Chapter 167 She is the rule

Song Jiaming signed his name with trepidation, and stared at his hand with lowered eyes when pressing the fingerprint.

Working with mud all the year round, my fingers are rough and covered with dry lines.It is such a pair of ugly hands that make celadon as clear as sapphire.

Glancing at the pale Shu Yingtong, he took a deep breath and pressed the bright red handprint on the signature.

The next lime kiln and cement kiln were signed very quickly, both of which were won by two small families.

Sharing risk is less stressful than shouldering it alone.

Shu Yingtong was noncommittal, and only asked the heads of households to press their fingerprints.The partnership business may be very harmonious in the early stage, but it is hard to say when it involves interests later, and there are not a few people who turn against each other.

There are too many cases of legal persons being blamed, and they are all held accountable.

After finishing what should be dealt with, the villagers' new thoughts came alive again.

"Girl, what should I do with the money that will be recovered next year, as well as the money from the village to buy raw materials from the mountains?"

"What's the point of asking? Go to Nancun Village~ What do we want to do, eat salty radish and don't worry about it."

"Didn't that mean it's collective? We're also in the village..."

Shu Yingtong raised her hand and pressed everyone to stop the discussion. She understood the little thoughts of the villagers.

"Announce the distribution of collective money in the village. Not only the existing kilns, but also other collective income in the future. The village accounts every twelfth lunar month, and distributes [-]% of the balance equally among households."

When they heard that they could get money without doing anything, the villagers stood up from their stools excitedly and applauded repeatedly.

But after being happy for a while, I immediately thought of something else.

"Girl, there are five or six people in our family, and there are only one or two in other families, and there are others who cover the entrance of the kiln. How can we divide it? How can it be considered an average?"

A woman raised her voice, standing out among the joyous voices.

As soon as these words came out, many people echoed them.

Shu Yingtong raised her eyebrows, "What do you want?"

"According to the head! This is only fair!"

Shu Yingtong smiled coldly, "Fair? Is it fair to give a newborn baby the same amount as a man in his prime? Do you think the village's surplus can be divided into five hundred households?"

It's just some scattered copper coins, it's a waste of time to fight for those few pennies!

After speaking, he stood up and announced in a deep voice: "The other [-]%, [-]% of which is used for the daily maintenance expenses of the village, and the remaining [-]% ​​is used for the annual salary of the managers on the stage."

As soon as the words fell, there was an uproar in the audience.Most people think about it and think it makes sense.There are also a small number of unconvinced doubts.

"What, annual salary? Wouldn't that make you an official?"

"In the past, the village head of our village didn't give out any money, but all the people sitting on it here give out money?"

"I have never heard of this rule. You can get money by running errands every day. I want to do it too."

Shu Yingtong listened quietly for a long time, until the warm atmosphere in Beicun gradually cooled down.

She packed up the things on the table, held them in her hands, stood up and walked out. Before going out, she turned her head and looked around lightly, "There is no such rule? Now there is."

The others on the stage didn't wait too long, they collected their things one after another and followed them out.

Zhu Yu sat in the first row at the bottom, full of anger, stood up and slapped the table, turned around and yelled.

"Come on, let me see what unscrupulous people are shouting here! Without the row of people above, you are still drinking the wind in the wild! Maybe you can't even drink the wind!"

"It's yours, right? I'm busy with village affairs from morning to night, and I can't even take care of the work in my field! What's wrong with the money, shouldn't it?!"

Zhu Yu remembered that some team leaders could only see each other every day except for meals, and they were busy with Beicun affairs all day long, thinking about it made them angry.

They have done their best in the past few months, no matter what tasks the girl assigns them, they have not even complained.

You usually say that people are good, but now when you say you want to give them money, someone is ungrateful?
Staring at one of the sharp-tongued thin men, "You used to have a village head? Who didn't? Let me ask you, which one of you would dare to come to your village head for work? Which village head would build a house for you and distribute vegetables? gone?"

Scanning around the women, "Which one of you has a female director in the village? Feel your own conscience and say, is Aunt Yao treating you well? If you are wronged at home, go to her to make things right for you!"

"Have you children received new cloth and cotton to make new year's clothes! Have you let everyone who wants to read and write go! And tell the girl what rules, she says what she says, she is the rule!"

Zhu Yu is not in charge, but has a high right to speak.Those who were scolded were too frightened to speak back, so they quickly got up and ran away with the crowd.

It's not a bad thing to say, I have never heard of a few villages that can benefit as much as they do now.Don't you wait for her to let her family go out in a fit of anger...

The crowd walked toward Beicun mightily, and the laughter and laughter along the way warmed the cold wind.

The pace is cheerful, and most people want to go back and share the good news with their families.

Xuemei carried a stack of papers into the gate of the courtyard, and glanced at the brightly lit room in the west wing.

Just about to step up to catch up with Shu Yingtong in front, suddenly a gust of wind blew across the image of a person, leaving only one sentence in the wind: "She is mine tonight, you can ask Si Yao if you want to learn how to do accounts."

Xuemei raised her hand to gather the hair that was blown to her cheek by the wind behind her ear, but she had no choice but to turn around and walk to the leftmost room in the west wing.

The girl asked her to manage the warehouse and reference room, and now there are more contracts.When it comes to money, she has never been an accountant, so she must learn first.

There are three rooms in the west wing. Recently, Jing Yunyan and Si Yao have been very busy, so they specially arranged the empty room on the far left for handling accounts.

Before the person approached, the crisp sound of the abacus beads hitting could be heard endlessly.He knocked on the door, and the sound of dialing the abacus continued, "The door is not bolted, and you can enter by yourself."

Pushing open the door and taking a look inside, Xuemei pursed her lips.I made two padded jackets and trousers for Si Yao to work on the construction site, and he disliked them in every possible way when I gave them to him, but I still saw him wearing them when I went to work.

Now he has to busy himself with his own business, he won't go to the construction site, but he is still wearing the cotton coat.

I have to say that even though he was wearing a cotton padded jacket similar to that of other villagers, his figure with broad shoulders and long legs and good looks gave him a different feeling when wearing the cotton padded jacket.

A gust of cold wind blew in, and Si Yao stopped moving the abacus, and looked up at her angrily, "You have a grudge against me? The door is so wide open, and the wind blows me, do you think I won't be cold even with my iron body? Stupid or not..."

Xuemei gritted her back molars, one day her mouth would itch, wouldn't she?

Either she is stupid or she is stupid!

Forget it, I will find a girl to learn how to do accounts tomorrow.Anyway, there is no current account of money and money, so it won't matter if you learn it a day later.

After thinking about it, without hesitation, he closed the door and turned around.

"Hey? Why are you going?" Si Yao threw away the account book and the abacus, got up and rushed to open the door to pull her back, his movements were as quick as lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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