Chapter 130: Go Away!

The scene was about to explode, and the young man was so frightened that he hurriedly walked out of the counter to apologize, "Several distinguished guests calm down, calm down, have something to say..."

"Go away!" The tall and thin servant girl angrily pushed him away, then slapped Zhu Yu's face with her hand.

Before touching her face, she suddenly saw her eyes stare, and the next moment her stomach hurts, and she was kicked so hard that she flew backwards and hit the door frame.

The pain was so bad that she couldn't even stand up, she curled up on the ground, clutching her stomach, moaning and crying in pain.

Shu Yingtong nodded to Zhu Yu, "I've made progress, and I still know how to avoid those ornaments at the door."

"That's~ how smart I am, won't you lose money if the stall is smashed~" Zhu Yu kicked her legs with a smile, very proud, raised her chin and nostrils towards the door, "If you say I will let you do it with one hand You have one hand!"

"You! What a guts!" The young girl screamed, pulled out the hairpin from her head and rushed forward to stab Zhu Yu's face, the direction of the stab was obviously the eyes.

Shu Yingtong's eyes sharpened, and he quickly grabbed her wrist to the side, pushed back with a twist, and heard a crisp cracking sound accompanied by a scream like a slaughtered pig, and threw her away in disgust.

The young lady's face was contorted immediately, tears were flying, she was thrown back by Shu Yingtong and bumped into the person who had just stepped into the door behind her.

The visitor was dressed in a green robe and official uniform, with a patch on the chest embroidered with white pheasants.Shu Yingtong frowned, tsk, a fifth-rank civil servant is still here on business.

"Wan'er, what are you..."

"Brother~ woo woo woo~ They beat colored beads and broke my hand~ Wow~" Lu Qinwan wailed with her right wrist.

"You are so brave, you dare to commit murder in the street!"

Shu Yingtong pulled Zhu Yu behind her, glanced at the people kneeling on both sides of the road at the door and the boy lying on the ground trembling.

"Murder? The murder weapon in Lingmei's hand." Shu Yingtong pointed to the hairpin that Lu Qinwan was still holding.

"I'm asking, why don't you kneel down when you see the official!"

Shu Yingtong clicked her head with a headache, this evil class society.

"Heh, Lu Tongzhi has great authority. Are you worthy of my people kneeling for you?" A stern voice came from the door.

Shu Yingtong narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the person who came in from the door.

A crow-blue crane cloak covers a slender figure, with a big red gold thread-trimmed robe neckline exposed on the neck, a red silk crown hanging from both sides of the sheep fat jade crown, and a pigeon blood ruby ​​at the end.

A few strands of hair on his forehead fluttered in the wind, narrow and deep eyes with raised eye ends, high nose and thin lips, pink face with spring and a pointed chin, the corners of his lips were carelessly drawn into a frivolous smile, and he winked at Shu Yingtong.

Shu Yingtong raised her hand and pinched the center of her eyebrows, what kind of coquettish woman is this...

The Empress Dowager died less than a month ago, and the folks hadn't taken off their clothes yet, so Zhu Yu's red skirts were all put away.

Even the crane cloak can't hide this flamboyant red body, okay?

"Mr. Jing." Lu Tongzhi's face froze, and he crossed his hands to salute the person who came in from behind.

Feeling apprehensive, this time I hit the iron plate.

Now that the situation in the court is clear, Yi Wang's family is the dominant one, and the crimes of impeachment of the prince by various ministries have been copied together and listed five pages.

The holy majesty, who had not been to the court for a long time, dragged his sick body and forced himself to go to the court. In his anger, he proposed to abolish the prince on the spot and clean up the party members.

He previously held a sixth-rank idle position in another poor state capital, and he had no background, and no force was interested in him.

Unexpectedly, once the crown prince fell, he would be promoted, even though it was a colleague from another poorer state who was promoted.

Now that he has belonged to King Yi, he is very clear about Jing Yunyan's status.

Not an official, but bigger than an official.

Lu Qinwan stared blankly at Jing Yunyan, forgot to cry, and forgot the pain in her hand.

The young man who entered the door earlier was more beautiful than a woman, and his coquettish posture made her feel ashamed.

The one who entered the door at the back was different, with a magnificent appearance, imposing manner, elegant and dignified.

With a cold face and an extraordinary momentum, it makes people think...


"Tsk, what kind of prestige does a fifth-rank Tongzhi show here?" Si Yao cast a disgusted look at Lu Tongzhi's brother and sister, looked Shu Yingtong up and down with his hands behind his back, and suddenly his red lips curled up, "Hehe, Miss Shu was surprised~ I help you!" You scold them to death~"

"Huh? Who are you?" Zhu Yu poked his head out from behind Shu Yingtong, his eyes flickered around his face, suddenly his eyes sparkled, and he snorted heavily.

"Girl, let's go!"

Involuntarily pulling Shu Yingtong's sleeves and walking out, when passing by Jing Yunyan, he gave him a fierce look, "Bah! Heartbreaker!"

Shu Yingtong and Jing Yunyan raised their eyebrows at the same time and turned to look at her.

"What else did you imagine..."

"Want to impose a crime?"

Zhu Yu pulled Shu Yingtong without stopping, and walked straight out of the shop to the horse mule, "I'm so mad!"

It was her business not wanting him to be a son-in-law, but this damned Jing Yunyan dared to change his mind? !

"By the way, you forgot to take your food basket." Shu Yingtong said silently.

"Hey!" Zhu Yu gasped and let go of Shu Yingtong's sleeves, just about to rush back.

Seeing Jing Yunyan coming out of the door clutching her little basket, she snorted again, "It's not clean, don't want it anymore!" Angrily, she untied the rein on the post.

"Tongtong~" Jing Yunyan strode forward, looked at Shu Yingtong carefully, rolled her joyful eyes, lowered his head and whispered in her ear:
"I miss you so much. I thought I could only see you at night, but I didn't expect to meet you here."

"Go away!" Zhu Yu raised his hand and pulled Shu Yingtong behind him, "Hmph! Thanks to our coincidence, we still want to lie to my girl with sweet words!"

"Huh?" Jing Yunyan looked blankly at Zhu Yu who was gnashing his teeth angrily, "Did we have some misunderstanding?"

I haven't seen him for a while, why did he become a heartless person?
Is this scapegoat easy to carry?
Zhu Yu pointed behind him, "Don't think I can't see, this girl is disguised as a man! She pretended to be a good grandson in our village, so she found someone more beautiful behind her back!"

Si Yao, who had just stabbed Lu Tongzhi and came out to claim credit, gradually froze the smile on his face, his eyes sank, and he gave Zhu Yu a seductive smile, his red lips slightly parted: "You said... who... female, pretending, male, pretending?"

"It's just... um..."

Shu Yingtong quickly and accurately covered Zhu Yu's mouth, took her around, turned around, picked up the reins, and walked out.

"Leave them alone, let's go."

This idiot stepped on someone's tail, and the flash of murderous intent in that coquettish bag's eyes was not too deep.

This matter is considered unreasonable for Zhu Yu, there is no need to fight.

"Here, me, stand, stay!"

"Tsk." Shu Yingtong tossed the reins, let go of Zhu Yu and turned around, and walked in front of him impatiently, "I'm here to learn from your Excellency."

With a flick of the cuffs, a pair of mandarin duck thorns twirled in the palms of their palms and opened their posture, leaning forward slightly, ready to attack at any time.

"Si Yao, you can't beat her." Jing Yunyan silently patted him on the shoulder as a kind reminder.

"Really?" Si Yao sneered.

Yun Danfeng gently stretched out his arms from the crane cloak, shaking the cuffs once and for all, revealing a pair of slender and soft hands, fisted with both hands, and pouted aggrievedly.

"Sister-in-law, I'm really a real man, and my brother and I don't have the slightest romance~"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and turned down the standing neckline, and showed her his Adam's apple, his eyes were extremely resentful.

"I'm sick." Shu Yingtong put away her weapon, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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