Sail across the sea

Chapter 254 Don't Talk About This Chapter Outside

Chapter 254 Don't Talk About This Word Outside
"I also called Director Xu."

"What did she say?"

"She said you must have a way."


"She said that you must have a way, and said that Minister Zheng said it."


"What do you say!"

"No, I'm talking about a plant..."

At this moment, Gao Fan really wanted to find a husky to make out with, otherwise it was not enough to express his inner depression.

It's really bullying, I'm still a child, okay!

One of you is the deputy director of the Provincial Department of Chemical Industry, and the other is the deputy director of the Ministry of Chemical Industry. Is it really appropriate for Cheng Tian to plot against me like this?

"I reckon that the hall is the vitamin factory that I fancy you want to build."

Gao Yiping changed his calm tone and reminded Gao Fan.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, Xu Ying, and maybe even Zheng Linong. Can Gao Yiping not understand what is going on in his mind?

It is the trend of the times that small chemical fertilizers are shut down and turned on.As mentioned earlier, in the era of ammonium bicarbonate, it was reasonable to build a fertilizer plant in each county.However, as the country gradually masters the manufacturing capacity of small urea plants, a number of small ammonium bicarbonate plants will be transformed into urea plants, while others must be shut down.

In the past few years, all provinces and regions across the country have been rectifying small chemical fertilizers, and some small chemical fertilizer plants that have not met the technical standards have been closed down.Closing a factory is not just a matter of putting a seal on the door. There are thousands of employees in a small fertilizer factory, and these people need to be resettled.

In this era, there is no such thing as layoffs, and employees of state-owned enterprises all end up with iron rice bowls.The factory can be closed, but the jobs of the workers cannot be thrown away. These workers must be transferred to other enterprises.

But this is a large factory with thousands of people. In some counties, it is the largest enterprise in the whole county. Can it be realized by touching the upper lip to the lower lip to accommodate so many people?
Whether it is the Department of Chemical Industry or the Ministry of Chemical Industry, they have been struggling with this problem all the time, but they can't find a solution.If this problem is not solved, the elimination of backward enterprises and ammonium urine reform cannot be implemented, which will delay things very much.

At this time, a young genius appeared in Maolin Province, who was able to build a cleaning agent factory out of nothing, not only resettling more than 200 unemployed youths at once, but also earning foreign exchange through export.

What's even more amazing is that this little genius proposed to build a vitamin factory, and even got an investment from the United States.Xu Ying didn't know how many workers a vitamin factory needed, but judging from Gao Fan's previous investment of 200 million yuan, it should be no problem to arrange one or two hundred workers.

You know, the fixed assets of a small chemical fertilizer factory are only three or four million, and the number of employees is thousands.

So, Xu Ying had an idea and thought of asking Gao Fan to help the provincial government solve the problem of relocation of some workers who closed down the chemical fertilizer factory.For example, if the fertilizer factory is directly converted into a vitamin factory, the original workers will remain unchanged, or at least half of them will be retained. Doesn’t this also reduce the burden on the local area?

Regarding Gao Fan, Xu Ying felt that she knew a little bit about it, and knew that if she went to discuss this matter with him, he might ask him to open his mouth again and put forward various conditions.Just in time, Canghai Chemical Fertilizer Plant's ammonium conversion to urine was completed, and Yanxiu and Wuyuan counties began to boycott Canghai Fertilizer Plant's urea, so Xu Ying handed over this problem to Gao Yiping.

As for Zheng Linong's intention, it's just that Xu Ying is pulling the tiger's skin to make a big banner.She had made up her mind, if Gao Fan could really handle this matter well, she would solemnly report Gao Fan's deeds to Zheng Linong.

As for now, there is no rush.

Whether Canghai Chemical Fertilizer Factory's ammonium-based urine conversion can achieve the expected benefits depends on whether the products can enter the surrounding counties and replace the products of the original small fertilizer factories in several counties.

And once the urea of ​​Canghai Chemical Fertilizer Factory replaces the ammonium bicarbonate of several small chemical fertilizer factories, it means that these small chemical fertilizer factories will close their doors, and then their staff placement and local taxes and profits will fall to Canghai Chemical Fertilizer Factory Head to solve.

The cause of this incident was that Gao Yiping's precious son Gao Fan wanted to make a political achievement for his father, and in the end he did achieve this political achievement. Gao Yiping was promoted two levels out of thin air, from a full-time factory director to Appointed the factory director at the first level.

You have already obtained the benefits, so why don't you have to solve the troubles caused by it?
I am optimistic about you...

"If I don't accept this, what will happen to Director Xu?" Gao Fan calmed down and asked.

Gao Yiping said: "It should be nothing. After all, you are not even a formal cadre. You are completely obliged to do things for the province. You have also set up two joint ventures. If the province still troubles you, you will Can't say enough."

"Then do you think I should take it?" Gao Fan asked again.

Gao Yiping asked back: "Can you solve this problem?"

Gao Fan said: "It depends on how much authorization the province can give me. The authorization from the Chemical Industry Department alone is not enough. At least I need the support from the Provincial Economic Commission."

Gao Yiping said, "You mean to say that you are going to perform major surgery on Yanxiu Fertilizer Factory and Wuyuan Fertilizer Factory?"

"That's for sure." Gao Fan said, "My Canghua Science and Trade Co., Ltd. is a joint-stock enterprise, and its various mechanisms are very flexible, and the system is also very strict.

"Factories like Yanhua and Wuhua, just like Canghua, are more than ten years old, and their factory managers are not as wise and powerful as my father. You can imagine the atmosphere in the factories."

"You can't talk nonsense about this outside." Gao Yiping hurriedly urged.For the word "wise and powerful" given to him by his son, he accepted it with a smile.

Gao Fan continued: "The vitamin factory needs some skilled operators. I don't feel at ease with these people in the labor service company. The main reason is that they are too young and have insufficient sense of responsibility. It doesn't matter if they are engaged in cleaning agents. Vitamin synthesis The installation is under certain pressure, and it cannot be done without some skilled chemical operators.”

"Yanhua and Wuhua both have some good operators." Gao Yiping said.

"That's right, that's the reason why I think I can take over this job." Gao Fan said, "However, the two factories have a total of more than 2000 people, and it is a blessing that qualified operators can make up 200.

"The rest of the people are used to idleness and lazy work. If they are willing to accept management, I can find jobs for them. If they refuse to work because they have a solid job, then I can only ask them to leave. "

"Can the vitamin factory accommodate so many people?" Gao Yiping asked.

Gao Fan said: "Currently, we definitely don't need so many people. For a plant with an annual output of 100 tons of vitamin E, 200 people in all positions are more than enough. However, vitamin E is only my first product. Haha With Qi Group as the backer, I plan to continue to launch vitamin C. The scale of production depends on the situation of market development.

"If it is done well, it will not be difficult to accommodate 2000 people within a year, and this factory is definitely a cash cow, making more money than ten Canghai fertilizer factories."

(End of this chapter)

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