Carrying ex-boyfriend to farm

Chapter 158 I'm a Good Shit!

Chapter 158 I'm a Good Shit!
Yun Dashan saw that there were still some unscrupulous people sneaking around on the street, "Made, these children are still young and can't make money. It's fine. These rich old men are idle and sneaky. I really don't want to face. Girl, we have to go home before we are targeted by these gangsters."

"Yeah." Yun Xiaoxiao responded, poured out the dishwashing water immediately, and rinsed it clean.Apparently they were afraid that someone would steal the dishwashing water while they were away, and the dead would not be able to tell.

It seems that if I set up a stall in the future, I have to go home and wash the dishes.

Yun Xiaoxiao thoughtfully looked at Bai Chi who was still writing letters to others.The side face looks very stylish, coupled with a serious and focused look, it is a bit good-looking, but it is a pity that a long mouth ruins everything.

"Bai Chi, are you finishing writing the letter? We have to go home before dark." It's not safe to walk at night, who knows if we will encounter wolves blocking the way.

"Right now." Bai Chi frowned, his forehead was covered with sweat, and his hands trembled after writing too much.But even so, he still gritted his teeth and insisted on writing seriously.

Ancient paper was not cheap, so we must make a long story short.

In this way, these uneducated people talked about long stories, and even went into detail about how many bowls of rice they eat every day. Bai Chi had to find a way to condense it into one sentence, and it was too difficult for the other party to understand.

To write a letter, you have to listen to others nagging for a long time.

Bai Chi suddenly realized that letters in ancient times were very slow and traveled a long distance, and the emotions carried by a letter were not comparable to the current chat tools such as text messages.

It is precisely because he understands this that Bai Chi writes very seriously.

Those who asked to write letters included parents, wives, brothers, sons, and fellow villagers who helped.

And these letters are sent to wanderers far away.

Some of these wanderers went to the battlefield without knowing their lives, some went out to work to earn money without hearing from them, and some failed the imperial examination.

The rich and powerful will naturally send people to spend money to inquire, but the poor can't afford to eat, let alone leave their hometowns to find their families.

Only this letter expresses the family's deep thoughts.

There are even some letters that will never be answered in this life.

By the end of the writing, Bai Chi's eyes were red, pity those people who are looking forward to the return of their sons, husbands, fathers and brothers.I also thought about my parents, if they found out that they were gone, would they miss them day and night like these letter writers, and would be so painful.

Parents did not feel the pain of separation when they were around, but now they feel the pain of missing them through writing letters.It's a pity that he can't go back, otherwise Bai Chi would like to go home immediately and tell his parents that his son is unfilial when he is in trouble, and he misses his elders.

When Bai Chi wrote letters to these people, he even wrote down how he missed his parents.Although there were fewer words, when reading to these letter writers, they all praised him for his good writing with tears in their eyes, and even said that they would look for him next time.

At this moment, Bai Chi felt that he was not making money, but was fulfilling a sacred mission.

Every time a letter writer was sent away, Bai Chi would say sincerely, "I wish you an early reply! I wish your family an early reunion! I wish your family a safe and sound return!"

After hearing this, the letter writer hurriedly cried and thanked him, saying that this young Bai Chi is a good person, and good people are rewarded with good things.

Bai Chi scolded in his heart, I'm a good asshole!I have made mistakes and done bad things too!I don't know if it's too late for me to be a new person now?
When the prodigal son turns back, someone has to accept it.

The last word of the last letter fell, and Bai Chi drew a full stop to signify the end.This is a letter from a son to his parents, and it is also a letter from Bai Chi to his own parents.

The father and mother are above, the son is unfilial, far away from his hometown, and cannot be taken care of by the elders.

I have no fixed place to live, can't receive news from the two elders, and don't know how the two elders are doing now, so I send a letter from home to greet the two elders.

I hope that the second elder will take good care of himself and wait for his son to return home.

Everything is fine son, don't read.

Bai Chi looked at the young man in front of him and asked, "Why do you want to stay away from your hometown?"

The young man smiled bitterly, "Life is forcing me, there is no way."

These eight words are deeply engraved in Bai Chi's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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