Chapter 399 Omen
Tian Jianle was the first to get the news about the departure of the grandparents of the Song family.

Back home, Zhang Huilan couldn't help asking, seeing his worried look, "Husband, did someone make things difficult for you?"

Tian Jianle shook his head and said, "No, Mr. Song brought Song Mingyang back to Sijiu City."

Zhang Huilan was taken aback, and when she calmed down, she was in a bad mood: "You helped him so much during this time, but they left without even saying hello, it's too impersonal."

Tian Jianle shook his head and said, "They all survived the hardships in the past few years. When I passed by, many grandparents and grandchildren were in good condition, and I didn't help them. I can get through it. I am worried now that they will retaliate against uncle in the future. "

Only when you give charcoal in the snow will others remember this kindness.He just gave some food and said a few good words, but it didn't change the situation of the grandparents of the Song family. It was impossible for them to be grateful to Dade.Not to mention that his uncle has made things difficult for Song Mingyang all these years, letting him do all the dirty work.He thought it was good if he didn't take revenge on his uncle's family.

Zhang Huilan didn't think so. In her previous life, Mr. Song died of illness early.The one who will know about this is that Song Mingyang later took over the scientific researcher, and the media reported it extensively.

That's why she asked Tian Jianle to help secretly, otherwise old man Song would not have survived until now.She was not reconciled to the fact that she was not grateful for the life-saving grace.

Just as she was about to speak again, the cry of a child came from the room.

Tian Jianle said: "You take care of the child, I will go to Majia Village."

The child was born by Zhang Huilan in mid-April, and she gave birth to a fat boy as she wished, and then she named her son Chengqian.Tian Jianle himself has a low education level, so he used this name because he thought it was a high-level name.

Zhang Huilan didn't like him meddling in this matter, so she thought for a while and said, "Uncle originally wanted Cousin Dandan to marry Song Mingyang, but you stopped her. Now that Song Mingyang has returned to the city and lived a good life, uncle will definitely blame you. Brother Le , let’s not do this thankless thing.”

Tian Jianle shook his head and said, "Because I objected to this marriage, it is time to explain it clearly so that there will be no estrangement. Well, I know how to deal with this matter, you can take care of the children at home with peace of mind!"

Zhang Huilan was annoyed when she saw his back.After being married for more than a year and having children, Tian Jianle still does what he wants, at most he will adopt some of her opinions.But this is not what she wants, she wants Tian Jianle to listen to her everything.

It took Tian Shao three days to find out about this, and it was not Li Qiao who told her, but heard it from Li Aihua.

Li Aihua lowered his voice and said to Tian Shao: "I heard from my dad yesterday that two men in military uniforms came to Sijiu City three days ago, and they picked up an old man from Majia Village, Sanhe Commune."

Tian Shao's heart skipped a beat, could it be Mr. Song?Well, if it wasn't him, it must be the other two old people.Whoever it is, it's a good sign.

She deliberately pretended to be curious and asked: "Uncle Li told you at home specifically, is it possible that you have something to do with this old man?"

Li Aihua hurriedly waved his hands and said, "It's okay, it doesn't matter at all. The reason why my dad brought this up again is because he thinks the wind direction will change."

Tian Shao still pretended not to understand: "What do you mean?"

Li Aihua shook his head and said: "I don't know the details, but my dad told me to be careful with our words and deeds during this time so that no one will be caught. Xiao Shao, you should pay more attention during this time. By the way, don't bother at night." Going out, let Sankui do something."

As expected of working in an agency, he is sharp.

That night, Tian Shao called Gu Fei over: "How many exercise books have you printed now?"

Tian Shao wanted to sell the printing machine he bought that day, but no one wanted it.It would be useless if left alone, so Tian Shao asked Gu Fei to learn how to do it by himself.As a result, the printing machine kept breaking down and had to be repaired every now and then.Fortunately, it was Gu Fei himself who didn't need to ask someone to fix it, otherwise Tian Shao would have given up long ago.

Gu Fei said: "Three thousand and eight hundred copies are all bound into books."

There is no way, the printing machine keeps having problems, and sometimes he needs to buy parts to fix it, and this delay lasts for a few days.So after a year of tossing, more than 3000 copies were printed.

This number exceeded Tian Shao's expectation, she thought that at most 3000 copies could be printed!However, more than [-] copies are still profitable, and they will not lose money.

Tian Shao said: "You pack these exercise books, and I will send them away in a few days. Then, from now on, we will reprint high school textbooks."

"Shipping away? Where are you going to go?"

Hearing this question, Tian Shao couldn't help but smiled and said: "Of course it's shipped outside to sell. If you sell it in Yongning County, those people in the black market will know it's you once they check it. Then you will be in danger."

We must know that some of the materials needed for printing exercise books were bought from the black market, and the quantity was relatively large, which could not withstand investigation at all.

Gu Fei rubbed his head and said, "High school textbooks? Does anyone buy these?"

"Yes, but the profit is not high."

Rare things are precious, and exercise books are hard to find in the market now, so she dared to set a high price.However, although there are few high school textbooks, there are still some, and the cost of their printing is also high. A book is about [-] cents, and it will be worth two or three yuan at that time.But this textbook can't be printed much, so it's a good deed.

"Since the profit is not high, why do you need to print?"

Tian Shao smiled and said, "Of course it's to deceive people. You can only print more than 300 books a month, which is about 8000 yuan a year. The profit of two yuan per book is only [-] yuan. Money doesn't allow those people to take risks."

Gu Fei tentatively asked: "Tian Shao, how much do we sell the exercise book for?"


Gu Fei was so startled that he couldn't speak for a while, and then asked after a while, "Fifteen, will anyone buy it?"

He originally thought that six yuan was the best.Well, six yuan also earned ten times.But 15 yuan is too much. You must know that the monthly salary of an ordinary worker is only [-] yuan.Isn't it crazy to spend nearly a month's salary on this book?

Tian Shao smiled and said: "If you think no one will buy it, then you don't know the meaning of being admitted to a university. Once you are admitted to a university, it means you have stepped on a broad road."

"Kangzhuang Avenue, what does this mean?"

Tian Shao first explained the meaning of Kangzhuang Avenue to him, and then said: "As long as you are admitted to a university, you will be assigned to a good unit after graduation, and you will be a cadre if you enter. With these two points, do you think 15 yuan is expensive for a book?"

Gu Fei still felt that it was very expensive. His reason was simple. Buying an exercise book could not guarantee admission to university.

Buying an exercise book certainly doesn't guarantee college, but college admissions are based on merit.Two people with similar levels, if one of them buys the exercise book, he has an advantage.

Tian Shao didn't explain, saying that no matter how much he won't be recognized, it was a waste of words: "I know this matter well, just pack it up."

"it is good."

 Dear friends, don't worry, the update will not be interrupted, but it cannot be added these days.Another: NO.18 will explode

(End of this chapter)

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