Lord of the Tricks

Chapter 417 Chain Reaction, Red Clay Matches Clay

Chapter 417 Chain Reaction, Red Clay Matching Clay (5k)

The confrontation has never stopped, it's just going on in a place that ordinary people can't detect, it can even be said to be hidden deeper and more concealed, and it's going on in a way that even the ancient gods can't detect.

This is a long-term plan that started a long time ago, called the Dark Night March Project.

At this stage, no one living in this world knows about this plan, not even the name.

It is uncertain whether the tiger knew it before, but he is definitely in a state of not knowing it now.

Even after understanding what the ancient god would do, he took advantage of the situation and borrowed a little bit of strength. With the continuous efforts of the ancient god, any clues and omissions that may be there will be quietly followed by the ancient god's actions all the time. Annihilated in the years.

Yu Ziqing has become a key link, but it is impossible for him to know about this.

He is still complaining about Langya Courtyard. Last time, Langya Courtyard took the limelight for Wen Jun's sacrificial ceremony, and naturally gained a lot of practical benefits in the follow-up.

For ascetics, or those who are qualified to enter Langya Yuan, how to choose, sometimes it is just a little bit less attractive, a little bit biased.

In the past, they had to choose either Langya Court or Lihuo Court. Langya Court's scandals continued and all sorts of messy things kept popping up. If Li Huo Court was a little bit more involved, more people would choose Li Huo College.

I must go to Langya Courtyard later to see the rubbings. It would be even better if I could find out where the original stele is.

The complaints were all complaints, but Yu Ziqing didn't say anything. He was hoping that something would attract the energy of the two courts recently.

Make no mistake, this is red clay.

Under the Yangshen Realm, there is no way to recruit, a place where you might die if you accidentally slipped your foot and bumped into something, will you recruit Tiantian to collect the corpse?
But Jia Jinfeng speculates that the first [-]% of the farmyard did not set the limit because of fear of death, it may be because the blood was poured on Lingzhi, which would pollute Lingzhi and affect the research results...

After re-mixing, the compound soil changed by itself without any urging, and a strange charm emerged in a flash, and the head of the farmyard let out a sigh of relief.

It is highly poisonous. After experiments, it is roughly inferred that if the body is cultivated below the seventh level, if a hundred thorns are pierced, there is a high probability of death.

Adjusted until the total number was 810, the color of the newly configured soil had turned dark red.

While talking, he talked about the problem of too high requirements and restrictions, and then asked the three of them, when they came, whether there were many suitable people or not.

Because recently, Nanhai Dadao has quietly revealed a little edge from the previous closed-door research.

When he arrived at Jia Jinfeng's place, he thought of the hurried head of the farmyard before, and he would explain a lot of rules when he came here, and he also read a lot of books in Langyayuan. Talk about what you just thought.

"Brick red soil three seven nine, crimson red soil two six eight, blood wet soil one thirty nine, colorless crystal three, brown crushed soil six..."

"Everyone is my senior, so I'll say it straight.

They would not have guessed that the matching total would be 810 seven.

Ordinary cattle and horse students are not bad, but those who can follow the apprentice level of the head of the school will start to be in short supply.

When Yu Ziqing received the news, he didn't go to Langya Yuan to increase their enthusiasm. He has been very busy recently.

"Actually, when it comes to planting, these soil preparations are not very effective, and they are only useful when doing research. This is forcing Lingzhi to make changes."

"That Jia Jinfeng is not bad. He understands that all the rules and the ultimate goal are for research, and the foundation is still good. It seems that he has used his work and he is very calm. I heard that he only advanced to Yangshen in the past two years. Yes, but a lot of suffering."

Relatively rare, that is, some things that can be used as materials.

Otherwise, you can only go to various forbidden areas to try your luck, maybe you will come across a wild one at any time.

The head of the farmyard looked down on Langya Yuan a bit, but the heads of the Langya courtyard didn't say anything, and thought that the head of the farmyard said something good.

The apprentice looked at Jia Jinfeng in surprise, but said nothing.

With the passage of time, there are more and more projects in the Nanhai Dadao Research Institute. There are large projects that require the cooperation of many heads of the institute, but there are also various medium and small projects.

This time, I heard that on the rubbings where Yuan Jun's name appeared, there was a slightly incomplete matching ratio.

"The back is gone. The stele should have been damaged a lot. In the end, there is no number on the back of the rim. I don't know what it is for."

This matter has become a classic joke among ascetics and the two houses.

A bucket of red soil was scattered in the south of the Dao Court, next to the yellow soil in the center, a strange feeling rose in Yu Ziqing's heart.

You stepped in with your right foot today, let me show you.

When he arrived at the place, he didn't ask the newcomer to do anything, but let an apprentice greet him.

As long as he tries slowly, he will try it out in a short time.

Because the matter of matching red clay is indeed an enduring joke...

If you want to reproduce, I will die for you.

It is a result of a variety of soil combinations.

Because in the records, several kinds of natural materials and earth treasures need red soil to grow.

But this is just a rough guess, the teacher has no time to continue studying, and there is no official name.

Toba Ye stepped forward, stretched out his hand to grab some red soil, and after confirming it several times, his expression was a little strange.

More than a month later, Jia Jinfeng saw the head of the farmyard again, and the head of the farmyard was still preparing soil.

But after talking about it, the movement of the first farmyard stopped.

"Because you don't learn much, you don't stick to limits.

At first glance, there is no difference between the large-scale spirit transformation formation and the super-large transformation spirit formation that Yu Ziqing can slowly and step-by-step arrange, both are spirit transformation formations.

The above record began to match up with what he had learned recently.

In addition to poaching people from the research institute, I just received news from a head of the institute who was helping in the big earthquake. After many experiments there, I finally developed a new material using some materials unique to the big earthquake.

There is some surprise in the capital of the House of Representatives. The red earth has something to do with Yuan Jun?

The head of the farmyard summoned apprentices, and asked the apprentices to go to the heads of other yards to get materials.

He didn't sleep and didn't pay attention to people. He just worked like this for three days. After matching hundreds of kinds, he stood there and pondered for a long time. According to the matching ratio, he changed the total number and adjusted constantly.

"What about the back?"

"This is the red soil in the five-color soil.

"How about it?"

Yu Ziqing set off here and went to the big earthquake.

He has all heard the legend that red soil is a matching soil, and with various proportions and original soil lists, new ones will emerge every few years.

As he said that, the apprentice pointed to a place only a few feet away from them, where there was a plant that looked like a dogtail grass, but it was about ten feet tall.

Yu Ziqing breathed a sigh of relief, the method of obtaining a large amount of red soil appeared unexpectedly.

There are many similar things here. "

Jia Jinfeng listened quietly, and after looking at it for a while, when he saw the three kinds of reddish soil brought out by the head of the farmyard, he couldn't help but think of the rubbings of the stone stele recorded by Yuan Jun that he saw before.

Moreover, he had to go over and watch, don't poach other people's corners here, and when he turned around, someone would poach the team he trained.

He received a summons from Du Ye, wrote down the order in which each jade slip was broken, and then carefully compared the corresponding words in the record.

Because if you don’t remember clearly, if there are mistakes or omissions, you will die if you don’t make it right.

This number is simply not within the frame.

The head of the farmyard didn't take it seriously at first, at most he thought that Jia Jinfeng was the one who dug up that name.

And the relevant ratios have always been there, but unfortunately they are all useless.

The wild ones are not as hypocritical as the carefully bred ones.

The heads of the farmyard flicked their fingers, and a few signals were sent out. After a while, more than a dozen heads of the farmyard arrived.

The head of the farmyard said with a serious face.

This colorless crystal has not been renamed, it should be this.

Before he could sigh at the spiritual light hanging over the big island and was shocked by the rich spiritual energy here, the head of the farmyard came in person, confirmed it himself, and hurriedly led the people away.

"My good fellow, how did Hongtu come here? Is it related to Yuanjun?"

But someone tried it, and of course it failed, and then came up with that enduring joke.

The amount he needs is not 01:30, it has to be moved from mountain to mountain.

If there were any results, it would have been announced to the world to show off by now.

"It's unbelievable. This has always been a typical rumor, but it's actually true?"

The red soil that can be used by the Dao Court seems to be very barren red soil.

"What happened?"

As soon as these words came out, the great monk surnamed Jia felt tense. No wonder he felt that he was fully prepared, but along the way, most of Lingzhi didn't know him.

Now it seems that Bacheng Yuanjun is the big boss who had the word Chengkun back then.

Just as he was thinking about it, the apprentice began to show people around this area, telling them which places they couldn't go to, if they broke in rashly, and got involved in the research of which head of the hospital, death would be too unjust.

It's no wonder that the minimum requirement for recruiting people here is a great cultivator in the Yangshen Realm...

When Yu Ziqing chatted with Tiger last time, he wanted to ask who were the two big men who inherited Dakun and Daxun.

The head of the farmyard didn't speak. I don't know what he thought of. He stood up and grabbed the soil in each barrel, muttering to himself while scratching.

The apprentice took out three storage bags and gave one to each of the first three people in the farmyard, with a solemn tone.

"Don't be impatient, I'm afraid I forgot, please be a witness." The head of the farmyard dropped a sentence, and immediately restarted the configuration.

"No, no, no..." Jia Jinfeng was taken aback, and quickly waved his hands: "The head of the farmyard flattered me, I'm still learning, I don't know much at all."

The recruiting this time is nominally the head of the hospital recruiting people, so it is easy to operate, and it is easy to poach people from the two houses, and it will not arouse vigilance.

Toba Ye really didn't expect that a big achievement from the head of the farm would be this.

Oh, I remembered, in ancient times, I especially liked the material used to make tombstones.

"That strain was accidentally cultivated by the teacher when he was doing other research.

There were several materials missing before, because Yu Ziqing's thinking was a bit simple, but in practice, there were actually a lot of small and big problems.

But red soil, there is a legend that red soil is actually a kind of composite soil.

With the lessons learned from the past, only the name Yuanjun appeared this time, and Langya Yuan began to be impatient.

Yu Ziqing had told him that if there was any news about Wu Setu, he must be told, it was very important.

The farmyard is using different soils to match a soil that is suitable for a certain kind of spiritual plant to burst out with the strongest vitality.

And he has the foundation, patience, and a matching ratio that is not too serious.

But when the actual construction started, a lot of materials had to be changed.

This kind of material can be used in some key places of the ultra-large Hualing Formation. It has sufficient load and redundancy within the safety range. The durability is also very good, and the material cost is also within the controllable range.

As for the level of the head of the hospital, of course there will always be a shortage.

When I looked at the farmyard, I saw that some things in it that should have been colorless also began to turn dark red, and a strange breath circulated in it, and it became completely integrated.

Dilang... What is Dilang?

On the other side, Yu Ziqing had already arrived at the Great Earthquake and was busy working on the first super-large Spirit Transformation Formation.

They really don't pay much attention to the ratio of residual blood on the rubbings. There are too many ratios of red soil in various ancient books.

After all, these courtyard chiefs are still members of Langya Academy or Lihuo Academy in name, and they are all dedicated to research and not bothering to take care of things.

"Then keep it, wait for him to write down those jade slips, and then give him two storage bags."

Facing the congratulations of the crowd, the head of the farmyard waved his hand, pointing to Jia Jinfeng who was standing behind the crowd, honestly making soy sauce.

When the ridicule has no research results, it will be said that the other party has made red clay.

Du Ye nodded and took the lead in laughing. While laughing, he took out a pile of jade slips and sent a message to Yu Ziqing in a complicated arrangement.

Transplant it and show it to you.

While talking, the apprentice seemed to be getting more and more relaxed, and chatted about the shortage of manpower and so on.

When Jia Jinfeng stopped, the head of the farmyard immediately asked.

According to the ratio, he kept re-mixing the soil, as if he was in a daze.

Yu Ziqing immediately sent a letter to the profiteer Hungry Ghost, giving him the list and asking him to try it first, and if he can, prepare unlimited points.

He took out a pamphlet, recorded everything, and looked at the list in shock.

"Do you recognize these?" The head of the farmyard didn't look back, and pointed to the dozens of wooden barrels around. Each wooden barrel contained a kind of soil, which looked a little different.

After finding a way to make red soil, everyone took turns to congratulate the head of the farm, which is good for everyone.

Oshima smiled happily.

The manpower needed to cooperate is obviously not enough. In addition, Yu Ziqing also transferred people to Dazhen to deal with the super-large spirit formation, and the manpower is even more scarce.

I tried it, but I didn't expect it to work out. "

For a cultivator who is a cultivator, under the great cultivator, if he is stabbed with more than [-] roots, he will undoubtedly die.

On the other side, the great cultivator surnamed Jia with white hair on his temples had already arrived at the big island in a flying boat after many days of flying.

This is not my fault. "

The point is, the operation of this matter is too simple, so there was a period of time, every year someone claimed to be a red clay.

"I recognize 33 kinds, and the remaining 20 are not sure. I have only read the classics, but not the real thing." Jia Jinfeng replied honestly.

Langya Courtyard has that rubbings, they can also see it, but they will definitely not be able to try it out.

Jia Jinfeng hesitated for a moment, and told about the rubbings of the stone tablet he found in the Langya library.

Before I say something like I want to withdraw from the two houses, I have to have everything I need.

As for Langya Courtyard, everyone understands it.

After finally getting good news, Yu Ziqing had to go and see it for himself. The experience of building a super-large spirit transformation array for the first time was very important.

After the tour was over, the apprentices went to see the head of the farm.

In the absence of enough red soil, there are several kinds of natural materials and earthly treasures, which is called a delicate and willful one.

Yu Ziqing looked at the list, and most of them were not precious things. Some of them with the suffix of soil were the least valuable soil, and there were a lot of them in many places.

"Brick red soil, in ancient times, should correspond to the current red soil.

When according to the ratio and with a slight adjustment to correct the error, after a bucket of red soil successfully appeared, Yu Ziqing threw it into the Taoist court.

Moreover, this big guy appeared on a rubbings of a stone stele together with the red clay. It is absolutely impossible to say that it has nothing to do with it.

The progress of the card is not that the level is not enough, nor is the theory not perfect, but the materials, and there are still a lot of basic materials.

The head of the farmyard asked casually while preparing the soil.

Oshima is full of aura, and the teacher has created a lot of new spiritual plants here, many of which are poisonous. "

The head of the farm yard grabbed a handful of dark red soil, held it in front of his face, looked at it carefully for a long time, and let out a long sigh.

While configuring, he read out the ratio for all the capitals to hear.

After sending the news, Yu Ziqing immediately asked someone to prepare some materials, and he himself was shocked, so he gathered a little material and tried it himself first.

The three seniors must first read these jade slips and classics, remember them all in their hearts, memorize them clearly, and recognize them clearly.

"It really is. The legend is true. It really is red clay, exactly as it is in the records."

My teacher once told me that the five-color soil is extremely rare, and each kind of soil appears in a different place.

For a great cultivator who cultivated into the Yang God, at most, his body would be destroyed, but his life could be saved.

It should be called Heiqing Hundred Stacked Stones now, but I don’t have one. "

But the tiger didn't say anything, which proves that the tiger-related memories haven't been unlocked yet.

Even, they may not even try..."

The names of these bigwigs have been covered up and erased extremely seriously, and they will not appear in meaningless places at all.

"The rubbings of the stone tablet he found remembered the content on it.

In Langya Courtyard, some people laughed happily.

Now there is only white clay left without a clue, and there is absolutely no way to obtain it in large quantities.

The amount of black soil is the largest, and you can go directly to the muddy seaside of the abyss to dig.

Qingtu is the source of the weirdness in the deep sea.

Huang Tu can continue to search to see if there are any giant sharks in the East China Sea, and then try with Wu Shuangge.

(End of this chapter)

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