Sail across the sea

Chapter 120 Just Call Me Xiaogao

Chapter 120 Just Call Me Xiaogao

After Yang Kai was settled, Gao Fan started to make arrangements for leaving Beijing.

He left Beijing and didn't intend to go home, because he would have to face his parents' doubts when he went back. They were not as easy-talking as Yang Kai, and nine out of ten they wanted to drive him back to school to study.

Gao Fan's plan was to go to Chen Xingquan's place to see the production and operation of Xinglong Paint Factory first, and then think about the next direction.

In his mind, there are countless mature technologies with low barriers to entry, all of which can be turned into money.The difficulty lies in the development of sales channels.If it doesn't work, he can only go out by himself.

Before leaving, he brought Wu Zixian to Chen Yuliang, Chen Xingquan's cousin, and introduced each other to each other. He agreed that Wu Zixian would go to Chen Yuliang's every once in a while to get a batch of socks to sell back to school. settlement.

Chen Yuliang himself only had a junior high school education, and according to him, the junior high school diploma was also given away free of charge by the school, and he hadn't actually studied much.

Because of this, he admired Gao Fan and Wu Zixian, two Peking University students, and immediately said that Wu Zixian did not need to come to pick up the goods, as long as the other party made a phone call, he would send the goods to Peking University.

Of course Wu Zixian would not accept this kindness.He was already very grateful for the fact that he was willing to give him socks on credit at a low price, so that he could make money. How could he dare to let him deliver the socks to his door?

After explaining Wu Zixian's affairs, Gao Fan mentioned that he was planning to go south to Renqiao in the near future, and also said that he planned to queue up at the front gate to buy train tickets at night.Chen Yuliang found another opportunity to express himself, saying that he knew a friend on the railway and could get a sleeper ticket.

Gao Fan was overjoyed when he heard the words. It took a full 30 hours to take the train from Beijing to Bitian, the capital of Shuinan Province. He really didn't want to suffer on the hard seat.

These days, sleeping berth tickets are an absolute commodity in short supply. It is often the case that when the ticket office opens, the sleeping berth tickets are already sold out ahead of time.

Now that Chen Yuliang said that he had a way to get a sleeper ticket, Gao Fan had nothing to say, of course he just handed over the matter to the other party.

As for owed favors, it doesn't matter.Chen Yuliang had heard about Gao Fan's deeds from Chen Xingquan a long time ago, and knew that Gao Fan was an extremely capable person, and he was willing to spend some money to make friends with Gao Fan.

However, when Chen Yuliang came to Peking University two days later and handed over the train ticket to Gao Fan, Gao Fan was a little dumbfounded:
"No way, Old Chen, you actually managed to get a soft berth ticket?"

Chen Yuliang explained: "Actually, when I entrusted that person, I told him to buy a hard sleeper. As a result, he said that the hard sleeper on this train was sold out ahead of time, and only this soft sleeper ticket remained."

"Doesn't a soft sleeper require a grade?" Gao Fan asked.

Chen Yuliang said: "There used to be such a rule, but it has been relaxed in the past two years. As long as you are not a dubious person and willing to pay, you can also sit on a soft sleeper. I told my friend that you are a top student at Peking University. , is a talent of the country, and certainly not a dubious person, so he got a soft berth ticket for him."

"Ha, it's okay, then I'll sit on the soft sleeper for a while and enjoy the meat. Thank you, old Chen."

"No thanks, no thanks, yes, yes."

Just like that, Gao Fan boarded the express train bound for Bitian with simple luggage.

The flight attendant in the soft sleeper car saw a sixteen or seventeen-year-old half-old child, and did not show any suspicion. Instead, according to the regulations, he respectfully called Gao Fan "Chief" and took him to the The compartment specified on the ticket.

A soft sleeper box has four berths. When Gao Fan entered, he saw that the other three passengers had already arrived.

On the lower bunk on one side, there was a young woman in her thirties reclining, with a blanket on her lap, holding a popular novel in her hand, pretending to be reading it.Seeing Gao Fan coming in, she didn't even lift her eyelids.

Gao Fan's bed was just above her.It stands to reason that after Gao Fan puts his luggage away, if he is not in a hurry to go to bed, he can borrow a seat on the lower berth for a while, which is also the rule of the sleeper car.

But Gao Fan looked up, and found that the young woman's shop did not leave any room for other people's buttocks.

Sitting next to the bed was the young woman, Gao Fan naturally couldn't get too close to her.At the end of the bed, there seemed to be two pieces of clothing thrown inadvertently. If Gao Fan wanted to sit down, he could only sit on the clothes, which was a bit inappropriate.

Gao Fan took a peek at the young woman, and found that she was quite pretty, but her face was as cold as if she had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

Well, this is probably an old fairy who descended from somewhere, the kind whose face has not yet thawed, so I better not mess with it.

Just as he was hesitating to climb up to his own bunk, a half-grown man sitting on the opposite bunk greeted him with a smile and said, "Young man, sit here for a while, I feel aggrieved and can't sit upright."

"Hey, okay, thank you uncle." Gao Fan responded, and sat down on the old man's bunk.

Hearing the movement below, a young man who was sleeping on the old man's upper bunk took a peek.The old man waved his hand to him and said, "Xiao Wu, sleep with you, I'll chat with this guy."

That little Wu looked at Gao Fan seriously, probably because he felt that Gao Fan was not the kind of "non-committal" person, so he turned his head back and continued to sleep.

"Are you...going to visit relatives?"

The old man probably wanted to chat with someone just now, but the frozen fairy on the opposite side was not the one to chat with. Now that he saw Gao Fan, he couldn't wait to open up the conversation box and start to strike up a conversation.

"It's a visit to relatives." Gao Fan replied with a smile, and then asked back, "Are you on a business trip?"

"That's right, I'm on a business trip." The old man said, and then he turned the topic back to Gao Fan, "Your accent doesn't sound like that of a Shuinan person. Could it be that your parents work in Beijing and are now going back to Shuinan to see your grandparents or Grandpa and grandma go?"

Gao Fan shook his head: "I'm not from Shuinan, I'm from Maolin. As for the accent, maybe it's because I've stayed in Beijing for two months, so I have a bit of a Beijing accent."

Gao Fan in the previous life had studied and worked in Beijing for more than ten years, and his speech already had a Beijing flavor.After crossing over, living in the environment of Cangtang, he usually speaks Cangtang dialect, but he doesn't show much Beijing accent.

When he came to Beijing and started to speak Mandarin, the Beijing flavor of his accent gradually emerged.In addition, there is a Beijinger like Pan Chang in the dormitory, who will lead everyone to learn Beijing slang, which makes Gao Fan speak more like a Beijinger, so that the old man mistakenly thinks that Gao Fan is a second generation of Beijing migrant.

"So, you are a college student?" the old man asked.

"Yes." Gao Fan replied.

"Which school?"

"Peking University."

"Good school. What major do you study?"


"Chemistry? What's your name?"

"My surname is Gao, you can call me Xiao Gao." Gao Fan said.

In this day and age, chatting on the train is like this, no one cares about privacy or anything like that.Only by sharing each other's first and last names, introducing one's native place, unit, etc., can everyone find a common language so that they can chat happily and pass the long journey time.

As everyone knows, after Gao Fan said his surname, the old man raised his eyebrows, stared at him like a falcon, and asked:

"You can't be Gao Fan, can you?"

 It seems that VIP has not been opened yet, maybe the next chapter should be in V?

(End of this chapter)

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