hey demon

Chapter 790 Theory of Supernatural Powers

Chapter 790 Theory of Supernatural Powers

Dragon and Tiger Mountain, the blessed land of Huangting, has an extraordinary phenomenon manifested, the spirit becomes a dragon and a tiger, and the surrounding sky is like an oven, refining all kinds of worldly things, and obtaining an immortal golden elixir.

"The Yongquan orifice on the soles of the feet, the Dantian orifice on the abdomen, the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney five-shen orifices on the five internal organs, the left and right labor orifices on the hands, and the Xuanmin orifice on the top of the head. These are the most suitable for me. the ten immortal apertures?"

There are stars flowing around the body, the ten places are the most obvious, leaving the state of enlightenment, and feeling what he has gained, Zhang Chunyi is thoughtful.

When he rebelled against innateness, he naturally lit up and condensed the Yongquan immortal aperture, and gave birth to the magical power of Xiangdi. It was determined, and the other eight immortal apertures were determined by him burning a huge amount of luck this time, and seizing a ray of heavenly secret in the dark. They are both man-made and natural.

"Supernatural powers are different. They are divided into nine levels. The lower three levels are small supernatural powers, the middle three true supernatural powers, and the upper three levels are great supernatural powers. The first level is heaven and earth. Of course, there are rumors that there are peerless supernatural powers that surpass the great supernatural powers. Supernatural powers basically only exist in legends.”

"Immortal orifices are supernatural, each of which can carry a small supernatural power. My ten fairy orifices need ten small supernatural powers to fill them. Among them, Yongquan already has the innately compatible elephant-earth supernatural power. All I need to consider are other things. nine."

Reflecting on himself, the thoughts in Zhang Chunyi's mind kept turning.

In fact, these ten immortal apertures were deduced according to his own situation, and they were the most suitable choice for him, so he already knew what kind of supernatural power each immortal aperture carried.

"I once comprehended the jellyfish primordial scriptures, learned its mysteries, and expanded the dantian aperture for the second time, so it can carry two small supernatural powers, namely extreme yin and extreme yang."

With a well-thought-out plan, Zhang Chunyi waved his hand, and the aura condensed, and Zhang Chunyi transformed into a fake body.

As his thoughts fell, the dantian orifice of the fake body condensed and expanded for the second time, with yin and yang two qi derived, turning into an oven, continuously melting the heaven and earth inspiration.

"The five divine orifices are in charge of the five qi of a person, so they are most suitable for the five elements of lightning."

Another thought fell, and the heart, liver, spleen, lung, and kidney five divine orifices condensed at the same time. The heart belongs to fire, the liver to wood, the spleen to earth, the kidney to water, and the lungs to metal. , so that the five qi are exuberant like thunder, endlessly.

This cycle is formed, the thunder bursts out, and Zhang Chunyi's fake body suddenly becomes imposing. Small supernatural powers are also different from small supernatural powers. The combined power of the five thunder supernatural powers far surpasses ordinary small supernatural powers of the same level. In the future, there is potential for great supernatural powers. This is the so-called mastery of the five thunders.

You must know that ordinary small supernatural powers have limited potential, even if they cultivate to the extreme, they will not be able to step into the fourth heaven and become true supernatural powers, let alone become great supernatural powers handed down from generation to generation.

"The left and right Laogong orifices are dominated by the two qi of wind and fire, so the most suitable for these two immortal orifices should be the supernatural powers of returning wind and returning fire."

Looking at his fake body, his eyes moved slightly, and Zhang Chunyi made further deduction.

Huh, the left hand returns to the wind, the right hand returns to the fire, the gray and white wind intertwines with the blue and white flames, the whole body of Zhang Chunyi's fake body is covered with Dao rhyme, like a sacred one, and at this time, nine of the ten immortal apertures in his body already have suitable Carry supernatural powers.

"What kind of supernatural power should the last Xuanma fairy aperture carry?"

Looking at the top of the dummy's head, Zhang Chunyi frowned.

Each Dao Seed can deduce at least one small supernatural power. In fact, he has quite a few supernatural powers. In addition to mastering the five thunders, the supernatural power inherited by Longhu Mountain also has the ability to summon wind and rain. It's a pity that these supernatural powers don't fit Xuan Miqiao.

Although there are many immortal apertures in the human body, the magical powers that each immortal aperture can carry is actually limited. For example, the magical powers that can be carried by the five divine apertures are all related to the five elements.

"My supernatural powers originate from the elephant ground, then differentiate into yin and yang, and then perform the five elements, accompanied by wind and fire. They seem to be independent of each other, but in fact there is a subtle connection."

"The supernatural power of Xiangdi represents the way of the earth, and its virtue can carry all things."

"Yin and Yang are the mother of all things, so they give birth to the five elements. They are all carried by the earth, but this is not enough. Since they originate from the earth, they should naturally return to the sky, and wind and fire should be born with the sky."

There was a burst of inspiration, as if a thunderbolt flashed in his mind, Zhang Chunyi understood something.

It was at this time that the false body changed accordingly, and there seemed to be some kind of supernatural power conceived in the Xuanmin orifice, but in the next moment, the delicate balance was broken, the lightning swept across, and the false body was suddenly disillusioned.


Seeing such a scene, Zhang Chunyi frowned tightly.

"Starting from the earth, returning to the sky, carrying the earth, and governing by the sky, my idea should be correct, but there are very few magical powers related to the way of heaven, and the only magical power I have mastered does not fit the Xuanma fairy aperture. This is a failure." root cause."

After careful scrutiny, Zhang Chunyi felt that there was nothing wrong with his flashing inspiration before.

"Failure is not terrible, as long as you find the direction is good."

Calming down, Zhang Chunyi knew that his current state was actually better than many immortals. Before he ascended to immortality, he had basically seen the path he was going to take next, while many people passed the threshold of immortality in a daze, and then I found that the road ahead was gloomy, and it was too late to regret it.

"Xiangdi's supernatural powers are mysterious, and they themselves have the potential of great supernatural powers. The fusion of the five thunders is also a great supernatural power. Returning wind and fire is also extraordinary. Deduction to the extreme, it is also possible to achieve great supernatural powers. The worst is the same. A kind of true supernatural power, after all, Hong Yun's Returning Wind Dao Seed is a middle-grade one, as for the Yin and Yang Qi, its intention is extremely high, and there is also the possibility of achieving great supernatural powers in the future."

"Even if most immortal cultivators barely fill their own immortal apertures, because there is no plan in advance or no suitable inheritance, the potential for carrying supernatural powers is quite limited, and true supernatural powers are rare, let alone great supernatural powers. Even those ancient orthodoxy Generally speaking, it is not bad to be able to carry a great supernatural power, after all, most of the great supernatural powers are composed of several small supernatural powers, and if you want to cultivate it, you must light up multiple corresponding immortal apertures."

Recalling the records he had seen in the inheritance of many Taoism immortals, Zhang Chunyi knew that although he encountered the accident of Xuan Miqiao on his way forward, in fact his way was wider and brighter than most monks in the world.

Although it is said that the supernatural powers carried by the immortal aperture can be transformed into natal supernatural powers, as if born innately, without the need to rely on the power of the Tao, and can be continuously improved through practice the day after tomorrow, but it is extremely difficult to break the limit every time, and only a very few people can do it. To do it, talent and opportunity are indispensable, and a strong inheritance can save people from many detours.

The most important thing is that the cultivators in the Immortal Realm are actually seeking the way through magic. A powerful supernatural power can bring not only tyrannical combat power but also a smoother path, and Zhang Chunyi has two major guarantees. It is unimaginable for many immortals to have supernatural powers and two true supernatural powers as natal supernatural powers.

"If it wasn't for cultivating to the human body and lighting up the Xuanmao's immortal aperture, I would not be able to gain insight into many immortal apertures, let alone easily find the ten most suitable immortal apertures for me. I can only say that there is a definite number for every drink and peck."

"The road is clear, I just need to walk on it calmly."

With a thought, Zhang Chunyi began to lock people's souls as usual, and he was about to complete this step, and the unburned luck was turned into a cloud of celebration by the red cloud and dotted behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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