Chapter 481 The Frustrated Echizen Ryoma

In front of the net, two geniuses of the same age are about to start their first duel.

"I'll give you the right to serve."

Ninjazu, who was originally the referee for this game, was going to let the two sides guess first, but he hadn't made any moves yet, and Echizen Ryoma, who was standing in the left half of the field, spoke out first.

After all, in his heart, the guy opposite him who was slightly taller than him should be about the same age as himself, and he Echizen Ryoma believed that he would never lose to an opponent of the same age.

Looking at this scene, everyone outside the Ice Emperor was surprised by Echizen Ryoma's arrogance, and then everyone had a meaningful smile on their lips.

They are all looking forward to whether the boy named Echizen Ryoma will be as arrogant as he is now after the real fight with Xiao Jin.

On the court, Kintaro Toyama was also a little confused by Echizen's sudden sentence. Is the guy opposite him so brave?

Then he, Kintaro, will be impolite...

So Xiao Jin scratched his hair and said with a cheerful smile, "Well, I won't show mercy."

"Hmph." Echizen Ryoma who heard the words hummed softly, and then his famous words sounded again: "You are still far behind."

Sitting on the referee's chair, Shinobu looked at Echizen who grinned slightly at the corner of his mouth, narrowed his eyes slightly under the lens, and laughed at the arrogance of Echizen Ryoma in his heart, and then he opened his mouth to announce the start of the game...

"The game started, and Toyama Kintaro took the lead in serving."

As the words fell, the two little guys turned around and went to the bottom line area of ​​their own half.

pop... pop...

Tapping the tennis ball lightly, Toyama Kintaro looked up at Echizen Ryoma on the opposite side, and with his cheerful smile, he shouted to Echizen: "I want to go..."


As soon as Xiao Jin finished speaking, he threw the tennis ball upwards, then bent his knees and jumped up, leaping into the sky, only to see the small leopard-print T-shirt on his body fluttering and fluttering, and the small belly button had already fallen outside.


With a soft drink in his mouth, Toyama Kintaro swung the racket down. On the first serve, he hit the tennis ball with a high-altitude smash.


With a loud bang, the tennis ball pierced through the air with a tumbling air wave, and crashed into the opposite half from top to bottom.

"So high, so fast..."

Echizen Ryoma's eyes narrowed. The height of Kintaro Toyama's jump just now surprised him enough. Now the speed of this serve is even more amazing in Echizen's eyes.


There was no way, for Toyama Kintaro's serve, Echizen didn't dare to hide it, and directly used the one-footed step that he had only learned during this period of time, and chased towards the bouncing tennis ball at top speed.

However, the tennis ball was like a golden afterimage. Even though Echizen was running at full speed, he still couldn't catch up with Xiao Jin's serve.

"15:0, scored by Kintaro Toyama."

As Ninjazu reported the score, Echizen Ryoma turned his head stiffly, looking at the orange tennis ball that was rolling behind him: "This guy, why is he so strong!"

As soon as the expert makes a shot, he knows whether there is one. Toyama Kintaro's first serve directly shocked Echizen Ryoma, and now he is looking solemnly at the opposite boy who is about his own age.

On the other side, seeing that his serve was almost overtaken, Xiao Jin also showed a little interest on his face.

Although he was interested, Xiao Jin was merciless in his strikes. This time, the smash serve was a little bit stronger.


"30:0, scored by Kintaro Toyama."



"Game, the score is 1:0, led by Kintaro Toyama."

The four serves scored directly, and Xiao Jin easily completed his serve.

The Hyotei people outside the court had never stopped smiling since the start of the game. Now that Xiao Jin had already taken the lead by serving the ball, Ryo Shishido couldn't help but said in a slightly teasing tone: "I'm afraid that Echizen Ryoma, It should be the first time I met someone my age who is stronger than me."

Although facing Xiaojin's serve, Echizen Ryoma on the court was a little helpless, but everyone could see clearly that Echizen Ryoma had some strength, and he should be considered an outstanding player among his peers.

"That kid is not that simple." Atobe put his finger on the bridge of his nose, looked at Echizen Ryoma on the court, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "In the round just now, this kid has been observing the trajectory of Xiaojin's serve, it seems that Echizen Ryoma Ryoma, you have quite confidence in your eyesight."

Atobe has always been interested in players with amazing eyesight.

Compared with Atobe who only observed Echizen Ryoma's amazing eyesight, Kanna saw an extremely solid foundation on Echizen, especially the one-footed step he just used. As the game progressed, the rhythm of his feet was constantly changing. quick.

This may be the talent of Echizen Ryoma, fighting against the strong can continuously stimulate his potential...

However, even so, there is no possibility for the current Echizen Ryoma to defeat Xiaojin.

So looking at Echizen on the field, Shenwu said in a very flat tone: "This kid has talent, but if he wants to beat Xiao Jin, he is still far behind."

Kanna's voice was not low, and Echizen Ryoma on the court could naturally hear him, and he was standing on the teeing area, his eyes fixed on Xiao Jin on the opposite side.

"Let me defeat this guy in front of me first, and then I will defeat that annoying Shinno Shinichi."

Echizen Ryoma had some vicious secret thoughts in his heart, then he threw the tennis ball in his hand high, and then kicked hard on the ground with his feet, his body jumped slightly.

Facing Kintaro Toyama this time, Echizen Ryoma no longer pretended to serve with his right hand, but directly raised his left arm, aimed at the tennis ball, and swung it down violently.


The racket hit the tennis ball hard, making a powerful sound.


The high-speed spinning tennis ball quickly passed the net and hit the ground heavily.


Looking at the flying tennis ball, Xiaojin's figure flickered. When the tennis ball just landed, he was already in front of the tennis ball. Then he raised the racket, waiting for the tennis ball to bounce back and hit it back.

chi chi chi...

It's just that the tennis ball that landed didn't bounce up immediately, it was constantly spinning at high speed on the ground, and the friction sound seemed like a mournful cry after being charged.

Looking at this scene, Ryuzaki Sumire, who had regained his mentality, opened his eyes wide, with an expression of disbelief: "This is... an outspin serve..."

Echizen Ryoma is indeed a genius who succeeded Nanjiro, but it's a pity that the "rebel" wants to send this child to Yamabuki...

Minamijiro disappointed Sumire Ryuzaki...

Not far away, everyone in the Hyodi didn't react at all to Sumire Ryuzaki's fuss. Although Echizen Ryoma's outspin serve was good, everyone in the Hyotei was sure to hit back easily.

Even Hocho Taro, who is known as the weakest Ice Emperor in singles, is no exception. After all, in Ice Emperor's team full of strong players, he can always be taught by a group of monsters. After training, it was a breeze to hit back Echizen Ryoma's serve with a green outspin.

Of course, everyone in Ice Emperor understood Ryuzaki Sumire's gaffe after seeing the outspin serve; It's understandable to be so shocked...


On the court, the tennis ball suddenly bounced off the ground and flew directly towards Xiao Jin's face.

Looking at this scene, Ryuzaki Sakurano, the granddaughter beside Sumire Ryuzaki, shouted with joy, "Score..."

But the next moment...

Kintaro Toyama squatted down with both legs, jumped back, did a somersault in the air, raised the racket with his right hand, and smashed it down instantly.


The tennis ball smashed down, like a cannonball, instantly tore through the airflow, and smashed hard into Echizen Ryoma's half court, billowing up a cloud of smoke and dust.

"0:15, scored by Kintaro Toyama."

Following the words of the referee Ninzuzu, Ryuzaki Sumire outside the court opened his mouth wide, eyes filled with astonishment: "What kind of monster is this Toyama Kintaro..."

That kid would actually hit that outspin serve back so easily in such a way.

"Good serve, keep going, keep going!"

After Echizen Ryoma's outspin serve showed a certain strength, Xiaojin's face gradually showed a little interest.

Looking at the opposite opponent who easily returned the outspin serve, Echizen, who had always been unwilling to convince others, couldn't help but said in a low voice: "This monster..."

As Xiao Jin paid more and more attention to the game, he began to gradually exert his strength on the court, and the game soon became a one-sided situation...


"Game, the score is 2:0, led by Kintaro Toyama."



"Game, the score is 5:0, led by Kintaro Toyama."



"0:40, Kintaro Toyama match point."


In just 10 minutes, Toyama Kintaro went straight to five games, and the game came to the final match point.

"The gap between the two is really too big. No wonder Kintaro Toyama, the little guy, has the title of "Second Shinno Shinichi"."

Sumire Ryuzaki on the sidelines shook his head slightly while looking at Echizen Ryoma, and then looked at Kintaro Toyama with fiery eyes.

It would be great if this kid joined Qingxue...

on the court...

Echizen Ryoma rested his hands on his knees, gasping for breath, sweat dripping down his cheeks, and the T-shirt on his body was already soaked in sweat.

In the game just now, he had used all his strength, and even evolved during the game, starting the two-handed style and pumping the ball B respectively.

However, the opponent on the opposite side who looked about the same age as himself, facing the shot he hit, counterattacked so easily and comfortably, and he did not pose any threat to him, which made the current Echizen Ryoma suffer a lot in his heart. .


Even so, Echizen Ryoma did not allow himself to flinch. He tossed the tennis ball up and hit the outspin serve again at Kintaro Toyama's match point.


Looking at the tennis ball flying across the net, Xiao Jin's face suddenly became extremely serious, and he said in a slightly serious tone: "Look at your fighting spirit, I will use all my strength for this last ball..."

Xiao Jin thought of his big brother Xin, every time he faced those who knew they would lose but did not give up the game, he would use his best at the last moment...

As a fan of Big Brother Xin, Xiao Jin felt that he should be like Big Brother Xin. In this last ball, give the guy on the opposite side the strongest blow...

So when Echizen's outspin serve bounced off the ground, Xiaojin spun on the spot, and then his feet exploded, the whole person hugged his knees and rolled continuously, jumping high into the air.

Then the racket was raised backwards, and an astonishing roar came out of his mouth.

“Super invincible...absolutely delicious...big wheel mountain storm..."

Just as Xiao Jin said the last word, he jumped into the air, spread his feet apart, and then pointed the racket in his hand at the tennis ball, and smashed it down.


A loud roaring sound resounded throughout the sky. The tennis ball seemed to turn into an ultimate golden light and crashed down from the sky. In the ears of everyone, there was only a shocking shock coming from the eardrums...

Seeing this terrifying blow, Echizen Ryoma's eyes widened, and he froze in disbelief...


As the tennis ball hit the ground, there was another roar, and I saw smoke and dust billowing on the court, covering the entire court...

"Appeared, it is Xiaojin's unique move to enter the national level..."

"That kid named Echizen Ryoma, this time should suffer..."


Looking at this scene, all the ice emperors sighed and expressed "silence" for Echizen Ryoma on the court.

Sumire Ryuzaki, who was not far away, was even more shocked by Kintaro Toyama's ball, and opened his mouth wide, unable to close it for a long time.

Looking at Sumire Ryuzaki's fuss, everyone in the Bingdi once again secretly thought about her "ignorance".


A gust of wind blew away the smoke and dust on the court, and Echizen Ryoma, who was opposite Xiao Jin, gradually revealed his true face.

I saw him in a mess, kneeling on the ground with one knee, and the racket had already flown out of the court; while he was gasping for breath, he was staring at Kintaro Toyama on the opposite side.

If in the future, Echizen Ryoma might hit Kintaro Toyama's blow back, but now, looking at the terrifying ball in front of him, he seems to have lost all energy.

He never thought that a person of the same age as himself would have such terrifying strength.

Sitting on the referee's chair, he glanced at the arrogant boy named Echizen Ryoma, and found that he was not injured by Xiaojin's blow. He pushed his glasses and reported the final score.

"The whole game ended, Kintaro Toyama won, the score was 6:0."

As Ninjazu reported the results of the match, Toyama Kintaro came to Echizen who was kneeling on one knee, and said with a smile on his face: "You are called Chaozen Ryoma, next time when you become stronger, we will compete again." one game."

"Next time, I will definitely beat you."

Echizen Ryoma wanted to cheer up and told Toyama Kintaro that his name was Echizen Ryoma, but as a loser, he didn't seem to have any qualifications to let the winner know his name.

Next time, I will defeat this guy myself, and let him remember my name...

With the end of this sudden match, Ryuzaki Sumire on the sidelines of the court looked at Echizen Ryoma who had suffered a disastrous defeat. In her heart, she suddenly felt less heartbroken for Echizen Minamijiro sending this little guy to Yamabuki...

Her eyes were fixed on Kintaro Toyama who walked out of the court, and she sighed secretly.

"Why do the best players join Ice Emperor? Could it be that if you have money, you can really do whatever you want..."

(End of this chapter)

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