Journey to the West I am the Demon Lord of Hundred Eyes

Chapter 515 Captured Sun Xingzhe 2 times and caught the peacock with his hands

Chapter 515 Captured Sun Xingzhe twice, and caught the peacock with his hands

There was constant thunder in the sky above Huanghuaguan, but what was really annoying was the knocking sound.

Shituoling shouted for killing, the three brothers of Xingzhe lost to the three demons on Shituoling in the end, after a scuffle, Bajie Drifting Monk and Master were both captured, only Xingzhe ran fast, and the Peacock Daming King took out the mirror At that time, he turned into a pangolin and ran away crazily.

"That guy is such a powerful magic weapon, I really can't see it and can't hear it, master, this time I met another evildoer who is so difficult to deal with—" Xingzhe sat on the ground and howled, he is very tired of these guys with powerful magic weapons now , My supernatural powers and martial arts are strong enough, but I don't know who to invite?

Immediately, he heard the sound of knocking from Huanghua Temple, and immediately turned over and got up, really confused, there was not a helper right in front of him.

Then he drove to the Huanghua Temple and shouted, "brother Duomu, what are you busy with?"

"So it's the great sage who is making a magic weapon for my disciple." Wu Ming replied.

Feeling the ferocity in the thunder and fire, Xing Zhe couldn't help retreating, and said speechlessly: "You guys like to make some weird magic weapons. Wouldn't that little boy in red be even more lawless with this thing?"

"Haha, great sage, take it easy, I will discipline you more, why does the great sage have the time to come to me?" Wu Ming asked.

"Come to ask for your help, that lion camel mountain"

Wu Ming took a look at the heat, and then he just needed to continue to exercise, and he didn't need his constant care, so he immediately invited Xingzhe to drink tea in the courtyard, and talked while drinking.

"Don't worry, great sage, I know the origins of those monsters." Wu Ming said with a smile, he was not afraid of the peacocks coming to make trouble, as long as he dared to come, he dared to suppress them.

The traveler was overjoyed when he heard the words: "The old grandson is right, my brother, what is the origin of those three evil animals?"

"The second great king is a green lion from Mount Wutai, and the third king is a white elephant from Mount Emei. As for the great king, he is related to the Tathagata."

After all, suddenly there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, but it was Wu Ming who vented the peacock's bottom and made her very angry.

Wu Ming immediately snorted coldly, two golden lights flew out of his eyes and traveled thousands of miles before returning.

"Brother Duomu, sorry for the trouble, my old grandson went to save the master and thank you again." After saying that, Xingzhe immediately jumped up and made a somersault and went straight to Emei Wutai.

After drinking the tea, the golden light in Wu Ming's eyes went out.

But in the Lion Camel Cave, Peacock Daming King had two more cuts on his cheeks, bleeding profusely.

"Prince Bodhisattva, you?"

Peacock used his supernatural power to finally suppress the injury, but he was terrified in his heart, almost decapitating her with just one glance, that guy really has the magic power of a fairy in Huanghua Temple!

"Hurry up and put Tang Monk and others in a steamer to cook, don't delay."

"Why don't you cook it raw?" Qingshi asked, isn't this a waste of time.

The peacock glanced at it and said, "What do you know, that Tang Monk is the reincarnation of a golden cicada, not a common product. If you want to exert its effect, you can either capture the essence of pure yang, or eat the essence of its flesh and blood, steaming and cooking can condense the essence of the whole body. Delicious, it may not be effective if eaten raw.”

The two demons immediately prepared firewood, a steamer and other things, and after washing and rinsing, they had to put Sanzang master and apprentice into the pot.

The traveler got the news of the Three Demons at Wu Ming and was about to go to Wutai Emei to invite the Bodhisattva. He was worried that the master would come to check it out. He saw that the monster was impatient and wanted to be steamed. Now, those dharma guardian gods suffered heavy casualties in Huanghuaguan again, and there was no one to protect them. They immediately recited the mantra and arrested the Dragon King of Beihai to blow some air-conditioning to protect them.

Mount Wutai and Mount Emei.

The two masters, Manjusri and Puxian, already knew about it, and they were already waiting in the clouds before the traveler went up the mountain.

"Great Sage, we know the reason, so we don't need to say much, and we will subdue the two demons."

Walker was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, thank you Bodhisattva."

The three of them came to Shituo Ridge immediately, and suddenly auspicious clouds burst out and the sky was full of hype.

Peacock Daming King couldn't help laughing when he saw this: "You two, your master is here."

The green lion and the white elephant were terrified, and hurriedly begged: "I hope King Ming can help me!"

"I can't save you, this is your doom." Peacock said indifferently.

"Evil beast, when will you wait if you haven't returned to justice?"

In the sky, the voices of the two Bodhisattvas came. The blue lion and the white elephant walked out of the cave involuntarily and rolled back to their original bodies on the spot. Stepping on the clouds, the two Bodhisattvas landed on the beast and looked down.

The Peacock Daming King stands in the mountains, and the statue of the Daming King's dharma body appears on his body, with thousands of hands and thousands of faces, and the hand-knotted Dharma seal will hit the air.

"Mother Buddha, don't make the same mistake again and again." Manjusri Bodhisattva reminded.

"Shut up, no one can save this monk Tang today." After saying that, he spread his wings and caught the traveler.

The two are easy to kill in the cloud, Manjusri and Samantabhadra just watch but don't do anything. It is not the magical power of the Peacock Daming King that traps them.

At this moment, Xingzhe has transformed into thousands of bodies, raising his stick to meet each other, but he is no match for the peacock swallowing it with his mouth open, his body transforms into heaven and earth, and his body of steel and iron can't hold the mirror to see it, it really is quite difficult to fight.

"Monkey King, you can't leave!"

Traveler hurriedly turned his head to look, and saw a big peacock flying towards him with its wings outstretched, holding him in its beak, unable to move or change.

The peacock was about to return to the lion camel cave to enjoy it, and now that Sun Xingzhe was taken, those two idiots were also taken away by Manjushri Puxian, but they happened to enjoy the golden cicada alone.


Suddenly, a sound of iron strikes came to my ears, as if the sky was falling apart.

not good!You've broken into that guy's territory!
Peacock Daming King Dang was about to flap his wings to escape, but suddenly he saw that the sky was dark, and the huge tree canopy covered the sky. Seeing this situation, the peacock couldn't help but spit out a colorful fairy light and wanted to break through the tree canopy, but nothing happened.

The lush greenery above her head suddenly dissipated, and she seemed to see a face in a daze.

Immediately shouted angrily: "Duomu, I am the mother of Buddha, how dare you do that?"

She was played in the hands of someone!

"You broke into my mountain gate privately and destroyed several mountain peaks, what am I going to do to you?" Wu Ming said indifferently.

"I will compensate you."

"No, I heard that the Buddha Mother has the legacy of the phoenix, so please ask the Buddha Mother to help me create a magic weapon."

Wu Ming's voice seemed to come from far away, but Peacock knew that the guy was staring at him and said angrily: "Impossible! Your supernatural powers won't trap me for long, and your dojo will definitely be destroyed by then."


Wu Ming turned his palm and pushed into the lightning fire, and the peacock suddenly erupted with immeasurable divine light, continuously washing over the eight dragon heads.

Xingzhe took the opportunity to be rescued a long time ago, seeing this, he couldn't help but thank him: "Thank you for your help, brother."

Wu Ming shook his head and said, "Thanks to the great sage for bringing her here, otherwise I wouldn't be able to subdue her, go and rescue the holy monk."

If the peacock does not come within a thousand miles, it will be difficult for him to catch it, but the cause and effect between himself and this guy seems to have not yet ended?

Virakash was still beating vigorously, and the peacock was constantly dodging among them, and gradually the eight dragon heads began to fuse together.
(End of this chapter)

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