Sail across the sea

Chapter 242 Will be proud of this investment

Chapter 242 Will be proud of this investment
"My father and I have a common view that the 21st century will be the Chinese century. Although China has just opened its doors, I can already feel the vitality in this land. Just give them a chance and they will Create an economic miracle bigger than Japan."

Bob raised his eyes and looked at the bustling flow of people in the exhibition hall, and said slowly.

"But this country is too poor. Their per capita GDP is only 1/50 of that of the United States. Are you sure they are not the same as those poor countries in Africa?" Kerry retorted.

Old Hatch hadn't sent them both out to be Bob's squires, not to be mere answerers.In fact, both Mike and Kerry are the most experienced investment professionals in the firm.

Bob shook his head: "Uncle Kerry, it is very inappropriate for you to compare China with those poor countries in Africa. Let me give you an example. You should know that in recent years, the Chinese government has sent A large number of business delegations were held to discuss the purchase of Western equipment."

"Of course I know that those poor countries in Africa have also purchased equipment from us."

"However, will those poor countries in Africa require Western companies to transfer their patents and manufacturing technology when purchasing equipment?"

"This one……"

Kerry went dumb for a moment.

Kerry had heard of what Bob said.In recent years, China has imported a lot of equipment from the United States, including machine tools, chemical equipment, mining equipment, construction machinery and so on.Kerry has indeed heard people from the company say that when China purchases these equipments, it will regard technology transfer as an important condition.

In this regard, American companies are very disapproving.From the perspective of American entrepreneurs, the technological gap between China and the United States is at least 30 years old.The transfer of some relatively backward technologies by the United States to China does not change anything.

Kerry was also affected by this optimism, so he didn't think much about it.

Now that Bob was serious about pointing this out, Kerry couldn't help but care.If you think about it carefully, this is indeed an unusual thing.At least, poor countries in Africa will not mention such a request, and even countries in Latin America whose per capita GDP is 10 times that of China are not very motivated to obtain technology transfer.

"China is a big country with great ambitions. Although its per capita GDP is less than 300 US dollars, it has a complete industrial system. China's poverty is only because it has suffered aggression for hundreds of years. In the past 20 years , it was jointly blocked by the two camps of the East and the West, which led to its backwardness. But even so, it still made many achievements that countries richer than it could not make." Bob spoke with eloquence. talk.

"Did you mean the atomic bomb and the Sputnik?" Kerry asked.

"It's not just these." Bob said, "The Chinese have made extraordinary efforts in various fields. Take the vitamin project that Gao Fan told me about, there are not many countries in the world that can independently synthesize vitamins. There are many, but China is one of them. The two-stage fermentation method invented by the Chinese is currently the most advanced vitamin C extraction technology in the world, and the German Roche Group is negotiating with the Chinese side to introduce this technology."

Bob is certainly not the "curious baby" Gao Fan imagined.In addition to being a rich second generation with no humanity, he is also a second-year undergraduate student at Harvard Business School.Unlike other students who relied on donations from their parents to the school to obtain admission places, he was admitted to Harvard on his own merits.

Strong genetics, education in top private schools, unlimited resources, plus his own hard work, Bob is one of the most outstanding students even at Harvard.

In addition, Bob has participated in the investment decision-making of the family business as early as in middle school. His sensitivity to investment opportunities has even impressed many senior managers in the company.

This time, Bob came to China in the name of a study tour, and the reason why he chose China as the destination for his study tour, as he himself said, was that he was optimistic about China's prospects and believed that the best investment opportunities could be found in China.

When Gao Fan went around selling his products in homemade advertising shirts, Bob had his eye on him.Gao Fan has a completely different temperament from the other Chinese in the venue. His youth and openness made Bob realize that this person of his own age may also be an elite like himself.

Of course, Bob doesn't think that Gao Fan is better than himself. His evaluation of Gao Fan is only that Gao Fan is an outstanding talent among Chinese people.Compared with the elites in the United States, China's elites are undoubtedly far behind.

By the way, in this era, people who hold this view not only include all Americans, but even most Chinese.

Bob didn't know much about the vitamin E project that Gao Fan mentioned, but he definitely wasn't ignorant.He is well-read and memorized, and has dabbled in various fields.Just now he told Kerry and Mike that the two-stage fermentation method invented by the Chinese is the knowledge he read in journals in the past, not what Gao Fan told him.

He pretended to be ignorant and asked Gao Fan for advice, which meant to test Gao Fan and also took the opportunity to observe Gao Fan's character.This kind of trick is actually pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

What Gao Fan said to Bob contained some elements of boasting, but the main content was true, which gave Bob a certain amount of trust in Gao Fan.

Gao Fan provided Bob with two options, one is to hold 40% of the equity in the vitamin E project, and the other is to hold 10% of the equity in all vitamin projects. Bob chose the latter without hesitation. It was because he could see that Gao Fan was a person with lofty goals.

Gao Fan will never limit his business to the vitamin E product. Vitamin E is just a stepping stone for him to enter the big vitamin market.

Bob wanted to use Gaofan as a stepping stone to enter the Chinese market, so of course he had to choose a bigger platform to participate.

As for the investment of 150 million US dollars, this figure can indeed be described as "mere" for the young master of the Hutch family.Even if he was mistaken, Gao Fan is not a talent, and the 150 million US dollars ended up being nothing, so what is it to Bob?

"Uncle Kerry, Uncle Mike, you asked me if I plan to provide venture capital to Gao Fan, and my answer is yes. That's right, I am going to provide venture capital to him, which will be my entry into the Chinese market first step.

"I believe that 20 years later, Hatch Group will be proud of this investment, and Harvard Business School will also make this investment case a must-read case for MBA."

Bob said confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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