Start with the script kill shop

Chapter 453 Principal Peggy's Sales Training Class Begins

Chapter 453 Principal Peggy's Sales Training Class Begins
"What is the essence of sales?"

"If you search the Internet, the articles on the Internet will definitely tell you: Sales itself does not create value, but the implementer of value."

"That's right, we don't create value ourselves, but we want to realize value. Why, during the exhibition, among the stores that got the goods in the first batch and sold them at the exhibition, some sold more goods, while others sold more There are few goods."

"Is it a good product? No, don't you know the quality of the products produced by our Xinghe series? "Meeting Again" has sold more than 1 copies in such a short period of time, and the sales volume of the freshman entrance chapter is even higher. It broke through 4 sets the day before yesterday! What does this mean? This means that our products have no problems, and all of them are good products!"

"Then why are some people able to easily sell hundreds of sets a day, while others sell seven or eight sets after exhausting themselves?"

"Because of faith."

"You yourself don't believe that what you have is a good product, so why should you convince others that your product is a good product? I know that in today's market, it is difficult to completely trust others from the beginning."

"I came to you with so many sets of board games and told you that I didn't sell these board games to you for the sake of making money, but for the good of the market, and for the survival of every small shop. You must think that I am talking nonsense , I just want to make money, this is just a way of selling."

"But now? After visiting the entire amusement park, do you still think that what I said is all lies? How much does a set of board games make? Even if I sell 1 sets, 5 sets, 10 sets , and how much money can you make?"

"Did I charge a franchise fee? Did I ask everyone to go down the line? Did I charge everyone for this training? Not at all, in fact, I can earn these black-hearted money, but I don't, why?"

"Because of faith!"

"Because the original intention of selling board games in our amusement park is not to make money at all, we are for the industry, for the market, to make script killing more prosperous, and to save the country with curves!"

"Our boss also started from a small store step by step. If you are interested in waiting until the training is over, I can take you to the old site of our boss's old store. Really, I won't lie to you."

"In the old city, in the alley, our boss was so poor that he didn't even have the money to use commenting software at the beginning of his business. He was so poor that he sold milk tea, noodles, noodles and lo-mei. Our boss has survived such a difficult time, from a small shop to a large one. store, from a large store to an amusement park, step by step, and has always adhered to the belief in my heart."

"So our boss understands small shops, he understands the hardships of small shops, he understands the hardships of small shops. He knows that the money he earns in a month can't even pay the rent, can't pay the employees' wages, and doesn't eat the next meal. Difficult years that made my hair fall out of worry."

"So now that he has developed, he starts to give back to the market. He wants every small shopkeeper with faith in his heart to survive this difficult period. He wants everyone to not have to develop those side businesses that have nothing to do with script killing. No need to sell milk tea, no need to sell light food, no need to sell lo-mei, and there is no need to turn the script shop into a mahjong hall.”

"That's why our boss chose to sell board games, a series of board games, to give all small stores a chance to sell board games, and to give everyone a chance to make more money."

"Okay, I accidentally said too much, today is the first day of the training class. Let's see the PPT and start talking about today's first lesson——"

"How to sell products!"

Principal Peggy drank water tactically, clicked the mouse to launch the PPT, and with the words "how to sell the product" appeared on the screen in bold, thunderous applause broke out in the classroom.

Many small shopkeepers who were going through difficult times were so moved that their eyes were wet with tears, and they applauded extremely hard.

Sitting in the last row, Feng Zhiqiu emotionally wiped half a tear from the corner of her eye with her index finger, and said, "Boss Jiang didn't expect that you would have such a difficult period of time. You survived such hardships. It's really not easy."

Boss Li clapped his hands and echoed: "Yes, yes, Boss Jiang is really a role model in the industry."

Shen Daoan nodded slightly, and his opinion of Jiang Qi, a well-known capitalist in the industry, changed greatly.

Jiang Qi: ...

No, you actually believe Principal Peggy's outrageous nonsense?

Didn't you find that she has more than 1000 words, and none of them are useful?It's all bullshit.

Jiang Qi nodded expressionlessly, watching Principal Peggy on the podium spitting nonsense, he was full of emotion, dancing with hands and feet, and would play a part for everyone when he talked about emotion.

Boss Li's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he nodded frequently. He took out the playwright's quill and thick leather notebook bought in the toy store, and recorded the important content.

Principal Peggy speaks human words when she sees people, and Jiang Qi has already experienced the skill of talking nonsense when she sees people when she sees her for the first time in the script world.

What she said, as long as the audience calm down, go back and analyze it carefully, and savor it carefully, they will find something wrong.

Principal Peggy's nonsense mainly relies on evasiveness, spring and autumn style of writing, and inciting emotions, turning black into white and half-false into truth.If you can't definitely grab her by the pigtails and say she's lying, then she must be telling the truth.

In a sense, it really sells.

If anyone here can learn half of Principal Peggy's nonsense skills, they will definitely have nothing to worry about in the future.

Jiang Qi didn't care much about the teaching content on the stage, so he glanced at Feng Zhiqiu beside him, and asked, "Qiuqiu, you all have tickets to go back this afternoon, right?"

"Shen Daoan and I are. Boss Li is on the bus in the early morning, but the three of us will go to the train station together. I remember Boss Jiang's theater troupe in your amusement park is performing on the 19th. I checked last night, and the Fangyuan Theater hasn't Tickets, but I've seen the show."

"I'll see you in the devil's capital then, and I'll bring the whole store to join us!"

Feng Zhiqiu, as the leader of the fans, is quite conscientious and praises everything.

When Jiang Qi first invited Feng Zhiqiu and the others to play in the amusement park, he didn't say how long they would play.Anyway, the three of them only lived in one wooden house, and they would consciously consume and buy some surrounding areas to take back. They stayed as long as they wanted, even if they lived for a month or two, Jiang Qi didn't mind.

Of course, it is impossible for three working people to live for a month or two.

Shen Daoan is a worker, Feng Zhiqiu and Boss Li are real bosses, even if they are freer than ordinary people, they can't be free enough to go out to play for two months and completely ignore the company.

A hands-off shopkeeper like Jiang Qi has to work overtime for two days after going out for a month, let alone a boss like Feng Zhiqiu who has to work.

Originally, the three of them planned to stay until the 7th and then go back.

Then they heard about Principal Peggy's training class.

It's a rare thing to hold a sales training course for the owner of the script killing shop.All three of them had heard the name of Principal Peggy when they were at the exhibition. The strength of an old lady who turned the exhibition hall on the 6th floor into a board game fair with a few words is naturally not to be underestimated. All three have scripts under sales pressure. Killing is very interested in Principal Peggy's training class.

So the three of them happily set the date of departure on the day the training class started, and left after listening to the first day of the course.

So there is the above situation.

Jiang Qi, who has seen Principal Peggy's eloquence, knows very well that Principal Peggy is the type who will become a blockbuster without saying anything.Usually when there is nothing to do, he is reticent and doesn't like to talk very much. It is to keep his mouth to talk when he needs it.

When it was unbelievable that the Academy of Magic was still promoting, Principal Peggy could receive from morning to night, talking non-stop all day long.Now selling training courses, Principal Peggy can naturally replicate the glory of the past.

However, the caring principal Peggy still considered the limited energy of the students, and left time for the students to digest and freely discuss and ask questions in the middle of the class.There is also a lunch break at noon, and classes in the afternoon only end at 4 o'clock, so that everyone can have fun in the amusement park and feel the sincerity of Galaxy not making money.

Of course, it would be even better if you can buy some snacks and toys around.

During the lunch break, Jiang Qi led Feng Zhiqiu and the others to the staff cafeteria for a meal.

Master Bai’s hard work finally had some effect. After half a month of continuous eating of steamed eggs with black truffles, the staff cafeteria ushered in the dawn of victory. Huang Fugui did not continue to buy black truffles—he bought a bunch of SF Express Goods of sea fish and river fish.

Today's lunch is a fish meal. There are all kinds of fried fish, stewed fish and steamed fish, and some dishes made of potatoes, eggplants, onions, fungus and mushrooms that Huang Fugui bought in the live broadcast room.

Now the hot topic among employees on the way to the cafeteria after work is what Huang Fugui will buy in bulk next time. Some think it is noodles, some think it is dried fruit, and some think it is pork.Jiang Qi sometimes felt that what they were discussing was not what Huang Fugui would buy next, but what he wanted to eat next.

Shen Daoan, who had eaten several staff meals with Huang Fugui, was already used to the inhumanity of the staff cafeteria in the amusement park.

It's not that the boss is stupid and has a lot of money, it's that a supervisor uses his own salary to move forward.

Anyway, Huang Fugui only had so much savings, and Jiang Qi felt that when he had almost exhausted his previous savings, the food in the staff canteen should be normal.

After the meal, Feng Zhiqiu and Boss Li went back to the wooden house to pack their luggage. Shen Daoan was late on purpose and stayed alone to have a word with Jiang Qi.

"Boss Jiang." Shen Daoan seemed to have spent a lot of effort to muster up the courage, "Can I ask you something?"

I have used your words, Jiang Qi had to pay attention to it, and said seriously: "What's the matter?"

"Can you deliver something to Mr. X for me?"

Shen Daoan approached Huang Fugui because he thought Huang Fugui was the legendary Mr. X. Huang Fugui had already told Jiang Qi about it.

Huang Fugui's method of making friends with people is very simple. First make him a bowl of green vegetable noodles, and then use his rich life experience to let the other party open up and talk about life and ideals.If it still doesn't work, make another bowl of green vegetable noodles, and if it doesn't work, just have another bowl, and you can always become friends.

From Shen Daoan's poor undercover skills, it can be seen that it is quite easy to trick him.

Besides, Shen Daoan's recent method is a sincere strategy, answering every question.

Huang Fugui also sincerely told Shen Daoan that he was not.

Huang Fugui not only told Shen Daoan that he was not Mr. X, but also made up a perfect Mr. X that fit his imagination through observation of Shen Daoan.

A middle-aged man in his 40s who is rich, withdrawn, talented, a little bit arrogant, but also a perfectionist, good at reasoning and writing but not good at making up stories.

This mysterious man is the major shareholder of the amusement park, and he has never shown his face. Jiang Qi rarely sees him, and usually talks on WeChat.He doesn't like to make friends with people, so it's impossible for Shen Daoan to chat, sign autographs, or take photos together.

As for how Huang Fugui judged the appearance of Mr. X in his mind through the chat with Shen Daoan...

It can only be said that this is a trivial specialty of a senior salesman.

Jiang Qi looked at Shen Daoan.

He thought that Huang Fugui's words had made Shen Dao'an give up, but he didn't expect Shen Dao'an to be quite persistent, even if he couldn't see his idol, he still wanted to give me a gift.

If it wasn't for Old John's reluctance to play Mr. X, and no one else in the amusement park could pretend (no one knows how to write a reasoning book), otherwise, just because of Shen Daoan's persistence, Jiang Qi would definitely have to arrange an actor to shake hands for him group photo.

"Something? What is it?" Jiang Qi asked.

Shen Daoan was a little embarrassed: "I haven't finished the new book yet."

Jiang Qi: ?
Are you people who write reasoning books giving gifts so abstract?Give your unfinished work to your idol.

Seeing Jiang Qi showing doubts, Shen Daoan explained: "I know this may be troublesome and abrupt, but I really need Mr. X's advice."

"In fact, I started writing this new book two years ago. I always wanted to break out of the original limitations and write something different. But I couldn't get to the point. I always felt that something was missing. The main line was overturned back and forth, and the core So many rewrites and rewrites that I gave up until I played Reunion Murder."

"I have talked with many colleagues, but they don't understand. I believe that Mr. X will understand. The two of us pursue the same thing. I can see his thoughts and pursuits from his ability, so I think... ..."

"I know it's presumptuous and unreasonable, but..."

"It's a kind of..."

Shen Daoan babbled on his own for about five or six minutes, and then said another important point.

"If Mr. X is willing to help, I am willing to give 5% of the money to Mr. X when this book is completed. I know he is definitely not short of this money, but this is my heart, and the copyright of this book belongs to me entirely , After this book is finished, I will resign and start a new one.”

"If Mr. X is worried, I can sign the contract in advance. Of course, I can understand if he is not willing. After all, such an excellent writer as he can write excellent scripts on his own strength, why should he care about my 5% It's a small profit."

Jiang Qi:!
The way Jiang Qi looked at Shen Daoan changed instantly.

Who was Shen Daoan before?

He is the author of a well-known reasoning book, a well-known cancer in the industry, a famous unlucky guy in the distribution circle, a mysterious man whose name cannot be mentioned by his assistant, and a miserable beater who goes both ways with his real capitalist boss who hides behind the scenes.

As colleagues, everyone must hate Shen Daoan.

But as a boss, it's a different story.

Among other things, Shen Daoan's current boss has made him feel like this, Shen Daoan does all the work, and Shen Daoan can only get a spoonful of soup if he eats meat himself, but he is not ambiguous in his work.

Although Shen Daoan scolded the boss every day, he did not miss a bit of work.

Although Jiang Qi didn't intend to dominate the script circle, he also planned to produce two boxed copies every year.

This year's model is very good. One story background writes two different books, which are super linked and can be packaged and sold together.

This year is the emotion book + reasoning book, next year it can be horror book + reasoning book, and the year after that can be joy book + reasoning book.

This year's two books are based on Li Liang's 60-point vulgar emotional book.

Although they have all been changed to more than 90 points, the foundation is still 60 points.

The story itself is still a bit bloody in Jiang Qi's opinion.

It would be different if Shen Daoan or Feng Zhiqiu provided an 80-point foundation.

This is a super double!
Jiang Qi planned to have a good relationship with Feng Zhiqiu at the beginning. Feng Zhiqiu has written so many emotional books, and it must be easy to write an outline story.

As the fan leader of Xinghe, it should be no problem to provide an outline for the idol.

Unexpectedly, Shen Daoan delivered it directly to the door now.

Shen Daoan's most famous reasoning book, Jiang Qi, has read it. Jiang Qi bought that book when he was in the old store.

Not only is the logic smooth, but the story is also well told.It’s normal to tell a story well with emotion, but it’s rare to be able to tell a story well with reasoning
Shen Daoan can write stories.

"Okay, I'll pass it on for you." Jiang Qi interrupted Shen Daoan's chatter.

At that time, directly use the script writer to generate the script, pick out the suitable one, make the revised nuclear conspiracy theory vague, and send it to Shen Daoan pretending to be an opinion.

By the way, I have to build a WeChat account to forge chat records.

Then tell Shen Daoan that there is no need to pay [-]% of the profit, just give him [-]% of the revision fee, and then tell him that Mr. X likes his story very much, and wants to use this story to write a new type of book.

Presumably Shen Daoan will readily agree at that time.

After the autumn exhibition next year, I will send out a cooperation invitation to Shen Daoan in the name of Mr. X. For a long-term cooperation, two boxes per year are guaranteed.

Huang Fugui also told Shen Daoan in advance that Mr. X is not good at writing plots, and this character design is really just right.

"Thank you, Boss Jiang." Shen Daoan's words interrupted Jiang Qi's thoughts.

Jiang Qi looked at Shen Dao'an with enthusiasm in his eyes: "It's a small matter, just a little effort."

"Don't worry, I will try my best to persuade Mr. X to read the script for you."

At this moment, the voice of Principal Peggy's passionate speech in the morning rang in Shen Daoan's mind.

"Actually, I can earn these black-hearted money, but I don't. Why?"

"Because of faith!"

"Because the original intention of selling board games in our amusement park is not to make money at all, we are for the industry, for the market, and to make script killing more prosperous!"

When I listened to it in the morning, I just felt passionate, but now that I think about it, it is really shocking.

Yes, everything Boss Jiang has done is selfless, to make the market better!

I'm really ashamed, I actually thought Jiang Qi was an insidious capitalist just like his boss at first.Compared with the selfless Boss Jiang, he is really an insidious villain.

Shen Daoan lowered his head guiltily.

Fortunately, I took a lot of photos these days.

Shen Daoan thought.

On the way back by car, I happened to write about my experience in the amusement park these days, write an article for Boss Jiang, spend some money to buy advertisements to promote it, and do my best for Boss Jiang's career.

Alas, this is the only thing I can do for Boss Jiang.

(End of this chapter)

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