Chapter 435 Do You Think It's Possible

These women are more or less wrong.

To say they were the instigators is a bit serious.

But Yue Lingzhi did not refute Vice General Wang's words.

Every dynasty has its laws.

Compared with Zhu Jiuzu, the practice of sitting together is already very humane.

Vice-general Wang is just acting in accordance with the rules and regulations.

When those women heard Vice General Wang's scolding, they were all crying.

Yue Lingzhi suddenly remembered the bald man's concubine, she glanced at them again, and found that the bald man's concubine and his grandmother were gone.

Yesterday afternoon, the bald man's grandmother came to see her. She happened to be away, so she left a message to her, saying that her daughter had successfully given birth to a daughter, and she was no longer looking for death. Thank you for her pills and her encouragement.

Her daughter is a girl, so she shouldn't be killed, right?
But all three were missing.

Yue Lingzhi asked a soldier guarding these women.

"Are all the women of the bandit leader here?"

The soldier replied respectfully: "The little princess is here."

"Has anyone escaped, or been killed?"

Another soldier interface.

"There was a woman who had just given birth. Those people said she was the concubine of the second head. Last night, she, her child and her mother were all strangled to death."

Yue Lingzhi felt strange: "Why would someone strangle them to death? Didn't anyone guard them last night?"

The women of these bandit leaders were all put in the living room of a house last night and put under guard.

Why were the three of them strangled to death alone?
The soldier looked at the two lieutenants, but did not dare to answer rashly.

Deputy General Wang said: "Answer truthfully."

Then the soldier told her: "They were supposed to be locked up with these women, but that woman's mother said that her daughter had just given birth and she couldn't move around."

"The woman's mother also said that the reason why the prince and the little princess were able to go to the back mountain to kill Erdangjia and Gu Changsheng was because they reported the letter. They are meritorious ministers, and they should not be locked up with those people."

"We went to report to Vice General Lin, and Vice General Lin said, in this case, they are allowed to live on the original second floor."

"However, they were all found dead this morning."

Deputy General Lin explained: "I asked Gu Ming specifically about this matter. Gu Ming said that there was such a thing. The woman had just given birth and was indeed weak, so he allowed them to gather again tomorrow."

"Who knew they would be killed."

Deputy General Wang said: "So, sometimes, kindness can kill people instead!"

He seemed to be saying this intentionally to Yue Lingzhi.

Yue Lingzhi thought of a certain possibility.

"Have you found out who killed them?"

Deputy General Lin said: "I don't know, because no one was sent to guard them."

"It's possible that the bald man and Gu Changsheng's confidantes, because they leaked the secret, caused the two of them to escape and were also killed by you."

Vice-General Wang expressed his feelings again: "So, even those who are smart will be misled by their cleverness. If the grandmothers of bald men were not greedy for merit, no one would know that they leaked the secret, and no one would take revenge on them. "

These words sounded reasonable, but Yue Lingzhi knew that Vice General Wang was dissatisfied with Vice General Lin's preference for Gu Ming, so he was making excuses.

Yue Lingzhi calmly said: "Vice General Lin, all the captives are tied up, even these women are guarded, and the entire hinterland is guarded by officers and soldiers. Under such circumstances, people will sneak in and kill people. Do you think it is possible? "

(End of this chapter)

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