Chapter 199
"But, can this be allowed by the department?"

Hu Dongming returned to the original question.

Gao Fan said: "I discussed this matter with the department, and Director Teng agreed with me to do this."

This is the so-called balance between principle and flexibility.

Gao Fan's earliest idea was to cooperate with the Department of Chemistry, ask the teachers of the Department of Chemistry to help develop some technologies, put them into production by Canghua Company, and feed back part of the profits to the Department of Chemistry to support subsequent scientific research.

This model is the "integration of industry, education and research" model that was once popular in later generations, and Gao Fan is very familiar with it.

In later generations, it is very common for companies to entrust universities to do technology development.By cooperating with enterprises, colleges and universities can obtain scientific research funds on the one hand, and understand the needs in production practice on the other hand, so as to find more valuable scientific research directions.

The academic leaders of many colleges and universities are talking and laughing with the bigwigs in the industry.Only such scholars who can work closely with the industry can have a steady stream of funds to maintain their own teams and make first-class results.

In real history, the concept of integration of industry, education and research did not appear until the 90s.The background of its appearance has three directions:

First, the state has proposed the concept of a market economy and encouraged research institutes to participate in market activities.

Second, the private economy is growing gradually, which has created a desire to cooperate with state-owned scientific research institutions, and has the strength to cooperate.In contrast, state-owned enterprises and state-owned scientific research institutions do not need to cooperate through market-oriented methods, and they are more accustomed to promoting cooperation through institutions.

Third, due to changes in the system, for a period of time, the growth of national fiscal revenue could not keep up with the growth of GDP, and the ratio of fiscal revenue to GDP dropped from 80% in the early 30s to 90% in the mid-10s.The reduction in the proportion of fiscal revenue has put the funds of public institutions that rely on fiscal survival into extreme tension, and they have to fend for themselves.

Cooperating with enterprises has become a helpless choice for many scientific research institutes and universities.

At this time point in the early 80s, none of the above three conditions were met.When Gao Fan asked the leaders of the chemistry department for cooperation, on the one hand, the leaders of the chemistry department felt that Canghua Company was too small and felt that there was no room for cooperation; Gao Fan's request was rejected.

However, when Gao Fan proposed that Canghua Company set up a scientific research project and invite students from the Department of Chemistry to participate in the research, the leaders of the Department of Chemistry still gave permission.

In their view, students' participation in Canghua's project research is equivalent to an internship, which is completely reasonable in school.As for the other party’s claim to pay labor fees to students, this happened occasionally in previous internships. This is something on the fringes of the policy, and the school has always turned a blind eye to it.

After all, everyone knows that students are too poor.If some unit is willing to pay some labor fees to the students to subsidize the students' life, why should the school interfere?
Gao Fan proposed such a plan purely out of inspiration.He wanted to use this method to open a small gap in the school's management system.

This time I hired a few undergraduates to help, and next time I could hire a few graduate students.Further down, teachers can be invited to participate, even in the name of guiding students to practice.

The country's policies are getting looser and looser, Gao Fan is very clear about this.When the policy is loosened a bit, and the school sees the benefits of this cooperation model, then it will be a matter of course to carry out more in-depth cooperation with Gao Fan.

Of course, when Gao Fan did this, he had another idea, which was to help his brothers in the same dormitory find a chance to make money.Living in the same dormitory for four years is a kind of fate.

This kind of opportunity may only be available in the four years of college in a lifetime.When you enter middle age or old age, the best friend you can recall may be your college bedmate.For such a group of brothers, isn't it right to provide them with some benefits?
There was no need for Gao Fan to say these words in front of his classmates, it was a bit of a kindness when he said them.We are all smart people, so we will naturally be able to figure this out in the future.

Hearing Gao Fan say that Teng Zhongsu, the head of the department, had already nodded, everyone's eyes became sharp.He Xujie said first: "Lao Liu, tell me, what do we need to do about this matter?"

"I think we need to choose a team leader first?" Chen Chuanlin suggested.

"Isn't the team leader Gao Fan? Could it be that you want to be the team leader?" Pan Chang snarled.

Chen Chuanlin waved his hand and said, "I'm sure I can't, but Gao Fan probably won't be the team leader, right? He's a funder, a capitalist."

Gao Fan said: "It's another matter whether a capitalist is a capitalist or not. The key point is that I will mainly stay in Maolin in the next few years, and it is impossible to stay in Beijing. I definitely can't be the leader of this project."

"Then the boss." Pan Chang pointed at Gu Songtao, "Isn't this the obvious leader?"

Gu Songtao said: "I can't be the boss in this matter. You also know my academic performance. Our education level in Mingyu is low, and my foundation is not as good as everyone. How can I do such a thing as the project leader."

"If you want to talk about grades, it must be Lao Ba." He Xujie pointed to Wu Zixian and said, "Lao Ba is a study freak, he is the most suitable person to be the leader."

"Me..." Wu Zixian hesitated, not knowing whether he should accept the recommendation as a matter of course, or be humble.

After one semester, everyone in the class knows who has good grades and who has poor grades.When Gao Fan was still in school, everyone recognized Gao Fan as the top student in the dormitory.After Gao Fan went back to Maolin, Wu Zixian's status as a top student was revealed.

Wu Zixian is from Liu An Province, which can be regarded as a province with a relatively poor education level in China.Wu Zixian's foundation is not very good, but his learning ability is very strong, and he works extremely hard.

Sometimes, there are one or two difficult problems in the homework assigned by the teacher, which stumps the whole class.Most of the students really couldn't figure it out, so they gave up and waited for the teacher to explain it in class.Only Wu Zixian, who will study all night when encountering difficult problems, is the only one in the class who can solve these difficult problems several times.

After coming and going, everyone felt that Wu Zixian was one of the students with the best grades in the class. It was not surprising that everyone recommended Wu Zixian as the leader when encountering such a matter that required someone to take the lead in scientific research.

"Old Ba, how about you." Gao Fan looked at Wu Zixian and said with a smile.

With Gao Fan's words, Wu Zixian couldn't make excuses, he nodded, and said, "Okay, I'll just pretend to be the contact person, the main thing is to get in touch with Gao Fan, how to do the research is for everyone to discuss Come on."

(End of this chapter)

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