Chapter 266 New Rumors of Yu Capital City
While the emperor was still sighing, Qu Chu went on to say:

"According to what Master said: Mother's maid knew some rough kung fu, she was able to defeat two or three men, and then she was able to lead me to escape a few times.

If it wasn't Mrs. Qu who killed my mother back then, I would definitely kill my enemy.However, thinking that she is my father's biological mother after all, and there are only a few old and weak left in the Qu family, that's why I spared Mrs. Qu's life.

But this is the limit I can tolerate.

It is impossible for me to greet her with a smile, let alone honor her. "

The emperor thought for a while and asked:
"Did no outsiders know about your mother's birth of you back then? How did Mrs. Qu hide your identity and send you to the army?"

Qu Chu said:
"I have investigated this matter.

At that time, his father was concerned about his mother's identity and did not make a big deal. He only said that his mother was the daughter of an ordinary family, the person who saved his life, and his wife.

After his father sent his mother to Yudu, Mrs. Qu was dissatisfied with her mother's background from an ordinary family, so she claimed that her mother was his concubine, and detained her in the mansion without seeing guests or going out.

After my mother died, Mrs. Qu announced that my mother and I died of illness.

The death of a concubine and her concubine's daughter did not attract the attention of others, and the matter ended like this.

And when Mrs. Qu sent me to the army, she fabricated my identity as my father's legitimate son, saying that I was lost in the war and was only recently found.

Because I look seven or eight points like my father, and many generals in the army knew that my father married his wife, so no one suspected that I was not my father's son. "

Hearing this, Ning Youbei couldn't help cursing anymore:
"How could this old beggar be so brazen! If I had known she was such a person, I shouldn't have asked Liu Nanny to send the New Year's gift there."

Qu Chu didn't know that Ning Youbei gave the New Year's gift to Mrs. Qu in her name, so he looked at Ning Youbei.

Ning Youbei Na Na explained:
"I didn't know that you and Mrs. Qu had a feud against your mother. I only thought that you had a bad relationship with her because she forced you to disguise yourself as a man and go to the army. Therefore, every festival, I asked Mother Liu to use you I sent a gift to Qu's mansion in the name of him."

Ning Youbei originally had good intentions, and Qu Chu didn't want to blame him for this matter.

The emperor had a headache.

The fact that Qu Chu's blood was from the wolf country must not be spread, otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble.

The emperor did not doubt that Qu Chu had ulterior motives for Dayu.

Perhaps Qu Chu was not that loyal to Dayu State at first, but after fighting with the soldiers of Dayu State for so many years, his heart must be towards Dayu State.

But now, she has feelings for Youbei, and she will not do anything that is not good for Dayu Country.

It's just that her identity...


The emperor turned around in circles again.


Qu Chu said:
"Your Majesty, all sides are equal now, and there will not be a large-scale war in a few years. Why don't you take advantage of the fact that some officials impeach me this time and remove me from office."

Ning Youbei disagreed at first.

"That won't work. You can't be charged with unfilial piety."

The emperor also disapproved of allowing Qu Chu to be charged with unfilial piety.

Once Qu Chu is charged with unfilial piety, her life will be over.Not to mention that the mother will honor the world in the future, even if she wants to lead troops to fight again, she may not be able to.


The emperor stopped after a dozen laps.

"The matter has come to this point, the only way to make the matter of Mrs. Qu's killing of your mother public is to make public. But your mother's identity cannot be disclosed, nor can it be said in court."

Qu Chu didn't understand what the emperor meant, but Ning Youbei did.

"Yes, let people spread the news that Mrs. Qu disliked your mother's background and killed your mother in Yudu City, so that Brother Huang can temporarily suppress this memorial.

Once a minister comes to talk about your "unfilial piety", Brother Huang can acquiesce to the rumors.In this way, the ministers will not be able to hold you for being unfilial anymore. "

Seeing that Ning Youbei immediately understood what he meant, the emperor said, "I will leave this matter to you."

"Don't worry, Brother Huang, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully."

Ning Youbei was just short of patting his chest to establish a military order.


The most widespread and widespread rumor in Yudu recently is about Chu Princess General Qu.This rumor spread more widely than the news that she was a woman and was going to marry the King of Chu as his concubine.

In the streets and alleys, teahouses and restaurants, there are conversations like this:
"Let me tell you one thing. General Qu's mother was killed by her grandmother."

"how do you know?"

"My uncle's nephew's cousin works in Qu's mansion, he said it when he was drunk.

It is said that at the beginning Mrs. Qu hated General Qu's mother because she was from an ordinary family, so she poisoned her to death.Mrs. Qu was afraid that General Qu would retaliate when she knew the truth when he grew up, so she wanted to kill General Qu together.

It was General Qu's mother's maid who saw General Qu was pitiful and secretly carried General Qu out of the house. She did not expect to meet General Qu's master.

General Qu's master adopted her and accepted her as his apprentice because of his extraordinary talent. "

"Then why did General Qu disguise himself as a man and go to the battlefield?"

"I don't know that."

At this time, another person will appear next to him:
"I know this. In the battle between Dayu and the Wolf Country, all the men of the Qu family died. At this time, Mrs. Qu learned that General Qu was still alive and had learned a lot of skills, so she took Qu Threatening the lives of the general's younger sister, forcing General Qu to disguise himself as a man and go to the battlefield."

"Are you talking nonsense?"

"No, my cousin is working in the general's mansion, and she heard what General Qu's junior sister said.

It is said that General Qu's master had just died, and two teenage girls depended on each other for their lives. Mrs. Qu took the life of General Qu's junior sister, and General Qu agreed to Mrs. Qu's request in order to save her junior sister's life. "

Rumors like this spread more and more widely, until later, Mrs. Qu became the most vicious woman in Yudu.


During the spread of rumors, Qu Chu's house did not go out in the Chu Palace.

Both Qu Bingyu and Su Yingxue knew about Qu Chu's real life experience, and they went to Chu Palace together after hearing these rumors.

When the two arrived, Ning Youbei was teaching Qu Chu how to play Go.Seeing the two of them, Qu Chu put down the chess pieces in his hand, but Ning Youbei didn't have the consciousness to leave.

Seeing that Ning Youbei didn't leave Qu Chu and didn't speak, Su Yingxue didn't shy away either.

"Qu Qu, what are the rumors in the Yu capital?"

Qu Chu said:
"Someone accused me of being unfilial to Mrs. Qu, so I confessed my life experience to the emperor.

The emperor said that it is not appropriate for others to know that my mother is from the wolf country, but I also cannot bear the name of being unfilial, so there are these rumors in Yudu.

The rumors in Yudu City were all made by Youbei. "

(End of this chapter)

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