Star Farming: Commander's petite and sweet

Chapter 192 Experience the World 11

Chapter 192 Experience the World 11
When everyone saw the mutant tiger, they exclaimed.


"It looks so high-level!"

"The chief is too powerful, can this be done?"

"Why do I feel that the head of the tiger has been smashed?"

"Really? Let me's really true, the chief is so fierce!"

"Why do I have a vicious feeling?" The head of their family looked so petite and cute, and he smashed a strange tiger to death.

"This alien tiger seems to have reached level five!" Chen Yang looked at his chief in shock. He still underestimated the chief of their family. He could even beat a level five alien beast. Then the chief's level is definitely at the top. Grade seven or above.

"It's already level five! The chief is so fierce!"

"The chief is amazing!"

"Chief, is this alien tiger ready to be eaten? I have heard that if the meat of this alien beast is not processed, eating it will cause health problems."

"I remember someone saying that the meat of this strange beast contains too many impurities and violent genes, we really can't eat it!"

"That's right! That's right!" Someone nodded fiercely. Not everyone can eat this fifth-level alien meat.

People of their planting system are generally weak in body, so eating this food can easily explode their bodies.

At this time, Chen Yang looked at Tao Yaoyao. Hearing everyone's words, he was also worried that something would go wrong if he ate it. Although he had confidence in his chief, the impurities in this strange beast were really difficult to remove.

"Let's deal with it, it will be fine!" Tao Yaoyao yawned, "Call me after you cut the meat."

"Okay!" Chen Yang said excitedly, he felt that the chief must have a way to make them eat it.

Chen Yang took a group of boys to clean up the different tiger meat. Regardless of whether they could eat it or not, the boys still loved slaughtering animals.

At this time, Tao Yaoyao took out a pile of pink flour, which were all piled up on the big leaves, and then she did not know where she found a big basin, and then started to put the pink flour in, and started scooping water and face.

"Chief, what are you doing?" The fat man moved closer to Tao Yaoyao.

"Make noodles! Fatty, go find a stone slab, preferably one with a smooth side, the bigger the better!" Tao Yaoyao ordered.

"Okay, chief, I'll look for it right away." When the fat man left, he called some people to help him look for it.

Lilia and the others also came together, and when they saw the pink dough, they were all eager to try, "Chief, what can we do?"

"Knead the dough with me. If you don't have a basin, use the washed big leaves." Tao Yaoyao taught the girls how to knead the dough. Soon, everyone found some places to knead the dough. The dough looks good no matter how you knead it.

At this time, the rest of the people automatically ran to collect firewood. Tonight they are going to have a big pot of rice. Everyone in the camp is busy, and there is no one to eat. Very happy, full of laughter everywhere.

Chen Liang and Fang Fang also went to collect firewood with everyone. Neither of them expected that the atmosphere of the whole planting department would be so good.

"I want to change the department." Chen Liang looked at the equation.

Fang Fang also nodded, "Brother Liang, I also want to change departments, I feel so happy to follow them!"

"Isn't it!" Chen Liang looked at his cousin enviously. The Chen family used to feel sorry for him, but it's only been a long time, and he has already started to envy him. He suddenly has a feeling I feel that if this continues, he will become more and more envious, "Is it better after changing to another department?"

Chen Liang really moved his mind, Fang Fang said, "I guess it will be difficult, the mecha department is short of people, if we want to transfer, the teacher will definitely not be happy."

"Then how can they be happy?"

"Unless their mental strength is injured, they can release people." Fang Fang shook his head, they can't hurt themselves, can they?
By the way, isn't it because Chen Yang entered the planting department because his mental power was severely injured?

The division of labor in the entire planting department is very clear. After about half an hour, the exotic tiger meat has been processed, and then a lot of firewood has been picked up, and then Tao Yaoyao and the girls have kneaded the dough. Waiting for Tao Yaoyao's next instruction!
After Tao Yaoyao washed her hands, she began to process the exotic tiger meat. She turned the exotic tiger meat into big diced meat, and then asked her classmates to process some wild vegetables.

Tao Yaoyao directly soaked the diced meat in the space stream water. Although the cooking has not started yet, everyone has already smelled a very fresh feeling.

Everyone's eyes were bright, especially Chen Yang, he could already feel that the impurities and berserk genes in the tiger meat seemed to have been purged.

Fatty and the others not only brought in a few flat stone slabs, they also brought in two big stone pots. Tao Yaoyao directly used one of the pots to start stewing meat. Everyone watched carefully and memorized every step very clear.

"I've already removed the berserk gene in the meat of the alien animal. You can't eat the meat of the alien animal casually, or your body will not be able to bear it." Tao Yaoyao reminded the students around her that she was really afraid that they would Some learn from others, and end up harming themselves.

After the meat was stewed, Tao Yaoyao began to teach the girls how to make noodles. Because there was no noodle roll, Tao Yaoyao could only teach everyone how to make noodles.

This ramen has attracted a group of boys to learn it.

When the stew was almost done, Tao Yaoyao also put some vegetables in.Another stone pot was also filled with water at this time, and when the water boiled, Tao Yaoyao boiled the ramen here.

Soon, she became familiar with stewed meat, and then Tao Yaoyao began to scoop up cooked noodles, pink noodles, stewed meat and green wild vegetables for everyone.

Together, it's just a pleasure to watch.

"I'm a bit reluctant to eat it!" Fatty looked at the inside of his bamboo tube and was really reluctant to eat it.

"You are reluctant to eat, but others are. Don't blame me if you can't grab the second bowl." Chen Yang ate and went to the back to line up.

The fat man quickly started eating, "It's delicious! It's delicious!" He also ran to queue up again.

The chief is watching them, and only after one person has one bowl can the second bowl be served, and no one is allowed to stop it!
In this way, everyone quickly ate the hot noodles. The taste was really delicious. In this way, everyone queued up three or four times, and each of them felt much more comfortable.

However, there are also some big eaters who directly took over the work in the kitchen. If there is not enough food, they can do it themselves. They can't keep the chief and the others busy all the time.

Tao Yaoyao made a lot of pots with the girls. Although they didn't eat it right away, they had put away several bowls one by one. There was no way, who let them be in the kitchen because they had this advantage.

Now that they were no longer busy with the kitchen, they started eating one by one.

Everyone ate two bowls by themselves, and then began to meditate and rest.

At this moment, Lilia has a feeling that her ability of being immobile for ten thousand years seems to be a little wanting to move.

(End of this chapter)

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