In a short period of time, relying on the horse club to give The data research, the results will definitely not be any better."

"How to do it?"

Suddenly, a figure appeared in Yaoyang's mind, and instantly thought of a tricky way, deliberately loudly said:

"Uncle, when it comes to betting on horses, I actually have some experience. In my opinion, in the second round of dominating the world, I can indeed run first and win the jackpot. African God of War and Ye Shiguang are two horses, Wu Yungai Well, I'm afraid there will be bloody disasters."

"It's no fun to win the game. It's meaningless to buy a little bit. Uncle, why not bet 1000 million, win a jackpot, and win back the money for buying the horse. If you come back with a complete victory, you can live up to the prestige of the "dominant world"" .”

Suddenly, like a magic stick, Yaoyang uttered some inconspicuous words, as quick-witted as Huo Jingliang, and didn't answer the words immediately.

The guests at Ye Xiaoli's table and the table next to him, hearing Yaoyang's words, looked this way frequently, as if they were watching "two idiots".

What dark clouds cover the top, there is a bloody disaster, do you look at people or horses?
This completely liar-like speech, to everyone's ears, is a big joke.

"Brother Yaoyang!"

Huo Xixian couldn't help calling out in a low voice, reminding Yaoyang that he lost his composure.

Huo Jingliang, on the other hand, was bold enough to look at Yaoyang, and what he saw in those eagle eyes was "sure", and he didn't mean to be joking at all.

Slapping the table with one hand, Huo Jingliang ordered directly:

"Okay, Yaoyang, I believe you, 1000 million "Xiong Tianxia" wins alone, we win today, we have to win a lot of fun!"

The people around gasped, thinking that Huo Jingliang was confused, how could he believe that, he didn't need to throw money to play with Ye Xiaoli.

Even Huo Jingliang's two followers whispered:

"Mr. Huo, do you really buy it?"

"Hurry up and call me to place a bet!"

Huo Jingliang's face turned cold, and he affirmed.

"do not!"

At this moment, Yaoyang stopped him, and under Huo Jingliang's puzzled eyes, he said:

"Uncle, let me go down and bet!"


Huo Jingliang was puzzled, but he could still afford it for a mere ten million.

In front of many people watching secretly, Huo Jingliang took out the checkbook, quickly wrote a check for tens of millions, and handed it to Yaoyang, saying:

"Yaoyang, then I will trouble you to make another trip!"

"no problem!"

Yaoyang took the check, flicked it with his fingers, got up calmly, and walked out of the restaurant gracefully.


Huo Xixian saw it, and wanted to act with Yaoyang, and got up to chase after him.

Huo Jingliang was very clever, and immediately shouted:
"Helen, you've been shopping for a long time, you should be tired, what do you want to drink?"

With that said, Huo Jingliang said loudly to the two followers:

"You still don't want to drink for Miss!"

"Oh yes!"

The two attendants nodded quickly and greeted the waiter.

Undoubtedly, in the current situation, according to normal horse racing, can Huo Jingliang's horse win?

It's as difficult as ever!

In the first race, there was actually a big gap. The horses of Huo Jingliang and Ye Xiaoli could only be regarded as the second echelon. The African God of War was the champion, passing them by half a length, and their two horses were also half a length ahead of the other horses.

Normally, the African God of War will surely win the second game that will start soon!

If you want to be unexpected, you will undoubtedly have to play tricks.

Although Huo Jingliang didn't understand what Yaoyang wanted to do, he more or less guessed that he was playing tricks, and Huo Xixian was not suitable to follow.

Of course, Huo Jingliang didn't know what kind of means, nor could he think of it.

After all, the Sha Tin Horse Racing is not a small casino outside, even with Huo Jingliang's identity, there is no way to play tricks.

Not only is it strict here, but every horse owner is also not simple. Huo Jingliang dared to offend, but he didn't want to offend him when he had nothing to do.

 A new round of monthly tickets plus more 27-40
  Update within 24 hours! !
  Brothers begging for a full order! !This update of mine can definitely hit the battle list, but there are not enough subscriptions!
(End of this chapter)

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