Chapter 373 Wandering Bravery (2)

Tian Shao didn't believe in You Yong, and she still believed in Pei Yue's, so she continued to ask: "Then copy it, who can I ask to print it?"

You Yong said in a low voice: "Sister-in-law, I am looking for a man named Brother Xiang. This brother has a lot of contacts and is very popular, and his reputation is also very good. He has done everything that others entrust him to do properly. The money will be returned. The tone is also very tight, and the information of the client is never disclosed."

Tian Shao didn't know much about the situation in the provincial capital, and this was a gamble in itself.If you win the bet, you can make a lot of money. With this first pot of gold, you will have the capital to trade in stocks or do other things.If you lose the bet, um, as long as you don't expose your identity, you've only done a few months of useless work.

You Yong said: "Sister-in-law, I will call you when I'm done with it, and you come to the provincial capital."

Tian Shao's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "Can't you come forward and get in touch with Brother Xiang?"

You Yong shook his head and said: "No. Sister-in-law, Brother Xiang doesn't accept all kinds of business. He has to confirm that the identity of the client is reliable and not in danger. Then he will accept. We want a large quantity this time, so you must come forward to discuss it Is that okay?"

Tian Shao asked with some doubts: "Why does he have to know my identity? If he is caught and confesses me, wouldn't I be insecure?"

You Yong explained: "No. He confirmed the identity of the guests to ensure his own safety, and it is dangerous to do his job."

Fearing that Tian Shao wouldn't understand, You Yong said: "Someone pretended to be a guest before, and he was almost arrested. Since then, anyone who looks for him must identify himself."

Tian Shao understood and agreed to go to the provincial capital.But after the seven exercise books have been transcribed, You Yong will make an appointment with the other party before going.

After talking for a while, You Yong saw that the time was almost up before leaving with seven exercise books.

After sending the person away, Tian Shao realized that he didn't keep a copy.Fortunately, the manuscript is still there, and I will rewrite it when the time comes.

Tian Shao didn't want more people to know about this matter, after much deliberation, he thought of one person.It's just that she wasn't sure if the other party would help with this.Well, don't think about it for now, let's talk about it after getting out the new exercise book!

When San Kui came back in the evening, he saw Tian Shao cooking, and asked in surprise, "Sister, what is the happy event today?"

You know, the last time Tian Shao cooked was when Pei Yuelai.During this period of time, she was busy from morning to night every day, and Sankui felt that she had squeezed out the time for eating.

Tian Shao said casually: "There is no happy event, and I suddenly want to eat boiled fish."

Sankui happily sat down to light the fire.

Tian Shao asked while cooking: "How is Erya doing at school these days, have you studied hard?"

Sankui said with a smile: "Cousin, Erya is studying very seriously now. Last night in class, she silently wrote out a paragraph from the textbook. Every word was correct, and the teacher even praised her."

Tian Shao didn't say anything.

Sankui tentatively said: "Sister, I'll bring some fish to Erya later, shall I?"

Tian Shao refused without thinking, and said: "You are not allowed to bring anything to her, and you are not allowed to eat if you let me know."

Sankui originally wanted to take advantage of Tian Shao's inattention and pack some in a lunch box later, but now he dare not.

It is easy to go from frugal to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to frugal.When Er Ya followed Tian Shao, when she was hungry, she would have biscuits or peach cakes, and if she couldn't do it, she could cook;The most important thing is that she doesn't need to buy anything, and if there is nothing left, she will buy it back the next day.But now I have to buy everything by myself. The problem is that some things, such as thermos bottles, are not only expensive but also expensive.

When they came back on Sunday, Erya and Li Guihua said, "Mom, I have two thermos bottles at home, and I want to take one to the county."

Li Guihua refused straight away: "Our family didn't have a thermos bottle before, so it's the same. After a few months in the city, it becomes expensive? Let me tell you, this thermos bottle was bought by your sister, and she won't let you live in her house. Why? And maybe let you use what she bought."

It was also Tian Dalin's advice, so now Li Guihua is completely on Tian Shao's side.What happened to Ji Yuansheng really scared Li Guihua.She always knew that Erya was simple-minded, but she never thought that she would be so stupid as to borrow so much money just by coaxing her.She is so easy to be coaxed, even if there is gold and silver in the family, she is not enough to defeat her, let alone their family does not have much money.

Sanya and the others didn't turn to her even after they got the order, and asked Erya to study hard to win Tian Shao's forgiveness as soon as possible.In this way, she no longer has to live in someone else's house and suffer.

That's what I said, but thinking about the dark room and the cramped bed, Erya didn't want to go back to the county seat.Unfortunately, after dinner, Li Guihua kicked her out of the house.

An hour's journey didn't feel like a big deal before, but now Erya feels that it's very far away.You know, it takes more than 20 minutes to get there by bicycle.

Sankui accompanied her back to the county seat, saw her eyes were red again and asked, "What's wrong with you, did sister-in-law scold you again?"

Erya shook her head, and then asked: "No. Sankui, did you mention me in front of the elder sister?"

Sankui shook his head and said, "I mentioned it last time. The teacher praised you for your good performance in school, but my cousin didn't like to hear it and said that I won't let me mention it again. Erya, you know your cousin's temperament very well. I want to move back. This must meet her requirements."

"But math is really difficult?" Arya said.

The language is not difficult, and I will write it after memorizing it, and memorize it after repeating it a dozen times.But adding, subtracting, and subtracting mathematics made her head dizzy.

Sankui himself is learning, and he is very clear about whether it is difficult or not: "Erya, no matter how difficult it is, you have to study hard. Otherwise, my cousin thinks that you are muddy and can't support the wall, so she will leave you alone, and you will have to rent an apartment all the time. Living."

What can Erya do, she can only learn.If she can't do it once, she will do it several times.She has a three-hour break in the morning and afternoon. In the past, she used to gossip or chat with people, but now she uses the break to do math problems.If not, I asked the two young people in the cafeteria. Most of the older generation in the textile factory did not study, but the young ones all graduated from junior high school.Basic addition and subtraction arithmetic problems were easy for the duo.

Because Er Ya was all focused on her studies, and she didn't have the time to deal with Mrs. Tu's eccentricities.Because there is no excitement to watch, one elder sister lamented that the cafeteria is too deserted now.

When having lunch that day, Li Aihua said with a smile: "I heard that your Erya is always reciting books while washing the vegetables, very diligent."

"I hope she can keep it for a while longer!" Tian Shao said.

I hope she can maintain this momentum before she leaves Yongning County, and it won't be a waste of her planning.

(End of this chapter)

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