Chapter 716 Seniority Upgrade
Sanya received the telegram and was very happy to know that Erya had given birth to a daughter. Now she has been promoted to be an elder.For this reason, she specially asked Sankui to go to Beijing University to tell Tian Shao the good news.

It is a happy event for the family to have a baby, Tian Shao is also very happy, she asked with a smile: "Have you chosen the child's name?"

Sankui smiled and said: "No, Erya and Suozhu don't know what names to choose, but I said cousin, you are knowledgeable so you can take it."

There is also a saying that naming a lucky person can also bring blessings.San Kui felt that as long as the child was well-behaved and obedient in the future, his cousin and Liu Ya would take care of him, and it would be fine in the future.

Tian Shao thought for a while and said, "Let's call it Tian Yue! Yue means happiness, and it's pretty good."

San Kui gave a thumbs up and praised the nice name, and then took the opportunity to say: "Sister, when I have a child in the future, I will name the child for you too, okay?"

Tian Shao rolled his eyes at him, and said quietly: "If you have children, you have to have a wife first. You have no daughter-in-law. What do you want to do in the long run?"

Sankui was hit hard.

Tian Shao said: "The little girl should dress up beautifully. Go get some cotton cloth and ask Sanya to make a few more skirts for the child, and wear them in summer."

San Kui disagreed: "The child will only be four or five months old in summer, and it won't look good even if he is lying on the bed in a small skirt!"

Tian Shao looked at him in surprise.

Sankui explained: "Brother Kun's friend made some money and bought some beautiful skirts for his daughter. It turned out that his daughter was too dark and she didn't look good in the skirts. In the end, the skirts were hung at home. We don't know. Whether this girl Erya is white or black, fat or thin, I'd better wait until the Chinese New Year to go back and see, and let Sanya make a skirt!"

Tian Shao felt that this was not a problem at all: "Call back and ask how tall and heavy the child is, and Sanya will be able to estimate the size."

San Kui was speechless.To make a dress, I sent a special telegram to inquire, and only my cousin is so arrogant.

After talking about the child, Sankui and Tian Shao said: "Sister, more and more old objects are being collected now. These people have also learned how to do it now. They not only raise the price very high, but also deliberately make new things old. Sister, Brother Kun thinks the business of this stall is boring, so I suggest accepting it."

"What do you think?"

Sankui hesitated for a while and said: "Sister, you have spent tens of thousands of these old and shabby things in the past two years. You just threw money and didn't hear a sound, so I think it's time to collect it."

Where is the tens of thousands, Tian Shao has already invested more than [-], and is planning to continue to invest.Although the items received have not been appraised by experts, the two paintings have been paid back.

Tian Shao said: "Since you think it's not worth it, then don't do it."

Someone has already been eyeing this piece, and there will be no good ones.

Sankui thought it would take a while, but he didn't expect her to agree so readily. He said with a smile, "Sister, since this stall is about to be closed, the things left at Brother Kun's place should be shipped back."

Tian Shao looked at him and said, "Just transport the things back to Sanyanjing Hutong."

"But the cellars in Sanyanjing Hutong are full, and there is no place to put them."

Tian Shao said with a smile: "Please move the two old men to live in the front yard, and put all the things in the back room. We will move to Chang'an Street after this semester is over, and I will ask someone to identify these things."

Zhao Yi recommended that old grandson to her last year, but unfortunately, Pei Yue found him and fell seriously ill.When the person was sent to the hospital, the doctor said that it would be impossible to save him after a few more days.After being treated in the hospital for a month, it took more than two months to recover, but the doctor told me to rest and rest.That's why after the first lunar month, Pei Yue asked the old grandson to go to the yard in the suburbs to help identify those things.

Sankui couldn't help asking: "Sister, these things are really worth a lot of money in the future, why do I think it's impossible!"

Tian Shao didn't want to waste his words on this anymore, after all, even Pei Yue felt that it would not be worth a lot of money in the future.However, he felt that his own things should not be lost overseas, so he supported himself: "It doesn't matter if it's worthless, I'm happy to see it at home."

Sankui couldn't help but said: "Sister, it will be great when I can be as arrogant as you."

In this way, no one will look down on him anymore.

"Then you have to wait."

San Kui was also joking, he knew that it would be impossible to earn as much money as Tian Shao in this life: "Sister, there is a trust store in Sijiu City, which sells all kinds of antiques. Brother Kun said that the things inside are authentic, you like it so much You can go inside and have a look."

Tian Shao shook his head and said: "The goal is too big, it's okay to buy it once or twice, if you always go, it's easy to be targeted."

What's more, for the price of one item in a trust company, she can collect one or two hundred items, and as long as there are two of them, she will make a fortune.In addition, the trust company sells ordinary antiques, and orphans will not appear, so they are not afraid of being lost outside.

San Kui said with an oh: "Sister, Brother Kun is going to resign from his job and concentrate on doing business. Uncle Xu disagrees. The two uncles and nephews had a big fight, and they haven't spoken yet."

Looking at his expression, Tian Shao knew that he supported Xu Kun: "Do you think Uncle Xu shouldn't stop Xu Kun from doing business?"

Sankui nodded and said, "Yes, Brother Kun can earn hundreds or thousands of dollars just by doing whatever he wants, and people look down on him for paying more than 30 yuan a month at the waste collection station. If it were me, I would have resigned."

He also quit his job and came to Forty-Nine City, a man should break through and work hard.

Tian Shao saw that his thoughts were written on his face, and said, "You are different from him. You came to Sijiu City with me. Uncle believes that I can control you and prevent you from going astray, but Xu Kun is different. He is young and energetic, it’s okay to lose money in business or make a small amount of money, but it’s easy for him to have an accident if he makes a lot of money.”

Sankui didn't understand, why making a lot of money is not a good thing!

Tian Shao said to him: "When people get rich suddenly, they will be praised by many people. After listening to a lot, I really think that Lao Tzu is the best in the world. But many of these people have evil intentions. Even suck."

Now the information is backward, and this kind of thing is seen too much in later generations.Not to mention the nouveau riche, just talk about those relocated households who got rich overnight and then returned to abject poverty overnight.


Tian Shao, in order to prevent Sankui from being plotted against in the future, said: "I know a friend in Hong Kong City. Her mother likes to play cards. She used to win or lose at a hundred and eighty. But since she fell in love with a rich young master, she has Someone lured her mother to gamble big, winning or losing tens of thousands of dollars. My friend helped repay the gambling debt of nearly [-] yuan, but later I couldn't bear it anymore and didn't want to pay it back. Do you know the result?"

Sankui's heart tightened, and he said tentatively, "Her mother sold her?"

Tian Shao nodded and said: "Almost. But her boyfriend's family is quite powerful in Hong Kong City, and protected her. Those loan sharks didn't dare to touch her, so they turned around and arrested her sister to pay off the debt."

San Kui shuddered, these people were too scary.

In fact, smoking is more terrifying than gambling, but for fear of frightening San Kui, Tian Shao felt that he would tell him when he found a chance.

 The elementary school was closed before entering the school, and the children took online classes at home, and watched animations without watching, o(╯□╰)o.I have to stare at doing homework and reading, and the child's father is on standby 24 hours a day.Alas, I hope this damn epidemic will pass sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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