Chapter 149 Don't worry about this side, but don't worry about that side
Before dawn the next day, Ouyang Qing, Ouyang Ming, and Yue Lingzhi rode out of the city.

Ouyang Qing was in front, Yue Lingzhi was in the middle, and Ouyang Ming was behind.

Soon they arrived at the foot of Phoenix Mountain. They left the horses at the farmhouse at the foot of the mountain, and the three of them hiked up the mountain.

The characteristic of Phoenix Mountain is that it is high and steep. The more you go up, the denser the trees. No wonder it was selected as a simulated battlefield for recruits.

They planned to climb to the big rock that was about to reach the top of the mountain. Looking down from there, they could see part of the actual combat scene and the distant scenery.

Although Ou Yangming is a scholar, as a boy in the general's mansion, he has already practiced a solid skill. Mountain climbing is a piece of cake for him.

Ouyang Qing has always regarded himself as a boy, his martial arts are comparable to Ouyang Ming's, and mountain climbing is naturally a piece of cake.

They didn't expect that Yue Lingzhi was not inferior to them, he used both hands and feet, and was as nimble as a monkey.

Ouyang Qing asked her strangely: "Sister Lingzhi, you said that you have only been practicing martial arts for more than a month. I really don't believe it. Look at you, you are as fast as me who has practiced martial arts for ten years."

Yue Lingzhi laughed: "I grew up in the mountains, and I have to climb the mountain in three steps. It would be a joke if I can't even climb the mountain than you."

The three talked and laughed, and quickly climbed to the big rock.

There was a sound of gongs and drums, and the actual battle in the middle of the mountain began.

Ouyang Qing pointed to the soldiers wearing two kinds of costumes below, and explained to Yue Lingzhi.

"The first actual combat exercise is treasure hunting. Divide two groups of people, one group escorts the treasure to the destination, and the other group intercepts the sneak attack on the way to grab the treasure. The leader of the group that finally grabs the treasure can be promoted to a centurion. Similarly, the leader who successfully escorts the baby to the destination can also be promoted to centurion."

"Look, the group escorting the baby has already left first. Several of them are holding a wooden box, but only one wooden box has something in it. ability."

This kind of actual combat exercise does not last long, and the name of the winner will be announced loudly by the examiner.

Gu Ming was the second round. He was the tenth leader of the treasure grabbing team. As expected, he won in the end.

When his name was read out loud, the three cheered and prepared to go down the mountain to celebrate with Gu Ming.

At this moment, there was the sound of a hidden weapon piercing through the air, and Ouyang Ming shouted: "Someone is sneaking up! Jump down!"

Holding Yue Lingzhi in one hand, Ouyang Qing and Ouyang Ming quickly jumped off the boulder. The concealed weapon hit the boulder, and there was a harsh clanging sound. It was an iron concealed weapon!
"Ganoderma lucidum, you hide here and don't move, I'll go and see, who the hell dare to attack us!"

She once thought that it was Grandpa who sent someone to test their vigilance.

However, she had already seen Brother Ming swinging his sword and wrestling with four masked men in black.

If she doesn't go out to help, I'm afraid he won't be able to cope.

Yue Lingzhi handed her a pack of medicinal powder: "This is Fanglang fairy powder, you can use it when the time is right, hurry up and help, don't worry about me!"

You really don't have to worry about her, she has a lot of weapons to deal with villains in her space, otherwise she can play disappear and hide in the space to cool off.

Ouyang Qing rushed out, and Ouyang Ming shouted anxiously: "Qing'er, go back quickly! Protect sister Ganoderma lucidum!"

Ouyang Qing was in a dilemma, worried about this side, but also worried about the other side.

(End of this chapter)

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