After Tian Shao returned to Sijiu City, Min Ji told her that she wanted to go out with her next time: "Mom, I have a lot of theoretical knowledge, but too little practical experience. I want to gain a little more practical experience."

When he was in college, he stayed in Hong Kong City Investment Corporation for two summer vacations and learned a lot.But these things are incomparable to being by Tian Shao's side.Moreover, he took over the business after he became an official, so he didn't need to start from the bottom, what he needed was an overall view and forward-looking.

Tian Shao asked with a smile: "As long as your teacher agrees, I have no problem."

It was also Minji who wanted to pursue an official career instead of a business, otherwise with his ingenuity, he would be able to retire and enjoy life in three to five years.Alas, now I have to work for at least ten years.

Min Ji said that these are not problems: "My mentor is very supportive."

"Then you will come with me when I go on a business trip next time." After saying this, Tian Shao added another sentence: "If you prefer to do business, then mom will give you a company to practice your skills."

Min Ji said with a smile on his face: "Mom, I will not change my ambition. But if it is possible, Mom, can you give me 100 million."

"Yes, I will ask Secretary Song to transfer to your account later."

"Mom, I haven't said what to do with it yet!"

Tian Shao said indifferently: "Mom knows that you must have a legitimate purpose, otherwise you wouldn't open your mouth. If you want to use money in the future, just tell Mom, and you don't need to tell me what to use it for."

Her money will also belong to the two children in the future.However, Min Ji acted prudently. If it was Min Yu, let alone 100 million, [-] would have to be thoroughly investigated. "

Min Ji still explained the reason.He feels that the stock market has been doing well recently, and he feels that there is a lot to do, so he wants to speculate.

Tian Shao still said the same thing: "Minji, you don't need to tell me what the money is for. Since the money is given to you, it is yours. You can decide how to use it yourself."

The 100 million was given to himself without blinking, and it was the first time that Minji truly felt that his family was really rich.No, mom is really rich.

Tian Shao and Min Ji said: "The film and television company is preparing to go public. You can participate in it during the winter vacation. Also, I plan to integrate the companies under my name into a group. If you are interested, you can also participate in it."

Integrating the group is not just a matter of three or five sentences, and a lot of preparatory work is required in the early stage.

"Integrate into a group?"

Tian Shao said that this would allow for better management, but it would make him even busier.Fortunately, the two children are independent, so Tan Yue is left alone at home.

Min Ji asked for leave directly, while Min Yu was dragged to gain knowledge during the winter and summer vacations.

With Min Ji's encouragement and stimulation, Min Yu also completed her university studies within three years, and the next step is to go to graduate school.There is a disagreement here. Min Yu wants to study in China as a graduate student, while Tian Shao wants her to study abroad.

Tian Shao believes that going to a world-renowned school can not only broaden your horizons and knowledge, but also make friends.These contacts will be very helpful for her to take over the family business in the future.

Min Ji agrees with Tian Shao: "Sister, if you just want to manage a company for fun, then you can go to graduate school in China. But if you want to take over your mother's class, you should study abroad."

Minyu has never left his family since he grew up.But what Tian Shao said to Min Ji made sense, she hesitated for a long time and asked Tan Yue for his opinion.

Tan Yue naturally stood on Tian Shao's side, and felt that it would be good to go out and see the world: "Your mother and I didn't ask you to inherit the family business. If you don't like it, you can change your major."

After thinking about it for a while, Min Yu decided to study abroad, and immediately decided to go to the best economics university in the world.After waiting for a while, Min Yu received the admission letter.

Min Yu has always thought that she is excellent, but she is not top-notch because of laziness.But after entering this prestigious international school, I realized that there are many people who are better than her here, and if you don't work hard, you will be left far behind.She doesn't want to be top-notch, but she can't be at the bottom either.

Tian Shao was very relieved when she knew that this girl finally stopped being lazy and began to study hard.So the environment is very important.When you are surrounded by talented people, no matter how lazy you are, you have to be forced to work hard.

Tan Yue felt that it might be because Min Yu worked too hard and made her feel distressed, so she let Min Yu go.Otherwise, she would never dare to discipline her daughter strictly.

Tian Shao asked his son: "How is Minji doing there, isn't everything going well?"

After a family's discussion, Minji finally went to a poor county in Jiangxi Province to work as the village branch secretary.The secretary of the village branch, Tian Shao felt that no one would be convinced, and it would be difficult to carry out the work.But this is the path Min Ji chose, and he has to overcome these difficulties by himself.

Tan Yue hummed and said, "It's really not going well. Many people think he's too young, don't believe him, and ask the county leaders for a replacement."

No hair on the mouth can't do things well, referring to many young people.No matter how old Min Ji is, no matter how old he is, he will definitely not be convinced by everyone when he first goes.

Tian Shao smiled and said: "Don't worry about it, let alone provide any help, let him find a way to solve it by himself."

Tan Yue nodded.

Immediately, Tian Shao said that he would go to Hong Kong City to deal with some matters in a few days.

Tan Yue paused: "How long will it take to come back?"

Tian Shao said that this matter cannot be completed in a short time: "If there is nothing urgent, I will come back. If you have to work overtime during this period, let Sister Li or Nannan send the supper over, don't be brave."

"it is good."

Two days later, Tian Shao was packing up and preparing to go to Hong Kong City, when Si Ya came over.

Tian Shao asked: "When did you come back? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

Si Ya put down the things she brought, and said: "I arrived yesterday afternoon. Shi Shi had a fever and kept calling mom, and I heard it uncomfortable on the phone, so I rushed back to the plane. Sister, I'm going back to Sijiu City."

"What about your business?"

Si Ya wants to transfer the business.

"Have you discussed this with Yu Hao?"

Si Ya shook her head and said: "I haven't told him yet, I don't think he will agree."

Zheng Yuhao has always hoped that she can expand her business and save a good fortune for her son.In this way, when the stone is big, you don't have to worry about money.

Shitou originally planned to go to elementary school and wanted to take the business back to Sijiu City. Under Zheng Yuhao's strong opposition, the business has been going on until now.

Siya's eyes were a little red, and she said: "Sister, Shitou was lying on the bed with a pale complexion yesterday, when he saw me, he looked so surprised, I felt very incompetent when I thought about going."

When the twins were sick, Tian Shao was anxious and distressed, so she could understand Siya's feelings.She asked, "You just said that Zheng Yuhao didn't agree with your coming back."

Si Ya wiped her tears and said, "So what if he disagrees? The son is the most important thing."

Tian Shao said with a smile: "If he disagrees, you can let him go to work in Yangcheng. This will allow the business to continue without being separated from the children. It's the best of both worlds."

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