Chapter 454 The slave has a plan, I wonder if the emperor is willing to try it
Gu Changsheng is dead, Long Nian is also dead, the lord and young lord are gone.

All the secret operations mixed with the officers and soldiers were traced out.

The martial arts of Gu Zheng and Yue Lingzhi have been exaggerated dozens of times.

The strength of Brothers Gang and Longtang was blown to the sky by the common people.

The remaining six or seven thousand officers and soldiers were also deliberately mythical.

The remaining two big bandit dens will be captured sooner or later.

But the government temporarily stood still.

With the cooperation of the local government, Gu Ming implemented the method of sitting together.

Ten households form a group, and if any family becomes a bandit, or associates with a bandit, or someone in the family is missing, if they see a bandit coming down the mountain, they must report it immediately.

In this way, if there are bandits in the nearby villagers, they will all be registered in the register.

Some bandits went down the mountain to find out the situation, and were quickly captured by officers and soldiers.

The bandits in the two big bandit dens were restless because of this, and they had different opinions on the way out in the future.

Some bandits advocated accepting the imperial court's surrender, some bandits advocated to resist to the end, and some bandits advocated dispersing to save their lives, or taking refuge in other forces.

So, less than two months after the capture of Tianxian Mountain, Wutou Mountain and the bandits in another bandit den fell apart.

More than half of the bandits accepted the court's surrender, and half of the remaining bandits defected to other forces and evacuated from the bandit den. The remaining recalcitrants were wiped out by the bandits who were about to surrender.

Because the propaganda slogan clearly stated that if the bandits who accepted the imperial court's surrender could redeem their crimes, they would receive additional rewards.

It only took nearly two months, with [-] child soldiers, successfully wiped out the bandit dens with a total of [-] to [-].

Inside and outside the city, the people sang and danced to celebrate the victory of Gu Ming's army.

Without these bandits, poor people will no longer worry about their daughters and daughters-in-law being robbed by bandits to be the wife of the village, or a tool to vent their desires.

Gu Zheng and Yue Lingzhi have become top celebrities, and Gu Ming's fame is getting bigger and bigger.

Hundreds of officials of the imperial court joined in to play, asking the emperor to reward Gu Ming, Gu Zheng and Yue Lingzhi.

The emperor has a hard time.

After forcing Gu Ming to issue a military order, he began to feel restless.

Yue Lingzhi had already finished the detoxification pills given to him, if he didn't give him any more this month, he would die.

I don't know what the queen mother thinks, does she really have the heart to watch him die, and then support the prince to ascend the throne?

The more you think about it, the more likely it is.

For the sake of profit, his own son can also be given up.

The emperor was disheartened and lay on the dragon bed.

Shunzi's father-in-law, who was serving him personally, didn't want him to die just like that.

After the emperor passed away, his good days came to an end.

Father-in-law Shunzi offered advice to the emperor.

"If the emperor can impress Gu Zheng and Miss Yue with sincerity, maybe they will continue to give the emperor the antidote."

The emperor shook his head: "If you want to get their antidote, my sincerity alone is not enough, you also need the sincerity of the empress dowager."

But the emperor knew that it was difficult to get the sincerity of the empress dowager.

In the past two months, he was even exempted from court, but in fact he was almost put under house arrest by the empress dowager.

All the memorials went to the empress dowager. She recruited the prince into the palace every day on the grounds that the emperor was seriously ill, and let the prince learn to annotate the memorials.

The empress dowager has given up on him.

Father-in-law Shunzi looked a little hesitant.

"The servant has a plan, I wonder if the emperor is willing to try it?"

There is a glimmer of hope for the emperor.

"What do you have in mind, tell me quickly!"

Eunuch Shunzi fell to his knees with a snap.

"The servant must ask the emperor to spare his life before he dares to speak out."

(End of this chapter)

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