Chapter 1682

The driver brought Qi Ziheng to Chang'an Avenue, took him in and said, "Go in by yourself, my boss is waiting for you in the living room."

Qi Ziheng and Bao Yiqiu have been here several times and are relatively familiar with this place.

Tian Shao saw Qi Ziheng's messy hair, unshaven beard and rumpled clothes, she felt uncomfortable all over: "Gao Cheng, take him down to take a bath and change clothes."

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, no way.

Qi Ziheng washed from head to toe and changed into clean clothes. The girl knew that he came out of the police station and set up a brazier for him to step on.

Tian Shao felt a little better when he saw Qi Ziheng who was clean and tidy: "I stayed in the detention center for three days, have you cleared your mind?"

Qi Ziheng lowered his head and said nothing.

Looking at his appearance, Tian Shao knew that he thought he had done nothing wrong.She handed over the two medical records on the table and said, "Take a look!"

Qi Ziheng took it and opened it. Besides the three highs, Qi Hong also suffered from cardiovascular disease, cerebral infarction, and senile degenerative bone and joint disease; Bao Yiqiu was slightly better, with high blood pressure, high blood fat, and osteoporosis.

Tian Shao said with a cold expression: "I know you are very angry and want to vent. But have you ever thought that once you really accidentally kill someone, you will be sentenced to death, and your parents will have to follow you if you walk in front? you together."

Qi Ziheng was so angry that he lost his mind at the time, so why would he think so much.But now that he calmed down, seeing these two cases, he was terrified.Not only did they fail to be filial to their parents these years, but they also broke their hearts for that bitch.

Looking at his appearance, Tian Shao knew that he had listened to his own words, and said, "Things have already happened, it's useless to think too much. The most important thing now is to deal with this matter well, and don't let your mother worry about it. For you, she I didn’t close my eyes for several days, and I couldn’t eat.”

Qi Ziheng followed his eyes and said, "Aunt Tian, ​​thank you for taking care of my mother these years, and I will be filial to my mother in the future."

Being able to say this shows that I have really regretted it, and I will not do stupid things again in the future.

Tian Shao nodded: "Your mother is waiting for you in the yard next door, hurry over there!"

Bao Yiqiu originally wanted to go to the police station to pick someone up, but Tian Shao stopped her and asked her to stay at home and wait.

As soon as he saw Bao Yiqiu, Qi Ziheng knelt on the ground and cried, "Mom, I'm sorry that you have to worry about me at such an old age."

Bao Yiqiu pulled him up, choked with sobs and said, "Ziheng, Mom knows you're suffering, but as long as you're alive, there's no obstacle you can't get over in this world."

She didn't know anything about farming when she went to the countryside, and she learned it little by little. Later, she was also one of the best little experts in farm work.

Fearing that he would mess up again, Bao Yiqiu said: "Don't be too hard on yourself to do illegal things. If you have troubles, how will you let mom live?"

Although he always said that he didn't care and acted alienated, how could he really not care if it was the flesh that fell from his body.

Qi Ziheng wiped his tears and said: "Mom, don't worry, I won't be overwhelmed, let alone act impulsively."

Parents are so old, even if it is for themselves, nothing will happen.Otherwise, it's really a beast.

Seeing that he was serious about what he said, Bao Yiqiu felt relieved.

That day when Qi Ziheng ran out, she couldn't even catch up with him. Worried that he was doing something stupid, she quickly called Tian Shao for help.

After the two sat down, Bao Yiqiu said, "What are you going to do next?" Qi Ziheng lowered his head and said, "Divorce first, and we'll talk about the rest after the divorce."

Bao Yiqiu nodded and said, "You don't need to leave the house you live in now, but you must return the school district house that your father bought for Qi Jiming. Although the price has been reduced now, it's still worth seventy-eight million yuan."

With Qi Hong's temperament, if he didn't want to come back to the house, he might die of anger when he found out about it.

Qi Ziheng gritted his teeth and said, "Not only do I want my school district room and the house I live in back, I also have to ask Lu Shan to compensate for mental damages and the money to raise the children."

Bao Yiqiu also hated Lu Shan, but she didn't want Qi Ziheng to argue with him again: "Just ask for that school district house, and don't want the rest. Divorce early, and mom will feel at ease sooner."

Qi Ziheng knew that he had broken his mother's heart because of Lu Shan over the years. Now he was probably afraid of getting entangled with Lu Shan again, so he would rather give up his money.

In fact, he was also very sad when he had such a trouble with his parents all these years, and he always wanted to ease the relationship.It's just that Lu Shan doesn't bow her head, and her parents can't accommodate her, they can only be caught in the middle.But she didn't expect that Lu Shan would dare to cuckold him and give birth to a wild species. She still had reason to not kill him.

Seeing his firm attitude, Bao Yiqiu didn't try to persuade him anymore.

The lawyer went to Lu Shan's company the next day. When he saw the person, he said, "I am Mr. Qi Ziheng's attorney. He invited me to come and discuss the divorce with you."

Lu Shan's face turned pale, and she said, "If you want a divorce, ask Qi Ziheng to tell me in person."

The lawyer said solemnly: "If you don't want to, Mr. Qi will go directly to the court to sue. You have an improper relationship with a man and a woman and gave birth to a child in marriage, and the court will definitely sentence you to divorce."

Lu Shan roared angrily, "I didn't, I didn't do anything to offend him."

Fortunately, the sound insulation effect of the meeting room is very good, otherwise the whole company would have heard it.

Seeing her expression, the lawyer was very puzzled. He had seen the paternity test report.That is one of the most authoritative paternity testing agencies in Forty-Nine City, and the probability of making mistakes is extremely low.

The lawyer didn't argue with her, and put the divorce agreement on the table: "I hope you can give me an answer before ten o'clock in the evening. Otherwise, Mr. Qi will go to the court tomorrow to sue for divorce."

Lu Shan almost went crazy after reading the divorce agreement: "Qi Ziheng, you bastard."

When I called Qi Ziheng after scolding, the phone was always turned off; when I called Bao Yiqiu, it got a busy tone.

Lu Shan didn't want everyone to know about the incident, and then she would be too embarrassed to go out.So in the end, I compromised and called the lawyer at night to say that I would meet with Qi Ziheng.

The lawyer called Qi Ziheng and thought it would be better to meet up: "Ms. Lu firmly stated that she did not cheat and the child is yours. Mr. Qi, I think you should meet up."

Qi Ziheng thought about pinching Lu Shan's neck, but she still shouted that she hadn't cheated, and said in silence, "Let me think about it."

The next day the lawyer called Lu Shan and said that Qi Ziheng agreed to meet with him tomorrow at his law firm.

Bao Yiqiu was worried and wanted to go with her, but Qi Ziheng was worried that Lu Shan would go crazy and insult her, so he resolutely refused to let her go: "Mom, don't worry, I won't act impulsively."

I was very angry at the time, but now I have calmed down, and I just treat the sincerity and dedication of the past ten years as a dog.

(End of this chapter)

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