I smashed the emperor's daughter

Chapter 132 Isn't it normal to check your body?

Chapter 132 Isn't it normal to check your body?

How could she live in it?

Before Li Yuntang had time to think about it, there were some faint sounds in the room, it sounded like someone was getting dressed; when he was considering whether to stay where he was, there was already a movement at the door in front of him.

With a sound of "squeak", the wooden door opened slightly, and a beautiful face protruded from the inside, it was Wen Quanzhen herself; when she saw the person clearly, she was startled for a moment, and then immediately turned into joy, her clear pupils turned to the main hall on the north side from time to time He glanced at it a few times, and asked happily:
"Eunuch Li, dare to ask, but the emperor summoned slaves and maidservants to serve in the palace?"

Li Yuntang was still thinking in his heart, he didn't give this woman a good face at the gate of the palace, but she was still able to face him with a smile, so it looks like a bit of a city; he didn't expect that he had such thoughts in his heart.

He wanted to veto it, but after thinking about it, if he really answered like this, then there would be no reason to squeeze in. I am afraid that he will really live in the same room with a certain eunuch tonight...

The comparison between the fragrant female official and the smelly eunuch made Li Yuntang subconsciously think a little more before replying:
"The emperor has not summoned, but..."

At first hearing the news that she was not summoned to serve, Wen Quanzhen's face could not hide her loneliness, but when she heard that there seemed to be a turning point in the future, she hurriedly took off the silver bracelet on her wrist, and put it on with both hands:
"I also invite my father-in-law to teach me the opportunity face-to-face. I will express my feelings with such things outside of the body. I will thank you greatly in the future."

Li Yuntang glanced at the bracelet with a sidelight, wondering why this female official is getting more and more stingy, just now there is a silver ingot that is not light, and now there is a worthless bracelet left, is it not such a poor way to be poor?

He didn't give any expression immediately, but he just thought that he was misunderstood by the little emperor because of this woman just now, and he felt a little more dissatisfied in his heart. Now that he has the opportunity to take advantage of this female official, he must not let this opportunity go easily.

Seeing that the eunuch in front of him didn't accept the "bribe", Wen Quanzhen thought that he thought it was too little, and his face suddenly looked ashamed, so he had to explain in a low voice:
"To be honest with my eunuch, the ingot of silver just now has been lost, and the servant has no money left. Only this bracelet is left. I hope you will be more lenient. Your kindness will never be forgotten by this servant."

Li Yuntang, who came back to his senses, stretched out his hand and covered the bracelet. At the same time, he didn't forget to pinch the female officer's smooth and delicate hand, and wiped the oil calmly.

After taking back the bracelet, Li Yuntang played with the grain of the silver bracelet carefully with five fingers, feeling the remaining warmth on it, while making up nonsense in a decent manner:
"Where did you hear that all the maids who serve the emperor will be screened by me?"

Wen Quan really knew that this father-in-law was a popular person around the emperor, so she tried to please him again and again, but when she heard that the emperor had a palace servant "serving", she seemed to have been poured cold water, and asked sadly:
"The service that the father-in-law mentioned is... what kind of service?"

"What kind of service is there? What the queen mother asked you to do is how they served before; I'm not afraid to tell you that the emperor has already learned the essence of it early—"

Speaking of this, Li Yuntang gave the female officer a sideways glance at the right time, and said with a light smile:
"With your body, I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand the emperor's criticism!"

"Slaves, servants can!"

After all, it was specially selected for enlightenment by the emperor. Wen Quanzhen was not ashamed about this kind of thing, but responded very simply; but she was an eunuch after all, and she was afraid that it would be useless to say more, so she could only argue in a low voice:
"Slaves are not the kind of weak..."

Li Yuntang didn't seem to hear this sentence, just rubbed his hands together, and said to himself: "Hiss, it seems a little cold this night..."

"Ah! It's my servant's negligence, please come in quickly, Father-in-law." Wen Quanzhen had already retreated to the door, and bowed slightly to show respect; Li Yuntang accepted the gift calmly, and after looking around to make sure there were no idlers waiting , raised his leg and stepped into the house.

He arranged the little emperor's personal problems in this way, not purely because he wanted to make fun of Mrs. Wen, but because there were other considerations behind it.

After all, the female officer was sent by the queen mother. If the little emperor didn't have anything to do with her for ten days and a half months, if she reported some news to Chengqian Palace without anyone noticing, the queen mother would always have some doubts.

Although it is not possible to directly doubt the gender of the emperor, it is possible to suspect that the little emperor is "inhumane"; if this suspicion is really given birth to some thoughts, it is a big hidden danger.

After all, if you can't be "humane", you will have no future generations, and the emperor's extinction of heirs will shake the foundation of the country!

Therefore, the fictional little emperor has already "tasted" on the maid in the palace, which can effectively block this kind of suspicion and prevent it from happening; and then let Jing Yunhai inject the corresponding daily life into a forgery, then the matter can be misleading. .

Even if the Empress Dowager Yi'an knew about it, she would feel that the little emperor was wary of her, and thus distanced herself from Wen Quanzhen; and the most the Empress Dowager could do was to often blame the behavior of the favored Gong'e, "Son of Heaven!" Young, unrestrained", and other than that, there are no negative effects at all.

After entering the house, Li Yuntang didn't know where to stay. The hut was cramped, and there was no place to place a table—that's why he was placed in this room while he was recovering from his injuries. .

Now the female officer Wen has put a lot of books in the room, the space is even more cramped than before, the only place to sit is on her boudoir; Li Yuntang is not polite, just sat on it.

Wen Quanzhen didn't have the slightest resistance, but sat quietly on the other side of the bed.She had tasted the warmth and coldness of the world in just two or three months in Chengqian Palace, and she already understood that after losing the favor of the old emperor, she was just a servant girl, without any dignity, let alone a boudoir.

"Eunuch, may I ask..."

"Do you want to ask when the emperor will summon you?" Li Yuntang took the initiative without waiting for her to finish speaking.

Wen Quanzhen knew that he had nothing to offer, so he could only lower his head slightly, and begged, "I just ask my father-in-law to make it easier..."

"It's not a matter of convenience, the rules in the palace are there, and I also follow the rules. As long as you meet the conditions, you will wait until the emperor summons you!"

Li Yuntang spoke in an official tone in an orderly manner. After seeing the female officer holding her breath and listening quietly, he knew that he had bluffed her, so he changed the topic:
"But you have one thing that doesn't conform to the rules of the Qianqing Palace."

"My servant is stupid, so please don't hesitate to order the broadcast." Wen Quan really seemed to have grasped at straws, and hurriedly asked for help.

Li Yuntang suddenly leaned forward, leaned in front of Wen Quanzhen, and said in a low voice: "Then let me just say it, your body hasn't been checked yet, how can I let you serve the emperor?"

"Father-in-law, my servant was carefully inspected by several aunts in Chengqian Palace, and there is no hidden illness, especially..."

After all, Wen Quanzhen felt uncomfortable, and his speech became a little stuttering, but he gritted his teeth and finished speaking:
"It's a perfect body!"

"You, why still don't understand, isn't it a common thing to check your body when you are new to the Qianqing Palace?"

While speaking, Li Yuntang got up slowly, took a step forward, pretended to be deep and turned his back to Mrs. Wen and said:
"The empress dowager will naturally choose carefully for the emperor, and you are fine, but if you want to enter to serve, the emperor will always ask, have you checked your body?

If I only replied that the queen mother has inspected it, what would the emperor think? "

Wen Quanzhen has studied history books since she was a child, and she knows a lot about the intrigues of the past dynasties. After being dialed in this way, she instantly understood that this is not a simple inspection, but a question of whose authority is recognized.

The Chengqian Palace has the standards of the Chengqian Palace, and the Qianqing Palace has the rules of the Qianqing Palace, but if a person enters the Qianqing Palace, he must follow the emperor's will. You can only listen to the words of the emperor.

Wen Quanzhen who understood the meaning first bit his lower lip lightly, and then immediately made a decision:
"Slaves will naturally abide by the rules in the palace, please trouble my father-in-law to take me to my aunt's place for inspection tomorrow."

Li Yuntang who heard the words turned around immediately, he was already happy in his heart, tried his best not to laugh, and replied:
"Why tomorrow, I will handle this matter by myself, and I can check it here."

Wen Quanzhen's expression changed drastically when she heard that, and she saw Li Yuntang getting closer and closer, so she hurriedly shrank back on the couch; while leaning back, she also supported herself with both hands to prevent herself from lying down, when a word suddenly came , making him even more ashamed and angry:
"Wen Siwei, you don't want to lose the chance of being summoned by the emperor because of this small inspection, do you?"

(End of this chapter)

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