hey demon

Chapter 535

Chapter 535
Zhongtu, Yizhou, mountains and peaks, the terrain is extremely dangerous, and it is difficult for flying birds. It is at this time that a stream of light comes from the sky, crosses the mountains, crosses a certain layer of boundaries, and enters a new world.

Surrounded by clouds and mists, there are 72 spiritual mountains standing, and yan magpies, yellow warblers, white eyebrows, thrushes, jays, jackdaws, red jays, blood pheasants, white rocs and other spiritual birds dance among the mountains. The figure is gone in a flash, this is the residence of the sect of Dazong Qihuang Palace in Yizhou, a blessed land in the present world.

The streamer turned and moved abnormally, ignoring many laws and regulations, shuttled between the spiritual mountains, and finally landed on a spiritual mountain full of plum blossoms of various colors.

At this moment, in a small courtyard on this Lingshan Mountain, there are [-] old women and [-] to [-] beautiful women who are discussing the way of flower arrangement.

"Huang Yu's biography? It seems that the little girl is in trouble."

Feeling something in her heart, Dai Mei frowned slightly, and the beautiful woman stretched out her jade-like palm to grab the stream of light, which was a pure white phoenix feather.

The old woman didn't respond, she held the scissors and focused on trimming the flower branches in her hands.

"The entire Deng family was wiped out, and the murderer Chang Mo disappeared without a trace? The chance never came?"

Seeing the information Huang Yu brought, Pei Ruyun frowned more and more.

Although she was surprised by the destruction of the Deng family, she didn't care. The reckoned opportunity has not yet appeared, which made her a little uneasy. The Seven Phoenix Palace has a long history. Before the sky changed, the founder of the Seven Phoenix Palace once Leave a comment to determine today's chance.

After a long period of time, after constant comparison, the Seven Phoenix Palace finally locked on the exact location of this chance, and Deng Huangyi is the most likely person to get this chance.

It was at this time that the white-haired old woman let out a sigh when she put down the scissors in her hand.

"It's messed up, it's all messed up!"

Looking at the pruned plum blossom branches in her hands, without the slightest sense of beauty, the white-haired old woman had a dignified expression. What she cultivated was flowers, but what she measured was heavenly secrets.

Hearing this, Pei Ruyun suddenly understood something.

"Mei Gu, do you mean that the secrets of heaven have been disturbed, and the chance that Huang Yi had determined has also disappeared?"

Guessing a certain possibility, red flames loomed in her eyes, Pei Ruyun's expression changed suddenly as the current lord of Seven Phoenix Palace, it was not because she made a fuss, but because Deng Huangyi's status was too special.

"Disappeared, no, it hasn't disappeared yet, it's just that a calamity happened, which added more variables, so that this opportunity temporarily fell into the hands of other people."

Still calm, the old woman stretched out her withered palm like a chicken's claw to pick off the plum blossoms on the plum branches one by one. Through these plum blossoms, she saw some secrets.

Hearing this, the flames in her eyes were extinguished, and Pei Ruyun calmed down instead. Although the way of heavenly secrets is miraculous, it is not really exhaustive, and it is common for variables to occur. She is not afraid of variables, but she is afraid that she will not find the reason.

"Do you need us to take action?"

Looking at the old woman, Pei Ruyun asked, since there are variables, then just erase the variables, as long as the variables disappear, everything will eventually return to the right track.

Hearing this, the old woman shook her head.

"Based on the comments left by the patriarch, I already have a guess about the identity of that thing. It should be one side of the mirror of ten thousand beasts cast by the bones of ten thousand demons by Immortal Slayer."

"There are methods left behind by the Immortal Lord Killing Yao. Huang Yi can only rely on herself if she wants to get the approval of this fairy weapon. If we forcefully intervene, she will lose this opportunity."

As she spoke, there was an indescribable exclamation in the old woman's words, even though she was used to seeing the vicissitudes of life and the vagaries, but when she deduced this result, her heart still couldn't help throbbing.

Hearing this, he looked at the old woman, his pupils dilated, and Pei Ruyun's face was full of surprise.

Pei Ruyun was not surprised that the chance Deng Huangyi was looking for was an immortal artifact. After all, this was a comment left by the patriarch. The one is the Immortal Lord Slaughtering Demons.

The Taixuan Realm has a vast territory, a long history, and strong people emerge in endlessly, but looking at the past nine epochs, the demon-killing fairy king is definitely a famous generation, few people can match, and he has killed thousands of demons with the help of a demon-reflecting mirror. , The name of killing monsters also comes from this, it can be said that his reputation is built on the bones of thousands of monsters.

If it hadn't been for his inexplicable fall in the middle, many people thought that he would become a new celestial being, live the same life as the sky, and shine for an era.

In comparison, although the founder of the Seven Phoenix Palace, the Seven Phoenix Immortal Lord, had bred seven immortal phoenixes and left a great reputation in the Taixuan world, he was still slightly inferior to the Demon Slayer Immortal Lord.

"It turned out to be the fairy artifact left by this person?"

Looking back, knowing that the old woman couldn't tell a lie, Pei Ruyun's mind was shaken.

People in the world only know that there are five bloodlines in Qihuang Palace, but they don't know that there is a sixth vein in Qihuang Palace, which is the plum blossom lineage that Mei Gu belongs to. It is an important cornerstone of the inheritance of Qihuang Palace.

"If it is really the fairy artifact left by the Yao Slayer Immortal Lord, then by using this as an opportunity to obtain the inheritance left by the Yao Slaughter Immortal Lord, Huang Yi may really be able to subdue the world and become a generation of empress."

The chaotic thoughts returned to order, and at this moment Pei Ruyun finally understood what the ancestor had calculated.

Although Deng Huangyi is a daughter, she has the life of a real dragon. If she can get the inheritance of the Demon Slayer Immortal Lord and cultivate a Demon Reflecting Mirror, relying on the magic of the Demon Reflecting Mirror, then it is really possible to suppress the world, even if it is impossible to breed another demon mirror. Just looking at the demon mirror, the treasures left by the demon king alone are enough to make him ascend to the sky in one step.

You must know that the life of the Immortal Lord Slaughter is worthless, and there are many demon emperors and even demon saints among them. The wealth they have accumulated is terrifying.

"Mei Gu, are we really doing nothing?"

Thinking of a certain possibility, Pei Ruyun's heart was ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down.

Hearing this, Mei Gu fell into silence.

"Let's wait and see first. This is the best chance for Huangyi to get the approval of Wanshou Mirror and obtain the qualification to inherit the inheritance of the Demon Slayer Immortal Monarch. However, we also have to prepare for the other hand. If Huangyi fails, then we will take a strong shot to suppress Wanshou. Beast Mirror, as for how to obtain recognition, we can study it further."

After pondering for a while, Mei Gu gave the answer.

Hearing this, Pei Ruyun nodded. Meigu's thoughts coincided with hers. It would be best for Deng Huangyi to be recognized by the Myriad Beast Mirror. If he could not get the Seven Phoenix Palace, he would not tolerate such a treasure outflow.

"I have already locked down Chang Mo's whereabouts. You tell Huang Yi to be careful, the Mirror of Thousand Beasts may be on this junior."

Picking off a piece of plum blossom, Meigu sent it to Pei Ruyun.

Hearing this, Pei Ruyun nodded. If the variable is really Chang Mo, then Deng Huangyi should have no problem dealing with it. Although the fairy weapon is powerful, it depends on who uses it. It is impossible for an ordinary person to hold a fairy weapon Those who threatened Deng Huangyi, not to mention that Deng Huangyi himself also had a body of strange treasures.

(End of this chapter)

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