Card Master Guide.

Chapter 194 Epee Man VS Roman Ulysses

Chapter 194 Epee Man VS Roman Ulysses
In the depths of the ruins, stands a majestic obsidian gate.

With the vibration coming from inside the gate, lime fell from the top of the ruins '唦唦'.

Roman Ulysses stood in front of the gate, eyes wary.

He stretched out his hand, trying to touch the stone door.

However, the vibration of the entire ruins became more intense, as if there were extremely terrifying creatures guarding the ruins, threatening foreign invaders.

Roman's right hand first touched the invisible barrier, and with the green flame ignited by the fire in his right hand, the barrier seemed to dissolve a hole.

Stretching out his hand through the void, Roman finally touched the obsidian door, and the tremor of the ground became deafening at this moment.

"In the "Bible", the land monster, 'Behemoth', is the deadly enemy of the sea monster 'Leviathan'."

Roman withdrew his right hand and whispered to himself: "Sure is He who guards King Solomon's ruins."

With Roman alone, he didn't have the confidence to repel Behemoth and seize the relic treasure by force.

But the Leviathan hatches soon.

It was an ancient creature that possessed both the authority of "Devil God" and "Legendary Beast".

Just like Lucifer, he also has the dual identities of "Son of Dawn" and "Head of Demon God".

When Leviathan appears in the form of "Legend Behemoth", it will grow at an astonishing speed and gain the power to fight against 'Behemoth'.

And he contains the original fragment of "the power of jealousy", which has been extracted by Roman through scientific research methods and jealousy.

Roman's eyes were cold.

No reason is needed, no divinity is needed, Leviathan just needs to be a war machine.

And I, Roman Ulysses.

With the power of jealousy, he will rule Leviathan and the Federation and become a new demon god!
"Let's go back."

Roman turned around and said calmly: "The energy released by Bechymos is enough to wake up Leviathan."

"Are you going to use the power of Leviathan to fight against Behemoth?" Chairman Kane whispered: "This may trigger a catastrophe for the Federation!"

Kane knew the old chap's character.

Everything is for the country of the Federation.

And once the two giant beasts get out of control, the catastrophe is also not what Roman and Kane want to see.

"Leviathan and Behemoth have the nature to fight each other." Roman explained: "As long as the two are involved with each other, I have the confidence to get the Philosopher's Stone to appease the two."

The vibration of the ruins had subsided, and the two walked out of the entrance of the ruins. Roman patted Kane on the shoulder and said lightly:

"Don't worry my friend... Bloodshed will bring the end of the war."

Kane raised his head and saw Roman striding forward, the golden sunlight falling from a high altitude illuminated the star-spangled banner at the bottom of the basin, and his sonorous voice came:

"And the first sanctuary of mankind will bring peace to the Federation."

Kane was in a trance for a moment, and then his eyes showed excitement, and he followed Roman firmly.

Back at the camp, Roman keenly felt something strange and frowned slightly.

After he mastered the power of jealousy, he was extremely sensitive to the power of the demon god.

And in the camp, there was the residual breath of the demon god!

With a stern face, Roman asked the researcher, and said in a low voice, "Who has been here just now!"

The researcher was sweating coldly, and hurriedly said: "There are snipers on standby around the camp, and there are infrared devices inside, so even a fly can't fly in..."

Roman's eyes froze.


The epee man participated in the Black Pool incident and had contact with the 'Lord of the Flies' Beelzebub.

If he, like me, obtained some kind of power from the Demon God, then it is indeed possible to use flies to survey the camp!

"I was negligent..." Although Roman was comforting, his tone was extremely cold, and his eyes flickered in thought.

At this time, a bodyguard hurried over, whispered to Roman, and handed over the flat screen.

On the screen, a dark motorcycle is racing forward on the desolate Route 50, and a man in black armor is heading towards the Great Basin Desert!
Roman's expression changed slightly, and he gritted his teeth secretly.

How did he learn about the ruins!
He even found out the exact location of the ruins, and the plan was turned upside down by him!

"The investigation of the ruins is put aside for now."

Roman handed the tablet back to the bodyguard and said coldly, "We have to receive a 'guest' first."

Kane came in a hurry, his face livid, apparently also got the news that 'the epee man is coming to the ruins', and said in a stiff tone:

"Do you want to set up checkpoints on the road and send someone to intercept them?"

"He can defeat Augustus, there is no need to increase unnecessary casualties—"

Roman took off his white gloves, ignited a flame in his palm, and manifested the sword of Damocles, shining like mercury, and said in a deep voice:

"The day of playing chess is finally coming."

Deep in the desert, the motorcycle sweeps away a row of blowing sand.

It was getting closer and closer to Roman's camp, but the earthquake stopped just now.

But Lin Xiao could feel that this was just the calm before the storm, and a more intense riot was brewing deep underground.

The reason for rushing directly to the camp and the ruins is simple.

As long as no one alive sees me, it's perfect stealth!
At this time, there was a chill on the neck, and the sunlight flashed past like a sniper scope refracted in front of his eyes.

Lin Xiao looked along, and saw a man in an earth-yellow camouflage uniform protruding from the back slope of the desert. He took the initiative to reveal his position and waved a white handkerchief at Lin Xiao.

This is the ace sniper 'Viper' who once had a confrontation with Lin Xiao.

At that time, Lin Xiao let him go, but he was still serving under Roman, as a sniper mission outside the camp.

Viper was not stupid either, he watched the duel between the epee man and Augustus.

Facing a card master who was at the peak of the seventh step and was still kind to him, he would only shoot when he was confused.

Viper even moved the anti-equipment sniper and pointed Lin Xiao in the direction of the camp.

Lin Xiao wore a black armor, clicked on his black helmet, and drove his motorcycle roaring towards the camp.

I believe that Mr. Roman can solve his... Viper's heart... I'm not an insider, I'm leading the enemy into a trap!
The desert is desolate, with dim clouds rolling over the edge of the sky and the mountains, and the half-moving sand dunes in the distance, appearing and disappearing in the dusty sky.

Lin Xiao on the motorcycle suddenly felt a sense of crisis, drifting the motorcycle, and parked sideways behind the wind-eroded rock.

A blade of light cut from the void, cut on the huge rock, and cut it in two obliquely.

Strong spatial fluctuations followed, like a crack appeared on the wall, and a spatial crack appeared out of thin air above the sand dunes!
Holding the "Sword of Damocles" that can split space, Roman stepped out from the space crack.

A silver-haired man in a suit and leather shoes, holding a sharp sword, stood quietly on the sand dune across the sky full of flying sand, with disgust, admiration, and jealousy in his silver eyes...

Various complex emotions made Roman's voice a little hoarse:

"We finally meet, epee man."

Spatial fluctuations made his voice echo clearly.

Lin Xiao said calmly: "I have tolerated you for a long time, Roman Ulysses."

"Thank you for your tolerance, epee man...or, Mr. Lin Xiao."

Roman's eyes were indifferent, his tone was calm, like a well-educated gentleman, and he said slowly:
"But you have to know that a country will not allow another 'Guo Shi Wu Shuang'."

"Everything I do is not out of my own selfish desires. It is the best action taken for this country after weighing the overall situation."

"Compared to Augustus, who was equally divided with you and shook hands to make peace." Roman said coldly, "The stronger rules are formulated by the stronger, and this is the only way to create "peace". "

"So... I'm going to declare war on you."

Roman raised the sword of Damocles and pointed it at Lin Xiao. The green flame ignited on the blade, as if it could break all the restrictions in the world.

"Just use my newly acquired "weapon" to win this war! "

The familiar power of the demon god made Lin Xiao's fire start to stir.

And this means that the "power of jealousy" he is looking for lies in Roman.

Without the restrictions of the black dragon contract, the human body forcibly accepts the power of the demon god.

It's hard to tell whether he is the "National Warrior" or the "container" of the power of the demon god.

Lin Xiao looked at Roman and asked calmly:

"Having said so much, are you a human or a demon now?"

"As long as the fire is bright enough, it is enough to cover all the darkness—"

Roman's fire burst into dazzling brilliance, and the sword of Damocles in his hand made a violent blow.

"This is an act of justice!"

Combat Technique · Condemnation Blade.

The sword of Damocles is a sword of punishment for sinners, so it can distinguish between good and evil in people's hearts.

Only when the sword bearer has strong justice can the true power of the Damocles sword be brought into play!
Jianmang shattered the space, and came to Lin Xiao in an instant, and the barrier of "Great Skills Don't Work" immediately unfolded.

However, green flames ignited on the sword light of "Sword of Condemnation", melting the barrier quickly!
The field of laziness unfolded, but it could not delay the sword's momentum of the blade of condemnation.Lin Xiaoju showed his big sword and forcibly shattered the light of the sword. A deafening explosion blasted the bunker under his feet, blowing sand all over the sky on both sides!
Beelzebub's spirit body folded its arms, floated beside Lin Xiao, and said slowly:
"The effect of the power of jealousy is to 'break all laws'. Because Leviathan was jealous of God's authority, he made himself invulnerable to all laws. God had to do it himself and kill him with a sword... The big guy really It's great."

The power of arrogance is effective for spiritual moves, while the power of jealousy has effects such as breaking barriers and increasing magic resistance.

It's a very practical ability, but I play recklessly!

The epee man sprinted on the ground, a deep pit exploded under his feet, and his figure rushed to the sand dunes in an instant, and the big sword slashed down his head and face.

Roman used the power of space to forcibly pull back a few meters, and at the same time shouted: "The sealer!"

The Sword of Damocles, Liberating the Sealer.

It is precisely because of the restriction of the hanging sword that sinners dare not act recklessly.The crisis that is flickering at this moment is the best seal.

The great sword fell through the air, smashing the sand dunes to the point of collapse and sinking continuously.

And a ring of lightsabers fell from the sky, inserted around Lin Xiao, forming a flaming barrier of swords, like trapping sinners in a cage.

"You should have obtained the original power of the Gluttonous Demon God." Roman said coldly, "But it's useless, the power of jealousy can temporarily disable the power of the same level-this is a war between you and me!"

The next moment, Roman's face changed slightly. Seeing that the epee man swiped his sword horizontally, the barrier of the sword was smashed like glass shattered!
"Too weak." Lin Xiao repeated with cold eyes, "Too weak!"

Roman's eyes flickered:

"I still underestimated your strength—"

But I'm not like's a real fight to the death!

A flame ignited in the palm of Roman, controlling the sword of Damocles to fly out of thin air, hanging high above Lin Xiao's head.

Profound Truth: The Hanged Man!
The Sword of Damocles split into hundreds of lightsabers, suspended in the sky, covering most of the sand dunes, and overturned like a hail of bullets.Like it can destroy an entire army.

Green flames are burning on each lightsaber, which can break through any defense, even the armament of the epee man!
The sword fell like rain, and it was like a catastrophe.The barren battlefield is full of broken swords, and lightsabers continue to fall, cutting open huge pits.

However, in the flying sand and rocks, there was no epee man anywhere. Roman used the power of space to search, but before he could react, a figure rushed in front of him like a cannonball!
Roman's face was livid.

What speed is this? !
Even the power of space can't catch up!
Why can he have such terrifying speed while having amazing strength!

The next moment, a field enveloped Roman, and he obviously felt that his movements became slow, and he was suddenly startled.

Epee people also know the power of space?
Bang! !

Lin Xiao swung the great sword on the door panel and hit Roman's abdomen heavily.

Boom! !

Roman flew upside down, fell to the desert, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stood up with difficulty, green flames ignited all over his body, and asked hoarsely:
"Why do you master the power of space?"

"It's not the power of space."

The epee man inserted the big sword back into his back and said calmly:
"It's the power of laziness."

Roman was taken aback.

At the moment Roman was in a daze, the epee man ignited red flames all over his body, swooping like a ferocious beast, and hit Roman's face with a heavy fist:
"Smash me!!"

A bloody front tooth flew out.

The man in black armor rushed out with a burning red flame, grabbed Roman who was flying upside down, smashed his knee on his abdomen, and said awe-inspiringly:
"This is the power of rage!!"

boom! !

The two fell into the bunker at the same time.

Lin Xiao oppressed Roman, and a hovering pitch-black sphere gushed out of his right palm, hitting his face like a spiral pill, and the sound rang out along with the explosion.

"There is also the power of gluttony!!"

The air wave bounced Lin Xiao away and landed outside the bunker, and saw hundreds of sword lights splitting out of the dust in an instant, forcibly restraining his offensive.

Roman staggered to his feet, his suit was torn, his face was covered with blood, he wiped his cheeks, and said in a low voice:
"Very good... You have the power of three demon gods at the same time, very good!"

"Not three." The epee man's voice seemed to come from hell, with a metallic texture, and said indifferently: "It's five."

Roman's pupils shrank.

Five demon gods?

How is it possible... How is it possible for him to bear the power of five demon gods at the same time!

Roman didn't doubt the words of the epee man.

Because the other party has no need to lie.

Roman's shoulders trembled, and intense jealousy twisted his mind.

After the initial shock and bewilderment, he slowly raised his eyes, his heart as cold as steel.

"If this is the case, then, for this country..."

With blood in his mouth, Roman spat out bloody teeth, with a sense of mission on his face, and said coldly:
"I'm going to beat you even more."

The sword of Damocles in his hand rose into the depths of the clouds and disappeared.

The next moment, the wind and cloud changed color, and the clouds stirred into a vortex.In the center of the vortex, an extremely terrifying force is brewing, as if God's punishment is about to fall.

"Finishing moves." Roman said resolutely: "Judger!!!"


A huge column of energy light fell from the center of the vortex, like a laser cannon blasted by a space-based weapon, it exploded in the depths of the desert, and the vast whiteness swallowed everything.

The roar was so strong that only tinnitus remained in the ears, and when the white light like the tide faded, the hot and dry wind carried the smell of annihilation.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Roman couldn't believe it, so much so that he wondered if he was hallucinating.

The epee man was safe and sound, standing at the bottom of the huge scorched pit blasted by space-based weapons, like a god of death from purgatory, and like a real demon god!

"You..." Roman's voice was hoarse, and he realized that he was too shocked to make a sound.

"Nothing surprising."

Lin Xiao said calmly: "My source power is already at the eighth level."

When confronting Augustus, his source power was only a step away from the eighth level.

And this battle with Roman has achieved the previous obsession, and the breakthrough seems to be a matter of course.

Facing the sword of Damocles that fell from the sky, he used the eighth-level source power to open the barrier of "great skill and no work".

The shield was almost broken.

Roman lost his mind and stayed where he was.

I kept chasing the eighth step, but finally let the source power of the epee man break through the eighth step first.

Deep despair crept into my heart like a poisonous snake.

Roman bowed his head in silence, intense pain biting his internal organs, jealousy made his shoulders tremble constantly.


Roman dissipated the sword of Damocles, turned around and ran away!

Lin Xiao looked at Roman's back with alert eyes, and was startled suddenly:

Roman used the power of space to leap and leap in the desert, clenching his teeth tightly.

I have no chance of winning against an eighth-level epee swordsman.

The opponent didn't even need to use the finishing move!
But I haven't lost yet... I still have one last chance.

Go back to King Solomon's ruins and find the Philosopher's Stone.

That's my only hope of winning!

At this moment, the painful and distorted jealousy became the last nutrient for hatching the demon god.

In the camp, the instruments were buzzing, and the dark green eggshell was cracked, revealing a ferocious yellow eye.

Caught off guard, Lin Xiao really couldn't catch up with Roman who used the power of space.

Roman gasped for breath, stood in front of the majestic golden palace and looked up, his eyes showing a trace of rejoicing.

Escaped... escaped from the epee man!

Suddenly, the ground trembled violently.

Under the ruins, a huge abyss opened, and the entire palace fell into it.

Roman looked into the abyss in disbelief, his lips were pale.

At the bottom of the abyss, there stood an incomparably huge ferocious behemoth, like an active volcano spewing heat waves, with steaming flames emitting from its body, roaring towards the sky!

The legendary behemoth, Behemoth! !

Over the camp, dark clouds gathered.The Leviathan that came out of its shell was like a white whale, with a small body, floating in the air.

With heart-piercing screams, a researcher was directly swallowed by Leviathan.

In the bloody mess, Leviathan's body swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye! !
The legendary sea monster, Leviathan! !
Boom! !

According to the Apocrypha, when the doomsday comes, giant beasts and sea monsters will fight each other and die together in the end.

Lin Xiao looked up at the sky filled with thunderclouds, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Look at the momentum, Roman is not the most important...

If the battle between Behemoth and Leviathan really breaks out, even I will be involved!

While thinking about countermeasures, a shadow was cast in the sky, Lin Xiao looked up and was slightly taken aback.

It was a very familiar transport plane.

It is more appropriate to call it an air battleship rather than a transport aircraft.

The air battleship 'Fengshen' sailed out from the clouds.

Behind the windshield, Margaret sat in the driver's seat with deep eyes.

Looking down at the epee man on the ground, Margaret smiled and said softly:

"You will know everything soon... Lin Xiao."


 Gulardo vs Kyoka (Vision)...

(End of this chapter)

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