Start with the script kill shop

Chapter 427 Related Accounts

Chapter 427 Related Accounts

On September 9, Wang Xinghua, who was in the late stage of procrastination, finally completed the entire design of the theater.

Due to the regulations of the card game, Jiang Qi could not ask Wang Xinghua about the specific content of the design.

Wang Xinghua's design is finished here, and the theater can't start decorating immediately.The group's trip to Gusu is scheduled for September 9th. The amusement park has 27 days to issue an announcement telling tourists that they hope to start renovations on the morning of September 6th. During the renovation period, the theater will not be open for the time being.

Dozens of employees in the theater will also be temporarily assigned to work as NPCs in Taiping Town, practicing in the morning and going to work in the afternoon. Huang Fugui will urgently write a new plot about the troupe members not working and looking for part-time jobs.

As for the interns who come to the theater for internship, if they are willing to stay and practice together in the morning and become NPCs in the afternoon, the amusement park doesn't mind.Considering that they have no way to perform on stage during these few months, the amusement park can provide the interns with a basic salary as if they have come to the amusement park for internship.

It is a pity that the interns are not interested in this non-professional internship. These days, as long as they study art, they spend money, such as piano and violin, erhu and pipa, not to mention opera, basically they can become Yin The young and young families of Filipino students are not short of money.

Don't look at Mr. Feng's troubles in the past two years, there are only three or two students in the opera training class.That's because opera has gradually withdrawn from the stage of art training in recent years, young people are no longer interested in opera, and fewer and fewer parents are willing to enroll their children in opera training classes.

More than ten years ago, that is, when the group of interns who came to the amusement park for internship had just started to learn opera, the training classes of Feng's boss could also earn a lot of money.

At that time, there were also many students in the opera training class in the Children's Palace.

The Children's Palace has been closed for several years now.

Whenever mentioning the changes in these years, Mr. Feng always sighs, with emotion on his face, he feels that he was born at the wrong time, thinking that if he can be born in the most prosperous era of Chinese opera 100 years ago, he can become a famous actor even if he is high or low. class teacher.

Regarding this, Jiang Qi usually smiled on his face, thinking in his heart that it was absolutely impossible.

In the amusement park, there are two who have stayed in famous opera troupes. In terms of black heart, methods and business acumen, leader Feng is not as flattering as Wang Xinghua's father. The team estimated that it would last no more than three months.

In terms of luck, troupe leader Feng couldn't compare to Feng Ling's former boss. The other troupe leader Feng from another world, the reason why he was able to become the troupe leader of a big opera troupe from a grass troupe who ate his last meal but didn't finish his meal, was all due to luck.

Moreover, it is not easy to be the leader of the grass-stage team more than 100 years ago.Before Feng Ling was on stage, the other Feng's troupe tightened their belts when they couldn't get enough to eat, and sent out the troupe to do odd jobs if they didn't make money from singing.The belongings of the whole theater troupe could barely fill a small cart, and the small cart was still pulled by people because they couldn't afford a donkey.

So Jiang Qi thinks it's good for Team Leader Feng to lead interns every day.

Although these interns are about to leave temporarily because of theater renovations.

At the entrance of the amusement park, the interns were saying goodbye to Team Leader Feng.

"Mr. Feng, how long will it take to renovate the theater? Can we come back this year? Your internship here is the best among our batch of internship positions. You can be on stage in a few days. Many of our classmates want to come to the theater." Internship. When the theater is finished, can you tell Teacher Yin to let us come in for an internship?"

"I'm only a junior this year, and I can come here for an internship throughout the whole year of my senior year." Among the eight interns, Jiang Qi was the only one who could name Yang Qing, who was reluctant to part.

"Ms. Feng, is this renovation a stage or a staff dormitory? Can the shower room be expanded? Every time I take a shower, I have to queue for a long time." A boy asked in a low voice.

Leader Feng smiled and said: "We don't know about this. Manager Wang said that it is a complete reinstallation, and a batch of staff dormitories will be built in the theater for everyone to live in. It is convenient for morning and evening exercises. The shower room should also be expanded together."

"It doesn't matter if it doesn't expand. There must be bathrooms in the staff dormitory. It's really not possible to wash in the dormitory."

"Wow, just build a dormitory!"

"Can our interns apply to live? Living directly in the theater can save a lot of time, and we can rehearse at night."

"Yes yes yes."

Jiang Qi and Wang Xinghua stood at a corner where no one could see, holding a handful of sunflower seeds each, watching the interns' farewell speeches while knocking.

"Isn't it? Is this a contemporary college student? It's too exaggerated to work overtime so actively without money." Jiang Qi said he didn't understand.

"The theater skills are good." Wang Xinghua looked familiar.

Jiang Qi's movement of eating melon seeds froze, and he thought for a while: "Is it an actor, please take your place? As long as the actor loves the stage enough, he can perfectly display that skill on the stage without making mistakes?"

Wang Xinghua nodded, and looked carefully with her head: "Yang Qing is a ghost, everyone cares about the decoration of the theater, but she cares about when the decoration will be completed, for fear that we won't want her when it reopens."

"Boss, you don't know. She prepared a small gift for each of the regular employees of our theater. She prepared it with great care. If my dad was still alive, my dad would definitely like her very much. My dad knew how to give gifts back then." Dao, made friends with a lot of powerful people to engage in unfair competition."

Jiang Qi: You don't have to be so proud...

Wang Xinghua watched the excitement for a while, and when the interns got into the car, Leader Feng wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with great reluctance, before continuing to answer Jiang Qi's previous question.

"That's it. The most important thing in singing is the state. No matter how good the state is, the opera actors will be booed. But the state is difficult to control. A bad mood, a headache, and maybe even shoes that don't fit will affect the state of the performance. Actors It's almost impossible to be in great form every game."

Jiang Qi seemed to understand a little bit: "It seems... this skill is actually a magic skill."

"Of course." Wang Xinghua continued to eat melon seeds, "An actor can only be in the best condition on stage for a few years, and if he is in good condition, he can learn things quickly. After these interns come here, as long as they have a good attitude, they will not be in poor condition when they come on stage."

"They don't know it's a skill, but they think it's a feeling, so they don't want to miss it. They wish they could live in the theater every day."

Hearing Wang Xinghua's words, Jiang Qi immediately looked at the eight interns with admiration.

"But why did Yang Qing give everyone gifts? It feels like she is afraid of being fired. Aren't they all introduced by Teacher Yin?" Jiang Qi was a little curious.

"Didn't you find that the other seven are all seniors, and only Yang Qing is a junior?"

"I don't have anything to do when I'm free and ask the older ones why..."

Wang Xinghua suddenly realized that Jiang Qi might really not know about this unimportant little gossip: "As long as we come to our theater, we can sing on stage. It is a rare and precious internship position, which must be reserved for students in need. At the beginning, I didn’t plan to send juniors.”

"Yang Qing came through the back door, and she is indeed not as good as the other seven. When she first came, she was the most active, serving tea, pouring water and sweeping the floor. In fact, I would say that they think too much."

"Whether it's a junior or a senior, in our opinion, they are all bad and the same." Wang Xinghua complained mercilessly.

Students who are fledgling and have not performed on stage a few times can compare with this group of experienced staff in the theater who have been in the society for decades and have sung on any grass stage in the countryside.

it's the same.

"It seems that Yang Qing's family is quite rich." Jiang Qi didn't expect that there was a hidden rich second generation in this batch of interns.

Wang Xinghua shook her head: "Money doesn't count, it's mainly related. Her aunt seems to be the manager of a big theater in Shanghai. Even if she doesn't come to our place, she can go to the theater where his aunt works for an internship, but going there is just doing odd jobs. They may not even be on stage within the year.”

"She just wanted to perform on stage to gain experience, so she came to us for an internship through the back door."

Just as she was talking, Wang Xinghua jumped half a meter in excitement as she watched the truck approaching slowly in the distance: "Oh, it's finally here. Wait until I'm dead, I've smashed a bag of melon seeds."

The truck was getting closer and stopped at the gate of the amusement park.Jiang Qi went up to greet him, and jumped out of the truck was a 190+ tall man dressed as a normal bionic man. He reached out to shake hands with Jiang Qi just like when F1101 came for the first time.

Jiang Qi and Wang Xinghua were not so bored that they went to the entrance of the amusement park to squat and eat melon seeds just to watch the interns and head teacher Feng bid farewell. They mainly came to the entrance to wait for the bionics.

By the way onlookers.

"Mr. Jiang Qi, F2001 is glad to serve you."

"You guys are here, you are the ones waiting for you!" Jiang Qi said enthusiastically, "We are currently short of manpower to build an art gallery in an amusement park."

"F1101 knows, right? Your colleague is leading his team to build a haunted house with the theme of an art museum. Having you join us is like adding wings to a tiger!"

Isn't this order a virtual construction of a theater?

Did the company send the wrong order, or did Mr. Jiang Qi send the wrong order?

Forget it, it doesn't matter, Mr. Jiang Qi is a distinguished customer of Shenyu Company, and the customer's request comes first.

"Okay, I'm glad to serve you." F2001 showed a standard smile and jumped onto the truck.

Watching the truck enter the amusement park, Jiang Qi rested his head on his right hand, pretending to be thinking.

"Xinghua, when do you think F2001 will wear a floral shirt like F1101?"

Wang Xinghua thought for a while: "Maybe we will put it on when we come back from Gusu."

(End of this chapter)

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