I smashed the emperor's daughter

Chapter 19 Importance of the area east of Bohaier Lake

Chapter 19 Importance of the area east of Bohaier Lake

The little emperor didn't understand why Li Yuntang had such a big reaction, and was about to ask why, when he stepped forward and emphasized:
"My lord, this place is extremely important, and you must never abandon it. If you abandon it, you will regret it!"

"Why did I say that I would abandon the defense, it was just someone suggested..."

The little emperor wanted to reprimand Li Yuntang for being rude, but when he thought that he had angered him just now, he suppressed his dissatisfaction a little bit, rolled his eyes and said:
"I will not abandon an inch of my ancestral land, not only will I not abandon the land, but I will follow the teachings of my ancestors and restore the homeland of the Han and Tang Dynasties!

Goryeo on the east side, Jiaozhi on the south, the former site of the Beiting Dufufu in the north, and even the Persian Dudufufu in the far west—

Starting from the seaside at sunrise, to the western mountains at dusk, even if there are all nations here, they should all be the servants and concubines of the Han Dynasty! "

After finishing his rhetoric, the little emperor suddenly changed the subject and asked:
"However, I am curious. In your eyes, such a bitter and cold place is as important as a place that must be contested by military strategists. What is the reason?"

"My lord, I can't help but not take it seriously."

Li Yuntang knew that this was the emperor's school exam. If words could impress her, it might affect the big man's national policy for this place. After thinking about it, he immediately said:
"My lord, with the eastern lake area of ​​Bohaier Lake, it is equivalent to choking the throat of the entire East Siberia."


Talking about this place name, the little emperor took the time to glance at the map and saw the vast "Xianbeilia" area above Bohai'er Lake. He understood what Li Yuntang was referring to, and at the same time he heard an explanation in his ear:
"If you think that this place is worthless just because you can't make ends meet in terms of money and food, and want to withdraw the garrison, that is a short-sighted move;
This behavior is equivalent to handing over the thousands of miles of land east of the Nalena River to the Jochi Ulus people.

Not only that, the people of Jochi Ulus have a desire for land that surpasses that of other countries in the world. They will "look back at Shu" and invade the Heishui River Basin when they "obtain the Long".

Dare to ask the emperor, how to deal with it like this? "

"Shuyi...at least six to seventy people," the little emperor hesitated, but he continued to bite the bullet: "At most three to five hundred people, it's hard to make a fortune."

"With such a small number of enemy soldiers, it is really difficult to pose a threat to the guards of our three capitals, Heishui, Bohai, and Liaodong, but without the Han army stationed in Xiantian to restrain them, they have the strength to infiltrate south of Heishui.

Don't talk about building forts and villages, but just say that they came to the south to hunt furs and kill the big Han border people, so what?
This will definitely have an impact on the imperial court and the policy of relocating the people inside the pass to enrich the outside of the pass!

Originally, there were not many households who were willing to move to the Third Division of Andong. Sixty-seven out of ten stayed in the Liaodong Capital Division. The remaining part, [-]% went to the Bohai Capital Division. Among people, there is only one Kankan.

If they heard that Shu Yi was coming to commit crimes and killed people from time to time, how many people would be willing to go? "

Being told this, the little emperor was a little aggrieved, she gently took off the Yan Bian crown on her head, and pretended to play with the colorful jade clouds in front of the crown to hide her lack of words.

But Li Yuntang was obviously not going to show mercy, and continued:
"If there are fewer and fewer Han people willing to come to the north in our dynasty, and more and more Shuyi people, if one goes up and down, there will be trouble again!"

"You're being biased when you say that."

The little emperor seemed to have caught the loophole in Li Yuntang's words, and suddenly raised his head and interjected:
"I am a big man in this Heishuidu Division, and there are more than 30 soldiers and civilians in total, and Shuyi has only 20 people in the entire Xianbelia, not to mention that there are Bohai Sea and Liaodong to the south of Heishuidusi. Dadusi with a registered permanent residence of one million.

Such a disparity in power.What can Shu Yi'an do to me? "

"My lord, the world today is changing with each passing day.

Presumably the emperor has also heard that in the countries of Thailand and the West, someone has invented a means of transportation called a train; although the current speed is not very fast, in time, it will definitely become a long-distance transport of soldiers, food, and military equipment. A sharp weapon; connecting the east and west Xianbeilia and the core area of ​​Shuyi Kingdom into one piece!
Perhaps with the current level of technology, it is not yet possible to send people thousands of miles away to Heishui, but the emperor has to plan for his descendants! "


It will be difficult for me to have descendants in the future...

Hearing this, the little emperor glanced at Li Yuntang quickly, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Li Yuntang didn't notice this, he said that the ground was in high spirits, he turned back to the map, and climbed up the wooden ladder

Then he stretched out his arm, put his finger on the map, and drew a long line.

Those who have done a lot of research on modern railways in later generations will definitely recognize this line: this is the general outline of the former Siberian Railway.

"My lord, if a railway is to be built, this line is the best one; my lord, let's see if the stations between Bohaier Lake and Heishui are all within this idle field."

The little emperor looked in the direction of Li Yuntang's finger and realized that it was true, so he nodded immediately.

"Not only that, most of the rivers in Xianbelia run north-south. Shuyi used to transport supplies by water first, and then by dry road between the two rivers.

If this east-west railway is built, it will be equivalent to combining the unconnected north-south waterways into a huge water network. At this point, the entire Xianbeilia will be connected to each other! "

After listening for a while, the little emperor finally thought of something and asked:
"Most of the main rivers in my Han Dynasty run from east to west. According to what you said, this railway is as important as the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal?"

"That's exactly the case, the emperor's eyes are as bright as a torch!"

Li Yuntang complimented very naturally, and then added:
"As for the area east of Bohaier Lake, its status in the Trans-Siberian Railway is equivalent to the status of Yangzhou Prefecture in the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal. How can such a strategic location be easily given up?"

As long as we control this place, firstly, we will cut off their desire to disturb the East, and secondly, we will curb the lifeline of Shuyi's blood transfusion to the East, and I, a big man, can emigrate to the real side with peace of mind. In a few generations, I can gradually use the advantage of population to eat away at this place !

And not only they can repair this railway.We can also repair it. If the railway is the point of attack, then its borders stretching thousands of miles will be full of loopholes. "

There is another thing that Li Yuntang didn't say. The surrounding area of ​​the lake is rich in water resources. The reserves of mineral resources such as coal, oil and gas are also extremely amazing. Any country that intends to industrialize will not think there are too many of these things.

With so much information, the little emperor accepted and digested it for a long time, and finally made a decision:
"Okay, as you say, anyone who dares to say goodbye to idle fields will be dismissed from office!"

 Thanks to book friend Hao Tiantian for the reward of 227 coins and the monthly pass;
  Thanks to the book friend 520231419w for the reward of 100 points.

  Thank you for your votes!

  The state is not good, I accidentally wrote until dawn, sorry.

  Make up for 3 hours of sleep, get up and go to work~

(End of this chapter)

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