When moving things, Tian Shao found that Wugang was very strong.He easily carried the sewing machine, and he also had a hand free to carry the wooden barrel full of things.

There were three men there, so Tian Shao and Sanya didn't need to worry about the packed boxes, they went to the kitchen to pack their things.

When Shen Sijun came over, Pei Yue had already delivered a carload of things to his new home.While helping to get things, Shen Sijun found a pineapple bed in the house, and she asked, "Are there any new tenants for these?"

Tian Shao said with a smile: "No, this is Pei Yue's sleeping. He and I are not married yet, so it's not suitable for us to live together. When I move out, he will live here."

Shen Sijun was a little surprised, and asked: "With Comrade Pei's position, the unit should have allocated a room to him long ago!"

Tian Shao pretended to be helpless and said: "He was allocated a house when he entered the bureau, it was more than 50 square meters! But after I bought this house, he gave it to a colleague with housing difficulties, and moved to a ten In a multi-level house with poor lighting."

If you want to carry forward the spirit of independence, at least you have to wait until you get married and move to a new home!What made Tian Shao speechless the most was that there were people waiting in line in the small room where Pei Yue lived.

Shen Sijun didn't praise Pei Yue, but frowned and said: "Xiao Shao, outsiders praise Comrade Pei for doing this, but only the family members know the pain. I know a person who spends more than half of his money every month. The wages are sent to the orphans of comrades-in-arms and brothers in their hometown, and the daughter-in-law and children are sallow and emaciated."

She met a lot of men who were very generous to outsiders, even if they suffered a disadvantage.Salary and benefits are limited, and it will be less for others to take advantage of it. In the end, it is his wife and children who suffer the most.
Tian Shao smiled and said: "He discussed this matter with me, and only changed it with my consent."

Someone like the small room he lives in now also made up his mind and asked someone to hint to Pei Yue, but he refused.

Tian Shao knew about this, and told Pei Yue that even if they were married and lived together, they would not be allowed to give up the small room.The family building is only a few steps away from the office building. If you are tired or busy until late, you can rest in the family building.It's also because the current office doesn't have a lounge, otherwise it wouldn't hurt to give up this small room.

Shen Sijun knew that Tian Shao was very generous, but she still reminded: "Xiao Shao, you are so talented and able to make money that you don't care about these external things, but the money is still safe in your hands."

No, she cared a lot about things outside her body, otherwise she wouldn't have gone to the port city to make money.

Tian Shao replied with a smile: "We both have our own money."

The main reason is that she can make money by herself, so there is no need to control Pei Yue to death.However, Pei Yue is very frugal, except for the pension money sent to Pei Xuehai and the occasional few things for the orphans of his two comrades-in-arms, he spends less than ten yuan a month.

Shen Sijun didn't say anything after hearing this.Comrade Pei's salary is relatively high compared to ordinary people, but Tian Shao's monthly manuscript fee is so high, and Tian Shao will not suffer even if there is an accident in the future.

The second trip was over.

The pickup truck not only bumped badly, but also smelled bad inside the truck, so Tian Shao and Shen Sijun rode bicycles there.It's just that the sun was too hot, and when we got to Chang'an Avenue, Tian Shao's face was red even after wearing a hat.

Shen Sijun was shocked when she entered the house.She thought the courtyard in Sanyanjing Hutong was already very spacious, but there were more than ten houses in the main courtyard, and each house was even more spacious than Sanyanjing's.Not only that, the house is very magnificent with carved beams and painted buildings.

Putting down the package she was carrying, Shen Sijun couldn't help asking: "Xiao Shao, how much is your house?"

Tian Shao said: "The renovation cost nearly [-] yuan."

Because the house was to be lived in for a lifetime, she changed the design several times later, and it took a cup longer than expected to decorate, and the decoration cost more than doubled.

These are just hard decorations, and soft decorations are more expensive.For example, the first room near the door in the west wing is furnished with sofas, tea tables and TVs, and the second room is furnished with rosewood and huanghuali wood furniture.In addition, floor heating is installed in the main room and the two side rooms.

The reason why the floor heating is not installed in other rooms is because it is said that collective heating will be renovated soon.

Shen Sijun let out a long breath.She had saved more than 3000 yuan and felt that it was a lot, but when she compared... Forget it, it’s still not a comparison, the comparison is just looking for abuse.

Thinking of what Zai Tian Shao said just now, she asked, "Xiao Shao, is the comic studio really going to move here?"

Tian Shao nodded and said: "It may be hard to find a house on Chang'an Street, but it's also nearby, as long as you can walk for 10 minutes, it will be convenient for me to go to and from get off work."

The distance within 10 minutes is like walking, very convenient.

Shen Sijun said: "There are now more than 30 people in the comic studio, plus the place to live, the rented space can't be smaller than your house."

Tian Shao shook his head and said, "If you don't rent, there are too many uncertainties in renting a house. If we install the house and the landlord takes advantage of the situation to raise the price, it will be a shame whether you agree or refuse. It's better to buy, the house is yours and you can use it safely."

"Tian Shao, you already have two houses under your name, do you want to buy more?"

Tian Shao had already thought about this point, she said with a smile: "Don't let it go under my name, and buy it in the name of Shaohua Company, and then the real estate will belong to the company's property."

There are not three houses under her name, but four houses.If she hadn't thought about this before, Pei Yue said that after she got married, she would have to register and report her property every year, so she shouldn't have too many fixed assets under her name.She was planning to transfer the ownership of the house in her hometown to Tian Dalin and Li Guihua during the Chinese New Year.

Shen Sijun felt that she was quite cautious, which was a good thing.

Moving made everyone tired, so we only cooked rice at noon, and Xiao Jiang bought the food from outside.While cooking, Tian Shao specially told Sanya: "Your brother-in-law and the others have a big appetite, put in three more bowls of rice!"

Sanya was a little surprised, she knew exactly what Pei Yue's appetite was, but she listened to Tian Shao's words and put in three extra bowls of rice.It wasn't until she was eating that she realized that it wasn't that her brother-in-law and Xiao Jiang had a big appetite, but that this Wugang was too tasty.

After eating four bowls of rice, Wu Gang put down his chopsticks and said shyly, "I can eat better."

Tian Shao said with a smile: "I cooked a lot of rice at noon today, and I will serve it when I am not full. I can't guarantee that there will be big fish and meat in the future, but the rice will definitely be enough."

With so much work today, it is normal to consume a lot and eat a lot.

Wugang felt that Tian Shao was too modest. Today's meal was full of chicken and meat, and he only had this level at home during the Chinese New Year.No, some people do not have this level of Chinese New Year.

Sanya saw that he was struggling, and said with a smile: "Eldest sister specifically told me to cook more rice, there is still a lot of rice in the pot, you don't have to be polite."

Pei Yue also said: "From now on, you will treat this place as your own home, there is no one who will not be full at home."

Because WISCO's arms are the same as his, they feel very close relatives.WISCO also made meritorious service several times, but because it was illiterate and did not earnestly study knowledge, its position was very low.The same is true, even if his leader wants to arrange a good position for him.

Wuhan Iron and Steel was moved.

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