Chapter 126 Wages and Benefits
On Monday, Li Aihua told Tian Shao that Aunt Huang bullied her into the door and she made a move.

Tian Shao felt that she was doing the right thing, so she gave a thumbs up and said, "Sister Aihua, you took the opportunity to clarify yourself when you got angry, you did a great job."

She hates people who rely on the old and sell the old the most. After beating the other party, she knows that Li Aihua is not easy to mess with, and she dare not come to bully others again.However, this is also because the Li family is confident and not afraid of being blackmailed. Now that she has no money, she dare not provoke such people.

Li Aihua was very happy and said: "Lingling, my dad started to think that I shouldn't hit people. Later I explained that he praised me, and told me that the Huang family would not dare to provoke me again. Well, it's just that my mom is getting more and more worried. My marriage. But if the other party despises me because of this, I can't look down on it either."

Tian Shao felt that this was not a problem at all, and said: "There is nothing to worry about, you have such a good job and savings, even if you don't get married, you can live well."

In fact, Tian Shao knew that she didn't have any savings, so she said this on purpose in order to let her have a plan for her salary so that she wouldn't know where the money went when it was gone.

Li Aihua said with a guilty conscience: "Lingling, I have no savings, and every month's salary has been spent."

Tian Shao deliberately showed a surprised expression, and asked: "You have been working for three years and you don't have any savings? Sister Aihua, you can't do this. What should you do if you need money urgently? It's not easy to follow Uncle and aunt want it?"

Li Aihua really thought so, but now that Tian Shao pointed it out, she felt embarrassed.

Tian Shao said: "Sister Aihua, we must have the awareness of saving money, so that we don't panic when things happen. Sister Aihua, I think you should go to the savings bank to make a banknote and save a part of it every month. You can save a lot in the next year, and you don’t have to reach out to uncles and aunts once you need to spend a lot of money.”

She doesn't envy Li Aihua either, because in her previous life her grandparents had high pensions and she was never short of money.The only difference is that Li's father and mother are still young, and Li Aihua has no sense of crisis. Unlike her, her grandparents are often sick when they are old, so she has a sense of crisis.Since high school, she has not dared to spend money recklessly.

Li Aihua thought it was a good idea, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go to the savings office to make a banknote after I get paid."

Paycheck Wednesday morning.Tian Shao is now in the internship period, and the salary is 20 yuan.They have not been working for a full month, so their salary is only 18 yuan.I just didn't expect Chief He to give them a subsidy of two yuan.

According to Section Chief He, although they are in the internship period, they are working as regular workers, and 20 yuan is not enough.

The wages are supplemented in the form of subsidies, and the coupons are not so troublesome. They are all paid according to the treatment of regular workers.

In the afternoon, the factory distributes Mid-Autumn festival benefits.There are a lot of things for this Mid-Autumn Festival, including half a catty of peanut oil, two fish, a box of moon cakes, two towels, two pieces of soap and a pair of rain boots, all of which are very practical things.

What Tian Shao likes the most among these things is peanut oil. Although there are not many of them, they can be eaten for several days.

Tian Shao knew that the benefits would be distributed in the afternoon, so she brought the backpack from the dormitory at noon.In the dormitory, Huang Xin laughed at her when she saw her carrying a basket, but carrying it was much easier than carrying it by hand.Tian Shao can choose between face and face, so Tian Shao doesn't care about Huang Xin's ridicule.

Zhao Xiaorou saw her come in with a pannier, a smile appeared on her face.

Meng Yang couldn't bear it either, and said, "Tian Lingling, you're a worker now, why do you still use your back all the time?"

Tian Shao said nonchalantly: "It takes an hour to walk home from the county seat, and my hand would break when I walk home with my handcart; it's much easier to use a backpack. I'd rather make people laugh than suffer."

Zhao Xiaorou really thinks she is a very interesting person. Many people don't care if others say they are mud legs after leaving the farm, but Tian Shao never shy away from this, and she doesn't care when others laugh at her.This free and easy and open-minded few people can do.

"Tian Lingling..."

Zhao Xiaorou pointed to the pile of things that were given to her, and said with a smile: "I don't need these either, so I'll give them all to you!"

Tian Shaoke couldn't bear to refuse, looked at these things, weighed them in his heart and said, "Do you think three yuan is okay?"

Zhao Xiaorou said disdainfully: "You don't want it, I'll give it to someone else."

Tian Shao hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, yes."

Fortunately, oil is really hard to buy, and the price of buying it on the black market is ridiculously expensive.She can cook a lot of delicious food with half a catty of extra oil.

Meng Yang was very envious, but he knew that it was useless to be envious any longer. It was impossible for Zhao Xiaorou to give it to anyone.

After a while, Li Aihua came over with mooncakes and rain boots, and said with a smile: "Lingling, my family can't finish the mooncakes every year, and the rain boots are not used by anyone in the family, so I'll give you these two."

Tian Shao didn't refuse these two things, but accepted them calmly.After getting so many good things from Li Aihua, she just found a way to return them from other places.

When getting off work, Tian Shao almost fell down carrying these things, they were too heavy.Tian Shao thought that Tian Jianle would go back tomorrow, so he couldn't help but quicken his pace.

"Big sister, big sister..."

As soon as he walked to the gate of the factory, Tian Shao heard a very penetrating voice.Looking up, it really is Erya.

Erya came over to take Tian Shao's back basket, and asked with a groan as soon as she got it, "Eldest sister, what is in this back basket, why is it so heavy?"

Except for the rags from last time, there are usually only a few catties bigger.

Tian Shao said with a smile: "The Mid-Autumn Festival welfare issued by the factory, my colleagues said they don't need it, so they gave it to me."

Erya's eyes lit up, and she asked, "Sister, does the factory still give benefits during the festival?"

Tian Shao hummed and reminded: "Don't talk when crossing the road, be careful not to be hit."

It's hard to see cars now but there are bicycles, and it's rush hour. If you don't pay attention, you may be hit.

After crossing the road, Erya couldn't wait to ask: "Sister, what are you posting?"

After knowing what was distributed, Erya was both amazed and envious: "There are oil and moon cakes, no wonder everyone wants to go to the factory, and the treatment is too good."

Tian Shao smiled, workers in this era are indeed doing well.Not only are there wages and benefits, but children can be placed in nurseries and primary schools in the factory (only for large factories with factories running primary schools), and the factory will also be reimbursed if they are sick.

After walking for a while, Erya said, "Sister, Mother told you to buy salt, soy sauce and matches, but the family has none."

The corners of Tian Shao's mouth twitched. If he couldn't get her money, he tried every means to get her to buy things, which was enough.Although I complained in my heart, I still took Erya to buy these daily necessities, and also bought paper and pens.

The odds and ends cost nearly three yuan. Tian Shao felt that the salary was not enough to open up the source as soon as possible. This salary alone was not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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